Today it is not uncommon to hear of, to see video of, to witness as never before the savagery of the servants of Satan as they slaughter innocent people in the Middle East. The United States of America, the UK, Germany, France, etc. are as guilty as those demon-possessed military men who are pulling the triggers and dropping the bombs. Just this morning there is a news story about a family being butchered as they sat down to their evening meal in the West Bank. Demon-possessed soldiers opened fire on this unarmed family and even shot a little two-year-old girl in the head and killed her during the slaughter. No one was shooting at the killers – they had no legitimate reason to shoot up the family of innocent people. They never do, it’s just that they relish taking the lives of any – especially those who cannot defend themselves. Demons are cowardly like that; they prefer not to go up against armed enemies who shoot back. There have been countless atrocities committed against this people, we know of the Hind Rajab episode, the aid workers who were killed with missiles after trying to escape the butchers in three different cars. The flour massacre where the “most moral army in the world” mercilessly slaughtered starving people who crowded around a truck to get some flour. There have been so many examples of illegal, immoral butchery that it will take years to list and investigate them all. In their unsuccessful attempts to keep their malevolence hidden, they have killed more journalists than have been killed in any other conflict.

The demons are violating every human norm – every “rules-based order” of human decency, and they have the (almost) complete support of the US government. Lindsey Graham screams at the top of her lungs that “Israel has a right…”. I hope God doesn’t take His wrath out on the whole state of South Carolina for the malevolence of the demon that possesses that vile little monster, but then many of them voted for him. Marco Rubio is now in a position where he can slavishly oblige Satan’s chief servant, Netanyahu, aka Malikowski, as he always has, but now without hiding behind Senate votes – he’s out there publicly, as is Donald Trump, again. I guess he’s no worse than the servant of evil that just left office. Most of these guys were once able to hide or disguise their servitude to the Synagogue of Satan, but now that Satan has near complete control, they no longer need to bother to hide their evil proclivities, nor do they try anymore. Why is sending bombs to Israel not as illegal as handing a knife to Ted Bundy? If you were on trial for abetting Ted Bundy who killed maybe three dozen women (I’m not trying to minimize his carnage), you’d get life, or maybe even the death sentence. If you give bombs to an evil entity who is murdering tens of thousands of innocents, the legal system whistles past the graveyard – or worse, sanctions any prosecutor who dares to bring charges – and that’s what passes for western justice today! Folks we need Jesus as never before! Get right with Him before it’s too late – don’t let this evil system with its evil “leaders” take you down with them. I think that decent leaders like Putin and Xi are going to get enough of this barbarism and destroy the Zionist-controlled west before they (our leaders) destroy the world with their evil and immorality.

I don’t know why everyone makes a fuss about Middle East “ceasefires” when the only thing such an “agreement” means is that the resistance stops shooting back when the demons continue to kill innocent people. They never intend to stop murdering, but as mentioned above, they prefer to do it when no one is shooting back, so they negotiate a “ceasefire”. Neither, it appears, do they intend to withdraw from Southern Lebanon as “agreed”. And the resistance leaders don’t seem to be able to catch on. During the Ukraine SMO, Putin and his men figured this western trait out, calling western negotiators “agreement incapable” of any kind of treaty. How do we respect “leaders” who openly brag about using US military power to steal oil and wheat from an impoverished country like Syria? Yet on my drive to and from town I see his campaign signs in yards as though some are proud of themselves for having voted for such a leader. To me the scary part is that these same people probably go to church around here somewhere.
Some true heroes have emerged from the darkness of this evil, though. Fransesca Albanese, special rapporteur of the UN shines like a great beacon of light on the evil taking place. Kudos to Karim Khan of the International Criminal Court for being brave enough to indict Netanyahu and Gallant. The ICC and the ICJ have called it like it is, too, so kudos to them. Martyrs, beginning with General Soleimani of Iran and including Hassan Nasrallah, Yahya Sinwar, Haniya, Iran’s President Raisi, and the brave fighters of Gaza, especially the Qassam Brigades, the noble Houthi rebels and Iraqi resistance, Hezbollah, all will be seen by future historians (if there will be future historians) as being on the right side of humanity. Same for journalists like Owen Jones, Larry Johnson, Judge Napolitano, etc. and outspoken heroes and heroines Candice Owens, Kevin Barrett, and Caitlin Johnstone. Y’all keep up the good work – the whole world is watching as y’all expose this evil. More importantly, so is God.
There are others who have “arisen” to be historic villains, such as Joe Biden, almost the entire congress of snakes in the US, Starmer of the UK, Scholtz, Macron, Blinken and all of the other Zionist genocide supporting entities, including “defense” contractors of the US. Zionist billionaires who have arrogated to themselves the authority to control college campus activities in America are included in this group. Various public figures everywhere who support the massacre going on in Palestine for whatever shekels they can garner, will burn in hell for their participation in this travesty. This applies as well to all who work in mainstream media, spouting out lies daily, whether by omission or inclusion (of justification) for genocide.

Such is the publicity of the barbarity happening in Gaza, the West Bank, Southern Lebanon, and now Syria, that even all the fine, upstanding church-members of the covens of evil called evangelical churches will not be able to claim ignorance when they stand before a wrathful Jesus Christ at the judgement. First of all, Jesus himself warned everyone about the Synagogue of Satan, so why are the pastors of the mega churches so hell-bent on serving them? If these people are so determined to look the other way, when the truth is right out in front of them in their own Bibles (and in today’s alternative media) yet they continue to support the workers of Satan (with support groups like CUFI), they will surely deserve what they get, but it’s going to be a long and horrible eternity for them.

So while the honorable congress persons who voted to sanction the ICJ, to all the states’ legislators and governors who continue to enact unconstitutional legislation against the 1st amendment (which gives folks the right to participate in BDS), and others who use their positions of power to protect the genocidal psychopaths in the Occupied Territory of Palestine – all await their turn to enter into the eternal fires of hell, we can but pray to God that our Lord Jesus Christ will return soon to intervene and levy their final rewards.
Pray for God to comfort the families, to heal the wounded, to teach the little ones who are missing limbs how to survive, how to prosper. Pray for God to bless us with the ability to forgive the people perpetrating this evil – they are human beings under the control of demons, and most of them probably don’t even realize the level of evil of which they are guilty and for which they will have to answer. That’s no excuse, however for them, because they choose to be the way they are, but it is to our benefit – to the benefit of all decent human beings and believers in Jesus – that we do not carry hatred in our hearts for there isn’t room in the human heart for Jesus Christ and hatred of other human beings. We can hate their evil acts, but not them. When we cross the line and allow hatred of our fellow human beings to fester in our hearts, the same enemy wins, but this time he wins over us, and most sadly it will be because we surrendered to him. Pray that the Lord will help us keep our feet on the ground and be able to see the plots of the devil and avoid his traps. Sometimes it’s a tough pill to swallow, but there it is.
There are a lot of stirrings and rumblings here and there from like-minded folks like us about this slaughter of innocents, but we have to turn our voices up a notch – no, a bunch of notches! It’s time to stand up and be counted – like those few others who have risked much to expose the rampant evil genocide and among our “leaders” who openly support it! It’s unbelievable, but my Christian choice here is to make my voice heard! Christians have to make their choice known today! Don’t let our immoral leaders think we’re not watching them.
Someone once said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way!” Men of good conscience, men of decency, should all agree it’s time to heed that.
May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.