Monthly Archives: May 2024

The Cost and Reward of an Education

I read where some bigwigs in the banking system up in New York are threatening the Colombia students with their becoming unemployable because of their participation in the genocide protests. It looks like corporatists in other places are following suit. As usual, the pathetic media they control are playing their part, this time by amplifying this loss of opportunity as being the end of the world, at least the end of their opportunity to participate in the banking and corporate scam for which they were being groomed.

The young folks, to the utter dismay of said elites, are in fact, gaining a far more profitable education by their participation in the opposition to evil and they seem to realize it. If someone were to walk up to me and tell me that I am foregoing the opportunity to spend my working life in some office on the 50th floor of some corporate entity, scheming to rob and steal from ordinary folks – for this is what the big banks do, I really don’t think I’d get too depressed about it. There’s a big world out there, and those kids are showing the grit to tell the big boys to stuff their “job opportunities”, they won’t accept slaughter of innocent people so that they can spend their working lives as corporate criminals.

You gain your education in life in many ways, so don’t allow the servants of darkness to convince you that preparing your future so that you can exist in a murky world of criminally minded corporatist elites is the only way to go. In fact, the world that sees what you kids are doing is looking on with astonished admiration. One of my pet peeves in life has been the misuse of the word “success”. Almost everyone has come to believe that it is almost always involved with, and in most cases totally subsumed, in the volume of a bank account. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the real world, success means different things to different people, there is no single definition.

What the young people on the college campuses across the nation are doing right now is telling the elites they will not allow them to delineate what their successes in life will evolve to be. They are clearly saying that they will not allow moneyed interests to influence them to compromise their human principles, and this is the elites’ greatest fear – losing the narrative. Losing control.

If the reader has paid attention to Folkpotpourri posts, they will already know that this old hillbilly relies heavily on the Word of God as the guide, the lens through which I view the world. The events taking place today on those college campuses should give us all great encouragement that we have a new generation coming along whose values are far superior to those of our current “leaders”, or especially those of the wealthy people of our society, those Satanic cowards whose curtains are being torn down.

The college kids are truly emerging with the right stuff with their drive and will become the (deserved) leaders of the next generation, if the cesspool of corruption that has become our congress and corporate loonies don’t blow everything up before the young folks take control. This sort of thing has happened before with the Vietnam protests, for example, as I noted in an earlier post: Wisdom of the Children – Folk Potpourri.

How hard would it be for some congressperson to say, “No, I do not support mass murder nor intentional starvation of innocent women and children, and I’m willing to refuse your money and stand up against this evil.”? A precious few have leaned in that direction, but far too few. They might lose their coveted position in the next election, but at least they could do so with honor and dignity. Look at real men like Josh Paul. When people consider men of principle, he will be remembered. As things stand now, none of our congresspersons are demonstrating any semblance of honor and a lot of their country is ashamed of them, including this old veteran. The college kids are sacrificing just as much as politicians would be, but to them, their honor, their principles are apparently more important, and furthermore the world sees their sacrifice. But profoundly more crucial to their future, the Almighty God sees it.

To me, at the end of this human existence, hearing the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”, from the Lord Jesus Christ, will be the only success that will ever have mattered. Don’t fret over what the rich people that run the colleges might do to you – those people are insignificant. There’s an uncorruptible education to be gained elsewhere – i.e. from your Bible – and it is much more profitable to the human soul.

You kids just keep on doing what you’re doing and disregard their threats. There’s great reward in keeping your honor. It’s a sad day in America when our kids are showing greater courage and moral leadership than our pathetic congressmen and senators.

A Deserved Break in Elitism’s Toil

How far out of touch are the “elites”?  Who knows?  I’m pretty sure they live on the same planet with the rest of us, but whether or not they breathe the same air is up for discussion. For sure, their brains are wired differently.

We have some pretty desperate things going on in this world.  I’m going to try and avoid getting into Chicken Little fear mongering, but for crying out loud, there are seriously important things happening!  There are wars and rumors of wars – horrible situations where mass murder and intentional starvation of whole populations are occurring right now.  Extreme weather phenomena unlike anything we’ve ever experienced, flooding in Brazil, tornado outbreaks in the US and places like China, countries that have until now been known as desert lands are getting catastrophic flooding, and the whole world seems not to notice. At least these things aren’t getting much press.

At this writing, the earth is in the crosshairs of multiple coronal mass ejections from the sun. CMEs are extremely high-energy blasts of electromagnetic plasma.   Last night my daughters and I drove to a vantage point and witnessed and photographed normally unheard-of low-latitude auroras here in southern Missouri.  Even scientists are not able to predict the level of damage these solar events might cause to our electrical infrastructure.  Three CMEs have arrived at our rock with four more to come this weekend.  Might not disrupt anything, and might destroy our electrical grid, sending us all back to the early Pleistocene, and if these concerns are not enough to get your attention, the Met Gala was just celebrated a few nights ago. Talk about getting some press…

Yes, while 99% of the world’s population was distracted by such mundane occurrences as climate catastrophes, landslides, savagely imposed genocide, starvation, war, and cosmic wave bombardment, the “biggest” event of the year happened in New York, complete with red carpets and half-dressed women.  Wikipedia calls it “the most prominent, glamorous, and exclusive social event in the world.” It’s the Metropolitan Museum’s Costume Institute fund raiser.  Enough jet fuel was undoubtedly burned to guarantee a significant rise in the world climate temperatures just to get all those private jets to this fete of idolatry, and don’t think for a minute that Greta didn’t notice. 

I wonder just how many of my hillbilly friends here in the Missouri Ozarks will be stressed today when they find out they have missed out on this event, caught up in lesser world affairs like trying to work on their cars, or sitting up at night trying to figure out how they’re going to buy groceries and pay their bills.  Such trivial considerations should have been put aside at least long enough to expend a little saliva over this Hollywood set and their multi-million-dollar party.  There’s just not that many nights when we have opportunity to fawn over glitz like the Met Gala, and those folks didn’t spend all that time and money on make-up and costumes just to go ignored by the peasant class. 

This post should serve as a reminder to the lesser members of society like us that we are being incredibly selfish by allowing ourselves to be caught up worrying about our health care and praying for unfortunate peasants being slaughtered in distant lands while we could be fawning and adulating over celebrities stepping out of limousines and movie directors who all have taken time out of their own lives at incredible sacrifice to themselves to put on this event for us.  Of course, these folks are accustomed to being victimized by the underclass, but still, it’s simply not fair.  If you did happen to catch some or all of it, you might have been left feeling as if there was an air of decadence to the whole affair.  If this is the case, rest assured it was intended.

We get to see widespread acceptance of many genres of worldliness intersecting with idolatry these days, such as the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony, the opening dance of Cern, the Oscars, snippets from the Bohemian Grove, and now this Met Gala thing, and if you can’t see the connection, you cannot know much about God.   If you don’t understand what Jesus warned us about when He admonished us not to be a part of this world, try to watch something like this while concentrating on starving children in Gaza.  The very same servants of Satan are involved in the worldly pursuits of the “rich and famous”.  This is how they view the world – it’s what they’ve come to know.  Fawning crowds and armies of photographers are what they’ve come to expect.  They could never appreciate sitting out in the edge of the woods at sunset and enjoying the sweet songs of night birds.  They’ve sold their souls and part of that transaction has cost them any appreciation for God’s creation.  They are enslaved to their notoriety and can never again be free, and they hold folks like us in contemptuous disregard because we haven’t made the deal – those of us who have chosen a different path never will – for any amount of wealth.

Jacob Rothschild died recently.  So did Sheldon Adelson.  These were extremely wealthy men.  Where are their souls now?  “For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”, asks Jesus.  I’m sure that while their meteors are streaking across the sky before the adulating eyes of the world, they do not concern themselves with such trivial thoughts as the fate of their eternal souls – apparently, there’s just too much fun to be had in decadent insouciance.  But I wonder how well they sleep.

A Time to Collect Our Thoughts

At this writing, scientists have given us the heads up that there are 4 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) heading directly toward earth. These were released from the sun as a result of some severe solar flares, X-class ones, in fact, which are the highest category. That might be a bit misleading because although X-class is the highest, or most severe, the range of X-class flares is extensive.

CMEs are material ejections from the sun in the form of plasma. I don’t understand all of the science behind it, but they wreak havoc with the earth’s magnetic field. Most of us have at least heard of Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMPs. These are powerful pulses of electrical energy, depending on the strength of the inductive field, they can do little damage, from only making your lights flicker, all the way to completely destroying power grids.

As far as the threat to the power grid goes, one of the more catastrophic effects of an EMP would be to induce tremendous amounts of current into power transformers – more than enough to completely destroy them. We’re talking about devices that supply power to everything electrical in the country – or the world. Power transformers are typically ordered for specific applications and take many months, even years, to build. There are no warehouses where they are stored. When I say it takes a long time to build them, I’m talking about the notion of building them in factories that have electricity – there won’t be any of those. Every electrical substation from which we all get our electricity, has one or more power transformers and we need almost every one of them all the time, but especially in the hottest summer weather, but that would be moot, because in an event like I’m describing, air conditioning wouldn’t even be a consideration.

If we take a kill-shot, that is a CME as powerful as some we know of in the past, our society will be reduced to stone-age conditions very quickly. Way too many of the luxuries we’ve come to take for granted will instantly be gone. Turn on the kitchen tap – no water. It takes electricity to pump water out of the ground or to pump it up into towers.

Get used to walking around in a dark house if the EMP didn’t cause your house to burn down, candles will once again be humanity’s light source. There will be no internet, no television. Most vehicles’ electrical systems will be trashed, so be sure you have a mule and wagon and bicycles. There may be a few old-fashioned diesel engine-powered vehicles that can still be made to work, but since electrical systems won’t work anymore, you’ll have to always park on a hill so you can get it rolling and pop the clutch to start it. Won’t matter much, though, because whatever supply of fuel you have won’t last long. Also if your starving neighbors hear a vehicle engine running, they’re sure to come try and take it with any means available to them.

If you live more than a gas tank of fuel away from a populated area, your chances of hanging onto your bag of potatoes goes up. If you live in a populated area, you need to get away from it while your body still has enough stored energy for a long walk. While you have time, get books that teach you about edible wild foods. That tidbit of knowledge – of whether a plant is edible or poison – will mean the difference between surviving a while, or going out with a painfully inflamed digestive system, or, because of your lack of knowledge, avoiding it all and starving.

We all imagine armed gangs roaming around and pillaging. That will undoubtedly happen. There will be chaos and anarchy and you’d think the strongest will survive the longest, but the kind of people who rely on robbery and theft won’t last, because the only ones who might make it are people who have already learned how to forage, how to grow food, how to stay out of sight (put your candles out or only use them in a light-proof enclosure). The biggest reason those gangs of hoodlums who take things by force won’t last, is because as things become more desperate, they will fight amongst themselves to the extent that only individuals, or at most a few individuals from the groups will be left to deal with. If you think about it, anarchy and capitalism have a lot in common. If you use underhanded means to take what you want, soon enough there will be no more to take.

Expect there to be no law enforcement – those shiny cars with flashing lights will also be a thing of the past. Cops will quickly abandon their badges, but not their guns. They will become robbers too. Whatever it takes to survive. When a society completely abandons order and moral behavior, things will change to an indescribable way of life. We who have always submitted to societal norms will quickly have to accept and deal with a new reality. Those who cannot adapt will certainly be among the first casualties. You won’t be able to call 911!

Highways of the whole country will be cluttered with abandoned cars and trucks, all of them completely looted of anything useful or especially, edible. Many of them will be rusted, burned-out hulks that were burned from the EMP, but many will be vehicles that just stopped running because of the havoc on their electronics. All those unfortunate souls would have had to walk to their homes or to whatever nearby shelter in which they could take refuge, likely to never see loved ones again – ever.

If you get sick, even with something that could have been easily treated with antibiotics, you may well be in serious trouble. There will be no medical facilities and even if there were a few hospitals still trying to operate, most of them would be too far away to which a sick person would be able to walk, thus you would need to steel yourself for the inevitability of encountering death – everywhere. No hearses, no funerals, no coroners, people would lie where they fell.

Whatever foodstuff you might have in your freezer would need to be consumed quickly, or if you have the knowledge and supplies, you might be able to can some of it. Some meats can be smoked, but in general, during the first weeks of a CME catastrophe, great volumes of food which, if you’d be able to save it might greatly extend your survivability, would ironically and tragically be wasted.

Whatever you can do to ensure your drinking water would need to be addressed. This is something people cannot do without. Many battles will be fought over access to a spring or a pond. Another thing that people, especially ranchers, will have to accept is that your cattle will be up for grabs. The wiser ones will realize that without railroads or trucks, they won’t be able to feed their stock, or take them to markets, which won’t exist anyway, so they’ll just let people have them. Others will take up arms to protect their starving herds, and will surely lose their lives, for hungry people will do whatever is necessary to secure food.

If the CMEs that are on the way turn out not to be as devastating as some of us fear, don’t let your guard down – we are still in solar maximum, a time of increased solar activity. Due to the ongoing magnetic pole shift of the earth, our magnetic field which normally protects us from events like CMEs and cosmic rays, is much weaker than it has been for all of our lives, so the impact of solar storms will be magnified and more severe. The very sunspots that have been inundating the solar system with X-flares are sneaking around to the backside of the sun, but will be back in a week or so. Will they diminish back there, or will they gain strength so as to bombard earth with even more devastating flares when they get back around to face earth? New sunspots are not only possible, but during this solar phase, quite likely. And if the sun was to go back to sleep all of an unexpected sudden, several countries have developed weapons which, in the event of all-out war would be among the first used, would be capable of producing comparable, if not more devastating EMPs than the ones coming from the sun.

This post was written as a warning to readers of what we might be up against in the event of something quite likely to happen. There isn’t much we can do, other than take measures to try to prolong our misery, so how do we cope? Although I don’t claim to be able to interpret prophesy very well, in my own experience I’ve learned that a lot of the things we see coming were prophesied thousands of years ago in the Bible. The proof of God’s existence is being shown to us through these catastrophic events, of which we must expect to be more and of greater magnitude. I am a believer in the power and authority of Jesus Christ, Who, among other things, shut down a terrible storm in front of human witnesses. If He chooses, He can shut down this one too. He offers us refuge from the destruction Satan is wreaking on the world, as well as from cosmic phenomena. We will reach a point in our existence in which every person on earth will realize and recognize that He is our King, why not get ahead of the curve and learn about Him now? I promise, you are missing out on something greater than you could ever imagine – the love God puts into our hearts, it’s real.

God Bless All,


Comfort in the Dark Storm

Image result for free pics of storms

It’s just shy of 4:00 am and I’ve been up since 3:15, and it looks like I won’t be going back to bed. We had a nasty storm come through from the west – it was one of those you’d swear was bringing the end of the world. I have four dogs, all some border collie and Australian shepherd mix, they learn things really fast, and I guess if I’ve taught them anything, it looks like how to be scared of storms has been among their most successful lessons.

I’m hard of hearing, but when they come running in and jump up on my bed in the middle of the night, I always know there’s a storm coming. They can hear thunder a long way out – long before I can. There’s no arguing, I just have to get up and assume my God-given role of their comforter. They know I will, it’s part of my job. It’s all good though, because I love my four-legged family and I enjoy being there for them.

There are other storms raging in our world today, storms that are close enough to us that we all know they are here, and these ones threaten everything we hold dear. In many places, the gale is already savaging them. It’s heartbreaking to hear news of so many innocent people losing their homes, their livelihoods, their families, and their very lives and it always seems to be because of someone’s greed for money and power. Unlike my dogs, these unfortunate folks don’t have a master to whom they can go for comfort – or do they?

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Those little bodies wrapped for burial, soaked in innocent blood and the piteous tears of mothers, who themselves are usually injured and bleeding, the heart-wrenching wails of aggrieved family members whose losses can only be understood by the Master and fellow travelers of good heart, are forever recorded within great tomes of human events to be addressed on the terrifying Day of His vengeance. How do they expect to escape, who bring such devastation, such sorrow, upon innocent fellow humans? For the prayers and tears of those mothers have reached into the Heavens, to God’s very ears and He will show mercy to the perpetrators of this evil in proportion to the mercy they showed their victims. It won’t be pretty for them.

As difficult as it is to understand, the innocent who endure these troubled times indeed have a Master to whom they can turn, a Loving Father Who hears their mournful supplications. It’s difficult to comprehend because we can’t see far into the storm, only the part we are in, but He sees all the way to the other side of it. Innocent victims of atrocity are hard-pressed to make any sense of what’s happening, and perhaps there is no sense to be made, but He is there nevertheless for their succor if they but turn to Him. He accepts the departed children into His Heavenly abode, never for them to fear again. They shall see no more sorrow in that place of unimaginable joy. There’s no need to grieve for them, for they are in His arms now. But we must grieve for ourselves, for our loss; it’s human nature. We shall miss them immensely. There are multitudes of good, humane people in the world who grieve with you.

Jesus said that it won’t go down well for anyone who harms the little ones, and that’s putting it mildly. He told His followers to let the children come unto Him, for He loves them profoundly. While it is possible to repent of one’s evil ways and ask forgiveness, the people who perpetrate evil on those little ones and do not repent for it are going to suffer some of the worst of God’s wrath. There are no words to describe the terror that will fill the hearts of those who experience His fury. And that terror, anguish, pain, and sorrow are going to last for all of eternity.

The evil that’s taking place in Gaza is being done right out in the open for all the world to see. It’s a black and white issue, like another evil man said on one of those rare occasions when he stumbled onto the truth not that long ago, “You’re either with us or against us.” At least it’s true for our occasion, there’s no middle ground here, and I firmly believe if you are even willing to look the other way, you’re indicting yourself on this issue. Leaders throughout the west have openly admitted their support for this unfolding tragedy. They have come up with the lamest of justifications so they can sound like they believe what they are doing is right, while their own people in all of their nations hang their heads in shame for having these monsters running their countries. Such is their fealty to their Zionist masters, leaders in the US are ordering a most vicious reaction to the sane and humane college kids who are bringing attention to the Gaza travesty. Everyone in the world, including those leaders sending arms and ammunition, know that what’s going on is wrong – dead wrong. Every lying spokesperson who mouths off some pathetic justification or rationalization can be seen for the evil monsters he/she is. Every cop who slams a peaceful protester to the ground is putting his/her seal of approval on an actual genocide. I really don’t think the people doing the talking realize the world is onto them, otherwise they’d just shut up and stop sounding so embarrassingly ridiculous, awkwardly trying to act as if they actually don’t know they’re speaking perfidiously.

Like all storms, the one that rages in today’s world will pass. No one knows just how bad it’s going to get, but until Jesus returns to take up His scepter and set things right, we know from prophecy there are going to be some dark times. Meanwhile, His light is there for us, to guide us through all calamity if we but trust Him. When we hear the thunder approaching, we ever have a Master to go to for comfort. He’s waiting. And the very least we can do is to pray for those already caught up in the maelstrom.

God Bless,


Hope Remains – Steadfast and Undiminished

We all die. Lots of people claim to have all the answers about life and death, including a lot of Christians, but very few, if anyone of us know, provably with our knowledge and science, what is on the other side. There are some who claim to have seen things beyond, as during out-of-body, or near-death-experiences, but even though some of them sound plausible, and maybe some are real, I have seriously come to doubt most of these stories. By and large, unless we are believers, we do not know what awaits us, and if we are believers, we only know it through our faith.

People of every stripe and nationality all wonder the same things. Why are we here, what should we be doing, and what happens next? We search and research every available source of information, but to no avail. People put their trust in government leaders, many of whom only “lead” as far as their bank accounts allow. Sadly, it’s the same for most of today’s religious leaders.

As I write this post, I wish I could provide some definitive answers, but unfortunately, such is God’s plan that we cannot provide proof of His promises for us, that they must be exclusively accepted by faith. Can you imagine how crowded the ark would have been if Noah could have proven the things of which God warned him? Now for those of us who have been blessed with faith (which comes as a result of His Word), we understand the infallible truth that GOD ALWAYS DOES THE RIGHT THING! We might not understand what He’s got going on, and we might not even agree with what we think is His plan, but any time our understanding gets cross-threaded with God, we have to step back and just take that proverbial deep breath; we have to realize that whatever happens according to God’s plan, it is the right thing.

There is hope. When we choose to stop worrying so much over the predicament that has become our world, I have found, no I have been blessed to come to the realization, that Jesus is real – very real. No matter the intricacies of the world’s condition, the deception always challenging our sensibilities, we have a friend. Jesus Christ is waiting at the door with a patient and gentle knock. The world is sliding into chaos, and if we can’t see it, we’re blind by choice. Jesus can and will open our eyes and lead us through every obstacle before us.

This post is directed to those who are frightened and confused at the impending destruction of the world they have come to call home. Look at Gaza, at Kosovo, at the Ukraine, at Iraq – all those people watched as bombs destroyed their homes, killed their loved ones. What hopelessness must have raged in their hearts to see their whole world destroyed? The fact is that more nations await this same level of destruction, it’s just a matter of time. The great dragon, the enemy of God and mankind, has made these things happen. His work is there for all to see, just look at pictures in the news of Gaza right now. This is what Satan’s work looks like. Satan brings only destruction. Beyond his control, however, is the authority and power of God, who is able to render Satan’s viciousness of no threat to those who trust Jesus.

As followers of Christ, we are given the option to “zoom out”; to see the bigger picture, both in time and space. If one zooms out far enough, the dividing line between this world and the next life becomes invisible. We are able to see more of God’s immaculate plan, that when you step back far enough it’s easier to understand that we can already be in His kingdom in this life, if we so choose.

He gives even the most evil among us the opportunity to repent of wayward lives and come to the cross in preparation for the next existence. We are able to better understand that God does indeed have a plan and His plan is that through acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Son of God Who came to the world and created a church, a highway if you will, that leads us to Him.

It has become impossible nowadays, to see anything on the news, either mainstream or social media, that doesn’t involve unbelievable destruction. We are faced with the end of our very human existence, it’s undeniable now. Yet there is still hope, at least for this last short while, to reach an understanding that in the end, God will take control of this world and mete out justice to His enemies and the enemies of His people. He will also reward His people who stood by Him in an evil world. Jesus Christ very much wants us to be His people, He offers shelter from this insidious storm that Satan has contrived.

Jesus Christ created a ministry about two thousand years ago. It has lasted, and will last, forever. It’s important to understand that His ministry and His words have been under the most intense scrutiny of all studies of mankind, and if even one untruth could have been proven, His ministry could not have stood, but Jesus did not lie about anything. Sadly, false prophets have arisen through the years and we still have plenty of them, but the true church itself is founded on consummate truth, and its Founder, Jesus Christ said that He is able and willing to forgive us of our awful lifestyles and by His own blood, cleanse us spiritually whereby we are able to come into His Kingdom, a place of unimaginable joy and peace. With the world spinning out of control, that’s quite an encouraging promise.

If you’re tired of fretting and worrying about the piteous state of the world and the threats we face, try opening the Bible – start with the 5th chapter of Matthew – read His message and get to know Him, as mentioned earlier, there’s no way to prove He exists, for if there was, we wouldn’t have to have faith. Faith is important to Him. Find a Christian preacher and get yourself baptized and fasten your seat belt, because we’re all in for an eventful ride, but in His care, we need not worry anymore. Especially about what’s on the other side.

God Bless,


Why The World Should Recognize Great Men

I suppose now that everything is out in the open it’s ok to go ahead and call it like it is. We are seeing things that have long been hidden from us, I guess because our time is so short now that it doesn’t matter any longer. Words that have been forbidden to say are all out there now. Keyboards that have been silent all of a sudden are screaming forbidden words and thoughts and people are listening.

Due to the proliferation of alternative news sources, great men are being recognized now, no matter which side of the political spectrum, which country, which of the many rivers of society they choose to raft upon. Great men are being recognized, for despite whatever insane narrative is being spun, great men do great things, a fact of life that cannot be disputed. Heroes, who have been heroes all along, in Yemen, in Iran, and in Lebanon are being seen for who they actually are.

The mainstream media has lost its grip on the minds of more people than the spinmeisters had imagined. There are few left in society who believe anything the western media says anymore. They have brought this upon themselves by the decades of false narratives and outright lies propagated by those in control of said narratives. One positive result of this is that great men are now revealed as great men, no matter the extent to which the Orwellian brush tries to paint them otherwise.

Vladimir Putin is a great man. He has repeatedly shown his devotion to his people and his nation. No western leader can make that boast. It would be laughable if they even tried, now that their fealty to a foreign country is so openly revealed to the world. But more importantly, to the American public. Mr. Putin is 100 percent Russian. Unlike western leaders, he claims no allegiance to any other nation. He has made a great effort to not only keep the Russian Christian church safe and secure, but to ensure that the people of his country and of other countries know where he stands. Western leaders fall over each other in their efforts to show fealty to their foreign shekelmasters, even to the extent of passing unconstitutional legislation which, among other things, makes teaching a lot of the Bible illegal. The great leader, Mr. Putin, protects Christianity; American politicians attack Christianity at the behest of the synagogue of Satan.

I am an American Navy veteran, and I can very much appreciate Vladimir Putin for his loyalty to his country, unlike American politicians who hastened to stifle an investigation, much less retaliation when their favorite foreign nation intentionally attacks one of our (unarmed) ships and kills American servicemen. Vladimir Putin would not have allowed that to go unresolved. This is how a great man would react. He is a Russian patriot. Many of us American veterans have high regard for such a leader. If not for the dishonesty of the western media, I’ve no doubt that American civilians would feel the same. It has become a symbol of American dissent to be called a Putin stooge, or some variation thereof. If someone calls me a Putin stooge, I will wear it as a badge of honor.

Russia is steadily being seen as a nation of great men. Maybe they always were, and our illustrious media just hasn’t been able bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it. I only wish we had statesmen like Peskov and Sergei Lavrov. Or spokespersons like Maria Zakharova who, unlike the US mouthpieces like Kirby, Miller, and Sullivan, she actually can be believed when she says something. Now those guys are really smart men, very educated and have the capacity to make sense, it’s just that as they try to contort reality to defend obvious lies, they sound incredibly stupid. Everyone knows by now that nothing, I mean nothing, that comes out of the mouths of American government spokespersons can be relied on to be the truth. I.e., We see no evidence of genocide. They never tell us what evidence of genocide would look like.

Great men do great things. I would be the first to nominate Mr. Putin for a Nobel prize – well, ok, if a Nobel prize actually meant anything. The citizens of the world should nominate and select persons for such recognition by referendum instead of some committee of obviously misguided (Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize comes to mind) people. In the computer and internet age, it would be easy to do. In that way, great men could be recognized by those who matter – the people of the world. At any rate, I’d bet western leaders would be hard put to come to grips with their own people voting for someone like Vladimir Putin who they’ve taken such pains to vilify. Russians get a great man like Mr. Putin. America gets a State Department led by Zionists who have the interests of a foreign country in mind and a swamp full of demonic Satan worshippers.

If the people in Washington DC push Mr. Putin into a nuclear war, I won’t hold it against him for having to destroy this country. He has tried everything under the sun to get the insane lunatics to back off, but they are hell bent on pushing him into it. It would be nice though, if he, and the Russian people knew there are a lot of us in America who detest the behavior of those who purport to be our leaders. Men and women who actually openly serve a foreign nation and have turned against America, and will see this country destroyed at the bidding of Zionism.

Nevertheless, Vladimir Putin is a great man. We can only wish for someone like him here in the land of the free.