A Time to Collect Our Thoughts

At this writing, scientists have given us the heads up that there are 4 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) heading directly toward earth. These were released from the sun as a result of some severe solar flares, X-class ones, in fact, which are the highest category. That might be a bit misleading because although X-class is the highest, or most severe, the range of X-class flares is extensive.

CMEs are material ejections from the sun in the form of plasma. I don’t understand all of the science behind it, but they wreak havoc with the earth’s magnetic field. Most of us have at least heard of Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMPs. These are powerful pulses of electrical energy, depending on the strength of the inductive field, they can do little damage, from only making your lights flicker, all the way to completely destroying power grids.

As far as the threat to the power grid goes, one of the more catastrophic effects of an EMP would be to induce tremendous amounts of current into power transformers – more than enough to completely destroy them. We’re talking about devices that supply power to everything electrical in the country – or the world. Power transformers are typically ordered for specific applications and take many months, even years, to build. There are no warehouses where they are stored. When I say it takes a long time to build them, I’m talking about the notion of building them in factories that have electricity – there won’t be any of those. Every electrical substation from which we all get our electricity, has one or more power transformers and we need almost every one of them all the time, but especially in the hottest summer weather, but that would be moot, because in an event like I’m describing, air conditioning wouldn’t even be a consideration.

If we take a kill-shot, that is a CME as powerful as some we know of in the past, our society will be reduced to stone-age conditions very quickly. Way too many of the luxuries we’ve come to take for granted will instantly be gone. Turn on the kitchen tap – no water. It takes electricity to pump water out of the ground or to pump it up into towers.

Get used to walking around in a dark house if the EMP didn’t cause your house to burn down, candles will once again be humanity’s light source. There will be no internet, no television. Most vehicles’ electrical systems will be trashed, so be sure you have a mule and wagon and bicycles. There may be a few old-fashioned diesel engine-powered vehicles that can still be made to work, but since electrical systems won’t work anymore, you’ll have to always park on a hill so you can get it rolling and pop the clutch to start it. Won’t matter much, though, because whatever supply of fuel you have won’t last long. Also if your starving neighbors hear a vehicle engine running, they’re sure to come try and take it with any means available to them.

If you live more than a gas tank of fuel away from a populated area, your chances of hanging onto your bag of potatoes goes up. If you live in a populated area, you need to get away from it while your body still has enough stored energy for a long walk. While you have time, get books that teach you about edible wild foods. That tidbit of knowledge – of whether a plant is edible or poison – will mean the difference between surviving a while, or going out with a painfully inflamed digestive system, or, because of your lack of knowledge, avoiding it all and starving.

We all imagine armed gangs roaming around and pillaging. That will undoubtedly happen. There will be chaos and anarchy and you’d think the strongest will survive the longest, but the kind of people who rely on robbery and theft won’t last, because the only ones who might make it are people who have already learned how to forage, how to grow food, how to stay out of sight (put your candles out or only use them in a light-proof enclosure). The biggest reason those gangs of hoodlums who take things by force won’t last, is because as things become more desperate, they will fight amongst themselves to the extent that only individuals, or at most a few individuals from the groups will be left to deal with. If you think about it, anarchy and capitalism have a lot in common. If you use underhanded means to take what you want, soon enough there will be no more to take.

Expect there to be no law enforcement – those shiny cars with flashing lights will also be a thing of the past. Cops will quickly abandon their badges, but not their guns. They will become robbers too. Whatever it takes to survive. When a society completely abandons order and moral behavior, things will change to an indescribable way of life. We who have always submitted to societal norms will quickly have to accept and deal with a new reality. Those who cannot adapt will certainly be among the first casualties. You won’t be able to call 911!

Highways of the whole country will be cluttered with abandoned cars and trucks, all of them completely looted of anything useful or especially, edible. Many of them will be rusted, burned-out hulks that were burned from the EMP, but many will be vehicles that just stopped running because of the havoc on their electronics. All those unfortunate souls would have had to walk to their homes or to whatever nearby shelter in which they could take refuge, likely to never see loved ones again – ever.

If you get sick, even with something that could have been easily treated with antibiotics, you may well be in serious trouble. There will be no medical facilities and even if there were a few hospitals still trying to operate, most of them would be too far away to which a sick person would be able to walk, thus you would need to steel yourself for the inevitability of encountering death – everywhere. No hearses, no funerals, no coroners, people would lie where they fell.

Whatever foodstuff you might have in your freezer would need to be consumed quickly, or if you have the knowledge and supplies, you might be able to can some of it. Some meats can be smoked, but in general, during the first weeks of a CME catastrophe, great volumes of food which, if you’d be able to save it might greatly extend your survivability, would ironically and tragically be wasted.

Whatever you can do to ensure your drinking water would need to be addressed. This is something people cannot do without. Many battles will be fought over access to a spring or a pond. Another thing that people, especially ranchers, will have to accept is that your cattle will be up for grabs. The wiser ones will realize that without railroads or trucks, they won’t be able to feed their stock, or take them to markets, which won’t exist anyway, so they’ll just let people have them. Others will take up arms to protect their starving herds, and will surely lose their lives, for hungry people will do whatever is necessary to secure food.

If the CMEs that are on the way turn out not to be as devastating as some of us fear, don’t let your guard down – we are still in solar maximum, a time of increased solar activity. Due to the ongoing magnetic pole shift of the earth, our magnetic field which normally protects us from events like CMEs and cosmic rays, is much weaker than it has been for all of our lives, so the impact of solar storms will be magnified and more severe. The very sunspots that have been inundating the solar system with X-flares are sneaking around to the backside of the sun, but will be back in a week or so. Will they diminish back there, or will they gain strength so as to bombard earth with even more devastating flares when they get back around to face earth? New sunspots are not only possible, but during this solar phase, quite likely. And if the sun was to go back to sleep all of an unexpected sudden, several countries have developed weapons which, in the event of all-out war would be among the first used, would be capable of producing comparable, if not more devastating EMPs than the ones coming from the sun.

This post was written as a warning to readers of what we might be up against in the event of something quite likely to happen. There isn’t much we can do, other than take measures to try to prolong our misery, so how do we cope? Although I don’t claim to be able to interpret prophesy very well, in my own experience I’ve learned that a lot of the things we see coming were prophesied thousands of years ago in the Bible. The proof of God’s existence is being shown to us through these catastrophic events, of which we must expect to be more and of greater magnitude. I am a believer in the power and authority of Jesus Christ, Who, among other things, shut down a terrible storm in front of human witnesses. If He chooses, He can shut down this one too. He offers us refuge from the destruction Satan is wreaking on the world, as well as from cosmic phenomena. We will reach a point in our existence in which every person on earth will realize and recognize that He is our King, why not get ahead of the curve and learn about Him now? I promise, you are missing out on something greater than you could ever imagine – the love God puts into our hearts, it’s real.

God Bless All,