January 29, 2024. Her name was Hind Rajab, she was six years old. I’d be willing to wager that there are not many people alive who personally know who she was. Even less who care. Lots of us have heard her story, though. All that’s left now is a memory of a little six-year-old girl who met a horrifying end at the hands of brutal monsters.
Her mom says she wanted to grow up and become a doctor. Surely she had other dreams, as any child her age would have. I have four daughters of my own, and was able to raise them, I have seen how little girls think, how they dream, how they love. God created them as little, vulnerable creatures who need care, security; someone to help them realize their hopes. Someone to rock them to sleep and tell them bedtime stories. Someone to grab their teddy bear and run to when the scary things under their beds wake them up. They are completely innocent, and those who try to justify what happened to this child on the grounds that she somehow deserved it – well, there’s a special place in hell for them. Jesus said it would be better for those who harm little ones if they had a millstone tied around their neck and were thrown into a lake. She is in the arms of the Lord now, and He will not forget what the demons did to her. A special place in hell indeed.
She was in a car with her uncle and his wife and their four kids and they were trying to get somewhere they would be safe, but dark-hearted savage beasts targeted their automobile, killing everyone in the car except her and her 15-year-old cousin. The cousin was able to call for help on the phone but was killed while pleading for help. Hind took the phone and continued to frantically beg for help, but that piteous phone call from a terrified child barely out of infancy proved to be her ending. When the scene was examined, they found her lifeless little body shredded with bullet wounds.
Why was this innocent little child such a threat to the most moral army in the world? Was she holding a teddy bear that looked like an AK-47? Why on earth would these cowardly soldiers open up on a tiny child with such wanton ferocity? These aren’t people with any semblance of human compassion. I can’t help but recall the Nazi SS leader who once said that if you couldn’t put a gun to the head of a little child and pull the trigger, there was no place in the SS for you. The IDF guys who did this proved they had the moral fortitude to have qualified for the SS.
A Palestinian Red Cross ambulance was called to rescue her. The EMTs got permission from the IDF, and a route was established by the IDF and sent to the ambulance, but while en route, the most moral army in the world intentionally fired on the ambulance, killing Hind’s would-be rescuers. Then they continued firing on the vehicle where the tiny, terrified child was trapped with six dead relatives until they killed her.
“Come take me. Will you come and take me? I’m so scared, please come!” were Hind’s last words.
Our illustrious House speaker, Mike Johnson, was on the news yesterday berating our college kids for pro Palestine protests. As far as I’m concerned, those protests are the ONLY things happening in America that are working in the direction of justice. Mike Johnson is just another venomous AIPAC shill, and you can discern that from every misleading sentence that comes out of his pie hole. And he thinks his rational-sounding words are getting past the American public as though they might actually believe what he is saying. Everyone knows better. Those people over there are being slaughtered en masse, and he and everyone else know it. It’s as though Greenblatt and Korn gave him a speech with orders to follow the script to the letter, and it’s painfully obvious to everyone he’s doing just that. There’s a special place in hell for the Mike Johnsons and Greg Abbots who defend these monsters. That goes for the Tom Cottons, Judas Hagees, and all else who defend the barbarity that is taking place in Palestine, not to mention the cops who are attacking the kids protesting this evil.
There are many atrocities of unspeakable malevolence taking place in Gaza right now, but the debacle that was Hind’s murder ranks among the very worst. It looks like the plan is to smother this story with so many others that it will be buried and forgotten. We cannot allow this to happen. I’m 70 years old and all my life I was spoon-fed stories about how evil the Nazis were and heard lots of stories of their infamous brutality, but the death of Hind Rajab is surely as atrocious as anything the Nazis ever did. When this “war” is over, we must never allow Hind’s murder to be forgotten. Those who are guilty of it must be pursued like Wiesenthal hunted the Nazis until justice finds them. Starting at the top. Never again means never again!
But that’s just the justice they need to face in this life. The punishment God has in store for the Synagogue of Satan will be the ultimate and eternal hell. I realize I’m supposed to pray for them and once in a while I do try, but it’s hard to do when they insist on this level of merciless barbarism and lies. It’s almost like trying to pray for Satan or Dick Cheney or something, but then God knows our hearts.
Rest in eternal peace in the loving arms of the Lord, little Hind. We will hold your memory in our hearts.