Folk Potpourri from the Ozarks

Come on in – enjoy some down-home stories, prose, and tales of life on the farm in the Ozark backwoods. My name is Mike, and I’m an old geezer with a solitary ambition to finish my years as a hillbilly, and I feel like I’m well on my way. I moved here from Colorado in 2018, and since then some of my family have settled here with me. We have horses, goats, a few chickens, grandkids, and guineas and lots of dogs and cats.

Feel free to browse the site – just select posts from the topics in the grey area above. I try to keep a variety of posts up for several areas of interest.

I suppose I owe my readers an explanation for the tendency of my posts lately to be less about countrified humor and more about serious goings on in the world, but it seems that recent world events have created shadows on my world view and overtaken what I originally intended this site to be. For that I am both sorry to those who come here for the lighter entertainment originally purposed, and grateful for the opportunity speak coherently to some pressing issues. As a product of the ’60s and ’70s when our generation was able to help put an end to the Vietnam debacle, I am an adherent of peaceful resolution of conflict, and if readers see my posts as attempts to persuade them to become so, then I’m accomplishing an important mission, as long as the persuasion is successful. I would also like to provide encouragement to those who are already of the same mind who seek peace.

Please bear with me as I try to straddle the self-imposed divide between hillbilly humor and serious world events that require peaceniks, as all people of God, to speak out. It may be possible, we shall see. I need feedback to be able to ascertain whether or not it can be done, and if I’m effectively doing it. I do not make any money from this website, nor do I do seek to. I’m perfectly content to be a common hillbilly on this earth, but I have immense treasure stored elsewhere.

10 replies on “Folk Potpourri from the Ozarks”

    • Thanks for commenting. It’s good to hear from a Coloradoan. (whispers) We originally came from TX…

    • Thanks – I believe this is “Be daily in labor and there will be a result ollo”. Or we might say “Take care of your work every day and you will get results.”

  1. MK…..I read all your all your post and feel we are on the same page …. so wonderful . I want to ask your thoughts about modern day Israel being the great deception God spoke about by satan ? and it seems you feel as I do that USA is mystery babylon. Will we be raptured Rev 17~4 before ww3 or after ?

    • Pilgrim, I thank God for you and sincerely hope you are having a wonderful journey. It’s tough but it’s possible with Jesus.
      When you take all of the indications, both those we see today, and those we have through prophecy, it becomes easier to see that what we know of modern Israel – that the people who live there claiming to be Jews are actually people of Eastern European descent, Khazarians, and have little or no Semitic blood at all from what people claim who are supposed to study these things. To support this, listen to Jesus in Revelation – “…those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan”. Who in these end times are calling themselves Jews? We know to whom Jesus’ words apply simply by looking at those who call themselves Jews. So yes, in answer to your first question, as of right now, this is the biggest deception happening, in fact, the Palestinian residents of Israel look a lot more like they are indigenous to the area, hence more likely to be descendants of Jacob than the imposters who call themselves Jews. I believe a bigger deception will be the events surrounding the antichrist, however, so all in all, I think the “deception” will be a package deal with several contributing narratives.
      As far as when the rapture is going to occur, I honestly don’t know. I’ve heard a lot of speculation – some pre-tribulation and some later, and some of it seems to be based on scripture, but us humans have a bad record when it comes to interpreting prophecy. I do know that as servants of Jesus, we have a lot of work to do, and remember, just helping one soul to get saved is worth more than the value of the entire world, so some of us might have to endure at least part of the tribulation as part of our journey. The main thing is that we can take comfort in that Jesus Himself is with us, WW3 or no, so we have to keep our eye on the job at hand and let our lights shine with the Morning Star risen in our hearts (2 Peter 1:19).

  2. I was pointed to this site by a commenter on I will look around an hopefully learn some new things. Thanks.

  3. I have been wondering how my “work husband” has been doing! I hope all is well with you. Would love hearing from you

    • I’m doing well – hope you enjoy some of the nonsense here on my site. It’s wonderful to hear from you Rose! I spend some of my time writing here and telling folks about Jesus and doing op-ed posts on world affairs. A little prose here and there. You might like some of the autumn wordsmithing. By the way we try not to use the “W” word around here lol.
      How’s Ms Rose been doing anyway?

My "low enthusiasm" light is on - please recharge me with a comment.