All the folks who’ve stayed diligent about getting the truth out about 9/11 must be making some progress of late, because there’s evidence surfacing of fear of truth on this subject lately. Perhaps it is because of so many Americans finally learning to question narratives put forth by the government. The dots aren’t all that hard to connect after all, it’s just we have for so many years trusted nightly newscasts, we hardly dared to question what we saw on the crawlers. But now that everyone is learning none of them are to be trusted about anything they say, it’s almost like getting smacked in the head with a two by four. Of course, I remember that British reporter woman talking about building seven having come down as it stood proudly behind her in the same video! It did fall, but that was after her newscast!

Where Americans fall short in their skepticism abilities is that we rarely question motives and that’s important, however we’ve been carefully trained to avoid such questions. Sure, we can see that the building is still there, and sure we can see that she’s lying right there in front of the whole world, but why, and what significance to the entire event does this lie reveal? Looking back, it becomes obvious that the news report she was reading off had been pre-scripted. This screw-up gave away the extreme probability that the entire event had been pre-scripted. There can be no argument, no rationalization whatsoever for her saying that building had fallen – there are thousands of buildings in New York City, why did she choose a building that would actually fall? Of course, someone, or probably many someones, knew that building was going to come down, they just got the timing of the report wrong. Furthermore, due to the impossibility of an office fire in the lower stories causing a modern building to collapse (in its own footprint, another impossibility), they had to cook up some “scientific” reasoning that could have caused the collapse, and a US government organization, NIST, cooked up a report that would make it sound reasonable to the sheep.
Later, when the University of Alaska at Fairbanks did a two-year study of the events surrounding the collapse of building 7, the unassailable and peer-reviewed results of which challenged the official NIST version, the results of that Alaska study were essentially disregarded, with no scientifically valid reasoning. This refusal by a once highly respected organization to rebut the findings of a very sophisticated study by guys with PhDs in engineering was taken to court to try and get them to amend the official report – all the way to the Supreme Court, where the sitting justices revealed their inability or unwillingness to apply any rules of justice and in effect said that government institutions are legally allowed to concoct outright false reports for official records. If you just follow this one rabbit trail and don’t even look into any of the other numerous fallacies in the 9/11 record, you can easily see that at the very least, our government is hiding something big about 9/11. Interestingly, there’s enough new “information” coming out right now (that cunningly supports the official narrative), that it bears watching.
As evidence of the progress of groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, some seemingly innocent videos are going viral in which one is an apparently innocent young lady who seems to be undergoing an epiphany as to the deviousness of the government by revelations of a letter, purported to be written by Osama bin Laden several years ago which reveals why Islamic types have gone to war against our government and others who have committed so many grave wrongs towards those of the Moslem faith. In my opinion, the deviousness of these videos is atrocious. On the one hand, in the one I’m referencing it appears that she is overcoming a former misbelief that her government was innocent of mistreatment of other peoples – a misbelief which is absolutely correct – but this “letter” deviously points the finger of guilt for 9/11 back towards Islamic terrorists for taking retribution by doing the 9/11 events, which as is slowly coming to light, they did not do. Someone else was responsible for 9/11, regardless of what this little actress says in her video. So, she is in effect saying that yes, America had it coming, but the deception of the video is how she tries to convince us to connect dots that are not there. If one were to believe the emphasis of her video, one would have to unquestioningly accept the narrative that some guys that couldn’t even fly a Piper Cub actually took over some very sophisticated passenger jets and were competent to fly them at incredible speeds into buildings, but the way she accedes this is sort of as a side note to the “honesty” of bin Laden’s letter. That is done on purpose to make her “concern” so believable, as well as attempt to erase any notion of someone else being guilty of orchestrating 9/11. She’s pretty convincing so she undoubtedly earned whatever she got from her performance, but when you step back and see what they’re actually trying to do, it becomes so obvious that even New Yorkers can see it. To add credibility to this and other videos referencing bin Laden’s “Letter to America”, several platforms are – very publicly – taking them down, as if the videos were somehow supporting terrorism. They’re all working this one together. I personally believe that something new and big is about to come out and these videos are getting put out there to buttress the official narrative in anticipation of it. There are more similar videos out there, and more than one of them say in effect, that we NEED to read bin Laden’s letter.
The biggest takeaway from this video for me is why would they want, or need, to pad the 9/11 narrative now? What event, or series of events would lead the Mossad and CIA to trot out this letter in a video by some actress who would seem like some housewife who has just happened to learn of bin Laden’s letter and what it says, and so had an epiphany, even suggesting that we “NEED” to read this letter so we can appreciate the gravity of bin Laden telling us why his cadre would do something so evil which, to her astonishment, was deserved. Now we can all start reacting to the notion of whether or not America deserved to be punished instead of questioning who actually pulled it off, and once we allow them to lead us into that conversation, it will be because we accept that the terrorists did it.
If you remember, they did a similar production using a “nurse” telling everybody how brutally the Iraqi soldiers grabbed Kuwaiti babies from incubators and smashed them against the walls to soften Americans up for the Iraq war, events which were later proven to be false, and this girl was a daughter of one of the Kuwaiti puppets and had been coached to deliver her fabricated story. I’m just saying if you are wise to the deception of today’s servants of evil, but especially if you are not, do not believe this garbage video for one second. As mentioned earlier, I think something is happening, maybe due to the diligence of A&E for 9/11 Truth, that is about to upset the “official” 9/11 narrative.
I can’t believe they are still trying to trot out bin Laden and Al Qaida for their deceptive propaganda these days, but I guess as long as there are gullible people out there, they believe they can pull it off. When she compared this newfound knowledge (not that someone else besides Al Qaida was involved, but only that we deserved it) to being the same way she had to “deconstruct” Christianity, she gave away her game – that was supposed to sound like another aside to her story, almost as innocuous as the revelation of our guilt, but it was actually a very big part of it. Come on folks, think about it. The only thing new in her whole discourse was her own changing of her mind, the narrative of 9/11 is still very much intact in her presentation, in fact, her performance is intended to build on it. And if you allow yourself to buy into it, it does.
I am reminded of a remark very pointedly made to Louis Farrakhan by Elijah Muhammad: Brother, never underestimate the depth of Satan’s evil.
Underestimating the depth of Satan’s evil – what a prescient notion! I’m afraid we are all guilty of this though – at least to varying degrees. Point is, there is NOTHING too evil for Satan, and thus his followers.
Hi Mike,
Retired electrician and Navy veteran here as well. Not Navy retired but retired nevertheless.
On my way to Hillbillyness myself but in the mountains of central Pennsylvania, a gorgeous place indeed.
I just wanted to make sure your readers understand the the 911 building 7 delusion number one not often referred to…It was not hit by a plane.
Thanks you, that is all.
I will be reading your blog, please post Hillbillyisms to guide me through my remaining days.
Thanks for fixing the oversight. Bldg 7 was not hit by a plane, just had some rather benign office fires on the lower decks – should not have been enough to cause the whole building to fail, but it came down anyways…
Good to hear from a fellow hillbilly – I’ve always wanted to go see Gettysburg, it’s gotta be close to you. Maybe some day before I cash out…