Gold That Glitters Only in the Heart

We have a tendency to try and ignore things that either don’t make sense to us or things that take a little cogitation to properly understand. Maybe a psychologist could determine if this is normal human response when things get a bit confusing or uncomfortable to ponder, but whatever the reason, folks tend to shy away rather than confront whatever reality is swinging at them. If such a reality was a gunny sack full of bricks, it would be perfectly understandable, but often enough those issues can be seen as bits of potential experience that might work out better for us if we manned up and confronted them – kind of like that proverbial schoolyard bully – and if we still do not act on such things, at least we can try to make some kind of sense of them.

As this post materializes, and as the reader who is familiar with folkpotpourri articles is no doubt aware, once again the subject tackles how the lack of knowledge and/or awareness of the causes of some of our problems always exacerbates the negative effects of them. Most especially if our ignorance is intentional. Specifically, this post will attempt to address how the ignorance of some issues and their causes allows us to assuage our consciences with unconscionable perceptions of, and therefore positions we take on, “realities” that may not necessarily even exist, but still, we often endure negative results because of the ignorance itself.

Before this gets too far into the weeds, it must be acknowledged that all too often, our perceptions are born and cultivated by less benevolent influences than mere ignorance, such as hatred, prejudice, greed, and other vices and if some of these are the motivation for our positions, then we stay where we are as a result of actual desire to remain ignorant or misinformed. If a person is on the wrong side of an issue for no other reason than because he wants to be, then there’s little chance of him acknowledging, hence acting on, his lack of understanding. If these types happen to be people who claim to be Christians, they would be the ones who can often be found up late at night poring through the scriptures, but instead of trying to better their spiritual knowledge, they’re looking for Bible verses they can snatch out of context, or twist in whatever way they can to support some pre-conceived position they choose in their headlong, ignorant and misguided attempt at appearing (always to other people) to serve God. These folks love to argue, sounding clever like theological lawyers, but always with Pharisaic interpretations of the Bible.

This post is getting into the territory addressed in the first paragraph and is becoming a piece of the mindset mentioned of folks who would prefer to turn away rather than give thought to an issue that makes them uncomfortable. It’s not by accident that we arrived here, because misinformation and deception are running like great unchecked rivers flooding through the nations nowadays, and many studiously ignore those of us who propound truth that can serve to help avoid becoming swept away in the deluge. Some few can see that multitudes of folks today choose whatever rickety bridges they can find on which to try and cross the raging torrent. “Choose” being the operative word here – whatever willful choices they can make that might comfort their confused desire (or lack thereof) for spirituality but invariably be of no real benefit at all. For instance, there are literally hundreds of thousands of people, men and women who consider themselves to be Bible-believing Christians, who pack the pews of deceptive temples of blasphemy and listen to millionaire hucksters who lead them to, among other things, support avowed enemies of Jesus Christ. They go home thinking they are on the right side of the spiritual equation because some charlatan quoted them a few verses out of context, usually some totally incongruous Old Testament event out of which they pulled up and tactfully spun a perverted applicability to their followers, and which invariably teach every Sunday that all non-Jews (except them), and especially Moslems are horrible people deserving of the greatest of condemnation. Some mythical Jesus they say they know, (but true Christians don’t) says it’s okay to hate and kill them all, but the good reverends conclude meanwhile that it’s okay to pause their murderous rampage long enough to kick more money in today’s offering – an act which itself will suffice to get them and their Zionist friends to, and indeed into, the promised land – so they dutifully, publicly, and with highly visible and reverent sincerity throw down a few bucks.

There was a time in my life, back when I erroneously thought that sometimes God made mistakes, I held the notion that God was unfair in that when Jesus was judging people there would be those who would try to convince Him that they had a clear conscience toward Him. He said they would talk about all of the things they did – even casting out demons – but He will tell them to depart from Him, that He never knew them. What!!?? What kind of God would allow people to go through their lives thinking they were doing the right things, just to find out when it is too late that they were doing it wrong?

Once I arrived at the incontrovertible truth, the absolutely immovable Gospel truth that God does not make mistakes, He ALWAYS does the right thing, I was able to figure it out. Those people aren’t innocent at all. They don’t think they’re living right – they don’t even give thought to such uncomfortable notions. They are self-deceived. They do not listen to Jesus Christ, they listen to the John Hagees and Kenneth Copelands and their ilk, pushing their fraudulent messages in this world of deception, they are demonic seekers of wealth who convince their audiences that satisfying worldly desires and prosperity on this earth is of more value than the promises of Christ.

This example has been used in other posts, but it bears repeating. It’s one of those precepts mentioned above about taking the time and effort to think about things – connect the dots yourself – in this case rather than letting some serpent behind the pulpit explain them. The disciple Peter, a humble fisherman turned greatest of Christ’s apostles, was the man on whom Jesus bestowed the incomparable honor and responsibility for receiving leadership of His church. Of all the human beings mentioned in the New Testament with the notable exception of John the Baptist, there can be no doubt Peter was the greatest of them. Now, in your mind, compare Peter to some of the big-name evangelists of today, and keep in mind that these men have arrogated to themselves the positions of shepherds of Jesus’ flock, the role appointed to Peter by Jesus Himself.

Peter and another of the great disciples, John, were going into the temple one day and were stopped by a crippled beggar who asked for alms. It’s immensely important for every Christian to consider this next part – keeping in mind today’s millionaire false preachers. Peter told the beggar, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”, and he did. Here is Peter, to whom Jesus Christ personally bestowed His Church, gave him the very keys to the Kingdom – and he had no money!!! This cannot be stressed enough!! How do the charlatans of today’s temples of decadent splendor possibly claim to be of ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and still justify being millionaires? How do the thousands of parishioners justify their presence at those places where these men (and women) “teach?” Will they all hear “Depart from me, I never knew you”? Wow!

There was another incident that occurred, this one during Jesus’ ministry when He was approached by a wealthy young man and Jesus discussed with him what he needed to do to be saved. Apparently, the fellow had been living according to the commandments and all he lacked was to get rid of his wealth and give it to the poor – but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. As the young rich man dejectedly walked away, Jesus proceeded to give a sermon on how unlikely it would be for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom, which according to what He told them, and for all practical purposes, will indeed be impossible. But each and every Sunday folks shout “Amen!” when millionaires Osteen or Copeland preach their “prosperity gospel”? What people are accomplishing in those “churches” is way worse than just wasting their Sunday mornings.

Maybe for those multitudes of people of the elegant pews – who definitely need to sort things out, this will be one of those things they will studiously avoid thinking about. Ignore it and it’ll surely go away, and it will – for now, but not forever. Y’all need to think about things you might wish to avoid confronting. Maybe a little reconsideration for now can lead to a better eternity later.

If some of y’all are not of the Christian faith and you are reading this, I hope you understand there are a lot of phonies out there that claim to be followers of Christ, you can find multitudes of them in those megachurches – Jesus warned us the gate is wide that leads to destruction. Please don’t judge all Christians by those who mislead and those who choose to be misled. Some of us – the ones who opt to enter by the narrow gate love our fellow human beings – even and especially the poor ones – and would love to share Jesus with all of you.

If you’d like to get to know Jesus, it’s quite simple. Even though the gate that leads to life is narrow, there’s plenty of room to go through it for the pure of heart. If you carry a burden of hate, lust, or pride, you can just leave it outside – the gate is definitely too narrow for those, and such things are not to be found in the Kingdom. Jesus is standing at the door waiting for you to invite Him in, and if you do, hang on, because you’ll be in for the greatest ride of your life, and you’ll never regret a moment of it. Draw near to the Lord and He promises He will draw near to you. Find a faithful preacher and get yourself baptized and assume your place on the path to glory. Jesus is willing to lead us there, but we have to follow Him.

God Bless all,