Today is Saturday, August 3, in the year of our Lord 2024 and things are shaping up to get really ugly in the Middle East – likely the whole world – as I write this post. The status of the world, though shocking to many, does not come as a surprise to Christians. We’ve long read about world events that are to come upon us in our Bibles. We know about most of the things that will take place because we believe the God-given prophecies of guys like Daniel, Ezekiel, and John, and if you haven’t read up on the things that are predicted, you should so you can get ready – it’s going to be quite the ride!
When you decide to start checking into the events that are happening and are yet to happen you will undoubtedly encounter the undercurrent of it all which is the ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil – between God the Creator and His enemy Satan. There are way too many aspects of this enigmatic confrontation for any human still in the flesh to be able to comprehend. We cannot begin to enumerate nor understand all of the issues and their effects even though a lot of people, especially the charlatans that try to pass themselves off as preachers, would have you to believe they are able to. Suffice it to say there is an incomprehensible spiritual battle happening and like it or not, all of us – even those on this side of the void – are involved. We have to choose a side, and unfortunately most of humanity has already done so although many do not even realize they have. That’s where studying your Bible comes in.
Ignoring the words and the person of Jesus Christ is the same as opposing Him. Jesus Christ is the only Way we have out of this mess that the servants of evil have made of the world. There are many who claim to know how to confront Satan and his minions, but Jesus said that He is the ONLY way we can succeed, [John 14:6] “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father but through me.” There are many people who try to reach God, but if we believe Jesus is truthful, we must recognize His authority as the Son of God and follow Him to get where we need to go. Once we submit our hope to Him, we begin a journey that will lead us to an unimaginably joyful and indescribable victory. It will be the ultimate victory over the evil that today plagues this world, and in the end all of those servants of evil who seem to be so invincible now will actually be the servants of Jesus’ followers. According to this doctrine, Netanyahu, Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild and all of the evil figures who have seemed to be so untouchable, will be bowed at the feet of those who are for now, humble and innocent travelers, those who trust Jesus to bring justice upon all who practice iniquity today, for the servants of Jesus will inherit kingship in the reign of Christ.
Imagine the shock and disappointment of those who would control the world today when they discover their whole earthly existences were no more than that of the grass of the field, and when they get to the Great Day of God’s judgement and see their master groveling before the True King. Those who wield the great swords of war, the dark and powerful weaponry that destroys nations, will be struck with fear and awe at the inimitable power of the real King when He appears in His unimaginable glory. In that moment they will realize the futility of their former allegiance to Satan, his wealth, his earthly control. If they had the mind to do so, they could look through those powerful telescopes and see great stars exploding, destroying everything in the millions of miles of space all around – that’s only a sample of the kind of power the Lord has. Their servitude to the evil one will all mean nothing, but those of us who have been faithful to our Lord Jesus will attain kingship and share His inheritance of all things.
Just in case you haven’t noticed the world powers coalescing around the middle east and the open and unabashed slaughter of all those innocent people in Palestine, the warships congregating, and all the other portents of destruction and annihilation gathering like some dark cloud, you might want to open your eyes before it’s too late. It’s going to get really ugly, but when it’s all over, those who will be left standing will be our King Jesus Christ and His followers – and ONLY them. Everything He said would happen has either already happened or is happening now – that should be all the evidence we need to understand the Truth of what He says. Get on the right side of things before it’s too late. The clouds are rapidly closing in…
I’ve posted several post-apocalyptic narratives trying to describe what it might be like after a total nuclear exchange between the countries that possess nuclear weapons, but I think they all fall far short of a real world after such an event. I’m sure if something like that could actually be put into words there’d be a lot more people in the streets, but such is the state of the world, it looks like folks would just rather not think about something like that – even if a great verbal portrait could be composed. If we had to wake up to what might be left of our existence, I’m sure we’d think about what we might do to help stop the nuclear war threat. Stories like this or this ought to get people’s attention, but I just watched this Hiroshima – the unknown images on You Tube, and it grabbed me by the heart.
Miyuki Bridge in Hiroshima a few hours after the blast
Maybe everyone should take an hour out of their lives and watch it. Folkpotpourri has done more posts than just the ones linked above, but none of them come close to effectively conveying the horror of surviving a nuclear explosion than that documentary with its eyewitness testimony of what those people went through. It’s just a glimpse of what the whole world will inevitably endure if there’s a nuclear war. We’ve heard of the tribulation prophesied in the Bible, it’s going to be a horror, and I couldn’t imagine a human being in a worse situation than to be a survivor of a worldwide cataclysm left over after such a thing.
There would be rampant, fatal cases of radiation sickness – every survivor would have to undergo some level of it. Imagine how helpless you’d be watching someone you love dying a horrible death and not being able to do anything. There’d more than likely be no hospitals, and if there were a few, they wouldn’t have any power. Who’s to say how many, if any, doctors would survive? Your automobile probably wouldn’t run, and if you were to find one that did, how long do you think you’d last out on whatever road that might still be drivable with hundreds, maybe thousands of desperate survivors trying to get to help themselves? You can figure they’d all be armed and looking for transportation.
The Hiroshima survivors, real human beings just like you and me, underwent a horror that no human being should ever be forced to endure. Imagine being in near darkness following some morbid procession of people, most of whom have been horribly burned, their skin hanging off, each one looking to someone, anyone, who might be able to help them. They ambled around what was left of the streets, not knowing where they were going, not caring, not even thinking, just taking that next breath. All of them in shock, intense pain, and unimaginable sorrow, having lost loved ones, pets, and homes.
Will Harry Truman’s fate be an eternity wandering among such a tragedy, forever to hear the screams of children and elderly men and women in horrible pain? Will Colonel Tibbits be watching from the window of the Enola Gay, the bomber that he named after his mother and from which he dropped the bomb? He said he didn’t regret dropping the bomb afterwards when he was still alive, I wonder if he regrets it now. I wonder what his mother thinks of what he did. I think of his airplane, forever stranded on land in an ocean of tormented people, bodies disfigured and screaming in pain – a runway from which he will never again take off as he looks out at the ghastly sight.
Sadly, we live in a world governed by men who have no regard for the desolation a nuclear war they would unleash on the world. They only think as far as the plush bunker they intend to get into and ride it out. Do they intend to spend the rest of their natural lives in some hole in the ground, never to see sunlight or rivers or mountains again? Or do they think they will someday emerge into some garden of Eden at last completely devoid of those horrid poor people? Some folks have enough God-given foresight to know that ain’t how it’s going to be, but let them dream. If the nuclear weapons start going off, the most fortunate folks will be the ones at ground zero – it will be swift and painless – they (we) will be vaporized quickly – some scientists say before a person’s nervous system has time to send pain signals to the brain. The amount horror a person will undergo will increase in proportion to his distance from the explosion, with those farthest from ground zero being the ones who will suffer longest. As of the time of making the documentary mentioned, some of the Hiroshima survivors were still alive.
The last building standing in Hiroshima 75 years later
Upon emerging into the world from their caves, they will undoubtedly be met with a horrible landscape of total destruction strewn about with human bones, skulls, and other remains. There may be animals, wild animals and many once tame, but by then gone feral and looking for food. There won’t be any construction crews and bulldozers to rebuild the world – they will all have been destroyed. Any survivor coming up out of a bunker will be faced with going back down into their dark hole to finish their miserable lives, or the even bleaker prospect of trying to survive up on the surface among the bones and ghosts of their fellow humans. I really think however, that by that time God will have stepped in and taken control, rewarding His servants and doing justice on His enemies.
Get right and stay right with Jesus Christ to ensure your eternal reward. It’s the only way out of this. There are men in the world in service to a master who would like nothing better than world-wide death and destruction, and they are capable of doing it.
Adrift – this once stalwart and reliable beacon of freedom called America now careens to and fro at the whim of whatever wave or wind arises – always from the same realms of darkness – to influence her direction. Leaders are captive to the direction of whomever holds the most wealth or maintains some little black book rife with evidence of morally shocking behavior. Thus, the need for deceit of a proportion never seen before, is upon us. And I don’t even believe Epstein is dead.
Wonder how many people believe this creature actually killed himself
Falsehood has become the stock-in-trade of all their pursuits. If the leadership of any entity mistakenly tells a lie, they are typically forgiven once the falsehood is acknowledged, but after being served generations of lies and having come to realize that the entire world that has been presented to them is a contrived fabrication, then people are susceptible to doubt their leadership. And why not? Why should anyone be surprised that the populace now suspects each and every narrative of each and every event that happens on the public stage?
Questions, questions…
Back before the whole house of cards began to collapse when the spook agencies had firm control of all of our information sources, we tended to believe what the mainstream news told us, even though they fed us daily allotments of swill even then. The difference between then and now is through sources of alternative media, social networks, blogs such as this one, people are taking their rusty brains out of the attic and beginning to realize they still work, and all of these years we have spent allowing others to think for us have brought us to the edge of the precipice, but at least now we can see it.
Those of us who have been mocked with derision for doubting the JFK narrative are being heard, often for the first time, and some who bought into the “magic bullet” narrative, are seriously looking at the likelihood of a bullet from a high-powered rifle hitting more than one person (while changing direction) and being found in pristine condition. The 9/11 narrative, full of holes you could drive a big diesel truck through, is being reconsidered. People are actually wondering why that reporter was telling everyone that Building 7 had been razed to the ground while that exact building was very visibly standing in the background of her own televised report as she was saying it, and then came down later. How about after seeing the horrific collisions that obviously would have vaporized everyone on the plane, they found that “terrorist” passport ON TOP of the debris? It seems a lot of folks are taking a second look.
Is it any wonder that people still question the Sandy Hook story and wonder why crisis actors were hired to pose as witnesses? Actors are hired for one thing – to ACT! Alex Jones may have been victimized by the courts, but that issue is far from settled. A lot of folks question the moon landings now – all these years later – because they are waking up in vast numbers to the fact that their government has lied to them over and over until now, they question everything. No politician, media figure, or even law enforcement spokesperson gets the free pass of trust from the citizenry anymore. That’s what happens when the glue that holds an entire nation’s narratives together is that of utter lies and deception.
When our public discourse has become an entertainment spectacle to the extent that people who bother to watch press briefings are no longer watching to get information from the likes of John Kirby or Matthew Miller, but only to see if there are any intrepid reporters in the crowd who are brave enough to confront the lies they are telling. Lies such as, “We see no evidence of genocide.” There are around 8 billion people in the world – how many of them do you think believe that even though that is the official stance of the US government, that it could possibly be true and that in view of all the videos coming out of Gaza, that ANYONE could buy into the notion that presumably smart people see – not only no genocide, but NO EVIDENCE of genocide? What, pray tell, would evidence of genocide look like? Why doesn’t the brave reporter pose that question to them?
When TPTB put faces up on podia who repeatedly lie to the public, and nowadays to the extent that they don’t even try to hide their deception anymore, how do they expect the people to receive their narratives? They’ve got this attempted Trump assassination fiasco so screwed up at this point, that no one believes anything at all about it. Everyone involved with it is lying about everything they say, and some of their own stories contradict themselves. What a mess! But this is where we have gotten ourselves by allowing unadulterated lies to become the foundation for our whole system. No wonder the US is now referred to as the “Empire of Lies”. Even so, they still – to a person – have perfected the act of pretend astonishment and shock, even anger, when anyone dares to question their narratives. This itself is more damning than the lies themselves because it reveals just how accepted they expect their deception to be. What? You watch news videos that show innocent people being slaughtered and dare to question whether it is done in “self defense” by some murderous band of criminals?
Just look at that face. Would he lie to you?
If a nation “has a right” to murder innocent people in “self defense”, then why shouldn’t Ted Bundy have had the right to claim he killed those girls in “self defense” because they tried to hit him while he was brutalizing them? After all he had a right to defend himself. The same logic should apply. The art of lying has come to near perfection, but only for those who believe, or at least, and in order to show fealty, pretend to believe them. That pretense itself makes people as culpable as those who weave the tangled webs of deceit to start with.
Jesus said that Satan is the father of all lies. Connect the dots. If you hear someone lying to you and you know it’s a lie – the person telling it knows it’s a lie, then who is that person serving? It ain’t rocket science, folks.
“I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father but by me.” – Jesus Christ
God bless all and watch out who you trust in this world of deception.
A friend told me prior to 2016 that if Trump gets elected, we won’t have to worry about him becoming corrupted with money because he’s already rich. Sounds like my old buddy believes rich guys, because of their wealth, are immune to possible corruption and bribery. I just resigned myself to the notion that my pal doesn’t know much about rich people or what makes them tick. Although I’ve never been wealthy and have no desire to be, I’m pretty sure I know at least enough about them to know that wealthy folks never get enough lucre.
I get this mental image of some super rich Zionist oligarch who needs a presidential favor sitting at a table across from Trump with a small pedestal fan blowing the air above a pile of Benjamins toward the Donald who happens to be looking the other way at first, then he jerks around as the scent of moola wafting in his direction sends him into euphoria. Without a word spoken he’s already hooked and willing to do whatever he needs to do to get closer to that mammon. Even if it means supporting genocide – who knows, he might.
Trump revealed a lot about himself when he was in the company of the late Sheldon Adelson and gleefully fawned over that rich old fellow in a display of embarrassing public adulation, lovingly calling him the “king”. Now I don’t know much about Adelson other than he was a super-rich Zionist who was big in the gambling industry, and it was he who zealously ordered Trump to move the US embassy to Jerusalem (an order which Trump unhesitatingly obeyed). I thought then about my friend’s idea that Trump is thought to be the wealthy but incorruptible American patriotic president who cannot be bought – as he salivated over this wealthy purveyor of poverty for the gambling addicted. SMH
A little higher Donnie My Boy – yeah, right there…
I don’t necessarily dislike Mr. Trump, and I’m certainly not happy that some misguided kid almost killed him, but just because he survived an assassination attempt doesn’t make him some kind of folk hero, otherwise Adolph would be one just as surely, because he did as much and got hurt a lot worse. DJT’s still the same fellow who, in fealty to his Zionist masters, tore up the JCPOA, a negotiated agreement with several countries in which Iran pledged not to pursue nuclear armaments; it was making progress towards bringing Iran into the international fold of nations and could have gone a long way towards creating conditions where peace might be possible in the Middle East. Also, if that agreement was operating today, The US might still have some influence in the Arab countries, which they certainly do not have now. Tossing out the JCPOA had the added benefit of making other nations increasingly leery of entering into agreements with the US. The Russians now (correctly) say we are “agreement incapable”. As with all other US actions, Europe is watching, South Korea is watching, Türkiye is watching, Australia is watching…
Captivated by the seemingly irresistible allure of Zionist money and power, Trump also unilaterally attempted to bless the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights, against a United Nations resolution (497) to the contrary. I say attempted to because Golan Heights’ ownership is still up in the air, not least because Russia looks to have more and more of a say in all things Syria. As mentioned, Trump had the US embassy in Tel Aviv relocated to Jerusalem, thus contributing to the negation a UN ES resolution (10/19) passed by a UN vote of 120-9, intended to nullify an Israeli attempt to claim Jerusalem as its capital. This decision by Trump also had the effect of rendering any future two-state arrangement to be remote if not impossible. There were other decisions and incidents of specious behavior in favor of moneyed Zionist interests that you’d think would have told everyone what they needed to know about Trump’s loyalties, things that happened while some of us were still at least neutral about him. Trump, just like Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama dutifully donned the obligatory yarmulke and somberly, almost tearfully, shuffled up to the wall, bowed in obeisance to their masters in full public humility of US sovereignty and defiance of Jesus Christ and His covenant. In fact, the inestimable Mr. Trump was the first sitting US president to perform that ritual. Though it was no less shameful, at least the others did it prior to taking office.
My rural neighbors would have no idea what this photo implies for American sovereignty
Before readers start thinking I’m some kind of wild-eyed lefty and get up in arms about this post, I would assure all of you that I lost most all of the affection I had for Democrats when JFK was murdered on November 22, 1963. At least when I got old enough to realize what had happened. The rest of my dem party allegiance followed Jimmy Carter out of office on January 20, 1981. Sometime after that, the uniparty began to leak out of the closet and since then most of the political energy of our country has been expended trying to keep the public convinced that somehow there is a difference in the two parties. They use up a lot of effort to do that, too. Problem is, at the top of the food chain, the same marionette operators pull the strings, regardless of which party the strings run through, and it doesn’t matter which party – at least to those servants of Satan actually in charge, but the guys at the not-quite-top levels – those who run the parties – obviously get some perks for keeping up the pretense that there is a difference. It’s quite obvious from the efforts they make – as we all know, there are even big mainstream news organizations that are established and operating (on the pretext that there are indeed two parties) to do just that. The logo and names of the “news” organizations are now synonymous with the parties they represent and promote, so you can’t say they don’t spend a lot of effort and money to keep the voting public blind to their real unanimity. There’s money to be had by keeping up the pretext. I don’t have to call any names – Americans (and probably most foreigners) know exactly who and what I’m talking about. The numbers of the voting public who still think there is a difference in the two parties in this country are slowly diminishing and even the densest among us are catching on, but it’s taking an unbelievably long time.
whoever wins, we lose courtesy Grassroots Motorsports
Speaking of keeping the public buffaloed, back to Mr. Trump. I live in a part of the country where faded and tattered Trump flags have flown since his first campaign and many of the original ones still flutter like sun-bleached ghosts in rural yards as a testament to the adulation of devotees who are convinced he’s the savior. These folks will never be persuaded otherwise, even if he pulled a gun out and shot someone on Fifth avenue or whatever. Now that all those Ramboesque pictures are out there of him bloody and defiantly fighting off those bodyguards, these people are cemented more solidly than ever into the fold. There are way too many people in this world who allow themselves to be sorely misled, and these images, as much as the character of a mythical Trump they portray, are a sad result of many years of mainstream media propaganda, Hollywood, and lifetimes spent in need of a hero, so right on cue, some shots rang out in Pennsylvania and viola! Now there can be no doubt this iteration of Donald Trump, this blood-spattered reincarnation of Nimrod – is the anointed one!
Nimrod the mighty warrior courtesy
Bible prophecy expounds on the deceptions that proliferate in the world, especially in these last days. This is exactly the frame of mind people will have when they decide to follow the antichrist, and they will absolutely hate – to the point of being ready and willing to kill – anyone who tries to convince them otherwise. They will all “know” this guy is the real deal! I’m not saying Trump is the antichrist, although he well might be, I’m just pointing out the mindset that will usher that character into the world, the uncontrollable, salivating rage by followers against any who might see through his charade and speak ill of him. Deception will be the name of his game, and most folks will let their guard down and trust him. Especially as he’s seen now – the penultimate idolized, brave, and bloody warrior that America needs!
The fact is, Donald Trump is just another wealthy politician, one with a knack for saying things that often misguided and mostly hate-filled people like to hear, but nonetheless just another wealthy politician. He, as well as almost every other politician or political staff member in the US government are where they are by the grace of the Zionist lobby AIPAC, which has become so thoroughly ensconced in Washington as well as in state legislatures and executives (Abbott?), that no one will dare lift a finger to try and restore control of the US government to America and if you believe otherwise, you are among those who are deluded beyond hope.
Our entire country, even most of the big churches, are firmly in the grip of institutions of a spiteful little country of imposters who control our government, our military and especially our foreign policy, through their control of all of this nation’s money and that’s the indisputable truth. Donald Trump, even with his blood-soaked head band and Bowie knife, will not make an iota of difference to these unfortunate circumstances. Incredibly, there are a whole lot of people who think that when Trump swears in again, that something significant is going to magically change. Even though it didn’t last time, they might be right, but I don’t see it. For some odd reason, I think Trump has an internal battle going on between his love for money and his need for acceptance, for the love of his public, his narcissism is screamingly obvious, and who knows, maybe those character flaws are at odds and his need to be loved will win out over his lust for Zionist money and he will come around to do the right things – we can dream, no?
I don’t believe the oligarchs in control care one whit whether Trump was killed or not because whoever gets elected in November will be under their control in any case. Maybe there is someone else who they would prefer, who knows? If Trump could only see that, it might make a difference, but such is his allure for shekels, he will conveniently fail to remember the Zionist-controlled media turned against him like hungry crocodiles after his failure to get reelected. The current Zionist-controlled administration with its Zionist-controlled justice department has repeatedly tried to put him in jail. He likely won’t even hold it against them for (almost) allowing him to be killed, a forgiveness which may or may not be a good thing. With no more information than we have about the attempted assassination, it’s out there that possibly someone high up the food chain had opportunity to intercede, but they chose to let it play out, so there’s that. If he lives through the campaign and gets elected, expect him to make some drastic move(s) of overt fealty to the Zionist entity early on. Maybe he’ll reinstitute the draft and start sending American servicemen to fight for Zionists in Israel, but then he’s Trump, always a bit unpredictable, so who knows? That inherent unpredictability could very well have been the reason his would-be assassin wasn’t taken out before he fired a shot. Just my guess…
To Trump’s credit he refused to start an all-out war with Iran over them shooting down a drone. I thought that took courage I didn’t think he had, so kudos. He seems to actually want to do something about the border leakage, which definitely needs some attention, and he’s not as prone to flat-out lying, as are most of the Zionist persuasion. Not saying he doesn’t lie, after all he’s a politician, but it doesn’t seem to come as natural to him as say, a professional liar – someone like Matthew Miller or John Kirby. Most of the things Trump is dishonest about are things that concern his self-proclaimed greatness, so are more likely to be exaggerations than straight-out fabrications. Most of the blatant dishonesty that went down in his previous administration came in large part from his son-in-law. Covid policies were a terrible mark on his presidency, but he was listening to Fauci and some other people who he should not have trusted. But that’s enough Trump vindication – I’m not exactly a fan. Not saying I couldn’t become one, but…
When you understand the fact that the US is a nation under siege, the prophecies in the Bible start to make sense, otherwise why did Jesus say, “…I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not but are a synagogue of Satan.” [Rev. 2:9], yet we live in a nation of unbelievers, and many who belong to churches that teach that these people are actually descendants of Jacob, and the congregations are unaware of, or at best indifferent to, the fact that these vicious people are imposters – but most importantly to Americans, they run our government. And the very most important thing – for all of us who wish God’s blessing for America – they are avowed enemies of Jesus Christ. Their rabbis of the Talmud teach them that Jesus is in hell burning in excrement, and the likes of the millionaire “evangelist” Judas Hagee do not have a problem with that and cajole and browbeat their church members into supporting them financially – and many unquestioningly do. Just the kind of people we do not need running our country, but here they are. Most Americans, like my Trump-flag-flying neighbors in particular, do not realize that such is his fealty to Zionism, Donald Trump gets streets named after him in Israel by those same anti-Christian imposters.
Making America Great Again
Pay attention, folks. These politicians are phony – almost all of them. After the events that occurred as a result of the Covid debacle, we have ample reason to believe they would readily see us all exterminated without conscience if it furthered their agenda. Mammon is a tool of the enemy. Politicians are of the world.
Jesus Christ is where it’s at – He’s the Supreme Truth and the living Son of God – don’t wait around to trust Him until He comes back, because then it’ll be too late. Get to know Him now. One day He will decisively prevail over the evil that besets the world. He will defeat the strength of the world’s armies with His very breath. The deadliest weapons of mankind will be useless against Him. God’s vengeance will be exacted upon His enemies and the enemies of His people. Guaranteed.
God bless y’all, and God bless Mr. Trump. Pray for him, it’s looking like he needs it. He seems at times to want to do what’s good for America, so who knows, if he should ever come to the realization of who his friends are, and who America’s real enemies are, and then move on it, he might end up being a good, maybe a great, president.
I guess the whole world has to be destroyed. People don’t seem to care about it anymore, and that’s a shame. God created something wonderful here, and people only think of it in terms of how they can profit from it – or destroy it. It looks like Satan’s plan is to completely eradicate everything God made, and by using greedy and immoral people to do his bidding, it looks like he’s getting it done.
I cannot tell whether or not the ongoing demise of things natural are a result of abuse or neglect by mankind, but I suspect it is, at least to some degree; certainly, the shredded forests on the Ukrainian battlefields testify to the extent to which they are able that mankind’s aggressive behavior tends to create havoc for the environment. It’s a sad thing to see, those big old innocent trees with all their leaves and branches blown off and gnarled, sad boughs looking like some kind of perverted chipping machine ripped through them. Did you ever wonder how many birds and squirrels die from bomb and artillery blasts? How about fish and sea creatures when a big underwater explosion happens? I didn’t think so. They call it collateral damage, but it’s sad – and totally avoidable, nevertheless. There are vast swathes of the planet that are polluted with depleted uranium, poisons from defoliants, and radiation. The burning brush land of Galilee is especially heart-wrenching to me because Jesus Himself lived in that part of the world, and now we watch – and He watches – as the countryside of what was once His earthly home is ravaged by fires of war. All these losses are unnecessary, but the human beings that are slaughtered by such malign offenses are the saddest of all.
Fire in Galilee courtesy
When the hell that is war visits a city, or a nation, everything that transpires until it is over can rightfully be seen as tribute being paid to Satan. He is at the pinnacle of his power when human beings, once created in the image of God, are killing each other in mass numbers. The Bible tells us his time here on earth is short, so he creates as much havoc as he possibly can for the short time in which he has control, and I believe war is one of his primary objectives among men. Of course, his main focus is the destruction of the true Church of Jesus Christ, for when believers come to be without hope, without love, he wins.
For some ridiculously inexplicable reason, there are people, many people, who are able to convince themselves that there is some imaginary limit to the evil that can be perpetrated, but don’t believe that for a second. For instance, when discussing the possible involvement of the government in the 9/11 debacle, some folks argue that our government wouldn’t do something that malevolent – the event was just too evil. A lot of these same people seem to recognize that Satan holds the reins of power of our government, so how evil is too evil for them? Nothing, no sin or evil deed that could be committed or even imagined in all of creation is too evil for Satan. Whether or not the government was involved in 9/11 will one day be determined, but if it turns out that they were not (which I highly doubt), it won’t be because it was too evil of a deed for them. Once leaders of nations have signed on to serve the devil, nothing is too evil for them. It is preposterous to believe otherwise.
WTC on 9/11 courtesy
It’s a horrible sin to kill people, especially innocent people, a sin of which many world leaders are guilty, and one aspect of that, the ramifications of which do not seem to occur to a lot of folks is that when someone throws a war, innocent people always die. That happens because wars are designed by Satan, and he always goes after the innocent. In the Nuremburg tribunal at the conclusion of WWII, the concept was established that whenever a country engages in a war of aggression, the leader(s) of that country are guilty of all of the war crimes that are committed in that war, including the deaths of civilians, and to a reasonable person that would seem to be a fair judgement. If God uses that measure, then there are a lot of past and present leaders – especially in the 20th and 21st century west – who will have much for which to answer.
An extremely important aspect of all of this – at least for believers who profess to be Christians, is the involvement and/or the support of the “church” in the malign activities of some world governments. I just read a post that expressed how many “Christian Zionists” are at large in this country, and the number is staggering – in the tens, possibly hundreds of millions. This fact alone proves without question what Jesus said about the gate being wide that leads to destruction. It also proves that very few of these “Christians” read their Bibles. These people are the ones who are making the slaughter of innocent people in Gaza possible. If the mega-churches in the United States were to stop supporting the evil – certainly unChristian – mass-murder of innocent women and children and publicly proclaim that position, it would stop quickly. You see, the politicians in DC support the Zionist regime because of the vast number of voters who support it (not to mention the vast sums of money that come their way). A big chunk of those voters are avowed Zionists who haunt the mega-churches, so the occupation regime gets unlimited support – mostly in the form of weapons and money. In turn, the church leaders get millions of shekels and dollars, so what’s not to like? Incredibly, these folks seem to actually believe there is even such a thing as a Christian Zionist, or Judeo Christian. There ain’t. But then, Judas sold Jesus out too, for 30 pieces of silver which must have been a handsome reward for the greatest treason in human history which, by the adherence of mega-churches to these irresponsible doctrines, is reappearing in spades.
courtesy Ancient Origins
Folks who have read the Bible understand that there have been times past when people turned away from God and the results were always horrible for them. In Noah’s day, the world was flooded and only he and his family were saved. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were utterly turned to ashes. The followers of Moses turned away from God and were abandoned by God to die in the wilderness. We are at another pivotal time in human history in which the vast majority of people have turned away from Him, so what can we expect? People have become evil, vile, greedy, theft and immorality abound in every form. There is no love to be found, with the exception of Christian believers who choose the narrow gate to the Kingdom. What can we expect indeed?
There are passages in the book of Revelation that describe, as well as can be elucidated by a first-century prophet, some awesome things that are about to happen. They speak of the fearsome wrath of an angry God who hears the prayers of His people seeking deliverance from the evil that permeates this world. There is no way this writer could begin to describe the horrific fear and dread that will overcome the hearts of all peoples of the earth who have denied the Son of God. It will be an unimaginable fear that people will feel in their bones, and it will not go away – God will wreak terrible vengeance on all who have shunned and turned away from Him, from His beloved Son who was sacrificed for them. The heavens will tremble, the earth will shake, horrific fire will come down from the sky, and the much-adored leaders of men, mighty men, generals, celebrities, and all those who have been wealthy in this life – will be trying to find holes in the ground to hide from His face, but that won’t happen. When all of this happens, the poor, the peacemakers, and all other true followers of Jesus, His sheep, will not be afraid, they will rejoice to see their beloved King and friend – which side of this do you choose to end up on?
For Pete’s sake, most folks should know by now that you can’t believe anything you hear or read on the mainstream news anymore. That’s a sad fact, but nonetheless, a fact it is. So why are they still operating? My guess is that they are getting a sizeable portion of their revenues from sources other than advertisers, but that’s just my guess.
God has a way of working His will in which He completely subverts attempts by men in the service of the enemy to try and cause us to deviate from following Him, and it’s often done through the most ironic of irony. For instance, if you google Operation Mockingbird, you’ll find that it is an ongoing project to feed disinformation and propaganda from our “intelligence” agencies into the public domain using our news networks. Some of the garbage they produce makes a person who is knowledgeable of this Satanic operation shake his head in incredulity at the level of “intelligence” in it.
First of all, you have to realize that it has become the objective of national “intelligence” to create false narratives, often impossibly false narratives, to John Q Public, with the (usually correct) assumption that he won’t question them. For real, most folks actually bought the 9/11 story. I think at first the purpose of the lies was to obtain public support for (usually outrageous) moves that said intel agencies deemed to be appropriate foreign policy. Even then, intel products only served the interests of the wealthy defense investors who massively profit from the public fear their lies could provoke. What passes for “intelligence” is intended to totally misinform people about issues for which they should be honestly apprised.
Intelligence agencies have grown in number and in the level of unintelligent policies they produce. The only thing at which they have excelled to date has been their unmatched ability to tell lies, and as a result of their proficiency at deceit, they now and perhaps will always have lost any remote ability to either disseminate, or recognize, truth in any form. It has become their number one priority to create and disseminate, false narratives – lies. That’s absolutely the only thing they can do, and until today it has worked out for them, but lately they are losing their touch – their lies have become so obvious (and odious), and so unreasonable, that most folks can see right through them nowadays. As they dutifully spew their detritus, even the most dedicated reporters on TV seem to wonder, and rightfully so, if their stories are being bought. So, the one and only thing they (intel) ever were good at – lying – is failing them. But they’re still fabricating full tilt.
I’m sure their father, Satan is becoming very disappointed with them for losing their focus. After all Jesus said Satan is the father of all lies, so it only stands to reason that agencies, persons, or entities whose main goal in life is to deceive people are Satan’s willing servants. The main servants of Satan, the wealthy, see the lies becoming transparent and seem to be getting flustered. Ukraine is demonstrably not defeating Russia, the occupying power in Palestine is not acting in self-defense, and I’m sure the powers that be are wondering when the peasants will get enough and borrow that tool of restitution from the French.
A couple of the points this post is trying to make is that the irony of those involved in intelligence is that instead of intelligence, they are now so beset with ignorance that they have become an unfunny joke. Another is that they have devolved to the point where such issues as foreign policy, military assessment, and other pursuits on which intelligence groups should be working, actually seem to have become trivial and taken the back seat to the construction of false narratives – they lie simply to be lying and, of course to create more wealth for people who are already wealthy. An example of this is creating a lie that, say, a country like Russia is getting ready to invade us so the only possible option is to assign many billions of dollars to Lockheed Martin or Raytheon.
Everybody knows they taught the military boys it was ok to torture “enemy combatants”, and that they came up with that disingenuous designation so it would appear to justify torturing them, but I’m getting into the weeds – we have evolved to a place where intelligence work is about as far from intelligent as you can get – at least in this country, but still, I can’t help but imagine what a great general like Patton would think of allowing our guys to torture enemy POWs. It’s only logical that if the enemy knows that if they give up, they are going to be tortured, they will fight to the death rather than surrender, thus costing unnecessary lives in battle. Any general – or intelligence official – would know better than to torture POWs. But then, intelligence spooks (and politicians) aren’t concerned with such mundane things as the lives of their soldiers.
Intelligence organizations are all about security of their assets and buildings, but I couldn’t for the life of me, understand why any of our adversaries would want to infiltrate any of our intel agencies – why should they? – such a move might impede their self-destruction. It’s fairly obvious the only people who actually have infiltrated our intelligence agencies are sold to us as allies. Many of the more reliable alternative media sources I watch keep saying that America is headed over a cliff. I think if we go over it, our congress, “think tanks”, but especially our “intelligence” agencies, will be responsible.
As I begin this post, I wonder how many of my countrymen read what happened last night as another of the many indications of how far this mighty country has fallen. Are there people who witnessed that debacle as saddened as me?
Let me just begin by saying that among the biggest if not the biggest, of the travesties of the “debate” probably went unnoticed by most, but it struck me like an axe handle upside the head – we have become so inured to the lunacy by which we are constantly inundated that everyone climbed into their lazy boys and popped open a beer and actually believed they were about to watch a presidential debate. The biggest travesty of the debate is that so many gullible Americans actually thought it was a debate.
There were two “moderators” who would attempt, and probably succeed at convincing their audience that their offering for the night would be a genuine face-off between two people who, with the purported mandate of the voting public would make a case for why each of them deserved to occupy the purported highest office in the land, and that the choices before them were somehow the most qualified to inherit said office. There are around three hundred million people in this nation and these two men are the runners for the office of president. This ain’t right, folks.
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash might well be two of the highest paid and well-known actors in the country pretending that what they were moderating was an actual contest and that their audience, the voters of the U.S., somehow actually believed (many of them did) this farce was the real deal. It was a clown show of the highest order and Jake and Dana were the ringmasters for the night’s performance. Suffice it to say that even if elected to the office, neither of the two contestants would be in control of anything. The real contest is between the puppet masters who would be in control of whichever of these men might win the election, and that really isn’t much of a contest either, because the same puppet masters would control whichever of them wins anyway, but for the bread-and-circus aspect of the show, the audience needs to believe, or at least pretend to believe there might be a difference in how they would run things if elected.
I’m doing my best to stay away from the substance of the “debate”, mainly because there was none, and not to demean or attack either of the contestants, because as we all know both of them would be and are, easy prey. I’m trying to drive home the point that this was not a substantive debate on issues of import to the voting public, it was reality TV at its worst. The discussions today are about how demented someone is, or how narcissistic one of them might be instead of where they stand on given issues or what the difference might be in their positions on items of concern, and rightfully so – these men have no business even being considered for the office of President of the US, but here we are. We are listening to pundits talking about whether or not President Biden would “last” through another term, but the poor old codger is not lasting through this one – he can’t. Who are we trying to fool? Enough on Biden – I’m trying not to go there.
The truth of the matter is, and everyone knows it but afraid to bring it up, the people surrounding the president are directing him, and would be if Trump wins. Exactly the same. There are the real string pullers who will instruct the nominee who to select and put into his cabinet, then as now, the real puppet masters will make all the decisions, especially those concerning foreign policy, and through those cabinet members, will relay their edicts through whoever the Blinken or the Sullivan of the next administration turns out to be, and the very same people who will be running the show that are running the show in this administration.
Nothing will change as a result of this “election” regardless of which one of the contestants win. This “debate” is simply bread and circus for the masses, as it will continue until late into the night of the election with drowsy-eyed rednecks reeking of stale beer glued to the TV as the California results are counted and cursing the TV as Trump vote counts come up short in precincts around LA as they knew would happen anyways.
This was not a debate. Neither of these men will make any difference on anything important to American voters. Sure, they might toss a bone out to the masses on some variation of their position on abortion – the string-pullers couldn’t care less either way on abortion so a pretend president would be allowed to make a show out of his stance, but I guarantee neither of them could make a decision on starting or not starting a war or discontinuing foreign financial aid to certain countries. Neither of them could open a new investigation into the events of 9/11. There are many issues over which the president would be expected, and should be able to make calls, but with the stranglehold that oligarchs have over our entire government, the president of the US is simply a marionette of the wealthy.
How do we know it’s a lie? I think the saying is something about if their lips are moving, and maybe that’s true for a lot of them from whom we expect to hear fabrications, and the lie itself is often not as diabolical as the damage it causes. For instance, there is one circulating here in the US about how much more advanced we are technically and economically than “anywhere else”. Well, if anyone cares to look around, China and Japan have some really beautiful sleek bullet trains whizzing about Asia, but we still have the old diesel antiques putt-putting on our dilapidated railways and over shaky bridge trestles that the Amtrack riders hope will hold up for one more pass. The ultimate damage from this one is that since we are convinced of our technical prowess, we don’t see a need to invest in improvements, hence we fall further behind the rest of the world – including our adversaries.
The mainstream media of America try to studiously avoid stories about places like Philadelphia’s Kensington and the tent cities of Denver and San Fransisco, slums on downtown streets which incidentally we did not see on the many recent videos of Moscow – what a nice, clean place. Cities in the US look more and more like Mumbai or the poverty-stricken slums of Islamabad.
The lies Americans are fed beggar the imagination – we are convinced of our military superiority in the world, yet we don’t have the hypersonic missile that even Iran and purportedly Yemen have, and Russia has already been using them in the Ukraine. There are several places in the world where we started wars that we’ve had to leave with our tails tucked between our legs as we loudly proclaimed our “victory”. Such is the deplorable state of our government’s space program that our astronauts have been hitching rides to the space station for years with our “underdeveloped” adversary, Russia. It seems they are continuously improving their space program and assets as American defense contractors shovel taxpayer dollars into their accounts – whether their products work or not is not even a consideration anymore. Although they might be billion-dollar boondoggles, they are determined to be successful if they make money.
I was an American sailor, one of many selected to form the nucleus crew of the USS Nimitz, the pride of the fleet during the 70’s. How proud I was to see pictures of us “manning the rail”, when she left the shipbuilding docks and put to sea. Manning the rail is done on special occasions when hungover sailors put on their dress blues and stand side-by-side lining the weather decks, typically in waters near enough to shore that people can see the show from land. Incidentally, the Eisenhower was being built next to us in the shipyard, next in line to be commissioned and of the same class as out Nimitz. One little (totally irrelevant) tidbit that few people know about the Nimitz is that her class was originally designated as CVAN, instead of CVN, having dispensed with the A, such as carriers are designated nowadays. C- carrier, V – fixed wing aircraft, A – attack, N – nuclear powered. I guess to keep selling the notion of “defense”, the attack part had to be dropped.
We were commissioned in 1975, before we all realized the Vietnam war would soon wind down and try as they may to get her in service in time to get a campaign ribbon, she did not become seaworthy, or better yet, battleworthy in time to get to the West Pac to kill her share of Vietnamese peasants, who at that time were still horrendously threatening American freedom. More lies. There were a lot of underhanded things going on in which vast profits were gained by American defense and construction corporations. We didn’t know all of this at the time, though. We were all told that Vietnam was the key domino that was about to fall and lead to a communist takeover of Asia. Another lie, but such was the effectiveness of their propaganda, I and the thousands of other naive military boys actually believed we were somehow “serving our country”, or worse, “defending freedom”. What a crock! What a bunch of morons we were! We were explicitly serving the likes of Henry Kissinger and a bunch of millionaire businessmen right here in the good old USA.
Once the Vietnam debacle was over, (the hot part – it will never be forgotten by those Vietnamese folks who survived it). Just when it looked like peace might be here to stay, the liars in charge found a new bogeyman in Iraq – new lie – who had ‘weapons of mass destruction” and was ready to attack Americans in Hoboken. A woman named April Glaspie was sent by HW Bush to sell Saddam the lie that the US would not interfere if he wanted to invade Kuwait as payback for stealing Iraqi oil, so he did just that. April who?!! In no time, Saddam’s soldiers were grabbing babies out of incubators and slamming them into the wall! The horror! Another big lie – Nayirah Al-Sabah, a young Kuwaiti girl who tearfully recounted this BS had been tutored to deliver this convincing story to garner public support so ex-CIA chief Papa Bush could send the boys to attack Iraq. Turns out, she was the daughter of the Iraqi ambassador and was coached to give this testimony. And everyone bought it. It was later revealed that the story was false, but since it helped lead to war, it serves as another example the damage of the lie. It would be easier to fix a baby that has been slammed than to undo the lie.
As these execrably dishonest narratives began to gush into the American media, most of us who had been raised on Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley didn’t realize we had any reason to doubt them. We had no way of knowing why, we just knew Moammar Khadafi was evil. We weren’t told that he was an extremely popular leader in Libya who was beloved by his constituents. We weren’t apprised (by CNN and FOX) that he had improved the standard of living in his country. The leaders of our country saw him as an imminent threat mainly due to the fact that he had the temerity to locate his country on top of American oil, and they disliked his popularity in Africa. He had to go. So did Daniel Noreiga. Wonder how many remember Hasenfus, a pilot who worked for the CIA running drugs to the US and shipping arms to evil right-wing cartels in places like El Salvador. He crashed his plane in central America and if not for this, we probably would never have heard of the operation. He was smuggling arms that were purchased with money from Iran and from the drug business. This Palestinian genocide is not the first one that the US has sponsored! Google Operation Condor.
After the evil puppet masters installed Bush Junior, they were able to pull off the crime of the century – maybe the greatest crime of all time – to be committed right in front of millions of people. Before you think this episode is a “conspiratory theory”, just consider all of the lies we, the public have been subjected to in the preceding paragraphs and then try to come up with a reason why we should all of a sudden start believing our leaders’ narrative on 9/11. There are so many holes in the official story of those events, a block of Swiss cheese would blush with envy. It just boils down to this, “Are you going to believe us or your lying eyes?” We saw it, and there are those of us who will not be convinced of the flimsy narrative, we know what we saw. This event was probably the central turning point when sane and reasonable people finally said, “ENOUGH!” Everyone else seemed to be willing to let it go. Let’s just pretend we believe the story – who knows, if we can make them think we believe their story, maybe they will suddenly turn from their evil ways and life in America will be good again. That may have been the biggest lie of all, and incredibly, it’s the one we are telling ourselves!
Since the 9/11 lie succeeded in birthing “forever wars” in the world, it brought Lockheed, the Carlisle Group, Raytheon, and all the other blood-dripping entities such good fortune, and as a further gift, the liars in charge have learned that they can abandon any semblance of truth anymore. Americans will believe anything, or at least pretend to, to the extent the public is no threat to them. They can murder with impunity. There are no international laws to which they pay heed. There is no lie too big for them anymore. As long as John Doe public is willing to allow them to do so, they will encroach on our Constitution, our property, our very lives. And we keep our heads buried in the sand.
The lies they have graduated to in this perilous time in our history have grown to become an existential threat, as Bible prophecies reveal to us. Revelation 19 gives us a perfect description of what is about to happen to the United States. We are about to be burned to ashes, and all of us stand by and watch, afraid to say anything which might attract the attention of the beast, lest it devour us, but we will be devoured anyway, so maybe it’s time to at least acknowledge that we don’t believe any of their lies anymore.
There’s an impending election coming up this year. Look at the disasters of human beings we have for candidates! For real, who said these creatures are the only persons we must choose between for a president? Who controls this debacle? We all know, don’t we? There are people out there like Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, and Douglass McGregor who are risking a lot to try and draw America’s attention to what’s going on. There are college kids out getting their heads banged for trying to get our attention. There are old geezers like me who have been watching the demons take charge for years and are willing to speak up. We’ve got to figure out a way to get through all the lies, we have to seriously get people’s attention before they get us nuked. Now I don’t personally believe Americans have it in them anymore to step up to the plate, but that’s no excuse for not speaking up.
Seeing is believing. Or so I thought until 9/11/2001. When we were told 19 hijackers with box cutters took control of extremely complicated modern jet airplanes and flew them hundreds of miles and were able to control the direction and altitude to hit buildings, especially the one that hit the pentagon at a speed that a passenger jet can’t fly that close to the ground, we should have demanded a real investigation – that’s one lie that sticks in my craw. Around four thousand Americans were slaughtered that day and there’s ample reason to believe organs of our government and that of at least one of our “allies” were involved. If you choose to believe the approved narrative on the events of 9/11, by all means, go ahead. It’s far from the only lie they have told, but the cumulative effects of that one might eventually take America down – as surely as those buildings came down. It ain’t over yet.
I guess the readers of folkpotpourri probably think the old man who posts here has finally gone off the rails, but I’ve been trying to get a couple of points across lately, and it’s my heartfelt intent to communicate them in a way that sinks in. Never mind then, that you might be reading an essay written by a crazy old codger from the hills, and just pay attention to what he is saying.
While the US has been relatively unaffected by most of the events going on in faraway places thus far, if people think it’s going to stay that way, they are tripping. Our leaders have gone stark-raving mad, and it’s just a matter of time until they make the granddaddy of all mistakes. Right now, as you read this in the comfort and safety of your living room (assuming the incredible tornado outbreaks, floods, and other weather anomalies of late have left you with a living room in which you may sit and read) there are human-designed processes taking place which threaten to turn our world into nightmarish hellscape, a horrific series of events which could transpire within any given few minutes. I did a post a while back on what it might be like. A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow is Upon Us – Folk Potpourri
Go ahead and change the channel if you don’t like confronting your likely future if things continue as they are going. It’s understandable that one might prefer not to think about such frightening possibilities, and much more desirable to turn to the latest distractions, the reality TV shows that the US congresspeople have begun to air where some AIPAC shill congressman or senator pretend to tear into some hapless cabinet member in a “congressional investigation”. Or there’s always football. Whatever bread and circus you choose – until the very end. Or stick around and see where I’m going with this.
The truth is, that if the governments of NATO and other western nations continue to push the Russians, there is going to be hell to pay. Same thing for aggravating Xi and the Chinese. The whole world is thoroughly fed up with the US and Israel, who controls the US, dictating to everyone how things are going to be. They will all get enough. There’s not a living soul in the world with a functioning brain who still believes the US didn’t blow up the Nordstream pipelines. Germany, or at least the German people watch their country sinking in the ocean of global economics because of the loss of cheap Russian gas. How long will Scholz and the rest of his servants of global Zionism be able to keep up the facade? What I’m trying to say is that our brilliant leaders and think tanks are going to be unpleasantly surprised when the SHTF and they find that many of our trusted allies, even in NATO, have chosen to join with our adversaries. Türkiye is already alluding that they will not join any aggression against Russia.
The American people themselves are rapidly waking up to the fact that they have long been deceived by their own government. Now that the genocide lies are buzzing around the noisome cesspool that is the US government, folks are asking the obvious questions, such as, “Now that we realize they constantly lie to us about everything from the Minsk accords to Israel acting in “self-defense” in Gaza, what else have they been lying to us about?” Could 9/11 actually have been an inside job? What about Covid and the horrific results of the inoculations? It’s becoming plainly obvious for everyone with eyes and ears that EVERYTHING that comes from the US government is a bald-faced lie. And who, pray tell has been named as the father of all lies?
The second major point this post is aiming for is that there is a way to defeat this evil. This dark and ominous cloud that threatens to enshroud the world will eventually bring about the total destruction of human existence. It’s going to happen – you can see it coming like the proverbial slow-motion train wreck. We continue to live as though it won’t affect us, but it assuredly will. There is however, a sure way to avoid this catastrophe that is coming upon the world, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. It is the only way. We have been warned over and over that the tribulations of the end times will bring about the ultimate destruction of our world, yet we try and convince ourselves that somehow things are going to go back to normal. They won’t! With all the mistrust that has been sown, there’s no way they can.
We have infallible prophecy in the Bible that predicts exactly what is going on right now. The love of many grows cold, and there are those who do not love at all. Wars and rumors of wars – Jesus warned us of these things, and He said not to fear them, yet all we see in the world is fear. Perfect love casts out fear. Love is what we should strive for, because love is the most potent force in all of creation. It is the consummate weapon that will prevail over all of the destructive efforts of Satan and his minions on earth. God is Love. His love was on full display on Calvary Hill over two thousand years ago when He allowed His Son to be sacrificed for each and every one of us. From Highland shepherds, African truckers and rickshaw drivers in Mumbai to fishermen in Japan and Russia, Jesus stands ready to accept us into a Kingdom not made by the hands of men, we can trade this ominous fear of the happenings in the world today for a new expectation of a life of unimaginable peace and joy if we but give Him the keys to our life and follow His cross.
Satan has worked since the advent of mankind for exactly what the world is right now. He is spreading hatred and fear, destruction of nations and deaths of people, just as he has planned for centuries. He has no love or loyalty to anyone, but his servants don’t know that, or maybe they’re just ignoring it like so many people are ignoring the horrible future of this world. How can people be so deceived as to follow entities that could not care less for their well-being? Look at Diem of South Vietnam, Khadafi, Saddam Hussein, Daniel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, Shah Pahlavi, and all of the other (former) friends of the US and how things turned out for them. They all met with bad endings when the US was through being their ally. Look at Germany now, sans Nordstream, with the devastation to their economy. My point is that evil entities such as Satan or the US government care not for anyone, even their friends or servants, and when things get thick, they invariably abandon them or even turn on them. None other than the first-class war criminal Kissinger said that being an adversary of the US is dangerous, but being a friend is fatal.
What you need is a friend who will not abandon or turn on you but stick by your side, especially when things go south. Jesus is that Friend and considering that He is THE MOST POWERFUL BEING in all of creation, He is the very best Friend we can have. A Friend Who loves us enough that He willingly laid down His life for us. Now that we are facing these hard times, we need a Friend like that, but there’s only One who can be that Friend – Jesus Christ.
Give Him your trust – you have a lot to gain when you do and everything to lose if you don’t.
God bless all – it’s going to be a rough ride – at least for a while.
There might be a link from the physical world to the spiritual. I’m neither a scientist nor a preacher, but just from the layman’s POV, I’m starting to think there’s some kind of connection to the work of scientists nowadays and the rapid spread of evil in the world. I’m talking about the extreme malevolence of some world leaders and the wealthy guys who are running the world, the ones who tell the “leaders” how to lead and tell the scientists what they should be studying, and of course the malevolence of the scientists themselves. Though the plandemic also fits in this discussion, it’s not what’s this post is about.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticed the absolute insanity of western leaders and the kinds of inexplicable decisions they’ve been making lately. It’s beginning to look like they’re dead set on driving our contentious relationships with countries like Russia, China, and Iran – all the way to nuclear war. For real, even a kid could understand that the things they are doing are headed for bad consequences. In fact, judging from the actions on college campuses, I think kids do see it.
Right now, our illustrious leaders are playing a game of chicken with (thankfully) sensible counterparts in Russia. They’re pretending to make the rules up as they go, each stupid step they take toward war. “Ok, we can give Ukraine weapons that might incinerate Moscow, but we won’t let Zelensky hit targets inside Russia, therefore we won’t be technically participating,” or ” We can send advisors and technical experts, but as long as they’re not on the front lines, they can’t be considered combatants.”
Now we’ve graduated to “Ok, y’all can hit inside Russia, but only just across the border.” These imbeciles fully expect that Vladimir Putin recognizes and abides by their “rules”, but I don’t think he does, in fact he doesn’t even recognize western powers’ authority to make such insane rules to start with. Never mind that he doesn’t for a moment consider abiding by them. Mr. Putin reserves the right to contravene whatever passes for western military doctrine if and when he decides to, he’s shown himself to be that kind of leader up to now, and there’s no reason to expect him to change. Putin knows, as does anyone else, at least those with above room temperature IQ, that although today they only allow Ukraine to hit border regions, tomorrow it will be ok to hit targets 500 miles into Russia, the next day 1,000 miles, and so forth, until they get to that red line – the final one. Then all hell breaks loose on western targets worldwide.
The madness I’m speaking of is apparent for all to see, throughout the US congress, the white house, and in all departments concerned with foreign policy. It’s becoming the norm in European governments, Japan and Australia too. But how did this insanity all of a sudden become so prevalent in western leadership?
When Jesus was in the countryside of the Gergesenes, He encountered a demon-possessed man who had several demons. He was totally insane, ran around naked and cutting on himself with sharp stones. No one could subdue him, such was the power of the demons inside him, but when Jesus approached him, the demons recognized that a higher power than theirs was present, so they begged Him not to send them to the pit, but release them into a herd of pigs, which He did. Now interestingly, the pigs decided they weren’t going to tolerate being possessed by these abominable beings, so they immediately committed mass suicide by running down into the lake and drowning.
A few years ago, the scientific community decided that we should build this large hadron collider, a souped-up atom smasher, ostensibly to study the origins of the universe, or some such nonsense that would have absolutely no value to humanity. They had dancers at the opening, performing a ritual dance to a Hindu goddess – I think it was Shaiva or something, anyways it was for a false god of some kind, which was a curious thing, especially for those scientific types to do.
The project started, and at enormous expense, to do whatever they claimed humankind so desperately needed to do, but there were those who doubted the professed intent of the project, myself being one. Some even believed they were trying to create a portal to another dimension, from which they might possibly receive “visitors”. What if they did just that? What if this whole CERN thing was a plot to gain access to demons and release them into the world? Is the collider the “key” to the bottomless pit, spoken of in Revelation?
Where would the demons go in order to create the most destruction and death? To the most powerful nation on earth of course, and one whose leaders would be amenable (for the right price) to whatever mayhem the evil creatures decided to perpetrate. What if those demons promptly possessed western leaders and proceeded to commit acts of unspeakable evil? Are our congressmen the new herd of pigs? They certainly seem to be headed for the suicide part! And have you noticed the seemingly uncontrollable anger and snarls from guys like Graham when they speak of people whom they deem their enemies? Are they possessed, and is that the reason behind all of this insanity, and that so recently as the opening days of CERN?
Now I already know what you’re thinking – this could be (a tad bit) over the top, but in this day of lies and deceit and incredible evil, it might be something to chew on. I’m not even saying this is what’s happening, but these people are acting strange – evil strange! I mean, for crying out loud, we’re watching wholesale murder and starvation of little kids, and our leaders think it’s all ok, even get mad at you and put you in jail for disagreeing with it. Something ain’t right, folks.