A lot of the world is in shock right now, and I suppose it should be, owing to all the evil things happening right out in the open. The enemy and his servants are doing what he intended all along, it’s just that such blatant evil as intentionally killing innocent people has always been rightfully unacceptable to society at large, so such behavior has been kept more or less under wraps until now. Things have changed, and it’s rather surprising to see this darkness and its adherents so openly challenging the moral limits we have always recognized, but maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised after all because this kind of behavior has always been a big part of the human psyche, at least for some.
Although we are witnessing the sudden unraveling of social norms in a lot of places, to be gob smacked by the ferocity with which it is occurring is to be somewhat uninformed of the extent of evil, and this tendency of folks is precisely why decent people are in shock to see it. In other words, there is no limit to the depths of moral depravity to which men will immerse themselves once they abandon the commandments of God, and we’re experiencing that very behavior in these latter times. We’ve read about it happening before – how entire societies can be transformed into bastions of repulsive wickedness like Sodom, for instance. Now our generation can see it first-hand. And those of us who recognize it for what it is are rightfully appalled.
Though we are present in this age to witness the moral depredations of the society in which we live and the despondence they evoke in our hearts, all is not lost. Amid the destruction of cities and the failure of human resistance to successfully thwart this inclination toward hopelessness, if we but look in the right direction, we will be able to discern a light – the Light – of salvation. If we don’t realize it by now, there’s a very slim chance we will ever understand it, but we, as physical human creatures, do not possess the capacity to defeat this darkness of evil that is rapidly overcoming our world. But there is One who does. He is the Author of the salvation of mankind, and He offers us the only Way out of this desperate situation we are in. He is Jesus Christ, who at the culmination of this human existence, will take up His scepter and His eternal crown. He will also take us, His followers with Him, to ever reign as our King.
One need only look at the news and at the destruction being levied upon so many places in the world to begin to fathom the reality that this world will not be able to repair itself. This war which mendaciously wends itself through regions of the world and hearts of men is different from those great wars men have waged in the past, for this one, in addition to the devastation being wreaked on nations and for indiscernible causes, is one which demands that we take a moral stand, either we watch the evil taking place, knowing fully of the wrongfulness of it but take a supportive stance nevertheless, or we reject any possible moral justification for what we see happening, for it is only within the constraints of this choice that we may be able to discern that great Light of Jesus Christ.
One of the great revelations God gives us is the understanding that, contrary to what we’ve always been misled to believe, wars are only waged to kill and destroy. They are not waged because of territory, or because of resources. Wars are not fought in order to conquer nations. Wars are fought because when men, created in God’s image, are killing each other, Satan is at his highest pinnacle. All of those other excuses might sound reasonable, but the evil one is the author of war and destruction, and he doesn’t need oil. If he wasn’t in charge of men’s behavior, we might be able to figure out how to share resources, but by his direction, we prefer to kill over them. We do not have to, and we’ve never had to.
We must recognize and understand the situation we find ourselves in, and if we would seek a way out of it, we have to find the Light. It’s not hard and His burden is not heavy, but if we haven’t made the decision to seek Him, we’d be well advised to do so, for time’s a wasting and we probably don’t have much left.
Find a church with a devoted preacher and get to know Jesus Christ. Get out that Bible, read it, and pay attention to what it says. You’ll find an inexplicable peace of mind in His kingdom, no matter the state of the world.

May God’s blessings find and keep us.