Could it be that as our world disintegrates before our eyes that we are being presented with a challenge that will determine our future, a test of sorts that very simply defines who we are, or who we’d like to be? Is it a test of our faith to see if we can resist the hatred born of witnessing evil? If you are an American living in the 21st century, you’ve learned about the American Indians who were the proprietors of the home of the brave, back then they were even called braves. Though I’m just an old Ozark hillbilly living as a simple redneck, I have a profound respect for those folks, and a profound regret for what our forebears did to them.

Now that we’re seeing first-hand what colonialism, genocide, and extreme racial prejudice looks like in our day, we should remember that our ancestors were as guilty of this barbarism as what we witness today. This same mindset has been prominent throughout history as empires came and went. People are being slaughtered without mercy – that doesn’t make it right by any stretch, but it has happened countless times through history, and you’d think we would’ve advanced beyond this inhumane behavior, but alas, I guess we haven’t. If anything has changed at all, we’ve developed more depraved ways to torture and kill. This genocide we are watching today isn’t something new, it’s just happening in our lifetime, indeed before our eyes.
Most human beings aren’t totally heartless, so it stands to reason that at least some of us are shocked to see such barbarism and destruction as we see in Gaza and Lebanon. It’s difficult to imagine our esteemed American ancestors visiting this level of malevolence on the Indians, but they did, they just didn’t use 2,000-pound bombs. In fact, the genocide being perpetrated on the Palestinians is exactly the same, and for the same reasons – the invaders wanted the land, and they weren’t willing to share it – the invaders had to have it all. They also were convinced they were of a superior race. They were willing to stoop to whatever level of depravity necessary (and unnecessary) to get the land, too. That’s where the revelation of whom they serve becomes obvious, for Satan takes great delight in seeing the viciousness of which his servants become capable under his tutelage.

The only possible remediation to the evil of colonialism is to stop it – shut it down. We can’t go back and undo what has been done, there’s just too much water gone under the bridge for that, but we could take time out from whatever manifestation of evil we find ourselves involved in (or against) and try to peacefully resolve our issues. There have been several international “agreements” that were passed to address and prevent one sovereign nation from stealing property from another sovereign nation, but when a government has the power and the opportunity to “seize” assets of another country or another people, they always avail themselves – mankind cannot help himself and history has proven this. Satan, always through fiduciary malfeasance, has bestowed this power upon those who choose to serve him, and resolving problems using peaceful means is never his strategy.
When Satan took Jesus up on the pinnacle where He could see the whole world, the devil offered Him control over the kingdoms of the world – power and riches beyond imagination, Jesus denied him, because He would have to worship Satan to receive it. Few men have denied this generous offer, it’s the very reason there are such wealthy people in the world – they took the devil up on his offer. As part of the bargain, they play a big part in the evils going on in the world, including the support of genocide. Wealthy Zionists work feverishly behind the scenes to shut down protests against genocide on American college campuses, they us the evil AIPAC political lobby to try and get legislation passed to illegalize speech they don’t like and foment diverse attacks on the US constitution.

Only a few years ago when someone spoke of evil men taking over the world, they were made the objects of ridicule, and this was part of the plan. Such grandiose malfeasance as world domination was so unimaginable, people who spoke of it were made out to be fanatical conspiracy theorists, at least until sufficient power could be accumulated for this exact objective to be realized, because when enough power ($=power) could be amassed, it would no longer be necessary to heap scorn upon those who try to warn the masses, they can do their dirty work right out in the open with no fear of popular uprisings against them, or so they think. Sadly, the vast majority of people are perfectly willing to voluntarily extend their hands for the shackles with which they will be enslaved. Few dare to risk being radical enough to publicly speak against the evil they are seeing. In fact, such free speech is becoming illegal in more and more places, constitutions be damned.

I’ve written about this before, but it’s important to stay mindful of the treachery of Satan. He knows full well that the rich guys who currently serve him only have a limited time to operate. Sooner or later even the slowest of John Q Public will realize what is going on and eventually the pitchforks will appear. This is when Satan will produce a premeditated army of implacably angry proles who have once again learned how the wealthy – including government leaders – have dealt so treacherously with them and one of the biggest, yet unexpected objectives of his strategy will come to fruition. Common people will have hatred in their hearts for the aristocracy (see French Revolution) and otherwise normal people will think it’s justifiable to commit offenses against the covenant of Jesus Christ, acting out of abhorrence for those who tried to enslave them. You see, Satan doesn’t in the least mind turning on his servants, in this case the ones he provided with wealth and power, in order to gain the multitudes’ subservience. There are many more souls to be had among the proletariat than those of the few wealthy ones, and for him it’s a numbers game, after all. He also harbors a special hatred for Jesus and those who choose to follow Him. He has no power to harm the Lord, but he has several ways to try and defeat Jesus’ followers. One of his proven methods is to instill such frustration into the hearts of good men that they allow anger to fester into hatred. When people rise up and begin to take vengeance, they become his Satan’s new trusted servants, so he wins souls either way. Do you really think the internet would be available to conspiracy freaks to point out the evil elites if this were not the case? People can use alternative media to say things that stir up the mob, because anger, frustration and hatred are all in his toolbox. For now, we Christians can use the net to warn others, but that is rapidly changing, due to content censorship. If you doubt the effectiveness of this sewing of hatred, just read the comments of most popular blogs.

There’s a lot of back and forth going on in social media about all of the dastardly atrocities that are happening, and there are indeed some hideously evil things taking place, but the revelations of these things is only part of the plan. Populations worldwide are hearing of these developments – the elites and the governments they control can no longer keep a lid on them – so a seething rage is building, as I said, it’s part of Satan’s plan. At some point folks will get enough and the house of cards that Satan dealt the “elites” will come down, but if common people aren’t careful, they will become the new servants, and this because of the desire for vengeance. This is also a very effective weapon of the devil, and Christians must beware of it. God said He’d take care of the payback part of all this, and we must trust that He will. Do not give in to the desire to see those bad guys hanging on lamp posts, because when you do that, the same enemy wins. Also be aware that the plans of the “elites” and Satan’s plans don’t always coincide, so when you see and hear voices talking about the evil “elites”, keep your guard up – even if what they are saying sounds true, the devil might be coming at you from a different direction.
Wealthy people are too caught up in decadent lifestyles and the ego-stroking echo chambers around them to realize what’s building. They completely leave God and His warnings out of their plans, to their utter damnation. God will, in His time, deal with those who persecute the innocent, especially His own servants, and we, as believers in Jesus Christ, must be vigilant to remember this and not take (or promote) our own vengeance. Stay above the fray, keep the narrow gate in sight; pray for the very ones you know work for the enemy, so that you can be like our Father who makes the rain fall on good people and evil ones as well.

There have been genocides, ethnic cleansing, and other malevolent persecutions of human beings through all of history – the one we see today is nothing new. As human beings, of course we can do better than this, but for right now we have to recognize and keep in mind Satan’s purpose – he can and has caused people to kill each other for time immemorial, but in this age of instantaneous information, for the first time he has a tool with which he is capable of corrupting the hearts of multitudes more humans more quickly than ever. He has the opportunity to foment hatred in the hearts of everyday people with a lust for vengeance. Just take time to think it through and you’ll be able to avoid this snare he has set for believers. In the secular world, things happen for a reason and don’t think for a second that Satan would be reluctant to throw his wealthy servants under the bus in order to defeat servants of Jesus Christ.
Please be aware that the people in most megachurches led by millionaire pastors are not faced with this threat – Satan already has them where he wants them, so don’t expect them to worry about or succumb to hatred of those who engage in genocide. In fact, most of them actually support it. No, this is a special trap set to try and capture the minds of true believers, those who follow Christ but still might be susceptible due to their repugnance of genocide to the extent that it might spawn hatred in their hearts. If you fall into this category of Christians, be honored that the enemy has a special strategy just for us, recognize it and do not fall for it. Pray for them. Pray for the wisdom to recognize this and all other snares of the enemy.
May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.