Take a good look at the picture above. It’s Mike Pence in January 2024, well into the Gaza genocide. He’s in the occupied territory showing fealty to what a growing number of social media refer to as the Satanic Death Cult. He’s putting his name on an artillery shell. The slaughter of the innocents had been going on for several months by the time of this horrid signing, so he did it knowing well that this ammunition will likely be used by “the most moral army in the world” to massacre innocent terrified peasants in Gaza. This hideous act is a very damning admission of his approval and support for the evil genocide being inflicted upon the innocent men, women, and children of Palestine.
This is the same Mike Pence who made his bones posing as a Christian to court the hypocrite vote when he ran for and became governor of Indiana. I lived in Indiana when he was governor and it was easy to tell he was a fraud even back then, at least to myself and other people who bother to open their Bibles. I could not for the life of me understand why anyone even remotely associated with Christianity could support him, but I guess I underestimated the power of hypocrisy. And don’t take that to mean I’m a Trump supporter, because I’m certainly not. He has shown his own disgusting fealty to the same evil entity.
As Pence writes his name on a genocide weapon, Jesus may well be concurrently blotting that same name out of the Lamb’s Book of Life (if by chance it’s still in there), but Pence obviously doesn’t consider that. The Lamb’s Book of Life is the one in which we true Christians want our name to be, for one’s name in that book is Jesus’ requirement for entry into Heaven. Though he might claim otherwise to hypocritical voters, Mike Pence cannot possibly believe in Jesus. Only the most self-deluded of hypocrites would believe he is a religious man. His autograph on the weapon that he has to know will be used to kill innocent people is proof. There may be some shekels involved in this public signing and selling of his soul, indeed, money and power are important to him as they are to all of his political ken who studiously avoid truth.
Mike Pence is revealing himself to be all about Mike Pence and nothing else matters. Even the lives of innocent little children don’t matter. He can’t fool true Christians however, only hypocrites. People of his ilk and Nikky Haley’s and so many others are religious all for show, but sadly there are way too many people who know so little about the Lord as to believe these could possibly be righteous people. Oh, and Nikki Haley, aka Nimarata Randhawa, likes to sign weapons that will be used to slaughter hungry children, too.

Assume that, as is quite likely, this artillery shell will be fired into a civilian apartment building, or a hospital and it kills a child. Maybe several children, or maybe several defenseless women and kids are wounded, losing arms and legs by this very shell with the eminent Nimarata’s or Mike Pence’s name on it. The above photos and a piece of shrapnel with either of their names on it, maybe dug out of some mangled two-year-old’s chest, will be exhibits A and B before the Judgement throne, and it will be the very last thing in all of eternity that either of them will want to see as they stand trembling before the Almighty. Pence will wish for that merry day of January Six a few years back at the capitol when he was scurrying for his life. It is an understatement to say God will be very angry and that will be a fearful and awesome sight to behold, the very Heavens will be shaking, and Mike Pence will be horrified with unimaginable fear to stand before the living God trying to come up with a reasonable sounding excuse for selling his soul and voting with his own signature to support the holocaust of innocents in Gaza. Although he’s as adept as any other politician at lying, he won’t be able to weasel his way out of what’s coming to him. Justice will be served and unless he repents, it won’t be pretty for Mike Pence (for all eternity), or any of the other vipers like those in the U.S. congress who almost all voted against a cease fire resolution. Had it passed, such a resolution might have saved some lives, or may have had no practical effect, but such was their eagerness to flatter and fawn over their Zionist masters with their whorish servitude, they dared not vote for a ceasefire. These people are out of touch with the populace and deluded such that they have no idea how they embarrass and disgust a rapidly growing number of American people. Truly repugnant behavior. The lucre holds their loyalty fast for now, but guaranteed retribution inevitably awaits them all. Both the shekelers and the shekelees. Please excuse my analogy to snakes, serpents have done nothing to deserve such a comparison.
Since we’re at this point, can you identify the difference between the subjects in the following pictures of a) garter snakes, and b) the US Congress in joint session?

Answer: The serpents in the top picture are not venomous.
By now all of humanity is aware that some of the most innocent peasant folk in the world are being terrified and slaughtered in Gaza. Little children there are literally being starved to death! Medicine isn’t allowed in for the wounded and medical people (who are also being selectively targeted) and operations are being performed even on little kids, screaming in intense pain without anesthesia. The IOF is busily murdering women and children in churches, schools and hospitals. Such is their thirst for blood, they even shoot their own unarmed soldiers who escape captivity. Some have marched near-naked “captives” round the dirt and rubble piles of Gaza and torturing them. The demons in control of the occupational government won’t allow food or medicine, or even water, to be brought in so that some of the Gazans might survive. Over ten thousand arrested Palestinians languish, incarcerated without charges, tortured in occupation prisons. If the reports are accurate, more journalists have been (intentionally) killed in that open-air prison during these past few months than were killed in all of WWII all over Europe and Asia. The IOF has adopted the habit of dropping leaflets or otherwise getting word to the Gazans to leave an area and to go a safe location at X, and when the refugees go to X they get bombed there. This has happened on more than one occasion.
The synagogue of Satan is in firm control (for now), and the world watches. The official U.S. government position is that in spite of the hours and hours of footage showing the massacre and carnage and blood, there is “no evidence” of genocide taking place in Gaza, per Blinken, Sullivan, Matthews, Kirby, et. al. WHAT!!?? I’m a determined Christian and love Jesus with all my heart, but these liars can tax anyone’s determination. It’s near impossible for decent people to stomach. I fervently pray for God’s Mighty Hand to intervene in the occupied territories! And in Washington D.C. ESPECIALLY IN WASHINGTON D.C.! At some point it will, but for now we have to wait for all the Mike Pences to sign their own eternity away in whatever way they choose to do it. And as hard as it is, Jesus told us to be patient. He also said His sheep hear His voice, so patient we must be. The evil ones have to finish revealing themselves, so when judgement time comes, they don’t have any excuse, because everyone in Heaven and on earth will know full well by their insidious actions which side each of them chose.
Erdogan of Turkey condemns the evil being perpetrated upon the Gazans. He and the Turkish people would do more to help if they could, but he is in a precarious position. He has been speaking out against the genocide by the IDF and you’d think he’s probably working behind the scenes to try and help Gaza but is limited as to what he can do without massively escalating the situation. Other Arab nations stand by looking, talking a lot of trash, but in reality, they are just waiting for the Gazans all to die. King Abdullah of Jordan is a pathetic western puppet and will not lift a finger, unless it’s to help the occupiers. He put out a video of himself pushing aid bundles off from a cargo plane over Gaza, but it was pure PR as a few pallets of foodstuffs weren’t going to make much, if any difference, but his air force helped to shoot down Iranian drones that were headed to Israel. Sisi in Egypt is about like Abdullah, just with less bluster. A lot of folks say he’s a western puppet and it sure looks like he is. MBS in Saudi Arabia is at least refusing to normalize relations with the synagogue while they are murdering Gazans, but not much else. The only people in the world who are helping the poor Gazans besides Hamas are the Hezbollah guys and Houthis (Ansar Allah) and some competent militant groups in Syria and Iraq. The leaders in Iran seem to be helping as much as they can without having to fight the entire west. The Islamic Republic of Iran and its IRGC has proven to be brave and stalwart in the face of some nasty enemies. I had become a fan of Iranian President Raisi (RIP) and Hezbollah Secretary Nasrallah and Speaker Obaida of Hamas and General Saree of Yemen. I can’t leave out Christians around the world who pray as I do for the Gazans – that’s important in many ways, too. We must keep praying for the Lord to show mercy on them! Our government certainly isn’t going to help them. It’s as if Henry Kissinger and Sheldon Adelson’s ghosts still direct our foreign policy. They don’t do mercy. They only do money. As the congresswoman Ilhan Omar said, “It’s all about the Benjamins.”
When all this is said and done, the world will recognize the Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah guys as the real heroes, regardless of propaganda to the contrary. Think of the allies who liberated the Nazi camps. Even though they are Islamic peoples, they show more Christ-like compassion than American, British, French, or German governments. Of the ones who will have proven to be villains, there are too many to name, Biden, Grima Blinken, Austin, Sholtz, Macron, Netanyahu, Gallant (what an ironically misnamed creature), the entire U.S. congress, and of course, Sunak of the UK are just a few. But on the Day that counts, most of the members of the mega church congregations also will find out too late that the Lord Jesus doesn’t approve of their fealty to His enemies, He has said He will tell them He doesn’t even know them. They will find themselves to be regarded among the worst of the villains.
It goes against Christian theology to kill, but whether the resistance groups are guilty of sin for taking up the sword to help save the poor Gazans, will be for God to decide. From the level of protests, a lot of the people of most western countries are on the moral side of history, but not their bought-and-paid-for governments. The governments are all controlled by the synagogue with the shekel, and/or Epstein’s little black book.
I’m a Christian, American Navy veteran and am appalled at the behavior of my government. Not only should we remember Mordor’s attack on the USS Liberty, any sane moral person should be equally appalled at the behavior of all the American evangelical groups who choose to be ignorant hypocrites and who probably still think there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans. Though they pack the pews of their respective temples of evil on Sundays, they refuse to listen to Jesus when He says the pit of vipers who call themselves Jews are NOT Jews, but are a synagogue of Satan. They’re blaspheming by even claiming to be Jews, but the “faithful” congregations of vipers in America’s mega churches still support them full tilt. ‘This war is prophetically significant’: why US evangelical Christians support Israel | Evangelical Christianity | The Guardian You will pay dearly for your chosen ignorance, folks. Chosen ignorance, because you don’t read your own Bible, but rely on millionaire whitewashed sepulchers like John Hagee or Kenneth Copeland or Joel Osteen and so many others of their ilk to instruct you on how to best show your fealty – to Satan. The American “church” industry is probably Satan’s greatest weapon. Imagine! All the demons of hell dwell in ornate temples of blasphemy in the great congregations who nod and echo their support for perverse doctrines and for the appalling murder of innocents. How can these “believers” possibly twist and mangle the scriptures to come up with some misguided precept that allows them to support the murder of innocent children? This goes against everything Jesus Christ taught, and, contrary to what they teach to justify their fealty, it has nothing whatsoever to do with God’s promises to Abraham!
Sadly, the unbelievers or even those of other religions see the behavior of “Christians” like the hypocrites in the mega churches and it just reinforces their belief that Christianity is an evil religion. They know about the crusades and the Inquisition, and other historic deviations of the church, so what the evangelicals are doing today fit right in with their skepticism of the Christian religion. One day real Christians will suffer because of this repugnant behavior. But I guess that’s part of the plan.
American universities are being told what they can and cannot teach or allow on their campuses by billionaires from the synagogue, and the federal and state governments adamantly enforce their edicts. These people would gladly sign their names right alongside Mike Pence’s. In fact, in their own way they are. If someone in the pit of vipers of congress were to muster up enough courage to speak up about billionaires gaining control of American education, they might find their own shekels getting cut off, or worse, get Epsteined, so they all remain blissfully silent. There will come a time, and hopefully it’s not that far off when the people of this nation will realize these demon-possessed elites would not be billionaires if they hadn’t stolen their wealth from Americans through financial chicanery and intrigue, (such as in 1913 – Google how deviously the Federal Reserve Act was passed) and maybe Americans will someday decide to take it back. Stage a popular asset seizure to give the people back their stolen wealth. If the money stolen by crooked bankers, pharma, and insurance corporations were given back to America, we probably wouldn’t have a national debt. Our cities might get cleaned up, drug addicts could become able to get help, and we could start resembling a properly run nation, like say, Russia, or Iran.
Before anyone gets the wrong idea as to how I feel about real Jews, as a follower of Christ, I am a proud adopted son of Father Abraham. I personally think King David was probably the greatest mortal monarch ever and would have been a fantastic leader of our nation. God knows we need one. He has my greatest admiration for his righteous servitude to God. Further, I genuinely believe God has a special place in His heart for the Jews who accept Jesus Christ. I’m perfectly ok with that and not a bit envious. The 144,000 Jews who come to believe in Jesus are the ones referred to as the Bride of Christ and I’m happy for them, but it will be a hard-earned title. The real Jews, even the ones who practice Judaism, mostly seem to renounce the behavior of the murderous Talmudic cult in the Holy Land. In fact, the true Jewish people around the world are as appalled at this genocide as us who believe we are adopted sons. The demons doing this evil, as Jesus said, ARE NOT JEWS! Stop letting Satanic mouthpieces like Judas Hagee convince you they are. That the Zionists of European descent have taken over the Jewish identity has to be the greatest identity theft in all of history! Now they are set about doing everything possible to make the whole world hate the real Jews, many of whom are mostly innocent in all this. Many Jews even in the occupied territory are protesting the genocide at great risk to themselves. Kudos to them. As for Benjamin Netanyahu – whether he is actually an evil incarnation of Shrek or just looks like him, the villagers will catch up with him one day – the torches and pitchforks already seem to be coming out in Tel Aviv.
It’s important to understand the words of the apostle Paul when he said the great Day of the Lord would not come until the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition [2 Thessalonians 2:3]. This means that the man of sin will someday be revealed, specifically the anti-Christ, but there are many other men of sin being revealed. There will be no more hiding an evil person’s culpability, in fact, they are now out in the open with their evil – being revealed, or better yet, revealing themselves (see above Mike Pence and Nikki Haley photos). The “being revealed” part of the prophecy is happening right now! The whole world is able to see what’s going down and all who support it. The Congress of the U.S. openly votes to support genocide. The president publicly vowed to support it and it’s unquestionably the most insidiously evil event of modern times. The government of the United States of America is sending weapons as fast as it can to provide for the slaughter! They are publicly taking sides with this astonishing evil. Being revealed indeed! The other important thing to consider about the apostle Paul’s prophecy is that once this revelation has taken place, the Day of the Lord at any moment could then be upon us. Make no mistake, we will see justice done when He gets back! Another thing to keep in mind is that time means nothing to God. He is eternal, so the time that Jesus has been away to Him must be like us running to the grocery store and coming home. The two thousand years He’s been gone is but a moment in time to Him. It seems like it’s taking a long time and to us it is, but to Him, it’s but a moment. In reality, right now He’s giving everyone time to choose a side.
There will come a Day when justice will be served. Count on it. On that Day, everyone in those big churches will finally understand what Jesus meant about the gate being wide that leads to destruction. The self-deceived “faithful” in the pews of blasphemous congregations will be just as damned as drug dealers and those who make their living murdering or selling human beings – actually more so, because they, of all people should have known better. Probably more so, because the latter ones at least don’t claim to be righteous like the hypocrites in the big mega churches. Imagine it! These people openly support the sworn enemies of Jesus Christ, yet at the same time try to claim Christianity! The astonishing hypocrisy of these people is one of the greatest sources of America’s ills. As for the “shepherds” of these flocks, when God gets through with them, I’m certain these false prophets will envy Mike Pence for whatever punishment he gets.
We should not hate Mike Pence or Nikki Haley for their evil acts. However, a Christian can be mad at a person and hate a detestable act such as signing a bomb destined to kill innocent people without hating the person doing it. That’s a fine line to walk, but an important one. It’s especially tough though, when these people do things like they do in the name of God. Hate the sin but love the sinner.
What can we do? We must do what Jesus said, repent of our own wrongdoing and set about serving Him by loving Him and loving our fellow human beings. Imagine what a different world we could have if everyone spent as much time trying to help one another as they spend trying to destroy each other! Decent people are up against a powerful enemy and cannot defeat him on our own, and we need to stop acting like we think we can, or worse, ignoring him. He has overtaken governments of the world – most of them. Certainly ours. We must diligently seek Jesus Christ’s help – it’s the only way, and He promised us He would take care of things if we only put our trust in Him. Get baptized. Get to know our Lord Jesus Christ. And always remember the love of money is the root of all evil. Evil like putting your name on a weapon that will kill innocents for thirty pieces of silver.
I hope this post will be of encouragement to Christians of the narrow gate who might feel left out for not believing the false teachings of the rampant and highly monetized evangelical groups. I also hope it sheds a little light on the beliefs of real Christians, what Christ actually teaches, especially to our Islamic brethren who would benefit mightily from learning the nature of true Christians.
By all means, watch as well as pray.

God bless.
When Jesus comes to the world again would he feel at home at an American mega church , the Vatican or would he be at home among the downtrodden Muslim and Christian farmers and shepherds in the West Bank ? When Jesus comes back am sure all the right wing Christian conservatives would label him a terrorist and would be baying for his blood…..how ironic.
I couldn’t agree more – He would no more be recognized today than He was back then. We who love Him and hear His voice would know Him immediately.