It’s just shy of 4:00 am and I’ve been up since 3:15, and it looks like I won’t be going back to bed. We had a nasty storm come through from the west – it was one of those you’d swear was bringing the end of the world. I have four dogs, all some border collie and Australian shepherd mix, they learn things really fast, and I guess if I’ve taught them anything, it looks like how to be scared of storms has been among their most successful lessons.
I’m hard of hearing, but when they come running in and jump up on my bed in the middle of the night, I always know there’s a storm coming. They can hear thunder a long way out – long before I can. There’s no arguing, I just have to get up and assume my God-given role of their comforter. They know I will, it’s part of my job. It’s all good though, because I love my four-legged family and I enjoy being there for them.
There are other storms raging in our world today, storms that are close enough to us that we all know they are here, and these ones threaten everything we hold dear. In many places, the gale is already savaging them. It’s heartbreaking to hear news of so many innocent people losing their homes, their livelihoods, their families, and their very lives and it always seems to be because of someone’s greed for money and power. Unlike my dogs, these unfortunate folks don’t have a master to whom they can go for comfort – or do they?

Those little bodies wrapped for burial, soaked in innocent blood and the piteous tears of mothers, who themselves are usually injured and bleeding, the heart-wrenching wails of aggrieved family members whose losses can only be understood by the Master and fellow travelers of good heart, are forever recorded within great tomes of human events to be addressed on the terrifying Day of His vengeance. How do they expect to escape, who bring such devastation, such sorrow, upon innocent fellow humans? For the prayers and tears of those mothers have reached into the Heavens, to God’s very ears and He will show mercy to the perpetrators of this evil in proportion to the mercy they showed their victims. It won’t be pretty for them.
As difficult as it is to understand, the innocent who endure these troubled times indeed have a Master to whom they can turn, a Loving Father Who hears their mournful supplications. It’s difficult to comprehend because we can’t see far into the storm, only the part we are in, but He sees all the way to the other side of it. Innocent victims of atrocity are hard-pressed to make any sense of what’s happening, and perhaps there is no sense to be made, but He is there nevertheless for their succor if they but turn to Him. He accepts the departed children into His Heavenly abode, never for them to fear again. They shall see no more sorrow in that place of unimaginable joy. There’s no need to grieve for them, for they are in His arms now. But we must grieve for ourselves, for our loss; it’s human nature. We shall miss them immensely. There are multitudes of good, humane people in the world who grieve with you.
Jesus said that it won’t go down well for anyone who harms the little ones, and that’s putting it mildly. He told His followers to let the children come unto Him, for He loves them profoundly. While it is possible to repent of one’s evil ways and ask forgiveness, the people who perpetrate evil on those little ones and do not repent for it are going to suffer some of the worst of God’s wrath. There are no words to describe the terror that will fill the hearts of those who experience His fury. And that terror, anguish, pain, and sorrow are going to last for all of eternity.
The evil that’s taking place in Gaza is being done right out in the open for all the world to see. It’s a black and white issue, like another evil man said on one of those rare occasions when he stumbled onto the truth not that long ago, “You’re either with us or against us.” At least it’s true for our occasion, there’s no middle ground here, and I firmly believe if you are even willing to look the other way, you’re indicting yourself on this issue. Leaders throughout the west have openly admitted their support for this unfolding tragedy. They have come up with the lamest of justifications so they can sound like they believe what they are doing is right, while their own people in all of their nations hang their heads in shame for having these monsters running their countries. Such is their fealty to their Zionist masters, leaders in the US are ordering a most vicious reaction to the sane and humane college kids who are bringing attention to the Gaza travesty. Everyone in the world, including those leaders sending arms and ammunition, know that what’s going on is wrong – dead wrong. Every lying spokesperson who mouths off some pathetic justification or rationalization can be seen for the evil monsters he/she is. Every cop who slams a peaceful protester to the ground is putting his/her seal of approval on an actual genocide. I really don’t think the people doing the talking realize the world is onto them, otherwise they’d just shut up and stop sounding so embarrassingly ridiculous, awkwardly trying to act as if they actually don’t know they’re speaking perfidiously.
Like all storms, the one that rages in today’s world will pass. No one knows just how bad it’s going to get, but until Jesus returns to take up His scepter and set things right, we know from prophecy there are going to be some dark times. Meanwhile, His light is there for us, to guide us through all calamity if we but trust Him. When we hear the thunder approaching, we ever have a Master to go to for comfort. He’s waiting. And the very least we can do is to pray for those already caught up in the maelstrom.

God Bless,
“… a most vicious reaction to the sane and humane college kids who are bringing attention to the Gaza travesty.“
I think that we can be certain that the “vicious reaction” was prompted by Zionist provocateurs amongst the college kids targeting readily-identifiable Jewish people so as to shift the focus from the Palestinian people to another iteration of “Oh, the poor, innocent suffering Jews”.
It doesn’t take agents provocateurs to get the cops to swinging their batons – for them it’s like some kind of big party. They acted the same way back in the 60s and 70s when my generation was on the streets protesting Vietnam.
They were kind of fubar back then, but today they have been militarized to the point where they are not recognizable as being a generally good force. The crimes they commit today are simply unfathomable.
This regime and their enforcers are not our government. This has not been our government for a very long time.
I agree wholeheartedly.