Monthly Archives: February 2025

The Great Spiritual Inheritance

There’s a thing in my closet, and to tell the truth, I’m usually at odds with myself on the best way to deal with it. I certainly can’t get rid of it, nor do I wish to. It was passed down to me by my dad, and he told me he got it from his dad and his dad from his grandpa, and so forth from many generations ago. It’s not really anything very impressive, maybe just a thing made out of some kind of unknown material, but if it’s as old as I’ve been told it is, I’m pretty sure they didn’t have man-made materials that can do what this thing does that long ago, so it’s anyone’s guess. Whatever it is, it has held up well over the years. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I’d swear it gets in better and better shape as the years pass. Old stories have been passed down of years gone by during which the object got twisted around and distorted, but it always seemed to get back to its original shape, especially when the owners really studied it and wielded it, and tried to learn as much about it as they could.

Dad told me this thing is of utmost importance and to take care of it with my life. Each of my forebears was told the same thing by their fathers, and that although we only have a relatively miniscule understanding of the significance of it, and may not see what it portends in our lifetimes, there will come a time when its true value will be revealed, and we should hope that we are the ones alive and in proper care of it when that happens.

I’ve talked to people about this thing, the care of which I am currently entrusted, and doing so has taught me that there are folks who listen to the tale of this thing, but most think I’m some kind of nut and change the subject when I mention it. For some reason I’m still compelled to tell people about it, and when someone actually listens and hears the story of it, I seem to get a lift and so the listeners, I don’t know why, but it’s as if I’m obligated to inform people about it.

When the story of this thing began, as has been passed down through the years, there was some kind of itinerant preacher who came to some villages in another part of the world and spent some time there speaking to anyone who would listen about another life that folks would arrive at when this one is over. He wasn’t a wealthy man, a fact which didn’t allow him much regard form the better-off townsfolk, so most of that kind of people didn’t pay him much attention. There were some, though, who came to him and listened attentively as he spoke words of profound wisdom – those who listened to him received a gift of being able to perceive his messages to be of ageless importance, they all seemed to feel blessed when he spoke, and no one could explain or understand why.

Throughout my life I have pondered the stories about this fellow and have been amazed that the people I try to talk to about this thing have the very same reactions to the stories as those guys back when he spoke to them. Some want to hear more but most others turn away. Anyways, the story goes that a select few men were chosen (by him) to hear him out and learn of his message. He gave instructions such as how they should behave towards each other, but outside his group not very many seemed to want to hear that part of his message – they certainly didn’t take it to heart, and to this day they still haven’t. He also told them how to care for this thing he left behind, this thing of which I find myself in possession.

He left the object of which in my time I have been entrusted with very specific instructions as to how to care for it, in fact it was his own idea that whoever would be in possession of it was obligated, as part of his or her stewardship, to tell as many folks as were willing to listen about the thing. Even though it’s an old story shrouded in the supernatural, I believe it with all my heart and that is why I feel compelled to speak out about this object of which I have come to know is of special magnificence, this thing of which I speak. I often wonder though if the guy who left it in the first place already knew I would end up with it in my lifetime thousands of years later, but then deep in my heart I realize that of course he did. He spoke words long ago most of which I fully understand today. He must have been the greatest of prophets.

My dad also told me that there are others – and have been through the ages – who rightfully lay claim to this same object – they have it too and keep it in their own personal places, and the ones who can legitimately claim it are under the exact same obligation to tell people about it. Don’t ask me how several people can be able to claim the same thing, but I’m sure this thing transcends any physical constraints of which humankind is aware. Somehow, I understand that the others who own it are not only co-owners of the same inheritance but are also beloved brethren and instead of being jealous or envious of someone else claiming something that I know is rightfully mine, the original fellow who left us this thing taught his followers to help each other to share it boundlessly and heartfully support its equal ownership by their brethren.

There’s an interesting thing about this object of which I speak, and this is perhaps the biggest reason there are so many detractors of the truth of it – it’s invisible – to know it’s real you have to believe it exists, but you can feel it if you try to hear and learn about it. One can hear it with the heart, so to speak, but not everyone can – only those who are willing to stop their worldly pursuits long enough to listen. It’s like someone knocking at your door, you hear the rapping, but unless you open the door you never have to admit anyone was there, much less listen to what he might have had to say. Now even though you can argue that no one was there and there was no message delivered, you can’t honestly argue that you didn’t hear the knocking.

The closet I mentioned earlier is actually the vault of my own heart, and there are many things in there – some if not most of which I really, really need to get rid of, but I’m afraid I’m stricken with the remembrance of them, at least until that time comes. But even though its invisible to the human eye, the valuable object is in a prominent place there. A valuable lesson I’ve learned is that the more time I spend studying and meditating on that blessed thing, the less time I spend regretting the bad things – things that someday will be gone forever. Which brings this story around to the object again, if you can really call it an object – I don’t think there are words in the languages of men to do it justice. The story that has been passed down also relates to that time I mentioned earlier when the one who left the object said he’d return. I believe He will return; He will want to see His blessed object on earth and how well I (we) have cared for it. He will already know how or if we listened to the part of His message about caring for each other, and at that time we will realize just how well He knows. If things stay the way they are going there will be plenty of rubble and debris around to testify as to how mankind listened.

He spoke of a wonderful reward for those who shared the object with their neighbors, He spoke of the new life to come, and of the joy and wonder of a place we have yet to see, in which the owners of His beloved gift who nurtured it will spend in eternal paradise.

If you enjoyed this, by all means share it with someone, by doing so you will show your desire to assume your share of ownership of our inheritance.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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Hatred of Genocide Ain’t a New Thing

Could it be that as our world disintegrates before our eyes that we are being presented with a challenge that will determine our future, a test of sorts that very simply defines who we are, or who we’d like to be? Is it a test of our faith to see if we can resist the hatred born of witnessing evil? If you are an American living in the 21st century, you’ve learned about the American Indians who were the proprietors of the home of the brave, back then they were even called braves. Though I’m just an old Ozark hillbilly living as a simple redneck, I have a profound respect for those folks, and a profound regret for what our forebears did to them.

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Now that we’re seeing first-hand what colonialism, genocide, and extreme racial prejudice looks like in our day, we should remember that our ancestors were as guilty of this barbarism as what we witness today. This same mindset has been prominent throughout history as empires came and went. People are being slaughtered without mercy – that doesn’t make it right by any stretch, but it has happened countless times through history, and you’d think we would’ve advanced beyond this inhumane behavior, but alas, I guess we haven’t. If anything has changed at all, we’ve developed more depraved ways to torture and kill. This genocide we are watching today isn’t something new, it’s just happening in our lifetime, indeed before our eyes.

Most human beings aren’t totally heartless, so it stands to reason that at least some of us are shocked to see such barbarism and destruction as we see in Gaza and Lebanon. It’s difficult to imagine our esteemed American ancestors visiting this level of malevolence on the Indians, but they did, they just didn’t use 2,000-pound bombs. In fact, the genocide being perpetrated on the Palestinians is exactly the same, and for the same reasons – the invaders wanted the land, and they weren’t willing to share it – the invaders had to have it all. They also were convinced they were of a superior race. They were willing to stoop to whatever level of depravity necessary (and unnecessary) to get the land, too. That’s where the revelation of whom they serve becomes obvious, for Satan takes great delight in seeing the viciousness of which his servants become capable under his tutelage.

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The only possible remediation to the evil of colonialism is to stop it – shut it down. We can’t go back and undo what has been done, there’s just too much water gone under the bridge for that, but we could take time out from whatever manifestation of evil we find ourselves involved in (or against) and try to peacefully resolve our issues. There have been several international “agreements” that were passed to address and prevent one sovereign nation from stealing property from another sovereign nation, but when a government has the power and the opportunity to “seize” assets of another country or another people, they always avail themselves – mankind cannot help himself and history has proven this. Satan, always through fiduciary malfeasance, has bestowed this power upon those who choose to serve him, and resolving problems using peaceful means is never his strategy.

When Satan took Jesus up on the pinnacle where He could see the whole world, the devil offered Him control over the kingdoms of the world – power and riches beyond imagination, Jesus denied him, because He would have to worship Satan to receive it. Few men have denied this generous offer, it’s the very reason there are such wealthy people in the world – they took the devil up on his offer. As part of the bargain, they play a big part in the evils going on in the world, including the support of genocide. Wealthy Zionists work feverishly behind the scenes to shut down protests against genocide on American college campuses, they us the evil AIPAC political lobby to try and get legislation passed to illegalize speech they don’t like and foment diverse attacks on the US constitution.

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Only a few years ago when someone spoke of evil men taking over the world, they were made the objects of ridicule, and this was part of the plan. Such grandiose malfeasance as world domination was so unimaginable, people who spoke of it were made out to be fanatical conspiracy theorists, at least until sufficient power could be accumulated for this exact objective to be realized, because when enough power ($=power) could be amassed, it would no longer be necessary to heap scorn upon those who try to warn the masses, they can do their dirty work right out in the open with no fear of popular uprisings against them, or so they think. Sadly, the vast majority of people are perfectly willing to voluntarily extend their hands for the shackles with which they will be enslaved. Few dare to risk being radical enough to publicly speak against the evil they are seeing. In fact, such free speech is becoming illegal in more and more places, constitutions be damned.

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I’ve written about this before, but it’s important to stay mindful of the treachery of Satan. He knows full well that the rich guys who currently serve him only have a limited time to operate. Sooner or later even the slowest of John Q Public will realize what is going on and eventually the pitchforks will appear. This is when Satan will produce a premeditated army of implacably angry proles who have once again learned how the wealthy – including government leaders – have dealt so treacherously with them and one of the biggest, yet unexpected objectives of his strategy will come to fruition. Common people will have hatred in their hearts for the aristocracy (see French Revolution) and otherwise normal people will think it’s justifiable to commit offenses against the covenant of Jesus Christ, acting out of abhorrence for those who tried to enslave them. You see, Satan doesn’t in the least mind turning on his servants, in this case the ones he provided with wealth and power, in order to gain the multitudes’ subservience. There are many more souls to be had among the proletariat than those of the few wealthy ones, and for him it’s a numbers game, after all. He also harbors a special hatred for Jesus and those who choose to follow Him. He has no power to harm the Lord, but he has several ways to try and defeat Jesus’ followers. One of his proven methods is to instill such frustration into the hearts of good men that they allow anger to fester into hatred. When people rise up and begin to take vengeance, they become his Satan’s new trusted servants, so he wins souls either way. Do you really think the internet would be available to conspiracy freaks to point out the evil elites if this were not the case? People can use alternative media to say things that stir up the mob, because anger, frustration and hatred are all in his toolbox. For now, we Christians can use the net to warn others, but that is rapidly changing, due to content censorship. If you doubt the effectiveness of this sewing of hatred, just read the comments of most popular blogs.

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There’s a lot of back and forth going on in social media about all of the dastardly atrocities that are happening, and there are indeed some hideously evil things taking place, but the revelations of these things is only part of the plan. Populations worldwide are hearing of these developments – the elites and the governments they control can no longer keep a lid on them – so a seething rage is building, as I said, it’s part of Satan’s plan. At some point folks will get enough and the house of cards that Satan dealt the “elites” will come down, but if common people aren’t careful, they will become the new servants, and this because of the desire for vengeance. This is also a very effective weapon of the devil, and Christians must beware of it. God said He’d take care of the payback part of all this, and we must trust that He will. Do not give in to the desire to see those bad guys hanging on lamp posts, because when you do that, the same enemy wins. Also be aware that the plans of the “elites” and Satan’s plans don’t always coincide, so when you see and hear voices talking about the evil “elites”, keep your guard up – even if what they are saying sounds true, the devil might be coming at you from a different direction.

Wealthy people are too caught up in decadent lifestyles and the ego-stroking echo chambers around them to realize what’s building. They completely leave God and His warnings out of their plans, to their utter damnation. God will, in His time, deal with those who persecute the innocent, especially His own servants, and we, as believers in Jesus Christ, must be vigilant to remember this and not take (or promote) our own vengeance. Stay above the fray, keep the narrow gate in sight; pray for the very ones you know work for the enemy, so that you can be like our Father who makes the rain fall on good people and evil ones as well.

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There have been genocides, ethnic cleansing, and other malevolent persecutions of human beings through all of history – the one we see today is nothing new. As human beings, of course we can do better than this, but for right now we have to recognize and keep in mind Satan’s purpose – he can and has caused people to kill each other for time immemorial, but in this age of instantaneous information, for the first time he has a tool with which he is capable of corrupting the hearts of multitudes more humans more quickly than ever. He has the opportunity to foment hatred in the hearts of everyday people with a lust for vengeance. Just take time to think it through and you’ll be able to avoid this snare he has set for believers. In the secular world, things happen for a reason and don’t think for a second that Satan would be reluctant to throw his wealthy servants under the bus in order to defeat servants of Jesus Christ.

Please be aware that the people in most megachurches led by millionaire pastors are not faced with this threat – Satan already has them where he wants them, so don’t expect them to worry about or succumb to hatred of those who engage in genocide. In fact, most of them actually support it. No, this is a special trap set to try and capture the minds of true believers, those who follow Christ but still might be susceptible due to their repugnance of genocide to the extent that it might spawn hatred in their hearts. If you fall into this category of Christians, be honored that the enemy has a special strategy just for us, recognize it and do not fall for it. Pray for them. Pray for the wisdom to recognize this and all other snares of the enemy.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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Beyond the Intensity of the Great Conflict

As we watch the wars around the world, we could overlook the big one that is coming. This one will involve all believers in Jesus Christ and one day soon it will be over. Meanwhile, we will be expected to voluntarily walk into the greatest battle humanity has ever faced and fight with our heart and soul. We will have no fighter aircraft nor mortars – not even a rifle with which to repel the enemy that will be upon us, but we will still have a great advantage over him. We will also have a song in our collective heart that will announce the absolute victory we will have attained. The song is:

“Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, O’ king of the saints. Who shall not fear you, O’ Lord, and glorify Yor name? For you alone are Holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You. For Your judgements have been manifested.”

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When we are assailed by our enemy, when our chances of survival seem to grow dim as the darkness besets us, this song of praise to our King will lift our spirit. This is the song of victory of the saints who are faithful to the end – the song that will be voiced by those who overcome the mark of the beast and refuse to worship him. The Bible doesn’t tell us how many saints will be around to sing this song, but I expect that among the hordes of people who emerge from the battle, comparatively few will be able to give voice to this wonderful song of victory. If I were the reader here, I would make it a point to memorize it so you will be able to join the chorus at the appointed time. Be a voice.

Our faith in Jesus is the greatest weapon we will have at our disposal to wield against the very powerful enemy we will be required to fight, but no matter how dreadful he may appear, we must refuse to be intimidated; we must never surrender. All we have ever understood to be good, to be righteous in the course of the ages, will be on the line. There will come a time when we must even go against our human instinct and realize something more important than even our earthly lives will be at risk during this spiritual battle and it’s imperative that we get a prior understanding of that before we determine to join the fray. You see, the realization is the important part, for our eternal soul is indeed at stake, we just have to get to the point where we acknowledge that and fight accordingly. Also, and very importantly we are able to disarm the enemy when our fear is no longer in play for perfect love casts out fear. [1 John 4:18]: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” We have to double down on our faith and pray for God’s love, there’s no other option.

I like to imagine that day when we look around us at the smoldering ruin that was our world, sweat and blood dripping from this earthly shell as God wrests our spirit away, when we are able to clearly shout and sing hallelujahs and praise to our King Who brought us through the great war to a victory of which the very angels of Heaven will have witnessed. I believe those angels will be singing along with us with voices of such beauty that we could have never imagined and as Jesus our Lord walks up to His soldiers one by one and welcomes us into His unfathomably magnificent Heavenly Kingdom which appears beyond that river – the great river we at one time feared to cross. The power of His love will be revealed, and we will be able to feel it with senses we don’t have now, but to say it’s going to be a marvelous experience is a huge understatement, but then, we don’t have words in any human language to describe such Heavenly splendor. No words at all.

God is eternal, so before He created human beings, He and Heaven had been around from time immemorial, and after we are gone to our eternal abode, He and Heaven will be around forever, but maybe there will be songs and stories of mankind’s great struggle – and Jesus shepherding us to our victory – in Heaven forever – but who knows?

We indeed must resolve to fight this battle to the end as loyal soldiers, always looking to victory. When you begin to understand how it must be fought you will be amazed at the weapons we have at our disposal. Our enemy has no access to our arsenal. All who decided not to fight – those who rejected Jesus – will look on with helpless and agonizing envy when they see our jubilation and joy! Now it’s on you to find Jesus and get to know Him. He’s not that far away.

If you plan to join this amazing celebration, just in case there are no lyric sheets around, you should probably memorize the song – it’s in Revelation 15:3,4.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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The Real War – Between Wealth and Faith

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It would be easier to just turn and walk away. I have to confess, the temptation is there. I often feel like a fool for trying to get folks to at least look into opening their Bibles and take that decision to finally address their problems, indeed the problems of their world, through the eyes of one who believes in Jesus Christ. He very plainly tells us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. [John 14:6] No matter how cross-threaded one is, it’s hard to misinterpret what He is saying in that statement – especially the Way part. If you’re looking for a way to deal with – not the problems of the world, they’ll only be solved when He comes back – but how those problems are affecting you right now, Jesus is the Way and there is no other. Believe me, I’ve been as frustrated as anybody. Like most folks, I wish there was some magic wand someone could wave and fix this mess we’re in, but that option isn’t available. I wish people would stop expecting some politician to step up and get us going in a better direction, but that’s not going to happen. There will indeed be one, who will appear at first to solve our problems, but he will be the very one we must avoid.

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courtesy Spiritual Minefield

Donald Trump is once again in a position where he might try to solve the world’s problems – if that was his intent. But as before, without Jesus Christ’s guidance, he won’t be successful. I don’t care how sold you are on him, he is just another rich man out to get richer, and that’s the bottom line. Look at all the billionaires in his administration. I’m not saying he’s the antiChrist, but he seems to be auditioning for the role.

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There are statues of him everywhere

For their entire lives on this earth. these people have never known what it’s like to worry about their lights being turned off for the lack of money to pay their electric bills. For Pete’s sake if Trump was really trying to help with the country’s serious problems, don’t you think he’d be hiring people with some semblance of ability to tackle homelessness. Our cities are in shambles. America definitely needs to be great (again?), and no amount of fealty to Benjamin Netanyahu is going to fix that. Trump’s been in office almost a month now, and the only moves he has made thus far is to prostrate himself to wealthy Zionists, even moreso than Joe Biden did, and that’s a low bar. His obeisance to Netanyahu was particularly disappointing for Americans -particularly those who wanted to see him as a courageous leader – to have to watch.

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The fake $100 bills in this pic have “In Trump We Trust” on his goat statue in Mara Lago.

Donald Trump, in his quest to appear wealthy, smart, and successful, continues to thoroughly embarrass America, both at home and especially in all foreign countries, he’s shaming America. That’s a real pathetic issue for sure, but there are several pressing ones. There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for them all. Our nation has almost completely abandoned God – that’s the root cause of our problems!

Personally, I don’t believe we should accept the insult to God that printing “In God We Trust” on money in the first place. The idolatrous love for money is the root of all evil and the one thing the Bible warns us about more than anything else, but to substitute Trump for God even in this out-of-place phrase is openly proclaiming Trump to be equal with God – the original sin of Satan. This is blatant idolatry, goat and all.

I live in an area of the country where houses still proudly wave Trump campaign flags. One day when the evil of his administration is manifested, they may out of conscience opt to take them down, but God is taking pictures of those yards to remind folks (in case they haven’t repented) at the judgement that they supported this fellow. Of course, the democrats are as bad or worse, but opposing one evil group by supporting another one will be no excuse.

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Do you really want to put yourself in the position to have explain to the Lord why you had something like this in your yard?

So here we are, most people at a loss for what to do, how to deal with this tsunami of evil overtaking the world, and so few of us have come to the realization that mankind doesn’t have the power within us to emerge victorious from it. At some point in the near future, a Savior will indeed appear, and He will decisively and forever defeat the enemy, but when that happens, it’ll be too late to get off the fence. [Revelation 16:15] “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” [16;18,19]: “And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.” A horrific moment for all who have rejected the Son of God. I think America fits the description of the great Babylon here, don’t you?

The opportunity for individuals to win this battle is slipping away, and no amount of fealty to wealthy people will help in the end. Jesus is the only Way, we need to start looking at our situation from a new perspective, one in which we are able to see that there is another existence, for only by understanding there is a better life ahead will we able to comprehend and elude the evil that is upon us. Too many of us reject the very faith that is able to save us, and it’s the only path to victory – those who turn to wealth, or even the desire of it, will be in for a horrible time.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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Serve or Oppose Evil – It’s Your Choice

Today it is not uncommon to hear of, to see video of, to witness as never before the savagery of the servants of Satan as they slaughter innocent people in the Middle East. The United States of America, the UK, Germany, France, etc. are as guilty as those demon-possessed military men who are pulling the triggers and dropping the bombs. Just this morning there is a news story about a family being butchered as they sat down to their evening meal in the West Bank. Demon-possessed soldiers opened fire on this unarmed family and even shot a little two-year-old girl in the head and killed her during the slaughter. No one was shooting at the killers – they had no legitimate reason to shoot up the family of innocent people. They never do, it’s just that they relish taking the lives of any – especially those who cannot defend themselves. Demons are cowardly like that; they prefer not to go up against armed enemies who shoot back. There have been countless atrocities committed against this people, we know of the Hind Rajab episode, the aid workers who were killed with missiles after trying to escape the butchers in three different cars. The flour massacre where the “most moral army in the world” mercilessly slaughtered starving people who crowded around a truck to get some flour. There have been so many examples of illegal, immoral butchery that it will take years to list and investigate them all. In their unsuccessful attempts to keep their malevolence hidden, they have killed more journalists than have been killed in any other conflict.

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The demons are violating every human norm – every “rules-based order” of human decency, and they have the (almost) complete support of the US government. Lindsey Graham screams at the top of her lungs that “Israel has a right…”. I hope God doesn’t take His wrath out on the whole state of South Carolina for the malevolence of the demon that possesses that vile little monster, but then many of them voted for him. Marco Rubio is now in a position where he can slavishly oblige Satan’s chief servant, Netanyahu, aka Malikowski, as he always has, but now without hiding behind Senate votes – he’s out there publicly, as is Donald Trump, again. I guess he’s no worse than the servant of evil that just left office. Most of these guys were once able to hide or disguise their servitude to the Synagogue of Satan, but now that Satan has near complete control, they no longer need to bother to hide their evil proclivities, nor do they try anymore. Why is sending bombs to Israel not as illegal as handing a knife to Ted Bundy? If you were on trial for abetting Ted Bundy who killed maybe three dozen women (I’m not trying to minimize his carnage), you’d get life, or maybe even the death sentence. If you give bombs to an evil entity who is murdering tens of thousands of innocents, the legal system whistles past the graveyard – or worse, sanctions any prosecutor who dares to bring charges – and that’s what passes for western justice today! Folks we need Jesus as never before! Get right with Him before it’s too late – don’t let this evil system with its evil “leaders” take you down with them. I think that decent leaders like Putin and Xi are going to get enough of this barbarism and destroy the Zionist-controlled west before they (our leaders) destroy the world with their evil and immorality.

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I don’t know why everyone makes a fuss about Middle East “ceasefires” when the only thing such an “agreement” means is that the resistance stops shooting back when the demons continue to kill innocent people. They never intend to stop murdering, but as mentioned above, they prefer to do it when no one is shooting back, so they negotiate a “ceasefire”. Neither, it appears, do they intend to withdraw from Southern Lebanon as “agreed”. And the resistance leaders don’t seem to be able to catch on. During the Ukraine SMO, Putin and his men figured this western trait out, calling western negotiators “agreement incapable” of any kind of treaty. How do we respect “leaders” who openly brag about using US military power to steal oil and wheat from an impoverished country like Syria? Yet on my drive to and from town I see his campaign signs in yards as though some are proud of themselves for having voted for such a leader. To me the scary part is that these same people probably go to church around here somewhere.

Some true heroes have emerged from the darkness of this evil, though. Fransesca Albanese, special rapporteur of the UN shines like a great beacon of light on the evil taking place. Kudos to Karim Khan of the International Criminal Court for being brave enough to indict Netanyahu and Gallant. The ICC and the ICJ have called it like it is, too, so kudos to them. Martyrs, beginning with General Soleimani of Iran and including Hassan Nasrallah, Yahya Sinwar, Haniya, Iran’s President Raisi, and the brave fighters of Gaza, especially the Qassam Brigades, the noble Houthi rebels and Iraqi resistance, Hezbollah, all will be seen by future historians (if there will be future historians) as being on the right side of humanity. Same for journalists like Owen Jones, Larry Johnson, Judge Napolitano, etc. and outspoken heroes and heroines Candice Owens, Kevin Barrett, and Caitlin Johnstone. Y’all keep up the good work – the whole world is watching as y’all expose this evil. More importantly, so is God.

There are others who have “arisen” to be historic villains, such as Joe Biden, almost the entire congress of snakes in the US, Starmer of the UK, Scholtz, Macron, Blinken and all of the other Zionist genocide supporting entities, including “defense” contractors of the US. Zionist billionaires who have arrogated to themselves the authority to control college campus activities in America are included in this group. Various public figures everywhere who support the massacre going on in Palestine for whatever shekels they can garner, will burn in hell for their participation in this travesty. This applies as well to all who work in mainstream media, spouting out lies daily, whether by omission or inclusion (of justification) for genocide.

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Such is the publicity of the barbarity happening in Gaza, the West Bank, Southern Lebanon, and now Syria, that even all the fine, upstanding church-members of the covens of evil called evangelical churches will not be able to claim ignorance when they stand before a wrathful Jesus Christ at the judgement. First of all, Jesus himself warned everyone about the Synagogue of Satan, so why are the pastors of the mega churches so hell-bent on serving them? If these people are so determined to look the other way, when the truth is right out in front of them in their own Bibles (and in today’s alternative media) yet they continue to support the workers of Satan (with support groups like CUFI), they will surely deserve what they get, but it’s going to be a long and horrible eternity for them.

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So while the honorable congress persons who voted to sanction the ICJ, to all the states’ legislators and governors who continue to enact unconstitutional legislation against the 1st amendment (which gives folks the right to participate in BDS), and others who use their positions of power to protect the genocidal psychopaths in the Occupied Territory of Palestine – all await their turn to enter into the eternal fires of hell, we can but pray to God that our Lord Jesus Christ will return soon to intervene and levy their final rewards.

Pray for God to comfort the families, to heal the wounded, to teach the little ones who are missing limbs how to survive, how to prosper. Pray for God to bless us with the ability to forgive the people perpetrating this evil – they are human beings under the control of demons, and most of them probably don’t even realize the level of evil of which they are guilty and for which they will have to answer. That’s no excuse, however for them, because they choose to be the way they are, but it is to our benefit – to the benefit of all decent human beings and believers in Jesus – that we do not carry hatred in our hearts for there isn’t room in the human heart for Jesus Christ and hatred of other human beings. We can hate their evil acts, but not them. When we cross the line and allow hatred of our fellow human beings to fester in our hearts, the same enemy wins, but this time he wins over us, and most sadly it will be because we surrendered to him. Pray that the Lord will help us keep our feet on the ground and be able to see the plots of the devil and avoid his traps. Sometimes it’s a tough pill to swallow, but there it is.

There are a lot of stirrings and rumblings here and there from like-minded folks like us about this slaughter of innocents, but we have to turn our voices up a notch – no, a bunch of notches! It’s time to stand up and be counted – like those few others who have risked much to expose the rampant evil genocide and among our “leaders” who openly support it! It’s unbelievable, but my Christian choice here is to make my voice heard! Christians have to make their choice known today! Don’t let our immoral leaders think we’re not watching them.

Someone once said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way!” Men of good conscience, men of decency, should all agree it’s time to heed that.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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Reasons to Avoid Envy of the Rich

If you are one of the regulars here, you probably know that Folkpotpourri has been offline for several days. I’ve been fighting a spiritual battle that I realized was coming, but I didn’t have any idea how savagely I was about to be assailed. I won’t go into the details in this post. During this respite, however, and in those moments of clarity with which I have been blessed, the realization that the end is much closer than any of us imagine, I have felt that the urgency of our situation is dictating that I must continue to reach out – other believers in Jesus are doing so – we are indeed living in the last of days. The sharp sickle is about to be thrust into the crop.

Our wealth, at least for those who the world imagines to be wealthy, is about to become worthless. Imagine if you are a billionaire and a time comes when you discover that you are suddenly among the poorest of persons. It’s going to happen – those fellows who have spent the last several years hiring contractors to dig out enormous bunkers that have been lavishly furnished will finally understand that all of the gold and silver, the precious gems and other accoutrements that exist as symbols of one’s status that they stash in their holes – is not worth anything anymore. When some rich guy discovers he needs drinking water more than he needs an army of security guards, he will at last understand that things the world once considered worthless are in fact those very things humans need the most. Their (almost) greatest fear will suddenly come to pass – they will be poor – as poor as the hungriest child in Ethiopia or Palestine, and worth no more in the eyes of God than any other person on earth. When the real reckoning is upon them as they stand before Jesus Christ at judgement, (their greatest fear) they will suddenly wish they were in the shoes of some poor child. For those who rejected Jesus, this moment will be the most horrific instance in the life of any human being.

Security details and bodyguards will abandon the “elites” when the money they’ve been paid is not worth anything anymore. No one will be able to eat their digital wealth – which won’t be available anyway, because when things get bad enough, the databases where their wealth is “stored” will more than likely be dissolving into wisps of smoke from rubble heaps that were once elaborate data collection centers filled with blinking lights and computer banks. The ones hidden underground will fare no better once God unleashes the great earthquake mentioned in [Revelation 16:18]: “”And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth.” In fact, at some point during the end days, people will be so afraid of God’s wrath that they will beg for the rocks to cave in on them, such will be their terror. [Revelation 6:15-17]:  And the kings of the earth, the great men, [j]the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

When they come to their eternal torment, they will be as the rich man looking on at the poor man, Lazarus who will be in paradise with Father Abraham, and there will be no hope for their relief as they burn in the eternal fires of hell – not even a drop of water! [Luke 16:24]: “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’ This might sound like an unjust punishment, but did that rich guy show mercy to helpless people like for instance, the peasants suffering in the Gaza holocaust? No the rich Americans forced American universities to shut down protests when students brought the genocide to the world’s attention. Abraham told him [Luke 16:25,26] “But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’ No help will be forthcoming, forever – even their beloved CERN won’t be able to open a portal through that void.

Why is the fate of wealthy being discussed here? Because these passages so visibly describe the eternal torment that lies in wait for non-believers. Unfortunately for those, even the not rich, people who continue to reject Jesus Christ, the same dismal future awaits. Many even envy the rich, but unfortunately for them, wanting to be wealthy can be as bad as being wealthy, because desiring riches is a lust of the flesh and a form of idolatry. The Bible says the LOVE for money is the problem. [1 Timothy 6:10]: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” So, you don’t have to be wealthy to fall into this scheme of Satan.

If you are not rich, consider yourself blessed and enjoy being outside the group of those who have sold their souls. Rejoice in the abundant life of the true Christian! Out here in the country we can walk outside into the woods and enjoy the natural beauty God bestowed on us. Now I realize that the “elites” also have access to these things, but the real blessing is in the heart – common folks who dare to believe are gifted with the ability to appreciate God’s creation in a way that those heartless, soulless, creatures of wealth can never experience. We have the unique ability to enjoy things that don’t cost anything – and we enjoy them vastly more than some banker enjoys his money.

As the age of our world draws to a close, we should take advantage of our spiritual blessings and learn to appreciate the things around us, the solace of a walk in the country watching red birds and hearing crows talking is a wonderful sabbatical from the growing evil with which we are faced. There are countless events taking place around us that the enemy has set in place to cause us to feel helpless; things over which we have little or no control, but don’t let Satan take away your hope. He would really like to. Hang on to the hope that is in Jesus and we’re promised we’ll get through this. Jesus’ promises are a guarantee, we just have to stay strong and wait for Him.

Jesus tells us in several places of the importance of being patient, because under these dark clouds of uncertainty in today’s chaotic world, it’s not hard to become frustrated and lose hope, but when things are at their worst, zoom out and keep in mind that there is another life awaiting us, and the joy we will experience in that next one will make all of these trials as nothing. Be prepared at any time to just stop what you’re doing and have a talk with Jesus – it’s surprising just how much the Spirit can lift your heart – even at the worst of times. The rich people who presume to be in control right now will see a justice so unimaginable horrible they will all beg to go back and do it over, but it’ll be too late, they’ll plead with a God Who no longer hears them – for all of eternity. Think about a day when guys who are immensely rich in this life will envy the poorest who have lived among us – forever.

I guess my point is that we should never allow ourselves to envy the rich – indeed, we should pray for them because they need repentance and forgiveness as much as anyone.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us through these last troubled days.

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