America is being duped again – right out in front of the whole world. We are being led to believe there is an election coming up in which a president will be chosen to “lead” our country and media headlines far and wide are digging in their heels to present this foolishness as being something real. The war in the Ukraine is being relegated slowly to the back burner, and at least what’s left of news stories on the conflict are being shifted to appear as though the events being reported that are related to the war now have some influence on this all-important upcoming election. The piteous events of the Middle East are even being considered now in light of how the conflict(s) will affect – or be affected by – the upcoming American election. In other words, narratives on all of today’s significant, newsworthy events – including wars – in which real people are really dying – are being reshaped to make them seem as merely coincidental to, or at most having influence on, the all-important, all consuming – election.

Americans are once again being fooled into believing that their opportunity to choose between two candidates who have already been thoroughly vetted by political action committees – in service to the wealthy – is somehow a free and fair election. Whoever is elected to fill the position will operate the office at the behest of oligarchs with the nation’s wealth, and regardless of how the candidates bluster and threaten, at the end of the day they will do as they are told. They will staff their cabinet with whomever they are instructed to hire. They will send the nation’s wealth to whatever foreign country they are told to give it to. Remember JFK? Remember Jeffrey Epstein? Do you even know who Epstein is, or what his schtick was all about? I didn’t think so. Americans need to turn off their “reality” TV shows and get themselves educated – otherwise their kids are going to become slaves.
As our captive media once more turn our national attention to this recurring sham to which the oligarchs (undoubtedly laughingly) refer to as a national election, we could know, if we desired, that they have everything prepared in advance to usher in their choice and impose him/her upon us. Shake the scales off and pay attention – you might just accidentally learn something – the criminals in charge couldn’t care one iota which of the candidates “win” the election!! Both – or in rare cases, all three – candidates have already demonstrated absolute fealty to their owners, and concern for the well-being of America has nothing to do with their being chosen by “the people”. The only exception to this is when a third candidate who might not be on board with the “program” is allowed to pretend to be running, and his chances of getting elected are nil, but by stealing votes from one or the other chosen candidates, ignorant voters of the losing side can prove the depths of their ignorance by getting mad at him. Remember Ralph Nader? I didn’t think so.
One of the more poignant aspects of our electoral process that reveals it’s shamefulness is the way certain elements of a candidate’s platform are used to divide the electorate. I’ll use abortion as probably the most striking example. Before the torches and pitchforks come out, I’ll admit up front I do not support abortion as a method of birth control. I believe, as a Christian that a person’s behavior that leads to an abortion even being considered is the root of the problem, but that is seldom mentioned, even by the staunchest of anti-abortion politicians. The very mention of abortion brings out the wrath of most who identify as “conservatives”. Think about it now, how many years has it been since Roe v Wade, and what have any or all of those anti-abortion candidates once they got into office, done to eliminate it? I’ve listened to too many drug-addled, sinful by every standard, hypocrites emphatically denouncing abortion as though that’s the only prerequisite God demands for entry into heaven and of course, by denouncing it, they have their ticket into the pearly gates. Way too much of this going on, but it’s a great way to divide the electorate and keep ignorant people thinking there’s a difference in whomever they choose.
Although this post is not intended to be an argument for or against abortion, I can’t leave the subject without observing that the most ardent anti-abortion types typically consider themselves to be conservatives, but their hypocrisy invariably reveals itself when it comes time to help feed that hungry child they insisted be brought into this world. As conservatives, they always reject the notion that, even as Christians they have an obligation to provide for the needs of the child. By doing so, they reveal that the humanitarian aspect of saving a child need not be of the same consideration as the importance of trying to control someone else’s life and that’s where they’re really coming from.
Back to the election. The only reason I saw fit to write this post was because of the Groundhog Day behavior of the country at election time. Everyone is supposed to miraculously forget the sins of the nation and join together for this pathetic ritual where we all can pretend that all the ills of the world will be eliminated if we can just get “our candidate” into office, and afterwards, no matter which one wins, we get the exact same results again, and again, and again… But it was fun to pretend we actually accomplished something. Right?
All, however, is not lost. We can accomplish something – something extremely important to the future of our nation – seriously! Look into the movement, Our Country Our Choice. There exists promise for America, but it’s going to take a concerted effort to get back on the right road. The CEO of OCOC is one retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor, an upstanding patriot who sees and tries to help others see what problems we’re facing, and more importantly, how we can begin to deal with them. This is not another sham election, this movement has the potential to actually change the direction of our nation. I joined the organization, and although I don’t necessarily agree with all they stand for, I do agree with their willingness to honestly debate issues without lying or dodging questions. For people of faith, the spiritual arm of OCOC is led by one Pastor Casey Butner, a righteous man of impeccable spiritual credentials. If we can get OCOC on track, Jesus Christ must be involved, and Pastor Casey can keep us on moral compass.
This post was not intended to be a promotion for OCOC, but this group is certainly an alternative to allowing ourselves to believe some fake election is going to change anything. I’m not saying don’t vote, I’m just pointing out the futility of believing a sham election is the answer.
God Bless all.

Lose the god thing. That crutch has blinded the world since the beginning of time. One wonders where we all might be if we didn’t have such bullshit controlling our every thought.
Rather than where we all might be, this “one wonders” how we could even exist if not for God, but a healthy concept of creation requires thought beyond simple atheistic philosophy. I will pray for you since you obviously have your chickens and eggs mixed up. Open your heart to “the God thing” and when it takes hold, you’ll be thankful you did.