Adrift – this once stalwart and reliable beacon of freedom called America now careens to and fro at the whim of whatever wave or wind arises – always from the same realms of darkness – to influence her direction. Leaders are captive to the direction of whomever holds the most wealth or maintains some little black book rife with evidence of morally shocking behavior. Thus, the need for deceit of a proportion never seen before, is upon us. And I don’t even believe Epstein is dead.

Falsehood has become the stock-in-trade of all their pursuits. If the leadership of any entity mistakenly tells a lie, they are typically forgiven once the falsehood is acknowledged, but after being served generations of lies and having come to realize that the entire world that has been presented to them is a contrived fabrication, then people are susceptible to doubt their leadership. And why not? Why should anyone be surprised that the populace now suspects each and every narrative of each and every event that happens on the public stage?

Back before the whole house of cards began to collapse when the spook agencies had firm control of all of our information sources, we tended to believe what the mainstream news told us, even though they fed us daily allotments of swill even then. The difference between then and now is through sources of alternative media, social networks, blogs such as this one, people are taking their rusty brains out of the attic and beginning to realize they still work, and all of these years we have spent allowing others to think for us have brought us to the edge of the precipice, but at least now we can see it.

Those of us who have been mocked with derision for doubting the JFK narrative are being heard, often for the first time, and some who bought into the “magic bullet” narrative, are seriously looking at the likelihood of a bullet from a high-powered rifle hitting more than one person (while changing direction) and being found in pristine condition. The 9/11 narrative, full of holes you could drive a big diesel truck through, is being reconsidered. People are actually wondering why that reporter was telling everyone that Building 7 had been razed to the ground while that exact building was very visibly standing in the background of her own televised report as she was saying it, and then came down later. How about after seeing the horrific collisions that obviously would have vaporized everyone on the plane, they found that “terrorist” passport ON TOP of the debris? It seems a lot of folks are taking a second look.

Is it any wonder that people still question the Sandy Hook story and wonder why crisis actors were hired to pose as witnesses? Actors are hired for one thing – to ACT! Alex Jones may have been victimized by the courts, but that issue is far from settled. A lot of folks question the moon landings now – all these years later – because they are waking up in vast numbers to the fact that their government has lied to them over and over until now, they question everything. No politician, media figure, or even law enforcement spokesperson gets the free pass of trust from the citizenry anymore. That’s what happens when the glue that holds an entire nation’s narratives together is that of utter lies and deception.
When our public discourse has become an entertainment spectacle to the extent that people who bother to watch press briefings are no longer watching to get information from the likes of John Kirby or Matthew Miller, but only to see if there are any intrepid reporters in the crowd who are brave enough to confront the lies they are telling. Lies such as, “We see no evidence of genocide.” There are around 8 billion people in the world – how many of them do you think believe that even though that is the official stance of the US government, that it could possibly be true and that in view of all the videos coming out of Gaza, that ANYONE could buy into the notion that presumably smart people see – not only no genocide, but NO EVIDENCE of genocide? What, pray tell, would evidence of genocide look like? Why doesn’t the brave reporter pose that question to them?

When TPTB put faces up on podia who repeatedly lie to the public, and nowadays to the extent that they don’t even try to hide their deception anymore, how do they expect the people to receive their narratives? They’ve got this attempted Trump assassination fiasco so screwed up at this point, that no one believes anything at all about it. Everyone involved with it is lying about everything they say, and some of their own stories contradict themselves. What a mess! But this is where we have gotten ourselves by allowing unadulterated lies to become the foundation for our whole system. No wonder the US is now referred to as the “Empire of Lies”. Even so, they still – to a person – have perfected the act of pretend astonishment and shock, even anger, when anyone dares to question their narratives. This itself is more damning than the lies themselves because it reveals just how accepted they expect their deception to be. What? You watch news videos that show innocent people being slaughtered and dare to question whether it is done in “self defense” by some murderous band of criminals?

If a nation “has a right” to murder innocent people in “self defense”, then why shouldn’t Ted Bundy have had the right to claim he killed those girls in “self defense” because they tried to hit him while he was brutalizing them? After all he had a right to defend himself. The same logic should apply. The art of lying has come to near perfection, but only for those who believe, or at least, and in order to show fealty, pretend to believe them. That pretense itself makes people as culpable as those who weave the tangled webs of deceit to start with.
Jesus said that Satan is the father of all lies. Connect the dots. If you hear someone lying to you and you know it’s a lie – the person telling it knows it’s a lie, then who is that person serving? It ain’t rocket science, folks.
“I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father but by me.” – Jesus Christ
God bless all and watch out who you trust in this world of deception.