I struggle mightily to find words with which to express my heartfelt sorrow for you as pictures flood social media, pictures of lifeless children held by bereaved parents, pictures which forever testify to unspeakable evil. You’ve done nothing to deserve the atrocities leveled upon you, and I join you as you cry to God for comfort, for some semblance of hope which you cannot see from where you are. I cannot begin to explain why you must suffer thus, except that perhaps your martyred children shall eternally testify against those who brought your suffering about. The innocent children are now with the loving Father, nevermore to suffer, to fear. Hold onto this hope.
Events which have rapidly overtaken the world, the west in particular over the past months, reveal the stark and brutal hearts of all who support this blatant genocide. Prior to the onset of the murderous ravage of your home, there were those – wealthy men behind the curtain – who could direct atrocities throughout the world without being revealed for their own part in them, but no more. The world will not and cannot go back to the days of the hidden hands. These demons in human form are now operating in the open for the world to see, some even waving their idolatrous Nazi flags in the congress chamber in celebration of their major theft of great sums of money, they also line the pews of great temples of blasphemy they call churches.
Political people who publicly support this murder of innocent starving peasants and vote to enable it are the most egregious of the lot, for sure, but there are others who deserve dishonorable mention. Among them are people who own stock in the “defense” industries. These ones might just be as guilty of murder of innocents as the pilots who drop the bombs, the snipers who kill children, or the generals who gave the orders to do so. They are especially conniving with the darkest of hearts, for in their insatiable greed, they give up their souls, knowing the weapons from which they make money are being used to slaughter innocent people. As one would expect, many of them pile the cash onto the offering plates of the false prophets so as to assuage their consciences, but such gestures will not avail them at judgement. As an American Christian with a sorrowful heart, I sincerely apologize for what these people are doing to you.
Jesus said at the judgement there will be many who will try to defend their behavior with examples of acts of feigned righteousness, but He will tell them to depart from Him because He never knew them. It’s no doubt hard to reconcile your despair with this knowledge, but when the Lord refuses them entry into His kingdom, that will be the most unimaginably horrifying punishment that could ever happen to them. They will get a chance to see the indescribable beauty and joy of the kingdom, and then forevermore rue their decision to behave as they have, as they gnash their teeth in the darkness of eternal hell. Rest assured, my innocent brothers and sisters, justice will be served for you and there’s absolutely nothing, short of repentance they can do to avoid it.
My heart is heavy as I read about the slaughter that’s going on and see the tiny ones wrapped for burial with tears of distraught mothers and fathers wetting their faces. I cannot imagine your grief, it must be unbearable, and I pray for you daily. This post has spoken of some of those who are guilty of this unspeakable murder, but there are others who should be pointed out – those who turn their faces away and pretend this insidious behavior is somehow normal. They ignore what’s going on as though it has nothing to do with them. They don’t even try to empathize with you, somehow they twist their morality to rationalize it, when God is giving them a front-row seat to the most insidious event that has ever happened, at least in our lifetime, and with this opportunity to witness the atrocities, He’s extending the opportunity for them to repent, but most of them aren’t listening. They are avoiding God as studiously as they avoid facing the evil.
As it is said, God works in mysterious ways, and we are witnessing unexpected participation in the resistance to the atrocities that are happening from quarters where no one anticipated any activity. I did a post yesterday about all of the universities of the US and the students who are defying authority and coming out in big numbers to protest. https://folkpotpourri.com/wisdom-of-the-children/ They are calling out the evil that’s being perpetrated in the name of America, and they’re doing something. Imagine for a moment that of all secular places, in colleges, kids are standing up with more Christian conviction than the hypocrites in the churches, and I thank God for them.
It’s like walking up on a person you thought was dead and noticing a heartbeat – slowly coming around, young kids seeing the evil before their eyes and deciding to do something about it. I only wish there were more of our older folk who could bring themselves to do likewise – oh well, we’ll take what we can get for now, but I do believe God has a hand in this movement. Think about it for a second – we’ve got thousands of college kids making their voices heard about indisputable murder and genocide, and our politicians are dancing around their halls waving Ukranian flags in celebration of a bunch of money they’ve just stolen.
I don’t know about other seventy-year-old geezers, but I’m thoroughly ashamed, no disgusted, with our government. The AIPAC lobby is acting, for all the country to see, in support of murder of innocent people and our politicians are whole-heartedly supporting them for shekels. Billionaires in this country who are rich (as always, through theft and dishonesty) are having college presidents dismissed who do not bend the knee to them. The US is engaged in two wars at present because the Israeli lobby gave them orders to be so. Congress is passing laws to shut down free speech to try and shut down opposition to genocide. Our congressmen and women are climbing all over each other to demonstrate to their masters just how subservient they are, and America be damned. If they listened to the voices of those college kids, maybe we could begin the process of helping Gaza. Of getting food to your starving children.
Once more I wish to extend my condolences to you, the people of Palestine, who are having to endure hardships that we can only imagine. I apologize for the behavior of my government, and for my fellow citizens who seem willing to turn their heads away and accept the travesties that are going on. It just came out in the last couple of days that over half a million Ukranian soldiers have been slaughtered because of the malevolent greed of the very same people who are responsible for your plight and because of the same apathetic citizens of this country. Except for the college kids.
God bless all who see this and have the courage to call it what it is.