Monthly Archives: January 2025

A Dark Chasm Lies Between Intelligence and Wisdom

Doubtless by now everyone paying attention has gotten wind of the ai controversy swirling around the world like rancid dishwater being sucked down into the drain. Intelligence, or the concept thereof, is quite possibly the greatest pitfall resulting from human pride – Satan has first-hand awareness of its potency – and is wielded by those in his service who would use it to sever any relationship we might try to build with God. Artificial intelligence is no more than a cumulative statement of humanity – that we have become sufficiently knowledgeable to deal with issues here in our corner of the universe, and therefore no longer need such rudimentary beliefs as religion which some of us of lesser smarts hold sacred. It’s a concept that has been tried in various iterations since time immemorial, but with this ai, human mastery seems to be culminating into fruition. Indeed, for many superficial pursuits and human endeavors, such technical prowess as smarts can be valuable, but when we allow ourselves to buy in to the belief that we no longer need a Spiritual foundation upon which to build and continue with our fundamental endeavors at human evolution, we set ourselves up for the most dismal of failures. Especially when we decide to turn over our decisions to man-made devices like computers. Tellingly, and as designed, this artificial construct that everyone so admires places absolutely no value on those traits which characterize us as human beings, such as loyalty, consideration of others’ well-being, and above all, love – both the love of our neighbors, and the love we hold for our blessed Creator. In its callous disregard for the value of human love, it (its creators) places itself in direct opposition to the greatest commandments, to love God and one another, thus is undeniably at odds with Christian beliefs.

Since undermining Christianity is the ultimate goal of Satan in our world, don’t be surprised when they develop some new iteration of artificial intelligence that suddenly claims to promote a belief system that is somehow congruous with “religion”. This will be a move that’s tantamount to declaring itself to be God. It will be contrived to attempt to pry away Christians from their true beliefs and climb aboard the ai bandwagon, attempting to remove any doubt that a prospective believer might hold that ai might just be something that followers of Jesus Christ should avoid. It’s coming. It will undoubtedly offer the same nature of deception that the false doctrines of today’s evangelical churches and the same appeal. This artificial intelligence is simply the latest weapon Satan has revealed from his endless arsenal. The dragon followed the woman and declared war on her and her offspring. [Revelation 12:17]: “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

Everyone admires smart people, those guys who are able to resolve complex problems. Whatever goals we have before us as the social animals we are, from which we are sometimes prevented from achieving due to issues on which only the brightest among us can be depended to resolve. That’s not a bad thing in itself – God blessed some more than others with smarts. There are very few, however who can be actually regarded as wise people. It’s mostly because the truly wise among us are loathe to get caught up in publicity. The great asset they possess, the one human attribute Satan hates in people – is God-given wisdom, for true wisdom leads us to God, but human intelligence does not. Intelligent people typically like to show off and make a big thing out of their gift, but the truly wise man only speaks when asked, and ever tries to stay away from the spotlight.

There are societies in the world in which wisdom is, or has been heretofore, sought, and sages in those groups, tribes, clans, or whatever, were highly respected. The Chinese elders and Tibetan lamas come to mind as well as the American Indian tribal elders – there are others – and input from these guys is – or was – regarded as of great value to their whole societies. It seems that due to the cultivation of intelligence, especially technical expertise, the wise man is less considered as a source for answers nowadays. That’s a real shame, because among many other pitfalls, ignoring wisdom causes us to saw off the limbs we are perched on. In light of the fact that the world has more pressing problems today than it ever has, the wisdom of humanity garnered from the ages is more important to us now than it ever has been.

One misconception however, of people concerning those who might be wise, is their age. Indeed, there are many elderly persons who have garnered wisdom through their years, but these are the ones who walked through life with their eyes open, learning as they trudged down those muddy, one-way roads (and back) on which we all occasionally find ourselves. There are many more who plowed through this life’s morass without gleaning much wisdom, mostly because they chose to trust in available intelligence as they traveled rather than hard-earned lessons they should have learned. In that sense, age isn’t the only consideration for wisdom, so don’t assume their years mean they know something helpful.

Because of the proclivity of those of “intelligence” to seek publicity, it only stands to reason that what is called artificial intelligence, the cumulative effort of lots of smart people, needs to be in the greatest of social spotlights. This is in order to continue a mass exodus from wisdom of the ages and into the nethersphere of “intelligence” – especially of sources not human. It’s not a hard sell, either. There is a surplus of hopelessly ignorant people out there who would much rather have someone, or something do their thinking for them. That’s one reason “developed” nations have been opting to allow “think tanks” to opine on critical issues rather than having elected “leaders” calling the shots. That’s also why the pews of megachurches are teeming with misguided souls – they allow false pastors to tell them what to think. Of course, voters (who have long abandoned any attempt at reason to decide for whom they should vote for their betterment), don’t mind being told for whom they need to cast their ballots. It saves wear and tear on what precious few brain cells they still use.

If I could have a guess where to look for leaders who might possess some degree of wisdom with which to lead the nation, the first place I’d look in this country is among the self-disenfranchised electorate. People who don’t vote. That’s where the folks are who have long-ago learned of the deception and utter hopelessness of being forced to choose between two cardboard cutouts presented to the proles (by the same entities) as viable choices to run things. There’s wisdom in that view of what passes for elections in many nations today.

Another word of caution for the believer – there has been a big stir lately about how the Chinese have undermined the western tech moguls by introducing this Deep Seek version of ai. This is another deception, for it presents the unassuming person with the notion that this version is good because it is in opposition to the wealthy tech barons and prevents them from being able to capitalize on it. How could it possibly be wrong if it goes against the rich? That’s exactly what we’re supposed to think, don’t buy into this nonsense. Satan might control rich people, but such is his proclivity for deception and treachery, he will turn on them in an instant if it might mean capturing the loyalty of his enemies -Christians – this ai in any iteration is something to avoid.

The book of Proverbs in the Bible has many gems of wisdom and descriptions of how the wise man thinks. Of course, the greatest abandonment of wisdom of all humanity has been our headlong rush to discard our God and His Word, so it follows that few people alive have even read the wisdom of King Solomon, even though when he was alive, people came from far and near to hear his sagacious proclamations. If the reader happens to be among those who have abandoned the wisdom in the Bible, maybe he needs to reconsider.

You can trust the very real wisdom of God, or you can trust in human made artificial intelligence. The two are definitely at odds, but I know which one will emerge the Winner. Jesus Christ invites us all to join Him for His victory celebration, which the Bible calls the marriage supper – think about it. [Revelation 19:9] “…‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!…”

There’s only one Way to get your invitation: [John 14:6]: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

When faced with having to make the choice of following after worldly intelligence or Godly wisdom, make the wise choice. Folkpotpourri might not be the most viewed website on the net, but it does not, nor will it ever under the present ownership, use ai to write a post. Christians should beware of this “helpful” technology.

May the blessings of God the Father find and keep us.

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Promises, Prayers, and Patience of the Saints

The things happening in the world today should serve, if nothing else, to reveal to us that mankind does not have it in him to direct his own way. For crying out loud, look where we are! Look at the horrors of war and destruction happening in so many places in the world – how can humankind be so smug as to behave as though men are in control of everything when we watch the homes of multimillionaires – some of them supporters or financiers of genocide – burning into cinders in some of the ritziest places in Los Angeles? Their money couldn’t save their homes; is this God’s way of showing us that wealth and the (illusion of) security it brings are by no means absolute?

I personally believe the LA fires, as well as all of the unusually severe weather events, such as the winter storm that just ravaged Great Britain and the Saudi Arabian floods in the desert – are reminders from the Almighty that He is watching. He’s watching as tens of thousands of children are being mercilessly slaughtered in places like Gaza – especially in Gaza – and He hears prayers by the thousands, maybe millions, for His intercession, as we wait for Him to move. It’s an odd thing that we seem to hope for the hosts of Heaven to appear, angelic swords and lightning flashing; thunder pealing, looking for the planes and tanks of the evil ones to burst into flames, but alas for us impatient folks, God works in His own way – maybe those things will take place one day, but for now we are left to try and connect the dots between the Hind Rajab atrocity and the fires in the Pacific Palisades; between the demon-possessed military men who laugh as they post videos of blowing up homes in Gaza and snarled traffic from unexpected snowstorms in places that have never seen snow, at least in living memory.

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As believers in Jesus Christ, we have to force ourselves to acknowledge the disconnect (and it is a huge disconnect) between how we would handle the atrocities that are going on, and how the Almighty chooses to deal with it. Keep in mind that He can see both sides of this experience we call existence. He sees what is happening here on earth for sure, but unlike us He also is able to see things on the other side, and therefore has other resources besides His great wisdom from which to draw on for the action He takes. I think this is the main reason we allow ourselves to be so incredulous as we await signs of His retribution upon those who perpetrate this evil genocide. For instance, we are shocked and dismayed at the loss of life of the children and other victims, but He sees those children sitting in eternal joy in the arms of Jesus on the other side – He knows they are and will forevermore be safe and their tears have been wiped away, so His methodology is not influenced by their loss the same way as it drives us (to hope for vengeance) here on earth.

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God is eternal, time means nothing to Him, so He doesn’t have to be in a rush and has the luxury of patience, and as odd as it may sound, the worst offenders of human norms right now have the same opportunity for repentance and salvation as anyone else, and it’s quite possible that their consciences will evoke contrition to the extent that they might seek Jesus Christ. At least the opportunity is there for now. Many of them have been unable to come to grips with some of the things they have done and instead of repenting, have taken their own lives like the Israeli bulldozer operator a while back. Right now, everyone has time to seek Christ’s forgiveness and come to the Kingdom, but that time is growing short. How do we know this? [Revelation 12:12]: Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” He has but a short time in which to do his wickedness and he knows it therefore his wrath and hatred of all things moral and Godly is being revealed – he is out in the open with it, daily hammering at the fortresses in which good people try to take refuge, so we must be sure the refuge we choose is the right one.

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As believers in Christ, our Fortress is the solid Rock – Jesus Christ – which Satan, try as he might, cannot assail, and he seethes with rage against those of us who have chosen Jesus Christ in order to be victorious over this world of which the devil with all his riches temporarily has charge. Do not give in to the despair of watching the evils that are happening! The situation, as dire as it is for now, is not hopeless! We are not, nor will we ever be helpless, no matter how desperate things appear – that despair is one of the devil’s most lethal weapons and it works best against those who are faint of heart. Our hearts can be strengthened, though: [Psalm 27:14]: “Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” We must be patient – Jesus spoke of the importance of patience in the last days, He even told us how as well as the importance of being patient, [Revelation 14:12]: “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” Yes – following His commandments and keeping the faith in Jesus results in our patience. Some things are still to take place before the end, among which wars and rumors of wars will plague humankind until the very end: [Revelation 14:12] “He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”

There’s are many places in Scripture that speak of patience such as one of my own favorites from the Apostle Paul: [2 Thessalonians 3:5]: “Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.” The point is that we must go against our human nature of impatience – no matter how dire the situation – and keep on trusting that God will take care of things in His time, no matter how urgent things might seem to us at a given moment.

Food for thought: Our prayers mean a lot to the Father: [James 5:16]: “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Since we realize our prayers can influence the Father, think about this. Our prayers have great significance when they reach His throne, He will take action: [Revelation 8:3] Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.” Our prayers will play a big role in the events of the end times – before the very throne of God! We must never allow ourselves to believe our prayers aren’t important!

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The human-induced events happening in the world these days may very well be connected to fires and floods. Worse punishment from God has been levied in the past because of human behavior. Remember Sodom. God is the Master planner – it may be that in the decadent places of the world God has chosen to show the wealthy just how impotent they really are in the face of His awesome power. For instance, we might indeed be impressed at the destruction caused by a 2,000 lb. bomb, but have you ever considered what it might be like to witness God’s devastation in a super volcano eruption, or how about a stellar nova up close? Mankind has it in his power to blow up a building or even a city, but the Almighty can take out millions of light years of stars and planets whenever He wants. Wildfires and floods in decadent cities are no problem for Him to set and spread with high winds of His mighty breath.

Satan might have the upper hand with human beings for now, but you can rest assured that’s about to change – and forever so. In the meantime, pray, just chill out and watch God work…

May the blessings of the Almighty God find and keep us.

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The Harvest of Our Spiritual Agriculture

There are some big corporate farms, less in number are large family-owned farms, and tons of tiny farms, or just country homesteads that grow gardens. Some places are trying to make it illegal to have a garden, such as in Oregon where TPTB are claiming that the homestead’s need for irrigation water creates a situation where a permit is required to raise a garden there. Somewhere in those ivory towers where the commanders of humanity hang out, it looks like someone doesn’t want folks to be able to fend for themselves when they decide to drop the hammer on the economy. Looks like Oregon is one of the first test sites for legislation that appears to discourage any degree of independence from corporate America. These sources of questionable legislation are endeavoring to shut down the private raising of livestock, too. Especially chickens, at least for now, but they have made several moves that indicate they will go after beef and pork as well. Slowly but inexorably, the beast system is herding everyone into pens of its mastery where we all become beggars and slaves, with no hope of fending for ourselves.

This post addresses another type of harvest, one that requires a different kind of water of which there is an endless supply if we avail ourselves of it. [Revelation 22:17:”And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely”. No legislation can possibly be enacted which could prevent our access to this metaphorical water, nor indeed our successful involvement and/or operation of the type of gardening that needs it. [Revelation 14:14]: “Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.” This relates to that Day when Jesus Christ gathers His chosen people as if it were a great harvest – and it will be! This will be the seminal, monumental event in all of human history when we will finally be taken from this evil world that is currently controlled by Satan and his minions. The evil of this world will never again be a threat to believers.

Can you imagine for a moment the horror this event will slam into the hearts of the evil servants of the devil? Those who traded any and every vestige of their opportunity for eternal joy and happiness for a few days of mastery over the slaves of the world – will no doubt be aghast at what they’ve done. All these latter years they spend digging out bunkers and supplying them with provender – every bit as perishable as their human bodies – will have been totally wasted, and at that moment, they will finally realize it. [Luke 27:21: “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” The Son of Man, who they soundly rejected as they amassed fortunes, will reveal Himself in a way that leaves absolutely no possibility of doubt of His Kingship any longer!

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Billionaires will rue their choice to spend their lives pursuing wealth and will be horribly reminded of each and every night they slept in soft plush decadence with enough money in the bank to have fed millions of starving kids who went to bed hungry those same nights. At the moment of Christ’s appearance, they will realize the wealth they have amassed will not avail them towards His forgiveness. They will finally and shockingly face Someone who cannot be bribed. They won’t find videos of Him engaging in any Epstein mischief. There won’t be a Mossad or CIA assassin who might be interested in trying to eliminate Him. They will be done! No private jet or yacht will take them away to a tropical island.

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There always comes an end…

To their eternal dismay, Jesus in His glory will be incomparably more fearsome than He was as a poor carpenter’s son. To say His wrath will terrify those folks who have grown accustomed to having things their way will be an understatement. Even their willing servants will join in their horror: [Revelation 6:15-16]:”And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! Imagine being so horrified that you beg for death – death which might remove the body but can never remove the terror that has come upon the eternal soul.

He who wields the sickle will complete the harvest and take His beloved children to an unimaginable paradise which He personally prepared for them. [John 14:2]:“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” Unimaginable because the Apostle Paul also said: [1 Corinthians 2:9]:”But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” My friends, our eternal souls will truly experience a happiness of which owning a yacht or earthly mansion could never come close.

What do we need to do to gain access to the wonderful promises of Jesus? Simply to make that choice to listen to Him: [Revelation 3:20]:”Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” All we have to do is open that door and let Him come into our hearts. I really don’t believe that sickle is going to hurt a bit, but the joy will be worth it!

Keep growing the garden – He will bless you with His abundance, both metaphorically and literally. They might be able to come and take away your carrots and cabbages, but they can’t touch the spiritual harvest – it forever belongs to the One with the sickle.

May the Almighty Father’s blessings find and keep us all.

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Disheartened Soldier from Another Time

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I was walking in the wood late in evening, enjoying wild birdsong and dining on a delicious landscape of somber hardwood seasoned with a dash of savory ice on branches now long bereft of rattling leaves, and as I approached a stream of hard and silent water, there boldly came an apparition upon my reverie. It was an ageless man of whom I felt no dread, yet anticipation of his purpose consumed any thought I might entertain to ignore or depart from him.

It was plain from his dress and demeanor that he was a soldier, adorned in a crisp blue long coat with the boldest of black threefold hats. His trousers were of white cotton and bore no scratch or mark of his trek in the wood, nor were any brass buttons missing from his breast. Perplexion was fixed upon his countenance as he stared at me and in his presence, strange thoughts of shame of long-endured passivity weighed heavily on my bearing. “From whence”, said he, “do ye hail, who so casually tread this wood? Is it not the same land upon which I, among thine forbears and fathers shed my blood to provide thee with a sacred and free republic?”

Fright, not at his presence, but at his seeming insistence for answer, overwhelmed my heart as I could but stammer words that might be interpreted that, indeed, this was a continuum of that hallowed land. As I stood in awe of such bewilderment as he displayed, it came to me that he wept silently as he spoke words which pierced my heart with arrows from a former time, a time when this nation was but in it’s youth. “Doth not the same God redeem thy souls, is not the Savior of man the same in this day as He of long ago? Hast thy people forgotten the valor with which we of hope and incredible vigor and relying on Providence braved deadly volleys of rank musket and cannon balls to gain thy sovereignty and prosperity? How then, has an evil enemy so stealthily crept upon, and forsooth, overtaken this nation today?”

“This is a place beyond that land which you secured,” at last spake I, “As years passed, lesser men of lesser heart appeared, gained status endowed of evil by mammon, and came tempted, as knowledge of vast tracts beyond the nation you knew, came about, by great deceit and dishonor, to wrest from rightful owners the abundant and fruitful lands beyond that which your army secured.” As my confidence waxed, I continued, “He of Providence was denied, yet might of weapons from whence malicious heat from the forges of Satan’s armouries had not yet dissipated, were put to use to diminish, to defeat and yea, to slay those by whom fair title was claimed.”

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“As scores of years became centuries, all but the Creator forgot the wicked abrogation of treaties once foreordained to be honored as leaders continued in moral decline, and colonial appropriation of lands and nations increased the world over, but especially in his nation – descendants of those peoples with whom your leaders treated were slain and imprisoned and vanished into memory. Indeed, the banner under which your drums sounded amid the blue-white smoke of cannon is changed now, by many added insignias to that number of thirteen by which your blood gained liberty.

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“Must thee and thy progeny, therefore, be thus accursed as to receive upon thyself such waxing theft and murder as this which ye bear witness and yet lift not thy hand to resist? In mine years, would neither citizen nor soldier deign approach the Almighty Creator for prayer belabored with such cowardice weighed upon his conscience. And now in another place ye witness again the theft of lands and slaughter of rightful owners and say nought for fear.”

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“I shall now return whence I have dwelt nigh four and a half hundreds of years and once more watch, share tears with those with whom I served, for my own blood and that of my companions, forbears of yesteryear, that ye should so lightly and cowardly abandon, yea and forsake, the sovereignty of this land for which we fought and died. Farewell, yet still pray thee for thy long-ignored want of Providence.” As his last words sadly reached my ears, he began to walk away as he cried now aloud, slowly and completely evaporated into the woodland, but his wailing cries echoed, and if one listens, especially on days when those who purport to lead us slavishly perform acts of obeisance to – and among – our enemies, his piteous cries can still be heard.

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Finally! How to Fight A War Worth Fighting

If you have to engage an enemy in battle, some of the most important things you need to know are what kinds of weapons he has in his arsenal, how and when he intends to use them, and maybe the most critical, how you must defend against each weapon.

The battle of which I speak is, of course, that battle for your soul, and you can trust that the cunning enemy is willing to use everything in his power to defeat you.

It’s snowing here in this neck of the Ozarks this morning, and though I’m an old geezer now, I’m still as excited to see a beautiful snowfall as that kid back in rural East Texas long ago. Of course, we rarely got snow down there, so it was a special treat.

God is amazing at creating silent beauty

After a few days on the ground, the ice and the magic dissipate and we invariably look forward to some thawing out, but for now the dogs are playing excitedly, crows are partying and it’s nice. Now I suppose you’re wondering how this post is trying to connect a snowfall event with the spiritual war in which we are engaged, and by geriatric logic it’s sort of simple – since we have inclement weather and are pretty much stuck inside, the need to write a post on this topic has been on my mind, so today’s snow event has provided a perfect time for it.

The Apostle Paul does a discourse in his epistle to the Ephesians on the subject of spiritual warfare in which he points out the things God provides to His army – the people who have chosen to join with Jesus. His army is comprised of all volunteers, so we are spared the indignity of forced conscription – we’ve all seen videos of the Ukranian Nazi “recruiters” dragging those poor kids (and old men) into the vans to send them to die. Fortunately for us, God doesn’t need anyone to help Him to defeat the enemy, and He allows for our voluntary submission to – and faith in – Jesus Christ to be the only requirements to join His ranks. Where the Ukraine purpose seems to only be servitude to Satan by fomenting as much death and destruction as possible, the army the Lord calls us to join is the Way to victory over death. We are issued Spiritual defensive weapons which we wield to stave off the attacks of the enemy, and one offensive weapon with which we can both beat back his threats and attacks as well as invade his army.

[Ephesians 6:11]: “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” This armor of which the Apostle Paul speaks is critical and necessary because [Eph 6:12]: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Wow! In order to get some idea of what we, as believers in Jesus are up against, cogitate on that one for a while! We indeed have a powerful host of enemies arrayed against us and we must not underestimate them.

With all the violence, the wars, and the rage in the physical world today, the Word tells us that there is also a more critical war in the spiritual realm, and since the powerful enemy exists there, believers must acknowledge that we are in for a struggle, and it would even seem hopeless but for the power of God and the armor which we have at our disposal. The apostle describes all of it and it’s purpose, and it all comes from the Word of God. [Ephesians 6:14-17]: “Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” “Gird your waist with truth,” and where do we obtain truth? Jesus said [John 14:6] “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” There is no other source of truth we can rely on but Jesus Christ! As for the breastplate of righteousness, Abraham was one of the greatest examples: [Genesis 15:6]: “And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” So, true belief in the Lord (which entails belief in His mighty power) is the main requirement. This breastplate is closely related to the “shield of faith”, which is another crucial defensive weapon [Hebrews 11:6]:” But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” So, we are also able, with this piece of the armor, faith, to defend ourselves but only when we believe in God and His power.

“Having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace”, but how do we accomplish this? The gospel of peace is the gospel of the Prince of peace. The gospel is to be found predominately in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but is alluded to throughout the Bible in both the old and new testaments. We must diligently study and “abide in His word” [John 8:31] to be able to wield this piece of the armor.

And what is our offensive weapon? It’s the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The weapons and attire that the apostle enumerates in his passage are all defensive in nature to thwart the effect of the enemy’s weapons except this one, we have the Word of God, which is Jesus Christ and with whose power we can help others to find salvation – the perfect foray into the ranks of the enemy. [John 1:14]: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” With this mighty sword, we are able to attack the enemy and much to his chagrin, help to conscript the lost into Jesus’ mighty army.

Are you ready to don this weaponry and fight for Jesus in the Spiritual war? It’s the one war that counts. When it is over and the battle is won, His army is guaranteed to be victorious, and His soldiers will have an eternal mansion where He is – where He and His servants will be forever: [John 14:2,3]: “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” When He left, He wasn’t just leaving for no reason – He had something important to do. Just imagine; a mansion built by Jesus for me! I’m in! Amen!

And still the beautiful snow from Heaven flies…

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us all.

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How Freedom and Understanding are Conferred to the Believer

Previously, Folkpotpourri has provided important information to hopefully attract new believers and keep current believers on track without getting too far into the woods behind false teachers. Lately, Christians’ obligation to refute the Gaza genocide has been extensively discussed. Sometimes these posts venture onto the passionate side, but even though we have to be careful to keep it tamped down, righteous anger is different from vitriol and hatred. Containing this gets a lot easier as we get closer to Jesus, and this writer does everything in his power to love every human being. It’s important for us to keep our eye on the ball, especially during the troubles we have before us.

Today there will hopefully be some meaningful information about understanding His Word as we look forward and as the Kingdom approaches and is revealed. Though you won’t always see locations of verses and passages, what these Spiritual posts say comes from the Word of God and those who are familiar with the Bible will recognize where some of the notions come from – certain aspects are informative tidbits from the Spirit which interprets the Bible, and while studying it’s very important to pay attention to things we might likely ignore, such as fleeting thoughts and glimpses that God gives us, especially when we study His Word – these nudges are the Spirit of God trying to get our attention. It is also important that we understand that Jesus only had a short time with men on this earth, so every word He uttered is of immense value and every believer is obliged to study them and pray for understanding!

If you’re like me, you sometimes go past things you read in the Bible that don’t register or make sense and only record in your mind those things you readily understand, and I think that’s a mistake – at least it is for me – that can cause us to miss out on some really wonderful and important information. When we come across things in scripture which don’t seem mean anything, we should stop and meditate on them and pray that understanding will come to us. Many who read this will realize I’m stumbling around trying to communicate a thought which God communicates to us through thoughts and not words, so to put these into words is only possible as the Spirit gives leave, but with His guidance, I shall try.

On Freedom:

[John 8:36] “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” This, to me, means among other types of freedom that He bestows upon us, free to understand. As an example, when we see the phrase “water of Life”, what is He describing? To those who are free indeed, the unspoken meaning of this may be understood, though to what degree is governed by what degree of freedom one has claimed. So how do we claim that level of freedom? Jesus said [John 8:31,32]: “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” So what level of understanding do you seek? The level that comes from abiding in His word would seem to be the answer. Jesus reinforces this notion in other places when He tells them more about this freedom. Not free in the imaginary sense of unchained worldly existence, but free to explore profound Spiritual reality – only possible if one believes the Son and of course, abides in His Word.

Many souls of this earth believe they are “free”, and when they only consider freedom as a notion that they are not another man’s servant or property, that might be correct. The freedom Jesus speaks of is another, entirely different and ethereal freedom, a concept that cannot be understood nor appreciated by anyone without the Spirit, which teaches profound knowledge without words of man, even to us who are simple.

Understanding of the truth that resides in any word or phrase that is found in God’s Word can be gained at more than one level; indeed everyone doesn’t see things mentioned at the same depth, but we all see them and if you’re like me you sort of envy (not in a bad way) people who “get it” more than I do (seek these people out and listen to what they say – they have a great gift). So, we can and do understand the Word at more than one level. That’s why novice believers need milk and seasoned believers are capable of meat (deeper understanding). It is important to keep in mind however, that there is only one Truth, but the meanings in scripture are understood by different believers at different depths, and this depth is determined by how profoundly one chooses to study, and how diligently we “abide in His Word”.

For one example, there are undoubtedly Bible scholars who read this post who will get a better understanding of “water of life”, than I, but at my level of understanding and way over simply-put, the water of life is that which nurtures those who have chosen Life. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well [John 4:14] “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” Understanding the meaning of the life of which He speaks is another matter, and I do not have the literary skill to even begin to put it into words, but the idea of Life as the Word speaks of it is an existence, not the ephemeral heartbeat, breathe in, breathe out, eat, sleep routine we normally associate with life as we know it, but a continuum, a spiritual habitation of infinity with the blessed accoutrements of love, peace, joy in the presence of Holiness – the presence of the Spirit, the Father, and the Lamb. This life is another concept, or aspect of knowledge that cannot be described with words, and that is intentional, for to have an understanding of it is a gift for the believer. The Spirit knows, God knows, angels know, and our Lord Jesus certainly knows what it is and what it encompasses, but only believers who “abide in His word”, are allowed, as with some other concepts and “gifts” of understanding, some level of knowledge of what this life means to mankind – a whole other dimension of life we have opportunity to partially experience (as in a looking glass dimly) today but to fully live on the other side tomorrow.

Another good example of how the Lord extends our understanding (and limits it for the unbeliever) is the parables through which Jesus taught. When Jesus reveals to His disciples the reason He speaks in parables, He allows us another insight to how He imparts understanding, and this passage gives another revelation of how we can become able to understand Him. [Matthew 13:13]: Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. This passage is a warning to those who allow themselves to believe in lies, and yes, the world is full of such people, but it is also an instruction to believe what the Spirit tries to tell your heart. A good example of this is a person who has his fortune invested in weapons manufacturing (“defense” contractors). This person knows full well that his stock profits come from wars; from human blood, so to assuage his conscience he is inclined to buy into lies like the civilian women and children in Gaza are some kind of ominous threat to the occupation, and the occupation is defending itself, so of course, uses lots of bombs. He buys into them simply because of the money he makes; he doesn’t believe them; he knows better. What his heart is trying to tell him is that he is on the wrong side of morality, but he isn’t interested in listening, so God gives him over to the lie, and he remains void of understanding. Seeing (the destruction in Gaza) he does not see; hearing (the bombs exploding, the children screaming) he does not hear; therefore, by his own volition he does not understand, among other things, his culpability in the death, and destruction – this is but one (an extremely important one today) example, and I use it in this missive because of it’s current relevance.

If we are believers, it is important to understand God’s Word at the most profound level we can achieve – the Spirit is there to help us, but the big requirement is that we abide in His Word – that’s where it starts. His word is indescribably critical and is growing more so as we approach the end. It is to our detriment to ignore or disobey any part of it. Jesus is real – get to know Him as well as you can, we don’t have much longer.

May the blessings of the Almighty God find and keep us all.

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The Great Battle of and for the Church Ain’t Over

No normal human being with a heart and soul can possibly justify, rationalize, or especially ignore – the travesty that is taking place in Palestine today. Certainly no practicing Christian can support the outright murder of children, this is beyond insane! As far as the church goes, for a man who is looked at as a minister of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to stand before an audience of would-be servants of Jesus and try to convince them that as Christians, they need to support the Zionist cause (which includes these endless acts of murder of innocents), is a universe away from the truth, and these misled sheep will find that if they don’t stop following these teachings, it will eventually cost them their eternal souls.

Men, women, and children of Gaza and the West Bank are losing their possessions, their homes, their lives and most tragically, the lives and limbs of their children every day and the so-called Christian members of many mega churches are expected to unquestioningly support the purveyors of this wanton murder. These parishioners support it because some demon-possessed millionaire pastor has twisted the Bible scriptures into some grotesque screed that requires them to support murder by a Synagogue of Satan – and they seem to be okay with it. For the sake of your own soul, people, stop listening to these evil creatures and READ YOUR OWN BIBLE! Understand that with the right motivation ($$$), those who follow Satan can contort the scriptures and make the Bible say whatever they want it to say. That’s why to gain a proper understanding of God’s Word, we must have the Spirit within us to reveal it to us as we dig into it for ourselves. If the words of this post seem strong, then I suppose it’s good, as many of us are passionate in our service to Christ; maybe it will wake some up. I believe we will be forgiven for using language that might be too passionate; but there will be no forgiveness for staying silent in the face of evil.

People not familiar with Christianity, especially in other nations see this support by “Christian” churches for abject genocide and are aghast that any “religion” could support something that even the most secular of atheists can plainly see is wrong. For this reason, many non-believers reject Christianity because a big chunk of its followers support Zionist murder. This support is largely due to the followers of said churches buying into the notion of the “righteousness” of today’s Israel. People who are not familiar with the Bible actually think Christianity teaches that we should be on board with genocide, and from the gusto with which false teachers spout their fabrications, you can’t blame outsiders for thinking so. Those mega church members who listen to charlatan millionaires are committing grave offenses to their own religion, and there’s no way God could be pleased. Though I am not a preacher, nor have I lived the ideal Christian life in my past, the Spirit inside my heart is stirring – It’s telling me to speak through this platform to try and reach as many people as possible who seek to serve the Lord and turn them from supporting the obvious evil being visited upon the Palestinians. If the reader knows anyone who may be caught in the snare of which I’m speaking, share this post and maybe some of this will hit home. And no, I’m not saying like and subscribe; my site is not monetized, and although it’s encouraging to see good numbers of folks are interested in the truth of Jesus Christ, as far as my vast wealth goes it makes no difference if I have many or few readers. I write strictly from the Word of God and things the Spirit says to my conscience and my conscience says it’s high time for real Christians to stand up and be seen and heard. When we find ourselves surrounded by those who support behavior that goes against the teachings of Jesus, we must remove ourselves: [2 Corinthians 6:17]’ Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” Think about it, we have this amazing chance to show God that we are willing to stand with Jesus and in this case against the martyrdom of innocent Palestinians – and true followers of Jesus Christ are the only people in the whole world whose fervent prayers can get this travesty stopped.

News flash! The people of the geographical nation of Israel are NOT God’s Chosen people! Just because they call themselves Jews does not make them Jews, and Jesus plainly says of the people (of the last days) who call themselves Jews are not Jews at all, and that it is blasphemy for them to make the claim that they are. They are a synagogue of Satan, [Revelation 3:9],” Indeed I (Jesus) will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie —indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you…. “, and it doesn’t matter to the Lord how much (ill-gotten) money their wealthy benefactors here in the US pour into the American government, the universities, and the mega churches, they are indeed a synagogue of Satan, and nothing short of them repenting and accepting Jesus Christ is going to change that! Satan has given them ($$$) power over a big portion of the world, and we true Christians are fighting this battle without any support from worldly sources. But we have to keep trying to hammer the point home that if we get and keep our heads screwed on right and follow Jesus to the very end, and that if we reject $atan’s offers, we can expect to win this fight! Of course, Satan knows it too, so expect some serious bumps in the road we have chosen, but He promises you it will have been worth it in the end when we hear Him say [Matthew 25:23]: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” What must gnaw at the very essence of Satan is the fact that neither he nor any of his servants will ever experience the joy of hearing that absolute statement of victory. It is within our reach, folks!

I have a habit, and I suppose it’s a habit we can get into from the frustration of feeling helpless to do anything about the travesty that is Palestine. This habit is allowing the optimism that we sometimes get when watching news clips about the fighting going on in places like Gaza, and it seems like every time we hear of some minor success of the Resistance, we tend to feel vindication because we’re pulling for them, but on some level of our spirit, we have to know deep down that this battle cannot be won with more violence. We must remember that the people who are committing this incredible evil are still human beings – it’s just that their spirit has been taken over by evil – that evil is the enemy. Some of the most courageous and wise men who have ever lived such as Mohandas Ghandi, Martin Luther King, oh, and Jesus Christ, taught that violence is not the way to victory. Violence only begets more violence. Hatred only begets more hatred – one of our biggest obstacles in these times of evil is that if we aren’t careful, we allow hatred to fester in our hearts. There’s a good argument to be made from the scriptures, that it is no sin to become angry at the evil that’s happening, but when we allow that anger to foment hatred or violence against other people, we begin down that slippery slope toward sin, and if we don’t rein it in, then Satan wins that way too. And after everything is said and done, that’s where the ultimate battle is taking place – in each and every one of our hearts. Jesus indeed teaches us how to gain victory over evil, and though His methodology goes against every human instinct inside us, it is the correct Way – the ONLY Way to achieve what He intends for us – victory! And, from the way things are developing, this victory is going to have to be won on the final lap, but it looks like that’s the way it’s intended, but that’s another issue.

We, as followers of Christ, have access to the greatest weapon ever known. That is the love of God, and the evil ones can never access His love. Satan cannot bear the notion that the poorest peasants in the world can obtain something he can never have – and to further his frustration, the righteous ones cannot be bought with his most significant weapon – money. The love of God is the greatest force that could ever be brought to bear, and only we who follow Jesus Christ have access to it. And it’s free for the asking. As many of us try to awaken Christians who are being misled by servants of Satan posing as ministers, I try to help them to imagine what power is within their grasp! If the Christian world were to awaken and rise up in condemnation of this great sin of genocide, we have access to the Power that could stop it. If millions of Christians were to fervently pray the same prayer, we could move mountains – and stop genocide! Satan knows that, and he pays his pulpit managers handsomely to keep those members (who could otherwise avail themselves of this power) convinced that: a) The ridiculous notion that the murderers are the righteous Chosen of God, b) It’s okay with God for the murders to be taking place, because, a). None of them speak of the love of God and its power. None of them know about the love of God, nor do they have any idea of its power. None except their master, Satan.

If you happen to be one who has not made the choice to follow Christ, there’s another power you can have – that of the blood of Jesus for forgiveness of sin which was shed for precisely that purpose thousands of years ago. With the decision to follow Jesus, when you are baptized into His Kingdom, every sin, every error, every bad choice you have ever made in your whole life will be instantly forgiven, gone forever, the Almighty God himself will approve you just as you are, such is the power of this marvelous blood. If you read this in some country overseas and would like to be part of that fellowship, seek out a Christian ministry, they are all over the world, and join it. The US is full of churches, and some of them are real – find one. Get your hands on a Holy Bible and read it.

On the last day of war on earth, Jesus will have amassed a mighty army with which He will emerge victorious over the servants of evil who challenge Him. Those who chose to serve in that mighty army will be peasants, servants, farmers, shepherds, not military types at all, and certainly not wealthy people, but those who will have chosen to join ranks with Him – you, and me, the meek and lowly of the earth who have put pride behind them and rejected a sinful life of decadence on this earth – in exchange for that joyous promise of eternal life in His presence. Those who have decided much to the chagrin of Satan, that they cannot be bought at any price. Then pray to the Lord and watch Him work – to say He is amazing would be the quintessential understatement. No one knows, no one can imagine the peace and joy of the existence we are about to inherit! You can purchase your ticket ahead of time by accepting and choosing to follow Jesus Christ today. He has already paid the price.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us all.


Standard Double Standards in The Modern World

When we read about the recent tragedies in Las Vegas and New Orleans, the media cries to high Heaven, and don’t get me wrong – these are indeed horrible occurrences in our troubled nation – but all the fatalities in those two incidents don’t even begin to equal the human toll on an average day in Gaza, so where’s all the concern for human life over there? The cracks grow wider every day in the foundation of trust on which our mainstream media once built their reputations. It’s almost like they’re not the least bit concerned anymore that they’ve lost public confidence, they just keep on bleating out whatever they are told to offer, typically in their more and more transparent “Operation Mockingbird” instructions. For instance, all mainstream organizations were instructed, almost in unison, almost like some kind of evil chant, to repeat what the Congresspeople were also carefully trained to say, “Israel has a right to defend itself.”, When, in reality that’s a big misdirection in and of itself – what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians is nothing even resembling self-defense and everyone knows it, so why don’t they just stop squawking?

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No one from the government, especially the spook agencies instructed them to sing that the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves, so they don’t dare. Neither do they hysterically chant that Afghanistan, Vietnam, Venezuela, Russia, nor (especially) Iran etc. have that same “right”. The only ones. it seems on whom “the right to defend themselves” is conferred are those directly connected to the ownership of the media, the halls of congress, and even the white house. When the objective reader takes into consideration who owns the media and the government, the double standard concerning those who have a right to defend themselves and those who apparently do not, becomes painfully obvious.

Every day, even on alternative media, we are kept apprised of every Zionist military service member who is killed, along with his name, rank, hobbies, etc. When we hear of Gazan civilians who have been murdered by the occupation, in another glaring double standard, we just hear numbers. Horrific numbers that are typically in the hundreds every horrifying day. It’s like, as (evil ex “Defense” Minister) Yoav Gallant named them, human animals, they don’t have names. Neither the US government nor the media is interested in who they were. Who they are. But the Palestinian mothers mourn their dead children every bit as painfully as the mothers of slain Israeli soldiers. Hunger pains gnaw at the insides of barefooted Gaza children the same as they would “real” humans.

The sacred right to defend themselves – from these.

When the media informs us of anything to do with the Houthis, they always say the “Iran-backed” Houthi rebels, or Iran-backed Hezbollah, but they never say the US-backed Zionists. Apparently from the perspective of western mainstream media, it’s only abhorrent when it’s Iran, China, or Russia backing some entity and never the US-backed Saudis or the NATO-backed regime in the Ukraine. How about the US-backed HTS terrorists? Same concept for supplying weapons – the Houthis get most of their weapon support from Iran, true enough, but it is invariably mentioned in news reports, whereas the American bombs being dispensed from American made jets by the Zionist Air Force, US backing rarely is admitted with the same emphasis. So, we are left to believe that it’s against “the rules-based order” for any proxy entity to be armed or supported by anyone outside the American Military Industrial Complex, at least according to our news media here in the west.

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Nikki Haley practicing penmanship – “Finish them” – what a gal!

One of the saddest parts of this, at least to me, is that the majority of my fellow countrymen just stare with a blank look on their faces when someone say things like Operation Mockingbird, or the 9/11 false flag, or the Gaza holocaust, and even worse, they would never work up the curiosity to look it up for themselves. If I was a gambling man, I’d bet money that 1 in 100 Americans have never even heard of Operation Condor. Is it any wonder they approvingly gulp down then regurgitate ad nauseum everything the Rupert Murdoch-backed Fox News shovels to them? Is it any wonder the American politicians feel free to eat drivel from Zionist’s hands and do their bidding – while their constituents, most of them with no clue of what’s happening, remain oblivious to the fact that their government and their media has been taken over and predominantly serve Zionist interests? Average citizens of other countries keep up with international politics, but not here in the land of the “free”. So average Americans, ignorant by choice, get the honor of being considered supporters of the genocide and murder of innocent people in the Middle East, whether they know it or not. And if they don’t know it, it’s their own fault for only watching mainstream news and believing their lies. Not knowing whom they serve isn’t going to be an excuse later when they have to answer to a Higher Power when it really counts.

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It once was an innocent looking peacock…

Now we get to the similarity of double standards in other arenas of American life, and if you are among the regular readership of Folkpotpourri, you know where this is going – yes, to the double standards of what passes for churches in this country. Starting with one of the ten commandments that says, [Exodus :13] “Thou shalt not kill (murder)”, however, preachers in many congregations allude that it’s ok for the occupation forces to conduct genocide on the Palestinians, not only for them to do it, but these charlatans tell their congregations that Christians must support them, following Netanyahu’s grossly inapplicable Old-Testament narrative of the Amalekites. These same guys feign shock and recoil from the horror of someone committing an act of terrorism on American soil and go on to rave and rant about how evil it is to kill innocent people (think 9/11) and it is truly evil, no doubt, but way too often that same preacher tells his congregation it’s their Christian duty to support the slaughter going on in Gaza. This is blatant hypocrisy! Murder, especially of innocents, is NEVER justifiable, and if you attend a church that even hints that it’s acceptable you need to change your place of worship – period. When some following or the other arrives at any point where murder is advocated, or even excused, especially in our churches, Satan has truly won the battle there.

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How can church-going Americans be ok with this?

I, as a Christian American, will never believe we owe it to the Zionist entity to rationalize or justify the slaughter they are conducting, regardless of how many American politicians and/or pastors they own. Regardless of how much money defense contractors make from it. Zionist soldiers and civilians make videos and laugh as they blow up people’s homes. They make fun of the Palestinians not having water, or bereaved mothers crying as they hold the lifeless bodies of their precious children. They ransack Palestinian homes, laughing and video recording themselves sporting women’s underwear. There was a case where a Palestinian man in a Zionist prison was sodomized with a broom (he died from internal injuries because of it) and when someone suggested the soldiers who did it be prosecuted the civilian population and regulars in the army rose up and rioted in defense of them. That kind of behavior is obviously acceptable for Zionists. These people are demon-possessed, evil monsters and amply demonstrate why the sane world doesn’t want them in their countries. They constantly whine and bawl because the world hates them and kicks them out of their countries, but when they got their own country and were given the opportunity to show the world they could fit in, this is how they truly behave, for the world to see. More and more, even the most secular of nations want nothing to do with them. In their Satanic mockery of the plight they impose on their fellow human beings, they bear no resemblance – physical or spiritual – to the ancient and honorable Hebraic peoples of the lineage of Abraham or King David. They mock Jesus Christ, to Whom Christians are forever indebted, and I, for one, am repulsed by their disrespect for my Savior and for their demonic behavior. I try my best not to hate anyone, but I find myself obliged to exercise my God-given right to anger at their atrocities. I feel the same, and if the truth was known I’d bet I’m not alone, towards the pathetic whores in Washington who have (almost all – hang in there, Rep Massey) sold their souls to the Zionists who crack the whip on them in OUR capitol. I think most of all, I’m repulsed by how the so-called pastors in this country’s Christian churches, teaching their flocks to support demons who commit murder and genocide in the name of Jesus.

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Same murderous mindset – different Victim

Why can’t we get this over to MAGA Americans, or to the thousands who fill the pews of the mega churches that support the Zionists? Surely, they’re not that thick-headed, but then the Bible does say, [Mark 4:12]
“so that ‘Seeing they may see and not perceive, And hearing they may hear and not understand; Lest they should turn, And their sins be forgiven them.’ ” The Christian Churches of the United States have the numbers to make a difference, if only the members weren’t being misled by the Satanic influence of liars behind the pulpit. The gate is wide indeed. We, as followers of Christ must pray incessantly that God will open their eyes so they can turn to obedience to Jesus Christ – and become the Christian numbers needed for the end of the slaughter of innocents of Gaza.

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May the blessings of the Almighty God find and keep us as we enter into these dark times.

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A Raft of Truth in a Sea of Deception

You’d think the state of affairs in the world today would at last reveal who the servants of evil actually are, but it looks like even here in America a lot of people are able to read about the horrors that are Gaza while they eat breakfast, because they are sufficiently misled to believe “God’s Chosen People” are committing it. There are actually so-called pastors of huge flocks that stand in front of their assemblies and spout absolute lies to the flocks about how we (America) must stand with Israel because of God’s promise to Abraham that He would bless those who bless his progeny and curse those who curse them. The way modern pastors have twisted this promise into these monstrous falsehoods by omitting relevant changes from one covenant to another beggars belief. These lies, mostly of omission, which are eagerly consumed by thousands of people who put on a righteous show but actually prefer not to serve God, are used to justify their choice to support the ongoing tragedy that is Palestine. In fact, it is precisely the reality that “evangelical Christians” so steadfastly support the monsters that call themselves “God’s chosen” that allow their genocide to continue. If the American political world were to realize that this huge bloc of constituents was against the massacre of Gazans, it would no doubt cease. For your information – and do not forget this – God’s chosen people under the new Covenant are those – Jew and Gentile – who believe and have chosen to follow Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son. The spiritual descendants of Abraham. That’s right – even if one happens to be a genetic descendant of Abraham, if he is a nonbeliever in the New Covenant that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and does not live his life accordingly, he cannot legitimately make the claim to be of God’s Chosen People, but it would be nigh impossible to convince the patrons of Judas Hagee of this truth. Please remember that because it makes for easier understanding of who God’s people really are.

If the reader is a fence-sitter, or even someone who is torn over the notion that God’s people could be committing the atrocities that are happening in occupied Palestine, remember when John the Baptist was baptizing people in anticipation of Christ’s arrival and he was approached by Pharisees and Sadducees and he said [Matthew 3:7].“You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?” Consider this carefully – here is John the Baptist whom Jesus Himself declared to be one of the greatest men to have ever been born of woman, [Matt 11:11], “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist…” speaking to those who considered themselves – as do Israelis of today – to be God’s Chosen, calling them a brood of vipers! What an antisemite!

First of all, and as foretold by Jesus, the people who call themselves Jews in the last days (now) are not even Jews at all. There are ample articles that point out the inconvenient truth that the occupation is populated by descendants of Eastern European ancestry and are not Hebraic at all, but this post does not go into them. Jesus says in His letter to the church of Smyrna [Revelation 2:9] “…I know about the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan”. And what did He say of the claim to be Jews? Blasphemy! This verse is extremely important and applicable today. These people are not Jews, neither genetically nor spiritually, but actually are servants of Satan claiming to be Jews! If one chooses to believe Jesus, they must recognize this fact. Secondly, and this is also a very important point to keep in mind, the title of – and promises to – “God’s Chosen” has passed to Abraham’s spiritual descendants, and this includes all peoples of all nations who have accepted the Son of God, and never let those charlatans who pose as preachers tell you any different, there’s just too much evidence in the Bible, old and new Testaments, that support that fact. Once again, look at what John the Baptist says to the Pharisees, [Matt 3:9] “and do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.” The implication here is that God is able to raise up servants to Himself from other places (nations) than the physical lineage of Abraham – it’s quite clear and in the same vein as [1 Corinthians 1:2] “To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours…” Corinth was a gentile city, but the apostle says they are called to be saints (His holy people), showing that the title of God’s Chosen has been passed to all who believe in Jesus in every place. There are countless other scriptures in the Word of God that support the title of God’s Chosen being (exclusively) extended to all who follow Christ, with clear warnings in some of them to those who reject the Son, regardless of who they claim to be. Why does that have to be so hard to understand? The bellwether of being one of God’s people is whether or not he believes in and follows Christ and not whether or not he is of genetic lineage to Abraham, even if he was actually of that lineage instead of just claiming to be, as do those in occupied Palestine today.

As for how these arguments are shaping world events, I believe there are a whole bunch of people who are in for the shock of their lives when they find out for sure the “chosen” ones not only aren’t who they claim to be, but also when it sinks in that they have been intentionally supportive of a rogue and murderous regime. Not everyone who thinks these people are really Godly do so because they are evil people themselves, but due to close-mindedness, and/or being too lazy to study the Word of God, they choose to support a Satanic nation. It is extremely important to understand, however that on that great Day when Jesus separates the sheep from the goats, the claim that they were deceived isn’t going to cut them any slack. Those people are deceived because they choose to be deceived! They are deceived because they got all their information from sources like mainstream news, where deep down they know is a never-ending stream of lies. They watched evangelists who make tons of money from preaching the “gotta support Israel” sermons knowing these guys are swindlers and charlatans. And on that Day, Jesus will say the most heart-rending and terrifying words ever to have been heard, to the everlasting condemnation of the soul, [Matthew 7:23] “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” My friends whom I try with all my heart to convince, you do not want to find yourself on the receiving end of those words! The absolute shock, the utter horror that will come upon the heart will be unimaginable – to hear Him say, “I never knew you”, and it will reverberate in that soul for all of eternity, made more horrific by the knowledge that it could have so easily been avoided – simply by standing in the shelter of the Rock and refusing to listen to Satan’s lies coming from evil governments through the news and from millionaire preachers who lie to us for their own riches . We all need to open our eyes and our hearts before it is too late, and the time is near.

I just watched a video that claimed China is now supplying the Houthis with weapons they can and are using to hit the occupied territories. Even though the Houthis continue to surprise everyone with their tenacity, bravery, their unabashed loyalty to the Palestinians, and their willingness to go toe to toe with the military might of Israel, the UK, and the US, it has been a stretch to believe they possess the technical expertise to develop hypersonic missiles without outside help. Once they launch the missile towards Tel Aviv though, it really doesn’t matter whether they made it themselves or got it from an ally. It looks like Xi might be sufficiently disgusted with the genocide in Gaza to be willing to back the Ansar Allah (Houthis). There’s a verse in the Bible prophecy in Revelation that mentions something happening to the Euphrates River to cause it to stop running and make it possible for the “kings of the east” (Asian countries like China?) to pass through enroute to the gathering of armies for a great battle, so it’s not inconceivable – in fact it’s quite likely – that China will get involved. It will be a big event, and I believe all the world powers will eventually get involved. Two hundred million of the armies will be killed. That’s a lot of soldiers!

When the big battle happens, it’s going to be the greatest loss in all of history for humanity, but it will also be the seminal point in which we can begin to look for the long-awaited return of our Lord Jesus. At some point either prior to or during that consummate battle, people whose riches are tied up in arms manufacturing will reach that point where they realize their wealth can do them no good in a world that has been, or will be completely destroyed. When that reality hits home, their own panic will ensue, but until that time, they will cheer on the war and destruction. So enjoy your Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing, profits while they last. These stockholders will vote for AIPAC sponsored, warmongering politicians in their headlong rush to satisfy Satan, and ever pursue the blood of (non-wealthy) humankind, and meanwhile, the soon-to-be pointless money will continue to pour in, but in the end, Wall Street will not avail them.

If you are currently under the spell of Zionist-supporting evangelists, this post is for you. If you have not yet considered looking into the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, this post is likewise for you. For reasons of His own, God has blessed this site with a readership that extends into many other nations, so as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter if you are a banker, a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker or a crew member on a ship. If you are a rickshaw driver in Mumbai, a shopkeeper in Haifa, or a tent maker in a Cairo suburb, or a fisherman in Madagascar, remember the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is a big tent and you are warmly welcomed into His fold. By all means, get right with the Lord before the bottom falls out of this world we live in. There are Christian ministries in every corner of the world, find one and join it. Learn about Jesus, you’ll be eternally glad you did.

Don’t believe everything they say – a key point to look for is whether they support the ministry of Christ and His teachings, if they do not, they are headed in the wrong direction, do not give them the time of day – no matter how much money they have or represent. Also be wary of those who try to hide their deceit behind false claims of serving Christ. He said, [John 14:6], “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Pay attention to what He said – He did not say “A Truth”, He said “The Truth” – there is only one.

May the blessings of God the Father find and keep us until that Day.


A Wayward Maniac and an Icy Ozark Night

Mama guinea giving camera the evil eye

We have some critters on the farm not everyone might be familiar with called Guinea fowl. As long as we’ve had them (around five years), you’d think we’d know more about them, but we really don’t. In fact, even if you did study them, I don’t think you’d ever get to where you could predict what they will do. From their name, I’d expect they are from the African nation of Guinea, or perhaps the Pacific Island nation of New Guinea. Either way, they have got to be among the craziest of all domestic (and I use that word lightly) animals that people raise. They are far from stupid, at least they can learn things that they seem to want to learn, but some of the antics they perform are beyond human concepts of insanity.

We keep them in a large coop inside a raccoon-proof pen, and early in the morning let them out to forage, this time of the year there’s not much provender out there, so we supplement their diet with corn and hen scratch. Just feeding these creatures can be an adventure and is not for the faint of heart. Every evening it has become a ritual here for me and one or both of my daughters to round up the “crazy birds” and put them in their coop for the night. This routine has itself become a rather entertaining event because, as mentioned, you never know what to expect from those maniacs.

No matter how many times we go through the exact same process, they never seem to learn – or at least some of them (and it’s not always the same ones). When you’re trying to drive them, one or more insist on going the wrong way, it’s just that there are times when they simply aren’t ready to go to bed (roost) and they can become a gigantic pain in the neck, especially on evenings when it’s beginning to rain or there’s some other situation going on where we need to promptly get them put away. First of all, guineas don’t drive, or herd, very well. Most of them will go the way you need them to, but a few always try to outrun you and go another way – usually the wrong way. Once in a while, I allow myself to believe that my trusty old dog, Dusty, might be of some help, after all she’s a mix of Border Collie and Australian Shepherd, a herding dog if there ever was one – dream on. Problem is, she’s old now and has never been trained to herd anything, so she thinks she’s supposed to go full speed right into the flock, and of course, this gives them the excuse they need to burst out in every direction, making it take much longer to gather them back up, but Dusty believes she’s doing a great job, and always looks back at me for approval and I don’t have the heart to tell her any different. She’s old and very hard of hearing, so when I yell at her to stop or come to me, she can’t hear so continues about her misdirecting. Most times, though, I try my best to get out of the house and go to the guinea roundup without her, and she just cannot understand why, since she is convinced she is of such great help.

For another twist in the experience, some evenings we go out and there’s nary a guinea in sight so we have to set about finding them, and once in a while they’ll end up being in a tree or in the barn, ready to roost just as if that’s where they always go, and you’d think they would know better, but no. Often enough, when we get them together and are driving them to the pen they run right past the gate screaming, “We’re not ready for bed yet!” Ever so often, they congregate in the goat pen next door, and it can be a challenge to get them over the little 3-foot-high fence. They absolutely forget they can fly, and I have personally watched them for hours racing back and forth up and down that fence trying to get to the other side, stopping to quickly poke their head through ever so often as though a hole is going to magically appear in the fence – all the way up and down the fence – for hours. And the goat just stands there watching them and shaking his head. I’ve learned that if you run towards them waving your arms and shouting, they suddenly remember how to fly and will sail over the fence in a blind panic, to regroup on the other side and plot how they will cause further mayhem.

Guineas exhibit traits of wild animals and are impossible to tame. No matter how many times you put food in their coop, as soon as you open the door, all havoc breaks loose. They start honking and screaming to make sure everyone is in a state of avian madness, flying into the opposite side of the coop, screeching and flopping, with tornadoes of feathers everywhere. I put food and water in their cage every day, and you’d think they’d get used to it, but each time they are fully convinced that this is the day I’m going to make guinea buffalo wings, and they freak out accordingly.

A few years ago, we had a white guinea rooster who liked to harass the chicken roosters, and he could put on a show. It wasn’t uncommon to see one of the roosters running full speed across the yard with that guinea right behind him, usually hanging on with a beak full of tail feathers. He broke his leg somehow, and earned the name “Hopalong”, and I figured when he got wounded that his rooster fighting days were over, but boy was I wrong! He could run almost as fast on that one leg and would still chase and viciously attack the rooster. Someone forgot to tell the maniac that his leg was broken. No one needed to tell the poor rooster this thing was insane, though. I have absolutely no doubt that guinea would have murdered the rooster and probably drank his blood if he could have. Can you imagine being a rooster and having to live in a yard with a terroristic monster like Hopalong?

There are two coops in the pen, one in which we keep a couple of younger guineas to prevent them from being slaughtered and eaten by the grown ones. The other coop is where we keep the adult mindless savages. The coops are parallel to each other with a narrow passage between them, and when we try to get them to go into the right coop, if there is only one person trying to do the deed, my daughter said it’s like playing a game of Lolo. If you don’t know what Lolo is, it’s a tricky old-school Nintendo game where you try and make the characters go places and they try to go to other places. Our guineas are masterful at Lolo.

What prompted this post was a guinea last night that I ran out of patience trying to get into the coop. He was bound and determined not to even go in the pen, so I finally resolved to let him camp out. We got freezing rain last night and he had to roost under the shed we keep the chicken roosters in. I went out first thing this morning to try and locate him and as I approached the chicken yard, I heard the roosters laughing and taunting the unfortunate guinea under them. He was icy from the freezing rain and did not offer any resistance to going where he belonged into the guinea coop, whereas the night before he breathlessly ran past the gate several times to avoid bedtime. Amazing what a cold night alone does for the attitude, of even the most hardened villain.
