I feel sure they have something on Trump. Something in the Epstein files maybe, I don’t know, but it’s very odd that he’s gone way out of his way to perform insidious acts of evil and violence, acts which go against all of the things a megalomaniac would normally do to try and make people love him. Especially one whose desire is to be known as a peacemaker. That’s their high, after all, to be adored by the masses. He wants to go down in history as a great, no as the greatest of presidents, but he keeps doing things that absolutely will prevent his ever attaining anything close to that status.
He watches as the population of the US (all too slowly) come around to the realization that the US government he leads is so totally wrong in its approach to dealing with humanity that even the most stubborn Trumpers with their MAGA hats are actually beginning to take notice. Indeed, people who think of themselves as upright and moral Christians are experiencing the greatest cognitive dissonance imaginable trying to reconcile their support for Trump and his support for the slaughter of innocents (just like Biden) with their Christian beliefs. They are waking up, and not in a “woke” way, but in a Hind Rajab and Aaron Bushnell way. After trying to understand why someone like Josh Paul would give up a nice position at the State Department, or remaining bewildered over college students all over the country willing to go to jail for their humanitarian and/or moral convictions, some of the most hard-core Trumpists are seeming to allow the Almighty to speak to them. Are they actually starting to listen?
I think it was Mark Twain that said it’s much easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled, and for sure there are a lot of MAGA types out there who are more willing to swear that Trump is a patriotic American rather than trust their eyes as to what he is doing. They have been, and are still being fooled, but rather than try and be objective about what’s going on in Gaza and Yemen, and in Occupied Palestine, they smugly insist that the orange one is looking out for America. Even though North Carolina still is reeling from that hurricane, even though much of the American southeast has been devastated by tornadoes and wildfires, even though there is not enough money to even begin to help the country, they still find tens of billions of dollars to send to Israel for weapons, healthcare, (yes, they have free healthcare in Israel) and whatever else is needed for a genocidal entity, largely funded by American taxpayers who pay through the nose for “health insurance” and medical care that could be funded by some of the wealth sent to Israel. That’s what happens when your congress is staffed by Zionists, many of whom are dual citizens. They make sure their real constituents, the Israelis, live fat while the Americans who they are supposed to represent, do without. For crying out loud, when I was in the AMERICAN military, we wouldn’t have had to worry about being arrested in foreign countries on vacation, we couldn’t afford such vacations, but the Israeli soldiers apparently travel abroad routinely. America first for our Zionists in congress is simply a campaign slogan that means absolutely nothing.
American college kids are leading the way for our nation, in spite of a government that is waging war on them. It’s not a new thing; we went through this during the Viet Nam days – we’ve seen it all before. The pols are pinning their hopes on the fact that many of the younger folks don’t remember those days. They’re dusting off the old playbook they used back then – it’s plainly happening – notice all the videos on social media about how white people have mistreated the blacks and vice-versa. This is an old card that has worked very well for them – once again get the whites and blacks fighting with each other and they’ll take their eyes off the real problem, the problem of a government of crooks willing to subvert its constitution to protect millionaire legislators, judges, and presidents by pitting the people against each other. Google the Watts riots, the end product of a perfect government setup. Are we willing to fall for it again? By now we should all, white, black, brown, etc., see this move for what it is. Our government is participating in one of the most heinous atrocities of our time, this middle east genocide, people are seeing it for what it is, and they have to get our attention off of it, and if it takes starting race riots or even a major war, so be it – they’re not willing to give up their fortunes or positions of power. If it looks like that is about to happen, they are willing to blow up the world rather than give it up. They’re going to once again wager on the ignorance of the masses first, though, and try to agitate the public against one another.
Back in the days of Viet Nam protests, there were a lot of young folks who turned to Jesus for His guidance and support. There were a lot of them – people called them Jesus freaks, and I admired them for their faith, although back then I was too young and easily misled to join their ranks, but there were a lot of us kids who simply protested. We had music, flowers, love and Jesus, and somehow that combination won the day as the popular movement against the war was so intense the US eventually had to turn tail and leave the Vietnamese to sort out their own problems, which they immediately and easily handled once Uncle Sam exited their country. If enough people get their priorities in order and understand that we have the power to stop a genocide, we can do it again. If a popular movement arises again, I’m too old to join in protests and get banged up by the mindless uniformed zombies who inevitably appear to disavow their oath to the constitution and protect rich Zionists against their own countrymen, but I will continually pray for our nation to return to its moral sensibilities and stop killing innocent people in the name of the Synagogue of Satan. I really can’t force myself to believe that most Americans want to be seen as supporters of the murder and starvation of children. If that’s the case, I don’t think there is much hope left for us as a country, nor frankly do we deserve any hope.
The Jesus part of this equation is the most important part, because His Kingdom transcends this earthly existence where rich people’s money is Satan’s offer to them and thus dictates that evil must occur. That’s what it’s about after all. The rich man’s money, and power – in complete obeisance to Satan. They haven’t been given (nor do they desire) the spiritual insight that this existence is so very temporary. They believe in nothing more than a bunch of money in the bank, a private jet in the hangar, a beach chair on some tropical island and giving orders to the world.
[Revelation 18:7]: “
In the measure that she (modern Babylon) glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.” They are in for a rude awakening – the torment and sorrow will be all too real – and it will be forever!
Keep praying – Jesus is able to make things right, and I don’t think it’s going to be long before we see Him appear in all His glory to do just that. Pray that you are on the right side when He returns.
Matther 25:31-46: “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world‘”.
For sure, be on the right side. No Satanic child murderers will be found there.
May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.