I used to be a fanatical NASCAR fan, and one of the most exciting things in my world back then was hearing Darrell Waltrip saying, “Reach up there and tighten those straps one more time boys and let’s go racing!” What a thrill! I don’t do racing or sports anymore because I guess I grew leery of the idolatry involved, at least for me.
I think it’s about time for us as followers of Jesus to understand that it’s time to buckle ourselves into our faith, put our eyes on the cross and hang on, because it’s time for things to start happening on a scale we’ve not been used to. For instance, even just a few years ago did anyone think our society would get to this point where mass murder of innocent people – on a horrific scale – would be unquestioningly supported by the US government and way too many of our fellow countrymen? Almost our entire congress gave adulating standing ovations to the Satanic monster who is orchestrating this travesty.

We’ve devolved to this point in our history where we understand that everything the government and it’s hired media tells us is lies, lies, and more lies. A lot of folks still believe them though, and it’s not really because they don’t know they are being fed lies, but many people listen to their fabrications simply because they are hearing what they want to hear. [2 Timothy 3,4] 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. Too many of us have become the “they” in that verse.
I suppose it would be prudent to try and understand why the leaders of the world tell so many lies in the first place. To start with, their master, Satan is the originator of the lie. [John 8:44] You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. These are the words of Jesus Christ Himself talking to people who purported to be descendants of Abraham. What a coincidence! We have a whole nation of people in the world right now who purport to be descendants of Abraham and everything that comes from them is false. Those people are not even who they claim to be: [Revelation 3:9] Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
We’re all aware, or at least we should be, that certain false prophets, the likes of Judas Hagee and his ilk, would have us buy into the lie that those people are indeed the descendants of Abraham and as such, they merit our spiritual and financial support, but these same people are vehement enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only are they not who they claim to be but are imposters, they hate our Savior. Why are we, as Christians supposed to believe these people are the same ones who inherited the promise God made to Abraham, when Jesus Christ Himself explicitly tells us these people are not who they claim to be? Either you believe Jesus and accept the fact that they are imposters, or you ignore Him and support them – you can’t have it both ways regardless of what the eminent pastor Hagee tries to say.
Please try to understand the frustration as I write, but we don’t have much time on our hands to try and expose the charade Satan has put before the world, and some of us tend to be passionate about our belief in Jesus as well as to get a bit indignant at the rampant disregard for the truth in the world today. Satan, as Jesus told us as mentioned above, is the father of lies. Unless you insist on hearing and believing a narrative that is utterly false, you must turn away from the absolute deception in the world’s information flow. Satan has given his servants control of almost all communication people and platforms such as network news, press conferences, and most importantly, politicians – people who are in positions of power and influence.

We watched, helplessly and in complete frustration as the creature from the evil realm stood before the congress of the United States and delivered a speech that was completely devoid of any semblance of truth. Just as a side note, he is from Philadelphia and of Polish descent and his name was changed from Mileikowsky to Netanyahu – I guess to sound more Jewish, but it’s doubtful if he has any Hebraic blood, even though he claims to have some Sephardic ancestry. Everything this man has ever said is a lie, so why should we believe his claim that he has some Jewish blood? Everyone in attendance at that joint session knew that everything this man said was a lie, yet almost all of them gave him standing ovations as he vomited his bile before them. Just imagine a hall full of demons from hell listening to a message from their master in some sinister, dark setting and salivating over his diatribe, and why? For money, of course, or maybe the likelihood that their names might be in a certain little black book compiled by Jeffry Epstein that now probably belongs to a certain foreign intelligence service. On that note, unless someone involved gets a notion to repent and come clean (highly unlikely), we have no way of knowing whether the execrable Epstein is really keeping Satan and Henry Kissinger company in hell or hidden away somewhere on some remote island. More deception.

We are living in a time where we witness the absolute truth of what Jesus taught us about lies and deception and the evil they accompany. The world we know is almost a complete fabrication and a lot of folks are okay with it, especially if there’s money to be had by going along. Jesus said the gate is wide that leads to destruction, and we are seeing more and more people buying into the deception of the world and incredibly some of the “churches” are leading the way. Children are undergoing mass murder and starvation in the eyes of the whole world, and preachers like Hagee desperately clutch at straw men to justify it and tell us we should support the murderers who are doing it. Unbelievable!
For now, we have sources of alternative news (which probably won’t last) and it’s ironic that there is more truth to be found from secular people who run blogs and do internet videos than from any mainstream sources. Or from most of the churches. This is because the same servants of Satan who are promoting the slaughter in Gaza own all of the major media, and more importantly, they have bought mega church pastors. They own our educational institutions; they even control our military. They cannot control our souls though, and that’s a source of infinite consternation because it’s the main thing Satan wants.
If you hear it on the mainstream news nowadays, you can usually disregard it. If it comes from a government spokesman, unless he is Sergei Lavrov, you can also disregard it. Every event that happens and gets a lot of press, e.g. chemical weapons at Douma, the Russian massacre at Bucha, the recent Hezbollah missile on a soccer field, Hamas raping women, etc., you can completely ignore – it’s all a bunch of lies. Some of them are in incredible – “There is no evidence of genocide…”

Most of all, don’t listen to the lies – Jesus is the Truth! If you are not a believer, you need to learn about Jesus Christ before it’s too late. He’s the only One able to lead us out of this mess we’re in.
If you are a believer already or choose to become one, reach up there and pull those belts tight and hang on for the ride of your life! The time is short. When Satan and his minions finally conclude they will lose, it’s going to get ugly. Keep the faith.

God bless all,