Perhaps we could get America back on its feet and out from under the threat of nuclear annihilation by electing a sane leader who would help us get back into the sane world. Folkpotpourri would like to suggest a search for the ideal candidate for the upcoming presidential election. This site is prepared to endorse a hitherto unannounced candidate whose platform contains the following guidelines, or one who is willing to adopt them:
Our ideal candidate must commit to the absolute and undeniable pursuit of international peace, especially with those nations with whom former administrations (including the current one) lacked the initiative, ability and/or foresight to maintain amicable relationships. Especially applicable to this pursuit are the sovereign nations of The Russian Federation, The Islamic Republic of Iran, The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, The Republic of Cuba, The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the People’s Republic of China.

As a gesture of goodwill and sincerity towards Russia and Germany, this candidate would propose initiating an effort to repair the Nord stream underwater gas lines – at the expense of the U.S. government and other countries ascertained to have taken part in the sabotage of the pipelines, with teams of American engineers and construction companies assigned to assist in the restoration. Along with this commitment would be a formal apology listing all countries who participated in the criminal destruction of other countries’ assets. The funds required for this undertaking would come from the budget of the Defense Department as one of many steps toward reduction of the military budget. The International Criminal Court will have the fullest consent and cooperation of the United States government in the investigation and prosecution of individuals who participated in the pipeline sabotage – regardless of whomever may be indicted.

Once it is established that restoration of relations is of preeminent importance and the affected nations are convinced of his sincerity, this president, once in office would initiate a new effort to reduce the threat of war, especially nuclear war, with all involved nations. The new administration would also commit to a sincere one-China policy, and to demonstrate its sincerity, all American military assets would be removed from Taiwan on inauguration day, or as soon thereafter as possible, and there would be no further need for negotiations regarding China’s sovereignty over Taiwan. All military incursions into the Strait of Taiwan would cease without permission of the PRC. Freedom of navigation is not applicable in waters where the same nation owns all boundaries of such waters. Following restoration of amicable relations, the ability of United States private corporations to continue and explore ways to increase trade with both entities, while recognizing that Taiwan is a territory of China and no transactions with the island would be made without China’s consent. Other similar measures would be taken with regard to Iran and North Korea.

The United States defense department would immediately remove its military assets from the Ukraine, along with any personnel that might be there. All other NATO countries would be strongly advised to follow suit, leaving the ultimate resolution of the affair in the hands of the Ukraine and Russia exclusively. All sanctions would promptly be lifted which affect the Russian Federation and the Department of State would be directed to appoint a committee to work with Russian officials to reestablish trade with Russia and assist the European Union in doing so. Mutually beneficial commerce among nations would be of preeminent importance, the United States would commit to working together with Eurasia to enhance global interaction to the benefit of all. Reluctance on the part of Russia to cooperate on such an endeavor would be completely understandable, thus the United States would take whatever measures appropriate to demonstrate genuine good will.
Agricultural, educational, and industrial institutions of the United States would be encouraged to participate with such nations India, North Korea, several of the African nations, and Pakistan in assisting the development of beneficial practices and methods to improve those countries’ ability to sustain their populations as well as working to improve their living standards. The emphasis would be on nations such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and the Ukraine where US actions have caused substantial infrastructural damage. This effort would include cleanup of war materials such as depleted uranium and land mines to the greatest extent possible. In light of water shortages worldwide, funds from the former budgets of the defense department would be redirected to such United Nations projects as desalination plants for countries in need.

Massive Desalinization plant in Dubai (Popular Science)
As a result of improved relations with former adversaries, our country would presumably develop a commensurate reduction of need for military armaments and finally accept the reality of a genuine peace dividend. By extending a genuine hand of friendship and achieving the goal of reestablishing good relations with other nations, there would no longer be a need for NATO, and the participation of the United States in that organization would be reduced, and as our former allies and adversaries commit to arms reductions and other measures to demonstrate their own commitments to improved relationships, NATO would be disbanded, or at minimum the US would leave the treaty – per advice from George Washington:

So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.
Can you believe the wisdom of that man? My emphasis in red – anybody see anything familiar?
Tackling the budget deficit would be among the priorities of the new administration. Although this measure would undoubtedly meet stiff resistance from powerful interests, the entire banking system would be reviewed by government auditors with an eye towards nationalization of all banks. The Department of the Treasury would be repurposed and authorized to investigate banking activities of all entities involved in appropriations and government expenditures.
By executive order, all private funding of candidates for national elections would cease, and just as President Roosevelt threatened to appoint several justices to the Supreme Court, the new president would reserve the authority appoint whatever number of justices deemed appropriate to review all recent decisions of the politically appointed benches, with emphasis on such constitutional travesties as, and including Citizens United for blatant constitutional incongruities.

The department of Justice would be instructed to investigate significant Congressional campaign donations and their sources for illicit activity and comparisons of voting records to campaign contributions with the goal of discovery of impropriety and bribery. Improprieties would include stock purchases and sales during times of pending legislation that would affect the prices of said stocks, or insider trading. All political action committees who financially support candidates would be required to publicly disclose who they represent, what monies they contribute, etc. and AIPAC, if allowed to remain in the United States, would at a minimum be required to be registered as a foreign lobby. New laws would be encouraged that would prohibit contact between lobbyists and congresspersons or senators outside the presence of appointed civilian committees who would be assigned to monitor such contacts. The Epstein contact logs would be made public.
The policies and practices of government agencies who spy on American citizens would come under the highest scrutiny with an eye toward completely eliminating the DHS, DNI, NSA and other agencies whose primary activity involves espionage against American citizens. The FISA court and warrant scam would be immediately declared unconstitutional and abolished and the Fourth Amendment protections stringently reinstituted and rigorously enforced.
The new presidential candidate would ideally be an independent with no former association with either of the two main political parties, at least to the extent possible. Associations that included the candidate’s membership in either party in an official capacity would automatically disqualify him/her from running. The complete elimination of political parties would become a goal of the nation – as was intended by George Washington himself:
“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
We really need a president like this – again!
The Defense Department would be required to nationalize all major defense contractors under the direction of the DOD and all future profits from said entities would go to the coffers of the federal government – the former defense contractors would thereby become able to supplant the burden on taxpayers from defense department expenses. All American troops would immediately begin repatriating to American soil and all foreign bases would be closed and their properties turned over to the nations in which they are located. This alone would be an incredible reduction of unnecessary military expenses. New initiatives would be commenced to eliminate or further reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles of all nations possessing them. If any country possesses nuclear weapons, they would be required to declare themselves to be in possession of them and sign on to the NPT Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or they would be forced – using whatever measures necessary – to relinquish their nuclear weapons.

The State Department would be required to set up a team to work with China to explore ways to enhance bilateral trade, with the expectation that China would contribute to the improvement of bilateral trade considering the interests of the United States as well as their own. The People’s Republic of China has done this with many other nations who have sought their assistance, and there is no reason to suspect they wouldn’t be willing to extend the benefit of improved trade relations with America, once they become convinced that our efforts are sincere. In all transactions, the US will consider and strive to ensure benefit to other countries as well as our own.
A new investigation into the events of 9/11/2001 will immediately be reopened with any entity objecting to such investigation being placed on a list of “interested persons” or nations who, by their objection will become suspect of culpability and will be thoroughly investigated. This applies to any and all members of the US government who may have taken part in the commission of the attack. If persons or entities are found to have participated in the attacks, they shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, regardless of whether or not they were government employees including elected officials up to and including the president and vice-president.

A similar investigation will be undertaken on all aspects of the Covid pandemic and the development and administration of MRNA vaccines. If the vaccines are determined to have been knowingly created to be harmful to humans, especially American citizens, all who were involved in their research, manufacturing, and compulsive vaccinations at the risk of job terminations or other penalties will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law up to and including the death penalty.
The United States will opt out of any recognition of authority of any entity or organization outside the government of the United States, including the WEF, WHO, IMF and/or any other entity that poses a threat to the sovereign authority of the United States, nor will the United States recognize the authority of any such organization or entity inside any other sovereign nation. The United States will shun any and all attempts at globalization which would infringe on US sovereignty. Recognition of the United Nations’ authority will be limited to areas congruent with national sovereignty of the United States and the sovereignty of all other states which might be subsumed by unelected entities. No entity, global or foreign, will be allowed to supersede the sovereign authority of the US or the United States Constitution.

Upon inauguration of such a candidate and in order to begin the process of restoring relations with countries in the Arab world, the United States will recognize the nation of Palestine and it shall encompass all property that existed as Palestine prior to 1967 with Jerusalem as its capital. The United States would immediately stop supplying arms and weaponry to Israel should the massacre of civilians in Gaza still be in progress when this president takes office. The United States will ensure that all hostilities in occupied Palestine cease. The United States and Israel will share the expense of rebuilding the Gaza area of Palestine, and the United States will once again only recognize the city of Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel. If the new president chooses to maintain diplomatic relations with Israel, the US embassy will be returned to Tel Aviv. Those citizens, including dual citizens of the United States, who object to this provision and attempt to undermine it will risk having sanctions enacted against them which may include seizure of all financial assets and property in the United States as well as possible criminal penalties, depending on the nature of their objection if actions have occurred. Funds which were once directed to the country of Israel will be redirected to rebuilding Palestinian properties. No further economic assistance to Israel will be forthcoming from the US government, but the US government will not prohibit private donations to Israel. Financial assistance to foreign countries will be based on compelling need, and in no circumstances will US taxpayers be required to support or assist any country with an equivalent or higher per capita income than Americans.
All Civil Asset Forfeiture legislation will be immediately suspended with full reimbursement to citizens who have suffered loss of assets or have been financially penalized, i.e. robbed by the authorities without criminal convictions.
Folkpotpourri recommends that we find this candidate and talk coerce him into running this November.
Feel free to add more qualifications in the comments – maybe we can find a candidate.
Another qualification:
A person with dual citizenship shall not hold any office, elected or appointed, in any branch of government in the United States or in any territory subject to their jurisdiction and any person with dual citizenship in any government office at any time prior to or at the time of this act’s implementation shall not retain that office by renunciation of their foreign citizenship.
Great – I shall add this to the post on a future edit!