prologue: This is another attempt to stimulate interest in critical world events by presenting the reader with some bits of speculation on what could happen based on current events – thoughts that cannot be found in the mainstream media. Posts from this site are read in countries all over the world. folkpotpourri.com website is convinced that public interest is of crucial importance if we are to stop this runaway train that is Western government. By presenting narratives of what might be left of our world post-apocalypse, perhaps enough interest can be garnered to help stimulate ideas on how to change our direction, and determination to do it. -MK
We finally made it here, and it’s been quite the ride. Looking over a bleak landscape that one could only imagine in the darkest and most horrifying of nightmares, I can but think this is the terminal station to where the train of humankind was bound – for thousands of years. For most of those years, we didn’t have the means to accomplish this, but malevolent entities posing as scientists of the mid twentieth century finally developed technologies that could do the job. They joined forces with other malevolent actors posing as politicians so as to become thus staffed for the task. There’s no denying it – we all knew what they were up to, but there weren’t enough opposition voices, and the ones that did speak weren’t loud enough to overcome that terrifying bloodlust that many humans carry inside them nor were they sufficiently powerful so as to overcome society’s appalling lack of courage.
Some days ago, the unthinkable happened. Russian submarines had for weeks been shadowing every nuclear-armed sub of the US, Britian, Israel and France, just waiting for the order to come down. If the Russian and Chinese submarines could maneuver in such a way as to get the drop on the allied subs and report their advantageous positions, the Russian and Chinese leaders had finally had enough of western criminal behavior to begin the process – they were determined to sink them all. They had S-500 missiles, laser weapons, all sorts of Electronics Warfare assets ready to fire on satellites, military installations, and almost every western aircraft, both in the sky and on the hundreds of bases around the world. And there were lights in the sky – everywhere.
Russia had sleeper cells comprised of Chinese, Central and South American, and Mideast commandoes stationed at strategic locations throughout the US, many of them nearby to nuclear missile silos. Their job would be to destroy as many of the silos and their contents as fast as they could once the order was given, so few of the aging minutemen were ever launched, or didn’t get sufficiently airborne to evade the weapons that had been trained on them for years. But it was the submarines that had to be adequately targeted before anything else could happen. In addition, there were hundreds of enemy commandoes at strategic locations near US air bases, both in the US and in foreign nations, ready to fire SAMs at B-52s and B-1 and B-2 bombers before they could get airborne, or very shortly thereafter. Stealth fighters were attractive targets everywhere, mostly on the ground. Many, many adversaries got into the US during the open border times and were thus stationed and prepared to disable US assets.
Places like Guam, Diego Garcia, and the Aleutians were all under the watchful eyes of Russian and Chinese submarines, again, waiting for the order. There would be no significant aircraft launches from these bases. Other targets of opportunity, especially for sleeper cells, were factories where munitions and weapons were produced, although when the big missiles started flying, they became inconsequential as Russian Sarmats would take care of them. Each and every one of them.
For many years, the Russians had patiently watched as the US military slowly self-destructed. They learned much about NATO’s capabilities (or lack thereof) from the murderous wars in Ukraine, the middle east, Afghanistan, Serbia and far too many others. While Langley and London frantically counted tanks and artillery pieces, the Russian military played cat-and-mouse with them, fully aware that tanks and destroyers would be of limited use when the real war started.
While the Russians, Iranians, Chinese, and North Koreans concentrated on weapons that worked, US defense contractors and their military and congressional co-conspirators concentrated on weapons systems that made them a lot of money – whether they worked or not was of little consideration. That’s how we ended up with flying bathtubs for trillions of dollars. The US got caught up in wokeism, with the most capable of West Pointers disgustedly leaving the service to the likes of the Rachel Levines and useless charlatans like Mike Pompeo, David Petraeus and others who were way more interested in their bank accounts and displaying subservience to Zionists than to military strategy. Putin knew this, Xi knew this. Their patience, though sometimes frustrating, paid off in spades. You could see the benefit of their patience from the developments in the Ukraine, but the military imposters in leadership positions in the west never caught on.
While the nuclear weapons got the most attention, both sides pulled out secret weapons arsenals that the crew of the starship Enterprise would have envied. Destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers coasted to a stop in the oceans, completely disabled by electronic warfare weapons. Some of them were sunk by hypersonic missiles; their radars couldn’t even see them coming. With Russian and Iranian EW weapons successfully engaged, all shipboard systems went dead, propulsion systems shut down, the electricity went off and soon enough they only had a contingent of marines on board with rifles and handguns, not a serious threat to anyone, especially in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. A dead aircraft carrier with no defensive capability, languishing in the middle of the ocean is completely useless, unless you’re a Russian submarine captain looking for some shiny chest decorations.
All of the aforementioned events happened in the first minutes of the conflict. The vaunted US nuclear triad was almost completely disabled, dozens of submarines in pieces, headed for Davy Jones’ locker. Anti-aircraft systems had been developed and honed to the degree that no western bombers were able to get to positions to threaten. North Korea and China had developed EMP weapons that completely shut down electrical grids throughout Europe and North America. The Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and North Koreans had spent years developing shielding and Faraday Caging for their weapons, so the EMP didn’t effect their systems, while Admiral Levine was spending his days chatting with the girls at the nail salon.
The US found out too late, that many of their so-called allies weren’t really their friends after all. Nations like Türkiye, Saudi Arabia, Romania, and Egypt actually assisted the opposition when push came to shove, many others following suit. Several countries, including Israel had been suspected of sharing intelligence all along with America’s adversaries. Some of them were in a position to help by actions such as shooting down American missiles and aircraft. Once the action had started and everyone knew this was it, several of the nationals in countries where the US had military installations took part by rapidly destroying American assets. Such was their arrogance and hubris, the incompetent people who had been promoted to the upper echelons of American intelligence had sufficiently degraded the organizations that they had no idea of the low regard these “allies” held for Americans. So much for “soft power”.
During the last years prior to destruction, the US congress took up all of their legislative time debating on things which only served to demonstrate which political party or members thereof could prostrate themselves most maniacally before their wealthy Zionist donors. Donald Trump, the favorite of trailer park people in rural America, had demonstrated his fealty to Israel so much during his first term, that only an imbecile could have believed his MAGA insanity. These people embarrassed everyone with an IQ above room temperature. In short, no one in positions of authority paid any attention to America’s strategic posture, only Israel’s. This came back to bite them in a big way.
The land is destroyed and there are very few survivors. All the wealthy people responsible for it are either dead or deep underground in bunkers they designed and provisioned to keep them alive until it is safe to come out. Did they actually think this through? What do they expect to see when they emerge, blinking and squinting at the sunlight? If there are still any survivors, it is guaranteed with no possible doubt, that they will be immediately taken captive – if there is any organized entity, I’m quite sure they will have reinstituted the death penalty, but more than likely they will be violently assailed and killed on the spot – maybe eaten, depending on the degree of starvation the survivors have endured. Seriously, what were they thinking? Did they actually believe that after what they did, all that gold they had hoarded down there would avail them in any possible way? Angry, starving, destitute people won’t have any appreciation for gold, or anything else they can’t eat. What, indeed, were they thinking?
No more yachts, no private jets, no luxurious condo on the beach. It’s all over. Why did the maniacs keep pushing Russia and China? They could have backed off at any time and the Russians, being sensible and way more honest, would never have waged war. Jim Wright promised the Russians back in Reagan’s day when the USSR broke up that NATO wouldn’t move an inch east – oh, except for East Germany. And Poland, and Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Türkiye, etc. Oh, and now of course Finland and Sweden. And for sure Ukraine if those pesky Russkies would have stayed home.
Most Americans were killed during the hour of destruction that was WWIII. The United States is now a vast, poisonous wasteland, almost completely devoid of life. There was a time not long ago when the people of this land could have risen up and avoided this catastrophe, and everyone knew it, but they all just sat around waiting for someone else to step up and lead a charge that would never take place. They all died the coward’s death, and maybe rightfully so. I don’t guess they were thinking of their families. The demons who made it happen will suffer the most in the long run, because many of them are still alive somewhere down there nearer to hell and they may as well get used to it – it’s where they will spend eternity.
The college kids have nothing to be ashamed about though, unlike the uniformed fascists who were attacking them on behalf of world Zionism. Those creatures got theirs though. What? Did they actually believe they were something other than useful idiots and that their benefactors would save them a nice cozy place in those plush bunkers? They are all dead now too. And their kids and families. I think they were probably the biggest fools of all. While they were gleefully whacking those kids and demonstrating all the incredibly masculine tactics their Zionist instructors taught them by wrestling women to the ground, their world was dissolving, but such was their relish for their precious authority, they joined the demonic leaders and were led to their own destruction, battling fervently against the only possible group that was trying to take us in the right direction. How foolish can people be? So, like it was in the Vietnam days, it became the police against the kids. The kids won that time, the police won this time, and now we sadly look upon the results.
epilogue: By the grace of God it hasn’t happened yet, but if we don’t make serious changes and soon, this is likely to be where we are headed. This site continues to do posts of warning – looking ahead to what might be if we don’t change directions. Food for thought sprinkled with generous helpings of opinion, but hopefully with some clarity of intent. Human existence is too important, too precious, to allow a relatively few self-interested purveyors of evil to destroy our world. I’m an old man and cannot do much except to write, exhort and pray mightily to Jesus for our deliverance. You can too.
C’est la vie.
Hi Mike,
Came across your blog thru unz.com.
Your scenario is quite possible with the evil insane people running this country.
Have told my wife another possibility is for the millions of illegals to start launching coordinated attacks nationwide,such as you detailed, to cause maximum damage+chaos.
God help us all.
As long as we hold our faith in God there is hope. Jesus Christ will prevail against the darkness and we have to be with Him. It’s going to be a rough ride till then though. Thanks for your comment.
There was a time when I would have recoiled from this dystopian vision, and insisted that such madness could never occur. Today, I see your work as a logical deduction of a future no human being should want.
Well, our Sins and weakness have brought us to this. As our Muslim friends say, “In’sh Allah” – as God wills it. Remember that our Lord Jesus told his disciples that even He did not know the day nor the hour, but that the Father had reserved that to Himself. And as He said of Judas: it must come, but woe unto him by whom it comes- better had he never been born.
Yet as Christians, we must never despair and forsake Hope. Express your Hope in Prayer, and perhaps the Almighty will stay His just hand in this moment. May God preserve you in the Holy Faith!
Although I stay confused as to whether or not I actually believe this horrid world I try to describe will come to pass, my goal in all of this is to make folks aware that it is indeed possible and to instill hope that it can be prevented if only we, as a people can stop looking away and work up the courage to do whatever we can to prevent it. Folks like you and I understand that Jesus Christ is the answer and I thank God for you and your thoughts and through these posts I strive to help bring others to that realization. Satan got a head start on this corruption (like many thousands of years) so we have a lot of catching up to do, but we have to believe we can do it and that our Lord Jesus will show us how.