A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow (Part II)

(Note:  The following post is not by a preacher, just a regular person who reads the bible and tries to apply prophecy to what is going on in the world and share it.  There is a tremendous blessing in store for those who turn away from this world of evil – and come to God.  Anyone who has their eyes open can see some pretty awful times ahead, and there’s only one Way to be prepared for what’s coming.)

Try and imagine, put together in your mind, all of the confusion and chaos in the world right now.  At this writing, there are serious riots going on in France – those have graduated to fires and violence.  The French have for a long time served as a barometer of the level of tolerance of free people, or people who would be free, in the world.  Now the nation of Israel is seeing streets filled with people who have had enough of their government.  Germany seems to be following suit.  There’s little more that can be said for the open rebellion against God that is going on with the parades that celebrate abominable behavior, madness in the form of gender lunacy, and in-your-face Satanic performances like the opening ceremonies of the Cern collider and Gotthard Tunnel.

Man-made affronts to God are not the only things to consider as the earth reels toward destruction.  The earth’s magnetic poles are wandering away from the positions where we’ve always known them to be toward what appears to be a complete reversal of the earth’s polarity, and as it happens, the whole magnetic field is growing weaker.  There are charts out there that show the decreasing strength of the field over time, and it’s getting much weaker now.  That field is our protection from solar and cosmic radiation, and just over the last few days the earth has endured a significant solar storm, the severity of which cannot be explained from recent solar flares, because those flares were relatively insignificant.  The only explanation that seems to account for the magnitude of the disturbance (auroras were seen in Florida!) is the weakness of the earth’s magnetic field.  There are several science outlets who are saying the same things, one of which is an especially knowledgeable scientist at the YouTube channel, Suspicious0bservers – Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology – Your Mind is Your Weapon who does a much better job of describing what is happening than I can, but I’m sure it’s another serious wake-up call from God for us to get prepared for some bad times.  This is a very intelligent scientist who I’m sure is able to connect the dots all the way to God, in spite of his “scientific” background.  He seems to have a growing understanding of God’s hand in things that are occurring, if I’m reading him correctly.  He also observes that inexplicable psychological aberrations are becoming a major issue due to the effects on our minds being bombarded with radiation – look at the craziness in the world, especially among our leaders!

The earth is experiencing storms, floods, earthquakes, landslides, and other natural disasters of inexplicable ferocity and frequency in the last several years, and these are only the beginning of sorrows.  For crying out loud, the Mississippi, Euphrates, Colorado, Danube, Nile, and other major rivers of the world are going dry!  It’s obvious for anyone who has open eyes, that our God is not pleased with our conduct.  There have been many times in the past when God brought devastation upon humans of this earth when their behavior became so egregious as to bring His wrath down upon them.  The slaughter of the Israelites who worshipped the golden calf (think Wall Street bull), Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood of Noah, the earthquake at Christ’s crucifixion, and other instances when people who suffered the wrath of God who were supposed to acknowledge God’s preeminence and His commandments – all happened.  We are at such a time now!

Back to our own insane determination to bring destruction on ourselves, there is a discussion going on about Russia sending nuclear weapons to Belarus in response to the recent threat of UK sending depleted uranium ammunition to the Ukraine.  This is significant!  The nuclear genie is slowly but surely being squeezed out of the bottle, and it won’t go back in.  According to an increasingly accepted interpretation of Revelation 18, and as I wrote in A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow is Upon Us – Folk Potpourri the United States (the modern Babylon?) will be utterly destroyed in a horrible and devastating fire event.  A nuclear bombardment fits the description, although there are other things which might also cause the destruction described, such as an asteroid hit, or solar ejecta from a massive coronal mass ejection, which would get to earth essentially as a type of devastating meteor shower, but the way things are shaping up, and because of the mention of kings of the earth standing at a distance for fear of her torment, which I believe is referring to radiation, I think it will be a nuclear strike.  (author’s note: kings of the earth standing at a distance for fear of her torment might also mean leaders of other nations putting distance between their policies and Babylon’s fearing their own destruction by the same enemy).  Either way, whatever remains of Babylon, she will be utterly alone.

The world that was described in the above mentioned post probably wasn’t accurate though, because the bible speaks of such total devastation of Babylon that there will be no survivors at all.  For those of us who live here and face annihilation, the way to survive is the same – we must repent of our evil ways and ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ.  It’s the only way through this terrible time that’s surely coming upon us!  Think about the days of Noah – he had been forewarned, so he absolutely knew what was coming and tried to tell those people to change their ways, and they laughed at him until it was too late. It’s sad to imagine those hapless souls finally coming to their senses and wading out through the deepening water only to find the doors of the ark were closed. Jesus told us the world will be the same just prior to our own destruction.  Will people at last come to their senses only when they see the huge mushroom clouds?

There is a serious war going on in the Ukraine in which hundreds of thousands have been killed and injured.  Only a precious few people actually know what that is really all about, but from the way all of the western leaders are prostrating themselves, it is obvious they have been given their orders from the real leaders who themselves serve Satan and operate behind the curtain.  The whole of them are beasts with no concern for human life.  More on them later.

Think about it.  There have been train wrecks, contaminating vast areas of the country but largely ignored by our leaders and their equally conspiratorial media.  At this writing, the state of Mississippi has just endured massive tornado damage with dozens of people killed.  Hundreds of thousands of American citizens are living on the streets of major cities in drug-addicted squalor.  And our “president” is only interested in whatever more he can authorize to send to the most corrupt government in the world in Ukraine. What is sent there is solely intended to increase the death and destruction.  Does that make any sense at all to you?

All you hear from our congress is also whatever more can be done to support the murderous regime in Ukraine, up to and including the use of nuclear weapons, and our citizens continue to look the other way, waiting for suspicious balloons or the latest Hollywood sex scandal.  Maybe we should be in the streets like the French, the Germans, and the Israelis.  Frankly, I’m starting to believe we deserve what we have coming, and that isn’t going to be pretty.

The earlier post mentioned above attempted to get people’s attention to what is actually going on in our world, and what it is leading up to for some of us.  It was posted on other websites and it actually was viewed by readers in many countries, so at least it got out there, but I’m afraid the message might have fallen short of what the post was trying to get across.  The word “unimaginable” was not in that title for no reason.  This world is careening toward the edge of an abyss never before experienced by humankind!  How do we know this?  It’s in the bible!  That sacred text so many of us claim to believe, to honor; now listen with your heart to what it says, (Rev6:8), “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him.  And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.”

With the sword:  The sword mentioned in the verse obviously includes all of the ways humans will be killed by the ravages of war, especially nuclear war. With hunger: The aforementioned post attempted to provide imagery of how horrible the rampant starvation will be in a post-apocalyptic world, but I fear it doesn’t come close to describing the actual horror, both of suffering devastating hunger oneself, and watching fellow citizens, family members, pets, etc., starve literally to death!  With death: How, you ask, does an entity kill with death?  Ever heard of typhus?  Look it up.  I’m not a doctor, but I’d wager there are plenty of other risks associated with being around, and drinking water contaminated by, a lot of rotting flesh, of which, with some portion of a fourth of humanity already dead, there will be plenty. With the beasts of the earth:  It’s arguable here that John is speaking here of murder by human beasts. In chaotic times of anarchy with no law and order. Murder, which is already rampant, will undoubtedly be commonplace.  Human life, scarcely valued now, will become totally worthless to these beasts.  Second and third-tier nations whose hostilities were held in check by threats from “superpowers” (who by then will all have suffered some degree of devastation), will also be free to settle scores with now unprotected enemies. There will be mass death and murder on a scale never before experienced. We already hear of many people being killed so their organs can be harvested to keep such beasts alive.  One fourth of the people of the earth today is around two billion souls!

Forewarning of macabre days of unimaginable sorrow is handed to us in the bible and will be a time of unprecedented tribulation.  In all of our lives we endure some degree of hardship, so we have an idea of what the word means, but “unimaginable” means we cannot conceive of the terror and despair of the great tribulation that is about to be visited upon us. (Matthew 24:21), “For there will be a tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.”

This was spoken by Jesus Christ himself, so its veracity and the weight cannot be questioned, nor indeed fathomed by us mere humans, who have never had occasion to envision the horror of existence that this world will suffer during such a time.  A time of incredible darkness, despair, not knowing where the next bite of food will come from, or if there will even be a next bite of food.  At that point, people won’t even know if there will be a next breath!  Overwhelming stench of death and sickness, poisoned water – people dying of thirst will know that to take a drink of it will be to die an agonizing death – will be rampant.  Once beautiful forests dying, along with all of their creatures, everywhere eyes of the dead staring vacantly into that next world.  It will indeed be sorrow on an unimaginable scale…

When the angels start pouring their bowls of affliction and sounding their trumpets, things are going to degenerate into horror of which humanity has never witnessed.  But if one refuses to give in to fear and despair, there’s hope:

Revelation 14:14,15:  Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat one like a Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.  And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

There is one body of believers who believe and hope that Jesus will return to collect His people in what is scripturally described as the Rapture, and that body believes it will happen prior to the great tribulation.  Many others share in that hope, but aren’t all in agreement of the timing.  Exactly when the rapture will occur in relation to the tribulation is one of the scriptural issues that has been debated seemingly forever.  The one thing we can be certain of is that “The Rapture” will occur; He will harvest His people from this place of despair and trouble for that next life, the real life – of wonder, peace, and joy, which will itself be unimaginable.  Scripture says so, (1 Corinthians 2:9) “For eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 

If it has never entered into the heart of man, that means it has never been imagined.  If it has never been imagined by all of the billions of people that have existed since it was written, that suggests that it’s truly unimaginable.  Nevertheless, it will be a joyous time for those who have decided to trust Jesus!

For now, we live in a world where a time of great sorrow is indeed upon us.  We are moments in cosmic time away from the abyss of nuclear catastrophe designed by the enemy of God and mankind, to throw all of God’s creation into a morbid chaos of death and despair.  A time is coming of unparalleled fear not experienced by human beings in all of history.  Nothing can be done to stop it, it’s infallible scriptural prophecy – and Satan is in charge of all the people in place who could prevent it.  Their minds are taken, and anyone with eyes can see their total insanity.  They are drunk from the cup of madness. (Isaiah 29:9), “Pause and wonder! Blind yourselves and be blind! They are drunk, but not with wine; They stagger, but not with intoxicating drink.” (Jeremiah 51:7) Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, That made all the earth drunk.  The nations drank her wine: therefore the nations are deranged.

The good news is that there is a way to get through it!  Though we often stumble as if we walk in darkness, not seeing the things over which we trip, we have a precious Helper.  In this world of darkness, there are many clever obstacles laid in our paths that we cannot see without a Guiding Light to reveal such things for what they are.  Situations constantly arise in our lives in which we do not realize at first will lead us to distraction from God, but Jesus is always there to show the right Way to His beloved.

In the 14th chapter of Matthew there is the story of Jesus walking on the water out to the boat where the disciples were, and Peter, astonished at what he was seeing, asked Jesus if he could walk on the water and come to Him.  Jesus permitted him and as he began, he was able to walk on the water toward Jesus, but at some point, Peter lost his concentration on the Lord and began to sink into troubled waters and fear.  Jesus then reached out His blessed hand, in an act which should take a preeminent place in the mind and heart of every Christian, to take Peter into His care, preventing him from falling from His grace, in the passage represented by sinking into the dark water of the sea.  That’s what He does – that’s why He’s Jesus – Yeshua, our blessed and beloved savior!  When we lose our concentration on Him because of all of the turmoil and despair of the terrible events taking place in the world, He reaches out His hand to take and hold us in His care and protection.  He loves us with an UNIMAGINABLE love!  We must focus on Him through whatever of these hard times we have to endure, and we will be just fine!  It’s also important to remember that Peter only started slipping into the sea after his faith weakened.  Why that happened is not made clear, but if Peter could have kept his focus on Jesus, it’s doubtful he would have gotten into trouble.  Another lesson for us to hold onto and cherish!

As we anticipate terrible things coming our way, and terrible times are coming, you can count on it! It’s imperative that we find Jesus Christ and hold fast to Him to lead us through the perils we face.  There’s no reason to fear – though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we need fear no evil – we shall get through it with Him.