We got some much-needed rain here in the holler yesterday and last night. Heavy storms around midnight and thunder kept going till the early morning hours. Maybe saying “much needed” is an exaggeration because we’ve actually had a nice, lush spring and summer and we’ve only been low on rain for a few weeks. This old farmhouse needs some work too, because the mud room is starting to flood when we get that kind of downpour, but our situation is not nearly as bad as some places in the world that are getting devastating floods.

The weather is changing everywhere, and it seems like wherever you look, someone has a perfectly reasonable explanation for it. There is undoubtedly some kind of climate change(s) going on, but whenever someone’s theory as to why it’s happening gets into politics, the theory becomes suspect – at least to me. For instance, there’s a sizeable movement that wants to declare war on fossil fuels because they see the increase in CO2 as coming from mankind burning too much of it. Then among the most ardent opposition to that turns out to be folks from the oil and coal producing entities. I’m not going to get into that fight, because I don’t know the particulars, and from so much suspect motivation for their positions, it’s hard to believe that anybody else does either.
The most compelling argument concerning fossil fuels is that they are responsible for way too much death and destruction from peoples and nations fighting over them. Most of the wars and hatred stirred up for the last several decades have been because of the wealth that stands to be obtained over the control of oil and natural gas, so when you take into account the ginormous pollution that occurs as a result of wars, then the dots could reasonably be connected from the burning of fossil fuels to the harm done to the climate.

If someone from one of the excessively wise think tanks were to stand up and say, “Hey, you know what? If we shut down all the wars going on, we wouldn’t need to burn so much fuel for our tanks, jet planes, oil burning ships, and other military vehicles.” Maybe that kind of thinking could lead to, “Since we don’t need as much oil for wars, maybe humanity could stop throwing wars over oil.” Maybe then the oil used for killing each other could be reserved for agricultural equipment and nations blessed with good soil could set to trying to feed hungry people.
With those notions in mind, it might make more sense where the book of Revelation mentions as the seals are being opened where the voice in heaven says, [Revelation 6:6] And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” Maybe that verse is talking about crude oil, I’m not sure, and it’s hard to understand how we can harm oil; maybe sinking tankers full of it. Maybe it is warning conquering armies to try and save oil fields and wine stocks when they capture enemy possessions as they enjoy their wars. At any rate, the two items mentioned, food and oil, are among the most fought-over commodities in today’s world.
We know from the scriptures that we will endure wars right up to the end of the world, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if humanity could find it within ourselves to figure out a way to stop killing each other? Of course, we cannot, and a prescient commenter reminded me recently that it’s because we do not struggle against flesh and blood, but other entities: [Ephesians 6:12] For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
If we were left to our own devices and if our struggle for survival was left to us as a species, who knows? Maybe we could figure out a way to exist peacefully, but we are being controlled by monstrous spiritual entities who will not allow us to go in that direction. We have access to Jesus Christ, who is perfectly able to defeat them and lead us in the direction of peace, but for some reason, most folks seem to enjoy lives of sin and debauchery so much that they ignore the One Who is able to save us, both from ourselves and the demons who control some. So, as with many other human defects, we kill each other over the wealth that comes from oil as one of the many lame reasons for our wars.

Jesus said [Matthew 5:9] “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” I don’t know about the reader, but this old man considers being called a son of God to be the highest honor that can be bestowed on a human being, and we should strive to be regarded as such, hence this post espousing and encouraging peace. There are many organizations, people and groups who preach peace and try to make it happen. People with the opportunity to be called children of God.

If a person is a stockholder in any of the multitude of “defense” industries and contractors who are vested in death and destruction, that person is the polar opposite of a peacemaker, and will be in no position to try and justify his financial ties to weapons of death on that Day when he has to give an account of himself before the Almighty God. [Hebrews 10:31] “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”; and the greatest blessing that could come into that person’s life would be to understand what that fear will be like, now while he has a chance to repent and rectify his pursuits. In this day when the weapons from which you make money are being used to slaughter innocent children before your very eyes, you cannot say you didn’t know of the horrific travesty from which you were getting rich. From what we know about the justice of God, ignoring your future recompense ain’t going to make it go away.
As the sun comes out and the humidity monster begins to prowl in the Ozarks, we are reminded that August is in mid stride and the colorful, brisk world of autumn is still a few weeks out, but any time is a good time to consider where we stand with God. If a person chooses to ignore the events taking place in the world that are obvious and ominous signs of the impending end of things, then it’s all the more urgent they be stirred into seeking Jesus, the only One Who is able to bring them to victory over the evils of the times and bestow upon them an everlasting existence of unimaginable joy. For to those who are willing to believe, victory awaits, climate change or no.

God bless all.
Mike K
Greetings, I reckon you have my email since I had to provide it to comment. So what part of the Ozarks do you live? Feel free to email me. Blessings