There’s a lot of discussion going on nowadays about things that are happening in the Middle East and I supposed that’s fitting since that’s where things are prophesied to wind up at the end of this age. Seems as though everyone has some interpretation or the other about what we should believe or how we need to behave to be on the right side of things going into the last days and I guess I’m no exception.
I am a Christian, not a Judeo-Christian, not a Christian Zionist, not a Christo fascist, I don’t even know what an Evangelical Christian is, but I don’t like the sound of it, I’m just a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and what He came to tell us. His message on how we need to believe and behave is way too simple for most, so there’s this tendency for some to pull out the Old Testament and see how much of it can be interspersed into the new covenant, but that always turns out to be an irresponsible distortion of the message of Jesus and makes it much more complicated than it is intended to be. He said He meant for His teachings to be simple, so simple people like me could understand them. He also warned us about something He called the leavening of the Pharisees that also tends to over complicate His message. He said a little leavening leavens the whole loaf, but I’ll leave that concept for now.
In case the reader is wondering, I’m not a preacher, just a person who reads his Bible and seeks God’s help in understanding it. As with all things in the spiritual evolution of a human being, we all have a lot more to learn. There are things that aren’t that hard to understand though, and it appears a lot of well-intentioned people are missing them, and that’s the reason for this post – people, a lot of people, are misunderstanding, or misinterpreting God’s word. Whether the faithful are doing this on purpose or not, it’s not possible for a human to know. God certainly doesn’t give us that kind of insight into the hearts of others, but by reading the Bible and comparing what’s in there to what is being disseminated by the leaders of some churches, it becomes fairly easy to see that there a lot of are false teachers out there.
One of the primary and most glaring inconsistencies you can look for as it applies to a Christian ministry is the financial status of the minister. This is the very easiest way to tell the false prophet. For example, Jesus Christ conferred absolute leadership of His ministry on the disciple Peter. He said He would build His Church upon this rock (Peter) and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. There is an obvious difference in Saint Peter’s wealth and that of the charlatans who would have you believe they are appointed leaders of the flock today. The ones who run the mega churches are all filthy rich. That should be the very first and most obvious clue as to whether they follow the actual teachings of Jesus. Jesus adamantly warned us that for all practical purposes, rich guys aren’t going to heaven. Are you comfortable sitting in the pews listening to a wealthy preacher who takes in millions after Jesus Himself tells you this guy isn’t fit for His Kingdom.
A perfect example is when Peter and John encountered a crippled beggar asking for alms. The disciples – true disciples of Christ – told the beggar that they couldn’t give him any money because they didn’t have any. They were able, however, to heal him where he could walk. Remember this is Peter, to whom was assigned by Jesus Himself, complete authority over the church. He was given the keys to the Kingdom and told that he had the authority to lock and unlock the very gates of eternity. But he had no money. None of Jesus Christ’s followers were wealthy – not one. Jesus Himself had to send a disciple to catch a fish with a coin in its mouth so He could pay His tax. Jesus, Who in time would inherit all things on heaven and earth, had no money! Judas Hagee has millions of dollars, but he nevertheless arrogates to himself the status of a minister of Jesus Christ’s church. Maybe he thinks he is more deserving of a wealthy and decadent earthly lifestyle than Saint Peter deserved, it’s hard to tell. There are others, but Hagee’s ministry is particularly heinous for several reasons, not the least of which are his incredibly false teachings.
Jesus also said the way is wide that leads to destruction and a lot of people would go through it, and the way of salvation is narrow, and few would find it. So, imagine the thousands of people watching the sermons on TV as well as the hundreds or thousands of “faithful” in their luxurious cathedrals, and compare that to the mental image of peasant worshippers in a mud hut back in the first century, trying to keep their practice hidden from the authorities who would have certainly persecuted them for their faith. They were willing to risk their very lives for their belief in our Savior Jesus Christ, and many of them indeed were martyred. The parishioners of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio aren’t risking very much, are they? Such blasphemous covens are completely safe from any government interference, because he who leads this world (to destruction) is in charge of governments of the world and he obviously doesn’t see these groups as a threat to him. I wonder why?
The same government – controlled by Satan, and as proof of its control by Satan, is supplying bombs to murder thousands of innocent people overseas. They indiscriminately bomb hospitals filled with sick and injured people and Christian Churches. This same Satan also has governmental authority over the mega churches in this country but does not bother them. Does that make sense – it’s the same devil? As long as those churches are preaching a message that is no threat to him, why should Satan bother them? They are right where he wants them to be, hearing the messages he wants them to hear. The gate is wide indeed! The millionaire Hagee preaches that the members of his twisted version of “christianity” should support said murderers. He sends tons of money to a nation whose religious leaders teach that Jesus Christ is in hell burning in human excrement and teaches his parishioners that in order to please God, the Father, they should automatically and without compunction, support this nation. Jesus Himself told us all very clearly that regardless of what they claim, these people are not even Jews – they are blasphemers who are a Synagogue of Satan. Satan controls every aspect of the United States government, especially the blasphemous whores who populate the congress – now do you see why the equally blasphemous mega churches are able to operate with impunity in a country that tortures prisoners of war and imprisons journalists for telling the truth?
One of the seminal concepts that these charlatans preach is the part where God promised Abraham, of some impending blessings to his descendants. There were reasons for this which I will avoid because they do not apply to this post. Back in Abraham’s time, he and his descendants were indeed God’s chosen people, because of faithful men like Abraham. The promise was that if people and nations blessed Abraham’s descendants, God would bless them. Conversely if people cursed Abraham’s descendants, they would be cursed, but here’s where the false preachers get it all wrong. Although that promise is still in effect today, descendants of Abraham are a different people from those who claim to be, thus the false prophets are trying to confer the promise onto the wrong people. He said nations that did not know Him would call Him their God and He would call them His people.
If one reads the scriptures, especially the New Testament under which we are living, he finds a place and time when John the Baptist, a man who has some pretty incredible spiritual credentials (and he was also quite poor), warned the Pharisees that they shouldn’t think too highly of themselves just because they were descendants of Abraham because God could raise up sons to Abraham from the rocks they walked among. Let that one sink in, you followers of false teachers, because that’s exactly what God has done! He has raised up sons to Abraham from places where they would not have been expected. Abraham has adopted sons, millions of them as promised, who are his offspring by having accepted Jesus Christ. We are Abraham’s spiritual offspring – therefore, receivers of the promise to Abraham, not some nation of evil murderers who passionately hate Jesus. Christians have assumed the mantle of God’s chosen people, and only Christians.
How can anyone possibly listen to rich villains who denigrate Christianity teaching blasphemy? By rejecting Jesus Christ, the people who live in the occupied territory– even if they are genetic sons of Jacob (which they are not) – give up their share of the promise to Abraham, regardless of what Judas Hagee preaches. He is a liar and a blasphemer – good people need to get out of his church while they still can inherit their share of the promise. Same for those who follow Osteen, Copeland, and all the other rich jet-set false prophets.
The Zionists in Israel and the United States hate Jesus Christ. Therefore, the latter part of God’s pledge to Abraham falls on them – the curse part – and it falls on anyone who curses the followers of Christ. Not the first part, the blessing part is reserved for all – Jew and Gentile – who believe in and follow Jesus Christ. These would be the people who find their way through the narrow gate – those who are willing to risk it all for Jesus, not the ones who sit fat and happy, amening the lies of false prophets in cushy churches where there is no threat to them whatsoever – for whatever twisted beliefs they espouse. They leave the church and climb into their luxury cars to go home to their mansions, smug in the belief that those bucks they put into the offering, bound for rich people who despise Jesus (also for the good reverend Hagee’s fat bank account) – will buy them into heaven.
When a person compares the teachings of Jesus Christ to what is disseminated in the mega churches, it would almost appear that true Christianity more closely resembles what Islam believes than it is to what the liars in the big churches put out. In fact, I admire the Muslims for their dedication. They pray more times in one day than a lot of so-called Christians do in a month, in many cases, longer. They also believe in Jesus, but they think He was a prophet – He was a prophet – an honorable title but far short of all He actually was. I believe and pray that our Islamic brothers take the leap of faith that brings them to the realization that Jesus was the Son of God.
One misunderstanding is that Islam believes that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are considered in Christianity to be separate Beings instead of three different manifestations of the same Being. It’s a difficult concept to grasp and none of us can wrap our heads around it, but most of us agree there is only One God. If all who believe in God, or Allah, could accept that Jesus is the Son of God, that would put a lot of people in the world on the same page. God is everywhere, so He can be in the form of Jesus, in an Imam, in a priest, or in you or me or in a burning bush, or in the air, but He is still the same God. I think I’ve read somewhere that Muslims believe Jesus is coming back some day to render justice, and all Christians believe that too, but I’m not sure Muslims believe He is coming back as the Almighty King of Kings to rule the world.
True followers of Jesus should make every effort at every opportunity to read their own Bibles and follow His teachings. And turn away from rich preachers – every one of them is corrupt and rotten to the core. You can take the Words of Jesus Christ on that. He really didn’t have much good to say about the wealthy of this world.
It is nice to know others also see the oxymoronic term “judeo-christianity” for the phony new age belief that it is. CHRISTIANITY is the belief and faith in Christ, his teachings, and resurrection. Like the argument between Peter and Paul, it is NOT a requirement that someone must become a jew before they can be a Christian.
“it is NOT a requirement that someone must become a jew before they can be a Christian.” OR is it a requirement for a Christian to ‘become a jew’. Which we thought was settled doctrine, in the 1st Century church; but has somehow been resurrected by the likes of Hagee and Locke and other 5th column ‘ministers’.
Excellent! Just shared this on Facebook.
The Scriptures say clearly that those who support the true prophets, share the prophets reward – and conversely – those who follow the false prophets, will share their shame and even their perdition. I do hope that the egregiously foolish multitudes of ‘Zionist – so – called – Christians’ wake up before its too late; which may very well be this year.. 2024.
Thanks for the support. It’s up to folks like us who see this lack of scriptural knowledge to shine the light so those who are deceived have opportunity to see it.