His name is Aaron Bushnell. If you haven’t heard of him by now, just google his name and you’ll find his story. It’s about the tragic act of one of the bravest, most sincere human beings of our time. The mainstream media isn’t saying much about him because they have their orders. I’m sure that will change as soon as TPTB give them whatever narrative they come up with. The U.S. government isn’t saying much, because they too, have their orders. No matter though, his story is out there, and nothing TPTB can do will shut it down.
The world has a focus now. The whole world. Arabs, Russians, Chinese, the ROW, and even Americans. We should have already had a focus, but to our eternal shame, we have studiously avoided looking at the massacre taking place in Gaza. At least most Americans have. Now Aaron Bushnell has now shoved it right into the faces of even the most determinedly ignorant. The U.S. military and the government are heavily involved in supplying weapons to the monstrous “most moral army in the world” to kill tens of thousands of innocents, women and children, doctors, medical workers, journalists. These innocents are also being denied food and water. Some infants have starved to death already, and they are trying to starve them all. A U.S. Air Force member finally stood up tall and said “ENOUGH”! He has brought about one of those “Have you no shame?” moments into our history, and God willing, it will play out.
You can bet the bad guys are busy concocting stories right now. They’re combing his hometown newspaper, his high school yearbook, and any other source(s) of information with which they can find anything with which they can smear his reputation. Maybe at some time in his life he saw a counsellor, or had a therapist, so he can be sold as some kind of psycho. Maybe he had some kind of run in with the authorities so he can be pedaled as a criminal miscreant. Anything to distract the public from the genocide of the Palestinians to which he brought the attention of the world. And the absolutely unbelievable way he did it.
This will be reminiscent of Colin Kaepernick and the thrashing he took for trying to get people’s attention to the extraordinary police brutality on black people. He knelt during the national anthem prior to football games. The media went into overdrive to discredit him. By the time they were through, Colin lost his football career. The mainstream narrative completely avoided what he was trying to get across and changed it all to how he disrespected the American Flag, and the citizenry bought it, hook line and sinker. That was the real travesty. The man was publicly denied his first Amendment right to free speech and “patriotic” Americans supported it. Aaron Bushnell’s narrative won’t be so easily twisted.
The story of Aaron Bushnell has already gone around the world several times, and it has only been a few days. Try as they might to suppress his act, the Zionist-controlled media doesn’t stand a snowman’s chance of getting a lid on it. They don’t want the world to understand too much about the Zionist genocide in Gaza, the travesty for which Aaron gave his life to inform the world. Even the dumbed-down Americans. It’s working. He immolated himself at the Israeli Embassy in protest of the Gaza genocide. Our focus now is to keep the fire burning that he so selflessly lit.
This media is the same one that told us of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that everyone must, at the risk of their livelihoods, take a vaccine that has been proven to be not a vaccine at all and that kills people. This media promulgated a story of some terrorists who couldn’t fly a Piper cub navigating sophisticated passenger planes across country and into buildings. This media told us of Assad’s chemical attack on Dhouma, – proven to be a lie by the very organization tasked with investigating it. These are the people who have told us for two years that the Russians are losing the war in The Ukraine and that President Putin is terminally ill, gay, falls down stairs and craps himself, etc.
We must not allow the Zionist liars to change the Bushnell narrative away from Gaza, for that will now be the assignment of every tentacle of the mainstream media. This old hillbilly’s suggestion is to turn the TV off and quit watching any of the network news programs. They are conniving and duplicitous and they know how to deceive you in so many ways, if you’re not completely onto them, they’ll have you believing your children need sex changes in the name of global warming. If you have a grandfather who watches the Zionist tripe that passes for news, tell him how he’s being misled. Show him how to find alternative news sites.
For believers in Jesus who read this, you should be able to see and understand the degree of evil to which the murderers in Palestine have devolved. Yes, there are “churches” here in the USA who fully support this nation and the depredations of the IOF. These are the self-righteous vipers who have convinced themselves of their virtuosity, but Jesus will tell them that He never knew them. Depart from Me. I never knew you. The alternative to being with Jesus is being in the eternal fires of hell. The fire that took the life of Aaron Bushnell only lasted a few moments, but the fires of hell will be for all eternity folks, so you might want to take a second look at who you are supporting.
It’s up to each and every one of us to do our utmost to reclaim our nation. The same can be said for all other nations who are currently under the control of these vile monsters. We can start by sharing what we know with those who don’t know what’s going on. It’s the least we can do for the memory of Aaron Bushnell. He gave his life to support innocent people; gave his life! Not a lot of people throughout history have given their lives for others. I can think of One, though. Aaron Bushnell died a horrible death to try and drive home the fact that the most insidious act of murder in all of history is happening – are you listening to what he said?
I composed a tribute to Aaron here. Anyone is welcome to download it and share it:
The young man might have started a fire he could not have conceived. Thanks for sharing.