How far out of touch are the “elites”? Who knows? I’m pretty sure they live on the same planet with the rest of us, but whether or not they breathe the same air is up for discussion. For sure, their brains are wired differently.
We have some pretty desperate things going on in this world. I’m going to try and avoid getting into Chicken Little fear mongering, but for crying out loud, there are seriously important things happening! There are wars and rumors of wars – horrible situations where mass murder and intentional starvation of whole populations are occurring right now. Extreme weather phenomena unlike anything we’ve ever experienced, flooding in Brazil, tornado outbreaks in the US and places like China, countries that have until now been known as desert lands are getting catastrophic flooding, and the whole world seems not to notice. At least these things aren’t getting much press.

At this writing, the earth is in the crosshairs of multiple coronal mass ejections from the sun. CMEs are extremely high-energy blasts of electromagnetic plasma. Last night my daughters and I drove to a vantage point and witnessed and photographed normally unheard-of low-latitude auroras here in southern Missouri. Even scientists are not able to predict the level of damage these solar events might cause to our electrical infrastructure. Three CMEs have arrived at our rock with four more to come this weekend. Might not disrupt anything, and might destroy our electrical grid, sending us all back to the early Pleistocene, and if these concerns are not enough to get your attention, the Met Gala was just celebrated a few nights ago. Talk about getting some press…

Yes, while 99% of the world’s population was distracted by such mundane occurrences as climate catastrophes, landslides, savagely imposed genocide, starvation, war, and cosmic wave bombardment, the “biggest” event of the year happened in New York, complete with red carpets and half-dressed women. Wikipedia calls it “the most prominent, glamorous, and exclusive social event in the world.” It’s the Metropolitan Museum’s Costume Institute fund raiser. Enough jet fuel was undoubtedly burned to guarantee a significant rise in the world climate temperatures just to get all those private jets to this fete of idolatry, and don’t think for a minute that Greta didn’t notice.
I wonder just how many of my hillbilly friends here in the Missouri Ozarks will be stressed today when they find out they have missed out on this event, caught up in lesser world affairs like trying to work on their cars, or sitting up at night trying to figure out how they’re going to buy groceries and pay their bills. Such trivial considerations should have been put aside at least long enough to expend a little saliva over this Hollywood set and their multi-million-dollar party. There’s just not that many nights when we have opportunity to fawn over glitz like the Met Gala, and those folks didn’t spend all that time and money on make-up and costumes just to go ignored by the peasant class.
This post should serve as a reminder to the lesser members of society like us that we are being incredibly selfish by allowing ourselves to be caught up worrying about our health care and praying for unfortunate peasants being slaughtered in distant lands while we could be fawning and adulating over celebrities stepping out of limousines and movie directors who all have taken time out of their own lives at incredible sacrifice to themselves to put on this event for us. Of course, these folks are accustomed to being victimized by the underclass, but still, it’s simply not fair. If you did happen to catch some or all of it, you might have been left feeling as if there was an air of decadence to the whole affair. If this is the case, rest assured it was intended.
We get to see widespread acceptance of many genres of worldliness intersecting with idolatry these days, such as the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony, the opening dance of Cern, the Oscars, snippets from the Bohemian Grove, and now this Met Gala thing, and if you can’t see the connection, you cannot know much about God. If you don’t understand what Jesus warned us about when He admonished us not to be a part of this world, try to watch something like this while concentrating on starving children in Gaza. The very same servants of Satan are involved in the worldly pursuits of the “rich and famous”. This is how they view the world – it’s what they’ve come to know. Fawning crowds and armies of photographers are what they’ve come to expect. They could never appreciate sitting out in the edge of the woods at sunset and enjoying the sweet songs of night birds. They’ve sold their souls and part of that transaction has cost them any appreciation for God’s creation. They are enslaved to their notoriety and can never again be free, and they hold folks like us in contemptuous disregard because we haven’t made the deal – those of us who have chosen a different path never will – for any amount of wealth.

Jacob Rothschild died recently. So did Sheldon Adelson. These were extremely wealthy men. Where are their souls now? “For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”, asks Jesus. I’m sure that while their meteors are streaking across the sky before the adulating eyes of the world, they do not concern themselves with such trivial thoughts as the fate of their eternal souls – apparently, there’s just too much fun to be had in decadent insouciance. But I wonder how well they sleep.
I wonder just how many of my hillbilly friends here in the Missouri Ozarks will be stressed today when they find out they have missed out on this event………………You got me laughing Mike! 🙂 Me too, very stressed I missed it! 🙂
You know how it is, Steve. Sometimes you just gotta laugh.