Must We Become Ashes in a Shadow of Cowardice?

There is a huge fire burning and it threatens humanity. Thanks to modern technology, everyone can see the massive blaze, there is no denying the threat. The fire has been burning, growing for a long time, but the world is only now beginning to see both it and the impending doom it poses.

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Until recently, that is before the fire became public knowledge, the “authorities” were content in their ability to deny there was a fire at all, but with the advent of alternative media, that choice became less and less possible. People who doubted the public narrative have progressively become enabled to make their suspicions known and nowadays there’s a full-blown public discourse going on today about something the powers-that-be have long kept hidden, secretive and beyond allowable democratic discussion.

Along with the technology that has made public debate possible, the very mechanisms of data-mining and data accumulation have increased the authoritarian ability to identify and eliminate any who stray from the acceptable narrative. God only knows all the ways they have developed to accomplish this. So now there are many who can see the massive fire, but only a few actually know how to put it out, and these are the ones the system sees the need to eliminate, and there are many ways they may choose to do this, too.

Millions of people can now see the fire, but what to do? As many are wont, there are certain genres of people who overcomplicate the issue, that is how to go about extinguishing the blaze. Those who are in charge of keeping the fire going don’t worry too much about these. Then there are folks who go in the opposite direction and try to oversimplify both the threat and the solution. Since most people regard these ones as kooks and don’t pay them much attention, TPTB don’t consider them much of a threat either, and so leave them alone. These ones usually do and say things that tend to hinder, rather than help efforts to put out the fire. Then there are people who actually see the problem, these are the ones that have known about the fire all along, even back in the days when the authorities could get away with denying the fire existed. These are also people who know without a doubt, why the fire burns, why it threatens, and how to extinguish it. These are the JFKs, the Martin Luther Kings, and ordinary folks who are willing to admit they see the gas valve in plain sight that would stop the fire if only someone could muster the public opinion enough to shut it off.

When the mechanism that could kill the fire is mentioned, all the mainstream news assets go into a chicken-little hissy fit to discredit – not what the person says – but to discredit the person himself. We’ve all seen it, how they attacked Martin Luther King, Luc Montagnier (Nobel winning scientist who had the audacity to challenge the safety and/or efficacy of the dubious Coronavirus vaccine from the very beginning), even news guys like Dan Rather for his report about GWB’s military history. The list is practically endless of well-intentioned folks who suffered ad hominem attacks which never attempted to refute the revelation of a fire and a way to extinguish it, but since they cannot make a coherent argument, choose to assail the reputation of the source of the information. This tactic has actually become nauseating, but it’s proven time and again to do the trick. Just publish or report an article on CNN or NYT that speaks to Michael Jackson’s moral integrity and all of the loopy Trumpian farmers in the country will never pay the least bit of attention to the message he was trying to get out. It works splendidly!

Another of the techniques they use is to refer to the undesirable message as though it were a foregone conclusion, even if it has already unquestionably been debunked. For instance, when the supposed terrorist Hamas barbarism that included beheaded babies, rape, and other imagined atrocities continues to be repeated ad nauseum, even at United Nations assemblies, the purveyors of such nonsense repeat these diatribes and act like they expect their audience to believe them. For crying out loud, they put on such a show, you’d think they actually believed it themselves. A lot of this same kind of ridiculous but effective propaganda was directed at the Iraq of Saddam Hussien prior to the 2003 invasion, ditto for Moammar Khadafi of Libya, not to mention some Polish radio station way back when.

The fact is, there is only one truth, that of Jesus Christ, and the world writ large has decided to ignore it. Millions of people walk right past the gas valve every second of every day and don’t give it a modicum of thought. They see what is going on and choose, for whatever reason to ignore it. The problem is that it is an enormous device, and it would take multitudes of people to shut it off, so absent the necessary public support, folks simply act like it’s not even there.

Satan has been working on his plan for a long time. He has figured out how to divide people along so many lines that there is little chance of them coming together to eliminate the threat that the huge fire poses to all of humankind. He can turn black and white people onto each other at the drop of a hat, even to the extent of destructive race riots if needed. He knows how to infiltrate churches, creating enmity between members, sects, and congregations. He keeps several different iterations of nationalism at his disposal, easily levying wars between countries.

The very worst of his atrocities are taking place now. His servants have started doing the most atrocious deeds ever known to have been perpetrated upon humanity – the actual open murder and starvation of masses of people. even children, especially children, and the world is expected to accept it. The US government does accept it, and that will be to our eternal shame as a nation. Yes, everyone is expected to even support it, or face the absolute rage of Satan, especially for speaking out against it. Is this what has become of humanity? This is what whistling past the problem – not to mention the solution – is doing for us.

Accept it if you will, stand in the shadows with your head down so no one will see your cowardice. The blood of every child who has been slaughtered in Gaza is upon the hands of every human on this planet who hasn’t shown the fortitude to at least speak up. Jesus told us these days were coming – He made sure we would know when it was time to take a stand, and the time is upon us. We can now be fully confident that the world has tracked to the evil that got Sodom destroyed, the same for the whole earth in the days of Noah. When the mark of the beast is required – and that day is not far off – those who languish in cowardice will dutifully reach out their hand to accept it, hoping that God doesn’t see their faces, but rest assured He will. And His wrath will be unimaginably horrific.

There’s a way to extinguish the fire that is about to consume the world, but due to the cowardice of humanity, we will never be able to put it out. Not just cowardice, but for the false promises of pride, wealth, and lusts of the flesh – these are also among the reasons people will accept genocide of children – don’t want to miss a chance at another million bucks just to help to provide a drink of water to a child dying of thirst.

Those who have dared to expose the truth are being exterminated en masse. Look at what happened to Julian Assange. At least his long-overdue release was an example of what well-intentioned people can accomplish against the beast. There are others, even some in prison today, for telling the truth. Many are being killed in Palestine – more slaughtered journalists than in any other conflict situation in history. These are, and have been, among the bravest, most sentient people who have existed in our lifetimes. Ditto for all the aid workers and medical people who have been mercilessly slaughtered in Gaza.

The evil of genocide in Gaza, and now Lebanon, is the Rubicon of humanity. We’ve found ourselves on the bank – how did we even get here? – do we cross it and continue to support the unspeakable evil powering it, or do we say, “ENOUGH!” and turn back to some semblance of morality, do we reach for the handle of the valve that feeds fuel into this merciless flame that threatens the very thread of our humanity? Or do we stand on the sidelines and wait and watch for someone else to step up and do it? It’s time to choose – Satan has forced us into a situation where we must decide and take up our positions, one way or the other. Attempting to ignore the problem – accepting what is going on – might temporarily keep us out of trouble, but will have the same end result as participating in it.

May your decision be the correct one and may God’s blessings find us all.

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