Who is Robert A Woods? What kind of person is he? I don’t know much at all about him, but I do know he is the deputy ambassador to the United Nations from the United States. He’s the guy who cast the vote to veto the call in the Security Counsel for a cease-fire in Gaza, a vote that might have ended up saving tens of thousands of lives of innocent people – women and children, mostly.
Obviously, Robert A Woods had marching orders to vote as he did. I wonder what would have happened if he’d gone against those orders and voted for the cease-fire. Would the vote have been binding on the council, or could someone higher up have rescinded it? Whatever might have happened, Robert A Woods missed out on his chance to be a genuine hero to probably 95% of the whole world – he would have instantly become adored and supported by hundreds of millions of people. He might have even instilled some faith by the world that there are still a few people of conscience in the United States. He could have been Aragorn on the world stage, but he chose to be Gollum.
Robert A Woods determined not to befriend anyone in the wide world and raised his hand at one of the most pivotal opportunities in all of modern history and voted down a chance to show a modicum of human decency. Even if he could somehow undo that despicable vote today, it would not help the thousands of Gazan peasants who have been martyred since his vote. They are dead now, thousands of them, and he did his part to ensure it would happen.
Although he slavishly did their bidding, he did not befriend anyone in control of the United States government as a result of his merciless action. None of those people have any friends. They do not know what friendship is, regardless of what Robert A Woods might believe. If Robert A Woods was out in the arena at the Roman coliseum of old and a gladiator had a sword to his throat, those people up in the stands he so faithfully served would all be standing with their thumbs pointed down, even though he did their bidding. He has no idea how much they hate him.
Robert A Woods is one of hundreds, maybe thousands of people in the United States government whose service to his country has morphed into service to something else – something entirely evil. Sadly, for Robert A Woods, he might not even be aware of it, although I’m pretty sure he is. Why wouldn’t he be? There’s money to be had in service to Satan, that’s why the most despicable den of vipers in the world have all of the money. Hatred and dishonesty are their calling cards, and Robert A Woods got himself on the receiving end of an unbelievable amount of that hatred when he smugly raised his hand in his rendition of those thumbs-down fans of the coliseum. Robert A Woods voted to kill thousands of innocent children with that simple gesture. And billions of eyes of the world were on Robert A Woods. If voting to slaughter all those innocent people wasn’t despicable enough, Robert A Woods followed up his vote with one of the most pathetic lies imaginable, also in front of the world. Everyone, including Robert A Woods knew he was lying, but isn’t that Satan’s native tongue?
Billions of people the world over watched with incredulity as Robert A Woods made a colossal spectacle of himself. The picture of him with his hand in the air, arrogantly condemning tens of thousands of women and children to death at the hands of psychopaths – will be forever etched into history, and nothing Robert A Woods can ever do will erase it. The relatives of every person killed since that historic vote will remember Robert A Woods casting that repugnant, despicable vote. If ever a time comes when Robert A Woods and his ilk happen to be in a situation where their staunch protectors are no longer able to staunchly protect them, will the people in charge of their fates show mercy? Which way will the thumbs point then?
Lot of good guys are emerging these days, as well as repulsive orcs like Robert A Woods. How about Josh Paul, who resigned from his job at the State Department rather than trade in his dignity for supporting genocide? How about all those guys who had previously been successfully vilified, but now that we realize we’ve been inundated with lies by the usual suspects, they are getting a second look. Seeing the people we believed to be the good guys having turned to stark-raving lunatic murderers with their blatant lies now exposed, now we have no choice but to go back and look at those who they had us convinced were villains and who may not be on the wrong side after all. Guys like Nasrallah, Raisi, Erdogan, Haniyeh, Saree from Yemen – all looking a lot like world heroes now. Same with groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and PMU guys in Iraq. Personally, I always liked General Soleimani and thought his was a despicable assassination. He was truly a hero and his enemies were terrified of him.
While I’m on the subject, I have always liked and respected Vladimir Putin. I say that as an American Navy Veteran along with many like-minded vets I’ve spoken with. The US would be so much better off with a morally upright, honest and patriotic leader like Mr. Putin. I also like ex-president Medvedev. And why can’t we field diplomats like the inestimable Sergei Lavrov, with all his wisdom and tact? Or Maria Zakharova – what a national treasure for Russia?! No, we get the likes of Nikky Haley, Jake Sullivan, John Kirby and Madeline Allbright and Robert A Woods to be our public faces. The Russians have us outclassed across the board.
Don’t forget Robert A Woods and that historic image of him with his hand in the air consigning all those innocent people to be murdered, because I’m pretty sure that will be exhibit A at his judgement when God weighs his culpability in this shocking evil in the middle east. Even though it wasn’t his own decision to veto, no one made him cast the vote, so now to the whole world, he is the smug face of the United States in its arrogant plunge into the abyss of evil. Way to represent us and make friends, Bob. You should repent and ask God’s forgiveness, it would be a long, uphill climb for you, worth it in the end, but that picture will always be out there.