We just had a couple of pretty cold nights here in the Ozarks, but fortunately nothing like the folks around the east side of the Great Lakes are having to deal with. Been getting lots of snow up there and one wonders if the traffic snarls will ever get cleared. There are floods everywhere – China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, you name it. The folks in North Carolina are just beginning to get the debris cleared some.
To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much destruction of this world of mankind, both weather and war related. Oh, and don’t forget the volcanic activity that seems to be on the increase. There’s a growing suspicion that a lot of the weather catastrophes are man-made with things like that HAARP program and the people using it. I think it’s the old devil trying his best to undo everything; both things created by God and the world that man has made, cities, buildings, everything. And we still have a lot of people who don’t believe he’s doing it. What’s it gonna take for people to understand the real war that’s going on?
I’ve had some troubling issues lately that have prevented me from working on posts – I’m trying my best to call people’s attention to joining into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and to encourage people who already serve Him, but it becomes so trying for me at times. It seems like the enemy waits for me at every turn, and I guess I should expect his effrontery, I just have really thin skin – an issue I have to figure out how to deal with, for we have been warned that when we advocate for the Lord, these things will happen to us. I really believe this is a product of my own vanity, that’s where problems originate for a lot of people, if we were so honest as to admit it. Anyways, I’ve received some very encouraging comments, so as long as folks are reading and getting some spiritual encouragement, I’ll keep trying. Y’all have no idea how much a favorable comment helps.
There’s a lot of craziness going on in the world right now, and I really don’t think things are going to let up – this appears to be the new normal – insanity. Someone killed an insurance company exec and the whole country is going bananas, many people outright cheering, others at least condoning it. For Christians, we have to be careful not to get caught up in things like this, as tempting as it may be. We have to keep our heads screwed on straight – murder is unacceptable, no matter how strongly we might feel that a person deserves it. That’s not our call; there’s no room in the human heart for the Spirit of Jesus Christ and hatred for other human beings.
As of this writing, the nation of Syria is going through the upheaval of a rebellion, and no one knows what will come of it – at least as of right now. Just when you think the middle east can’t get any more troubled, something else happens, but this one is really big, historically speaking. There are many paths this new regime can take, each with a host of accompanying issues. Again, Christians have to make a conscious effort to not get involved in the violence and animosity. Unfortunately, supporting it is getting involved, so watch out about taking sides. Especially when all sides choose violence to settle issues. Prayer is our best tact, and when Jesus comes back, He will sort things out, for He knows the hearts of everyone involved. Sure is hard to watch what’s going on in Gaza though. Pray, pray, pray.
We need to pray for each other as well as to pray for peace, a lot of folks are going through trying times right now. There are a lot of good, moral people in this country and around the world, we just need to get the Gospel out to everyone we can and constantly pray for them, the time is getting short. Jesus is the only answer, don’t wait for some politician to come along and set things straight because man doesn’t have the ability to fix our problems. Jesus said, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes the Father except through Me.”[John 14:6] He is the only way!
The problems of this world are not going away, it’s only going to get worse. Jesus said there would be tribulation so tough that the days of it will be cut short just so some people will survive. “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” [Matthew 24:22] Everyone should accept the fact that we can never go back to “normal”. What was normal yesterday is but a thing of the past -memories we might be able to cherish of a saner, more peaceful world in which we were able to thrive, to laugh, to understand one another. In today’s society of cell phones, social media, and way more information than we need, Christians can just step back, stay above the fray, and always remember Him who died for us so that we could be saved from this pernicious world. He’s waiting to hear from you.
Hope this is of encouragement to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not withhold your love. May the blessings of the Almighty God find and keep you.