I suppose it’s time to stop posting here and hope that whatever efforts I have expended have been to some avail. It is with a heavy heart that I have come to reluctantly understand that it seems that God has not appointed me to be a spokesman for His gospel. Although I’ve enjoyed trying, I guess there are a lot more qualified people out there to take on that responsibility and many of them seem to be doing a good job. I don’t have it in me to restart posting about other things.
I feel like the Lord has laid it on my heart to shut down this site and pursue whatever other avenue(s) there might be for an old man to serve Him, but sadly I guess writing spiritual posts is not one of them.
There’s a lot of evil out there nowadays and Satan continues to deceive people, but I guess folks have to read their own Bibles and/or find preachers to understand how it all works, because this old geezer will not be able to continue. From the looks of things, in around a month it’ll be taken down.
Thanks to all of y’all who have been visitors, and I hope you’ve garnered some good things from folkpotpourri. My main goal was writing posts to encourage folks to seek Jesus if they did not know Him and to encourage those who already do. I hope it has helped some. Unless something drastic comes up to post about between now and its removal, I’ll see y’all down the road…