Tag Archives: apocalypse

Nuclear War – Hiroshima Taught Us Nothing

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I’ve posted several post-apocalyptic narratives trying to describe what it might be like after a total nuclear exchange between the countries that possess nuclear weapons, but I think they all fall far short of a real world after such an event. I’m sure if something like that could actually be put into words there’d be a lot more people in the streets, but such is the state of the world, it looks like folks would just rather not think about something like that – even if a great verbal portrait could be composed. If we had to wake up to what might be left of our existence, I’m sure we’d think about what we might do to help stop the nuclear war threat. Stories like this or this ought to get people’s attention, but I just watched this Hiroshima – the unknown images on You Tube, and it grabbed me by the heart.

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Miyuki Bridge in Hiroshima a few hours after the blast

Maybe everyone should take an hour out of their lives and watch it. Folkpotpourri has done more posts than just the ones linked above, but none of them come close to effectively conveying the horror of surviving a nuclear explosion than that documentary with its eyewitness testimony of what those people went through. It’s just a glimpse of what the whole world will inevitably endure if there’s a nuclear war. We’ve heard of the tribulation prophesied in the Bible, it’s going to be a horror, and I couldn’t imagine a human being in a worse situation than to be a survivor of a worldwide cataclysm left over after such a thing.

There would be rampant, fatal cases of radiation sickness – every survivor would have to undergo some level of it. Imagine how helpless you’d be watching someone you love dying a horrible death and not being able to do anything. There’d more than likely be no hospitals, and if there were a few, they wouldn’t have any power. Who’s to say how many, if any, doctors would survive? Your automobile probably wouldn’t run, and if you were to find one that did, how long do you think you’d last out on whatever road that might still be drivable with hundreds, maybe thousands of desperate survivors trying to get to help themselves? You can figure they’d all be armed and looking for transportation.

The Hiroshima survivors, real human beings just like you and me, underwent a horror that no human being should ever be forced to endure. Imagine being in near darkness following some morbid procession of people, most of whom have been horribly burned, their skin hanging off, each one looking to someone, anyone, who might be able to help them. They ambled around what was left of the streets, not knowing where they were going, not caring, not even thinking, just taking that next breath. All of them in shock, intense pain, and unimaginable sorrow, having lost loved ones, pets, and homes.

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Will Harry Truman’s fate be an eternity wandering among such a tragedy, forever to hear the screams of children and elderly men and women in horrible pain? Will Colonel Tibbits be watching from the window of the Enola Gay, the bomber that he named after his mother and from which he dropped the bomb? He said he didn’t regret dropping the bomb afterwards when he was still alive, I wonder if he regrets it now. I wonder what his mother thinks of what he did. I think of his airplane, forever stranded on land in an ocean of tormented people, bodies disfigured and screaming in pain – a runway from which he will never again take off as he looks out at the ghastly sight.

Sadly, we live in a world governed by men who have no regard for the desolation a nuclear war they would unleash on the world. They only think as far as the plush bunker they intend to get into and ride it out. Do they intend to spend the rest of their natural lives in some hole in the ground, never to see sunlight or rivers or mountains again? Or do they think they will someday emerge into some garden of Eden at last completely devoid of those horrid poor people? Some folks have enough God-given foresight to know that ain’t how it’s going to be, but let them dream. If the nuclear weapons start going off, the most fortunate folks will be the ones at ground zero – it will be swift and painless – they (we) will be vaporized quickly – some scientists say before a person’s nervous system has time to send pain signals to the brain. The amount horror a person will undergo will increase in proportion to his distance from the explosion, with those farthest from ground zero being the ones who will suffer longest. As of the time of making the documentary mentioned, some of the Hiroshima survivors were still alive.

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The last building standing in Hiroshima 75 years later

Upon emerging into the world from their caves, they will undoubtedly be met with a horrible landscape of total destruction strewn about with human bones, skulls, and other remains. There may be animals, wild animals and many once tame, but by then gone feral and looking for food. There won’t be any construction crews and bulldozers to rebuild the world – they will all have been destroyed. Any survivor coming up out of a bunker will be faced with going back down into their dark hole to finish their miserable lives, or the even bleaker prospect of trying to survive up on the surface among the bones and ghosts of their fellow humans. I really think however, that by that time God will have stepped in and taken control, rewarding His servants and doing justice on His enemies.

Get right and stay right with Jesus Christ to ensure your eternal reward. It’s the only way out of this. There are men in the world in service to a master who would like nothing better than world-wide death and destruction, and they are capable of doing it.


And There Were Lights in the Sky

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prologue: This is another attempt to stimulate interest in critical world events by presenting the reader with some bits of speculation on what could happen based on current events – thoughts that cannot be found in the mainstream media. Posts from this site are read in countries all over the world. folkpotpourri.com website is convinced that public interest is of crucial importance if we are to stop this runaway train that is Western government. By presenting narratives of what might be left of our world post-apocalypse, perhaps enough interest can be garnered to help stimulate ideas on how to change our direction, and determination to do it. -MK

We finally made it here, and it’s been quite the ride. Looking over a bleak landscape that one could only imagine in the darkest and most horrifying of nightmares, I can but think this is the terminal station to where the train of humankind was bound – for thousands of years. For most of those years, we didn’t have the means to accomplish this, but malevolent entities posing as scientists of the mid twentieth century finally developed technologies that could do the job. They joined forces with other malevolent actors posing as politicians so as to become thus staffed for the task. There’s no denying it – we all knew what they were up to, but there weren’t enough opposition voices, and the ones that did speak weren’t loud enough to overcome that terrifying bloodlust that many humans carry inside them nor were they sufficiently powerful so as to overcome society’s appalling lack of courage.

Some days ago, the unthinkable happened. Russian submarines had for weeks been shadowing every nuclear-armed sub of the US, Britian, Israel and France, just waiting for the order to come down. If the Russian and Chinese submarines could maneuver in such a way as to get the drop on the allied subs and report their advantageous positions, the Russian and Chinese leaders had finally had enough of western criminal behavior to begin the process – they were determined to sink them all. They had S-500 missiles, laser weapons, all sorts of Electronics Warfare assets ready to fire on satellites, military installations, and almost every western aircraft, both in the sky and on the hundreds of bases around the world. And there were lights in the sky – everywhere.

Russia had sleeper cells comprised of Chinese, Central and South American, and Mideast commandoes stationed at strategic locations throughout the US, many of them nearby to nuclear missile silos. Their job would be to destroy as many of the silos and their contents as fast as they could once the order was given, so few of the aging minutemen were ever launched, or didn’t get sufficiently airborne to evade the weapons that had been trained on them for years. But it was the submarines that had to be adequately targeted before anything else could happen. In addition, there were hundreds of enemy commandoes at strategic locations near US air bases, both in the US and in foreign nations, ready to fire SAMs at B-52s and B-1 and B-2 bombers before they could get airborne, or very shortly thereafter. Stealth fighters were attractive targets everywhere, mostly on the ground. Many, many adversaries got into the US during the open border times and were thus stationed and prepared to disable US assets.

Places like Guam, Diego Garcia, and the Aleutians were all under the watchful eyes of Russian and Chinese submarines, again, waiting for the order. There would be no significant aircraft launches from these bases. Other targets of opportunity, especially for sleeper cells, were factories where munitions and weapons were produced, although when the big missiles started flying, they became inconsequential as Russian Sarmats would take care of them. Each and every one of them.

For many years, the Russians had patiently watched as the US military slowly self-destructed. They learned much about NATO’s capabilities (or lack thereof) from the murderous wars in Ukraine, the middle east, Afghanistan, Serbia and far too many others. While Langley and London frantically counted tanks and artillery pieces, the Russian military played cat-and-mouse with them, fully aware that tanks and destroyers would be of limited use when the real war started.

While the Russians, Iranians, Chinese, and North Koreans concentrated on weapons that worked, US defense contractors and their military and congressional co-conspirators concentrated on weapons systems that made them a lot of money – whether they worked or not was of little consideration. That’s how we ended up with flying bathtubs for trillions of dollars. The US got caught up in wokeism, with the most capable of West Pointers disgustedly leaving the service to the likes of the Rachel Levines and useless charlatans like Mike Pompeo, David Petraeus and others who were way more interested in their bank accounts and displaying subservience to Zionists than to military strategy. Putin knew this, Xi knew this. Their patience, though sometimes frustrating, paid off in spades. You could see the benefit of their patience from the developments in the Ukraine, but the military imposters in leadership positions in the west never caught on.

While the nuclear weapons got the most attention, both sides pulled out secret weapons arsenals that the crew of the starship Enterprise would have envied. Destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers coasted to a stop in the oceans, completely disabled by electronic warfare weapons. Some of them were sunk by hypersonic missiles; their radars couldn’t even see them coming. With Russian and Iranian EW weapons successfully engaged, all shipboard systems went dead, propulsion systems shut down, the electricity went off and soon enough they only had a contingent of marines on board with rifles and handguns, not a serious threat to anyone, especially in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. A dead aircraft carrier with no defensive capability, languishing in the middle of the ocean is completely useless, unless you’re a Russian submarine captain looking for some shiny chest decorations.

All of the aforementioned events happened in the first minutes of the conflict. The vaunted US nuclear triad was almost completely disabled, dozens of submarines in pieces, headed for Davy Jones’ locker. Anti-aircraft systems had been developed and honed to the degree that no western bombers were able to get to positions to threaten. North Korea and China had developed EMP weapons that completely shut down electrical grids throughout Europe and North America. The Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and North Koreans had spent years developing shielding and Faraday Caging for their weapons, so the EMP didn’t effect their systems, while Admiral Levine was spending his days chatting with the girls at the nail salon.

The US found out too late, that many of their so-called allies weren’t really their friends after all. Nations like Türkiye, Saudi Arabia, Romania, and Egypt actually assisted the opposition when push came to shove, many others following suit. Several countries, including Israel had been suspected of sharing intelligence all along with America’s adversaries. Some of them were in a position to help by actions such as shooting down American missiles and aircraft. Once the action had started and everyone knew this was it, several of the nationals in countries where the US had military installations took part by rapidly destroying American assets. Such was their arrogance and hubris, the incompetent people who had been promoted to the upper echelons of American intelligence had sufficiently degraded the organizations that they had no idea of the low regard these “allies” held for Americans. So much for “soft power”.

During the last years prior to destruction, the US congress took up all of their legislative time debating on things which only served to demonstrate which political party or members thereof could prostrate themselves most maniacally before their wealthy Zionist donors. Donald Trump, the favorite of trailer park people in rural America, had demonstrated his fealty to Israel so much during his first term, that only an imbecile could have believed his MAGA insanity. These people embarrassed everyone with an IQ above room temperature. In short, no one in positions of authority paid any attention to America’s strategic posture, only Israel’s. This came back to bite them in a big way.

The land is destroyed and there are very few survivors. All the wealthy people responsible for it are either dead or deep underground in bunkers they designed and provisioned to keep them alive until it is safe to come out. Did they actually think this through? What do they expect to see when they emerge, blinking and squinting at the sunlight? If there are still any survivors, it is guaranteed with no possible doubt, that they will be immediately taken captive – if there is any organized entity, I’m quite sure they will have reinstituted the death penalty, but more than likely they will be violently assailed and killed on the spot – maybe eaten, depending on the degree of starvation the survivors have endured. Seriously, what were they thinking? Did they actually believe that after what they did, all that gold they had hoarded down there would avail them in any possible way? Angry, starving, destitute people won’t have any appreciation for gold, or anything else they can’t eat. What, indeed, were they thinking?

No more yachts, no private jets, no luxurious condo on the beach. It’s all over. Why did the maniacs keep pushing Russia and China? They could have backed off at any time and the Russians, being sensible and way more honest, would never have waged war. Jim Wright promised the Russians back in Reagan’s day when the USSR broke up that NATO wouldn’t move an inch east – oh, except for East Germany. And Poland, and Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Türkiye, etc. Oh, and now of course Finland and Sweden. And for sure Ukraine if those pesky Russkies would have stayed home.

Most Americans were killed during the hour of destruction that was WWIII. The United States is now a vast, poisonous wasteland, almost completely devoid of life. There was a time not long ago when the people of this land could have risen up and avoided this catastrophe, and everyone knew it, but they all just sat around waiting for someone else to step up and lead a charge that would never take place. They all died the coward’s death, and maybe rightfully so. I don’t guess they were thinking of their families. The demons who made it happen will suffer the most in the long run, because many of them are still alive somewhere down there nearer to hell and they may as well get used to it – it’s where they will spend eternity.

The college kids have nothing to be ashamed about though, unlike the uniformed fascists who were attacking them on behalf of world Zionism. Those creatures got theirs though. What? Did they actually believe they were something other than useful idiots and that their benefactors would save them a nice cozy place in those plush bunkers? They are all dead now too. And their kids and families. I think they were probably the biggest fools of all. While they were gleefully whacking those kids and demonstrating all the incredibly masculine tactics their Zionist instructors taught them by wrestling women to the ground, their world was dissolving, but such was their relish for their precious authority, they joined the demonic leaders and were led to their own destruction, battling fervently against the only possible group that was trying to take us in the right direction. How foolish can people be? So, like it was in the Vietnam days, it became the police against the kids. The kids won that time, the police won this time, and now we sadly look upon the results.

epilogue: By the grace of God it hasn’t happened yet, but if we don’t make serious changes and soon, this is likely to be where we are headed. This site continues to do posts of warning – looking ahead to what might be if we don’t change directions. Food for thought sprinkled with generous helpings of opinion, but hopefully with some clarity of intent. Human existence is too important, too precious, to allow a relatively few self-interested purveyors of evil to destroy our world. I’m an old man and cannot do much except to write, exhort and pray mightily to Jesus for our deliverance. You can too.

C’est la vie.


A Horrible New Day

It’s cold out – very cold! Unfortunately, it looks like those scientists who suggested that a “nuclear winter” would follow a strategic nuclear exchange were right. Here it is late in May and another hard freeze is finishing off the few leaves and grasses that are left from nature’s feeble attempt at springtime. So much dust and smoke got kicked up into the atmosphere that the sun hasn’t been visible since the catastrophe several months ago.

My propane tank is getting low and I have to use my wood stove for heat, which is okay – I used it during normal winters and it heats up this old farmhouse – or what’s left of it – fairly well. One of the worst aspects of life now is the absence of light, even in the daytime you can barely see. All the preppers built up solar arrays for power when the grid went down, but most of them are useless with no sunlight. All those rechargeable batteries I bought aren’t much good without a way to recharge them.

We kept several cans of gas full for just in case, but by now we are getting low. The generator uses more gas than we really expected, so we only use it when we need to run the well pump. When we crank it up, we search the internet for information – any information – but there’s nothing. The satellites were the first things to go when the big war started. We turn on a few lights, glorious lights! At least for the few minutes of electricity we indulge ourselves, but just knowing the horrid darkness will return too soon takes away any real joy in the brief moments of light.

It’s no use to try and charge the phones anymore. They don’t work – nothing works. A few people show up coming down the driveway once in a while. I’ll leave it up to the reader at this point to decide what to do when a stranger comes up. You have to consider first and foremost, what kind of a threat he/she brings. At this point of existence, survival has become the pre-eminent occupation of our lives. Sometimes a hungry youngster shows up and the natural inclination for a normal human being would be to render whatever help we can offer, but there are grownups in the shadows waiting for us to drop our guard, even for a moment, and then that survival instinct kicks in.

During those brief moments of having lights on, we have to be careful to cover all the windows so no one can see our precious light. We use candles too. We have a hastily constructed outhouse. That would have been a no-brainer for any thoughtful prepper, and we should have had a good one on standby, but some things just get overlooked. Talk about a freezing experience! Nobody reads or works crosswords while on the pot.

There are some, very few, good aspects of this existence though. We don’t worry about the government spying on us anymore. It looks like we will never need to run air conditioners again. We haven’t had traffic on our local roads in a while, and there are no more chem trails. Well, I’m guessing there are no more, because we couldn’t see them if there were. Maybe when the skies finally clear, nature will once more begin to right itself and God will take control again.

Once in a while we get some information from people on CB radios, and we heard that one of the first places to get destroyed, even before the pentagon, was Langley, VA. That’s where the snake den we knew as the CIA was located. Supposedly the Russians hit the place with several hypersonic missiles and destroyed everything several hundred feet down into the ground. Washing DC itself has been a huge smoking crater for a while now. All of the big cities in the US have been obliterated as far as we know.

The Russians hit the east coast up near New York City with one of those Poseidon torpedoes they were chomping at the bit to fire off, and yes there was a huge radioactive tsunami that leveled the city and another hit in Norfolk, VA. There were others on the West Coast near San Diego and LA. We saw trails in the sky where missiles were flying from all directions – some were ours but most of the ones we saw were Russian, Chinese, and North Korean. The sounds of the explosions were like thunder, even the ones far away. We could see the upper parts of the mushroom clouds up toward St Louis and south toward Little Rock. At least the folks in those places, and many others, were quickly vaporized and never knew what hit them. Then came the darkness…

We have a little food left, but it won’t last long. The hardest part for me so far was losing my dogs. There was just no way we could work things so they could survive. Since this could happen in real life, it’s too painful for me to elaborate on, so I’ll talk about other things.

We decided early on to start using our spring out back for drinking water. Actually, we had little choice, but so far none of us have gotten sick or irradiated from it. The pools it feeds haven’t frozen over – in fact they hadn’t ever frozen even during normal winters. There are a few scraggly raccoons and deer that drink from it too, and we harvest some of them as needed. I spent several hours back prior to the war building a big smoker so we could preserve meat and it has come in handy. I suppose we could theoretically last as long as the firewood is available, and of course, assuming there is a supply of meat, but lacking any plants or vegetables, we can’t live healthily for very long.

The EMP from high-altitude weapons took out almost everything electrical. We were lucky that one of our generators survived, but with the gas supply dwindling, the generator is just prolonging our agony. Our refrigerators and freezers couldn’t avail us due to the lack of power, so we gorged ourselves on the rapidly thawing foodstuffs while it was still good. It was a shame to lose that much food – we frantically canned what we could and managed to save a good bit of it, but even though none of us ever learned much about canning things, somehow we managed to work it out.

As things stand right now, we don’t have a functioning government at any level, local, state, or federal. There is no more US government, no more FBI, IRS, DHS, etc. The people and organizations who write government checks are history. All banks are gone, obliterated. Those who enjoyed lots of money during the good times are either dead or in holes in the ground. All military organizations are finished. We don’t have any idea how many survivors there are, nor where they might be. We are at a threadbare primeval existence, and we presume the rest of the world is in the same condition. Though the African nations weren’t hit as hard as Europe, Asia, and America, the extreme cold has taken a devastating toll on those nations who were used to warm climates.

Our suspicion is that there are pockets of bedraggled survivors, probably many of them deathly sick from radiation and disease such as typhus and other maladies that accompany mass death. Will any of humanity survive this apocalypse? Who knows? If humans do survive, they’ll be in a primitive world where food is extremely scarce. There’ll undoubtedly be cannibalism, it’s happened before. They’ll eat grass, roots, or whatever else they can scavenge. They’ll live in a world where an infection from a minor injury can kill them with no medicine which we’ve come to take for granted.

Survivors will live in a world where a human life may be of no more value than a candle or a bar of soap. Education will have diminished to a point where children – if there are children – will primarily be taught what kind of wild plants are edible and maybe how to hunt with primitive weapons and traps. Animal hides and edible nuts will be the currency of civilizations – which won’t be civilized at all. There will be no law enforcement, no protection for the underprivileged, if they can’t run with the big dogs, they’ll have to stay on the porch, but there won’t be any food on the porch, people will become savage, a must for survival.

It won’t be a pretty world.


A Cold and Lonely Future

As a frigid dawn breaks across the winter sky, what’s left of my family huddles together in this wretchedly cold farmhouse trying to keep warm against another invasion of the incessant north wind. We knew for years there’d be a war, but few of us could have imagined the severity of it, especially for the few who survived the “war”, and especially this far out from a major city. This old house almost burned down, but we were able to save enough of it so that we can survive. If you want to call this survival.

For years it seems that people had been hearing of all the rich and connected folks who got busy building bunkers and stocking them with supplies intended to tide them over when the inevitable happened. They expected to go into their holes and sit tight watching movies and playing video games until such time as it would become safe to slither out and supposedly resume their entitled lives in which whatever few survivors would be waiting with adulation and fanfare to greet them. Yes, they were that deluded. Now that those few begin to see signs of their emergence, great fanfare isn’t exactly what the sick and hungry survivors have in mind.

Some of the larger refuges were intended to house government officials and their families, so they were excavated to facilitate relatively large numbers of people. Huge underground shelters made with reinforced concrete were designed to house any and all who might be required to provide for a preposterously planned continuity of government in a post-apocalyptic scenario. I personally believe they were all building their tombs.

When the bunkers were being built, multitudes of “commoners” were involved – truckers, construction hands, plumbers, electricians, welders, etc., who were never intended to be – nor did they become, part of the inhabitants of said shelters, just the labor used to build them. Were all of these people expected to forget where the bunkers were located? Where the entrances, water supplies, and air vents were, and how to excavate the holes they already dug once? Just what were those entitled individuals thinking?

As we try and patch up the holes in our crumbling walls and the ever-present hunger pangs gnaw at our very souls, we reflect on that somber autumn morning when the world turned upside-down. As I was outside tending the livestock, there were ominous rumblings, almost like the thunderous sonic booms some of us remember from back when technology reached the threshold where airplanes could fly faster than the speed of sound. I’m not sure they realized there would be window-shattering sonic booms until those fast jet planes started flying faster than sound. Anyways, when the big bombs started going off, that’s the first thing that came to mind, but only briefly. It didn’t take a lot of dot-connecting to realize what was afoot.

We always thought of times when the power would go out, but when it finally happened, the actuality of it hit home. Wow! Not only did it go out, but deep down we knew it would never come back on. When our enemies overseas finally got enough of the threats and pillaging by the western world and lit off the orbiting satellites containing EMP producing devices, we stepped through the door of destruction, our world caught on fire, power lines, automobiles, and just about everything with an electrical coil simply burst into flames. Huge conflagrations started everywhere there were wire fences, electrical power lines, transformers, substations, or anything made of wire kindled the near-complete destruction of developed nations. We ran inside and after frantically putting out the fires, we could only wait and wonder if we were about to be vaporized. Considering what our lives have devolved to, it would have been more merciful if we had. The cold nights are almost too much to bear.

The worst part of all this is the fact that no one knows the extent of the destruction. Did Washington DC get annihilated? How many of our big cities got wiped out? Communications are completely obliterated. There were a few folks around who everyone considered to be nuts that were known as preppers. Some of them kept CB radios, but most of them got fried in the EMP. A precious few survived, but it’s next to impossible to get to them to find out what they might know. Most information that does get through is of little help anyway. From the looks of our situation, it seems that our nation as we knew it is gone for good. I guess we “lost” the war, but our enemies devastated and contaminated the landscape to the extent that they won’t be sending a “conquering army” over here anytime soon. Nevertheless, the “preppers” have since become folk heroes everywhere there are survivors looking for a bowl of beans.

Radiation is everywhere and will be for a long time, it’s the primary concern for everyone who might have survived and is still breathing. Most of the living are – or have been – terribly sick from radiation poisoning, but a few seem to be immune to it. Maybe they’re the ones who pray – that’s the only explanation I can think of. I ran into one of these types who was among the very most prepared of the preppers. Before everything went south, he bought an old diesel pickup truck and completely gutted the electrical system. No battery, no starter. He parks it on a hill so he can start it by getting it rolling and popping the clutch. It works, but fuel is scarce, so he only uses it for essential things like hauling wood.

We only have a few chickens left, the goat got sick and died, and out of nine dogs on the farm, we have a couple left, but they’re sick a lot. We eat, and are thankful for, a lot of squirrels and rabbits. We’re fortunate enough to have a spring on the property, and what few neighbors we have left come over braving the outdoor air to fill bottles and jugs from it. So far, I guess the water’s ok, at least no one is getting sick from it so far. We were only marginal preppers, but we did have the foresight to stock up on a bit of extra food, but I really think we’re just postponing the inevitable. But then, who knows? We like to imagine that by some miracle we can be evacuated to a safe place, but in reality, we don’t even know if there are any safe places anywhere. Sort of like not so long ago when the people of Gaza undoubtedly imagined that some great nation would come to their rescue during their holocaust, but much to the shame of the world, that didn’t happen either.

For years, some scientists maintained that a nuclear exchange would precipitate what they called a nuclear winter. Even though as a result of the pandemic and green revolution and a lot of other nonsense, most of what passed for science came to be revealed as a bunch of malarkey, I guess they got the nuclear winter part right, because we are well into what should have been spring, but it’s desperately cold! I really miss having a weather forecast to look at, but there are none anymore, and there probably won’t be, especially the weather discussions that depended on satellites – they’ve obviously all been destroyed. We have to go back to the old way such as “red sky in morning…”

There’s no internet anymore, no microwave ovens, no running water. I saved every blanket and quilt I could get my hands on for years, and they are certainly coming in handy now. There’s no music, no television, no football games. No one knows how Kim Kardashian is doing, nor do they care. Much of our former life has been revealed for the useless nonsense it was. It’s hard to remember how we cared for things that really matter, or if we did at all. It was all about new cars, boats, flights to vacation spots, and a thousand other things that don’t mean squat now. We actually sat in front of CNN on the TV and believed all the lies they spoon fed everybody as if there would be no tomorrow with which to reckon.

There’s a tiny rivulet running from where our spring comes out of the ground. I watch it a lot these days, because if it dries up, we’re going to be in serious trouble. As I sit out here breathing what could be contaminated air (I’ve been so sick I really don’t even care anymore), watching that tiny trickle of life-giving water, I search my heart and continually ask myself, “What could I have done to help prevent this?” Hundreds of millions of human beings have been destroyed, killed, vaporized – with their bones strewn across the land. Huge cities, once thriving metropolises, now are no more than huge smoldering craters, with innumerable ghosts looking on, each and every one asking themselves, “What could I have done…?”

A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow (Part II)

(Note:  The following post is not by a preacher, just a regular person who reads the bible and tries to apply prophecy to what is going on in the world and share it.  There is a tremendous blessing in store for those who turn away from this world of evil – and come to God.  Anyone who has their eyes open can see some pretty awful times ahead, and there’s only one Way to be prepared for what’s coming.)

Try and imagine, put together in your mind, all of the confusion and chaos in the world right now.  At this writing, there are serious riots going on in France – those have graduated to fires and violence.  The French have for a long time served as a barometer of the level of tolerance of free people, or people who would be free, in the world.  Now the nation of Israel is seeing streets filled with people who have had enough of their government.  Germany seems to be following suit.  There’s little more that can be said for the open rebellion against God that is going on with the parades that celebrate abominable behavior, madness in the form of gender lunacy, and in-your-face Satanic performances like the opening ceremonies of the Cern collider and Gotthard Tunnel.

Man-made affronts to God are not the only things to consider as the earth reels toward destruction.  The earth’s magnetic poles are wandering away from the positions where we’ve always known them to be toward what appears to be a complete reversal of the earth’s polarity, and as it happens, the whole magnetic field is growing weaker.  There are charts out there that show the decreasing strength of the field over time, and it’s getting much weaker now.  That field is our protection from solar and cosmic radiation, and just over the last few days the earth has endured a significant solar storm, the severity of which cannot be explained from recent solar flares, because those flares were relatively insignificant.  The only explanation that seems to account for the magnitude of the disturbance (auroras were seen in Florida!) is the weakness of the earth’s magnetic field.  There are several science outlets who are saying the same things, one of which is an especially knowledgeable scientist at the YouTube channel, Suspicious0bservers – Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology – Your Mind is Your Weapon who does a much better job of describing what is happening than I can, but I’m sure it’s another serious wake-up call from God for us to get prepared for some bad times.  This is a very intelligent scientist who I’m sure is able to connect the dots all the way to God, in spite of his “scientific” background.  He seems to have a growing understanding of God’s hand in things that are occurring, if I’m reading him correctly.  He also observes that inexplicable psychological aberrations are becoming a major issue due to the effects on our minds being bombarded with radiation – look at the craziness in the world, especially among our leaders!

The earth is experiencing storms, floods, earthquakes, landslides, and other natural disasters of inexplicable ferocity and frequency in the last several years, and these are only the beginning of sorrows.  For crying out loud, the Mississippi, Euphrates, Colorado, Danube, Nile, and other major rivers of the world are going dry!  It’s obvious for anyone who has open eyes, that our God is not pleased with our conduct.  There have been many times in the past when God brought devastation upon humans of this earth when their behavior became so egregious as to bring His wrath down upon them.  The slaughter of the Israelites who worshipped the golden calf (think Wall Street bull), Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood of Noah, the earthquake at Christ’s crucifixion, and other instances when people who suffered the wrath of God who were supposed to acknowledge God’s preeminence and His commandments – all happened.  We are at such a time now!

Back to our own insane determination to bring destruction on ourselves, there is a discussion going on about Russia sending nuclear weapons to Belarus in response to the recent threat of UK sending depleted uranium ammunition to the Ukraine.  This is significant!  The nuclear genie is slowly but surely being squeezed out of the bottle, and it won’t go back in.  According to an increasingly accepted interpretation of Revelation 18, and as I wrote in A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow is Upon Us – Folk Potpourri the United States (the modern Babylon?) will be utterly destroyed in a horrible and devastating fire event.  A nuclear bombardment fits the description, although there are other things which might also cause the destruction described, such as an asteroid hit, or solar ejecta from a massive coronal mass ejection, which would get to earth essentially as a type of devastating meteor shower, but the way things are shaping up, and because of the mention of kings of the earth standing at a distance for fear of her torment, which I believe is referring to radiation, I think it will be a nuclear strike.  (author’s note: kings of the earth standing at a distance for fear of her torment might also mean leaders of other nations putting distance between their policies and Babylon’s fearing their own destruction by the same enemy).  Either way, whatever remains of Babylon, she will be utterly alone.

The world that was described in the above mentioned post probably wasn’t accurate though, because the bible speaks of such total devastation of Babylon that there will be no survivors at all.  For those of us who live here and face annihilation, the way to survive is the same – we must repent of our evil ways and ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ.  It’s the only way through this terrible time that’s surely coming upon us!  Think about the days of Noah – he had been forewarned, so he absolutely knew what was coming and tried to tell those people to change their ways, and they laughed at him until it was too late. It’s sad to imagine those hapless souls finally coming to their senses and wading out through the deepening water only to find the doors of the ark were closed. Jesus told us the world will be the same just prior to our own destruction.  Will people at last come to their senses only when they see the huge mushroom clouds?

There is a serious war going on in the Ukraine in which hundreds of thousands have been killed and injured.  Only a precious few people actually know what that is really all about, but from the way all of the western leaders are prostrating themselves, it is obvious they have been given their orders from the real leaders who themselves serve Satan and operate behind the curtain.  The whole of them are beasts with no concern for human life.  More on them later.

Think about it.  There have been train wrecks, contaminating vast areas of the country but largely ignored by our leaders and their equally conspiratorial media.  At this writing, the state of Mississippi has just endured massive tornado damage with dozens of people killed.  Hundreds of thousands of American citizens are living on the streets of major cities in drug-addicted squalor.  And our “president” is only interested in whatever more he can authorize to send to the most corrupt government in the world in Ukraine. What is sent there is solely intended to increase the death and destruction.  Does that make any sense at all to you?

All you hear from our congress is also whatever more can be done to support the murderous regime in Ukraine, up to and including the use of nuclear weapons, and our citizens continue to look the other way, waiting for suspicious balloons or the latest Hollywood sex scandal.  Maybe we should be in the streets like the French, the Germans, and the Israelis.  Frankly, I’m starting to believe we deserve what we have coming, and that isn’t going to be pretty.

The earlier post mentioned above attempted to get people’s attention to what is actually going on in our world, and what it is leading up to for some of us.  It was posted on other websites and it actually was viewed by readers in many countries, so at least it got out there, but I’m afraid the message might have fallen short of what the post was trying to get across.  The word “unimaginable” was not in that title for no reason.  This world is careening toward the edge of an abyss never before experienced by humankind!  How do we know this?  It’s in the bible!  That sacred text so many of us claim to believe, to honor; now listen with your heart to what it says, (Rev6:8), “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him.  And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.”

With the sword:  The sword mentioned in the verse obviously includes all of the ways humans will be killed by the ravages of war, especially nuclear war. With hunger: The aforementioned post attempted to provide imagery of how horrible the rampant starvation will be in a post-apocalyptic world, but I fear it doesn’t come close to describing the actual horror, both of suffering devastating hunger oneself, and watching fellow citizens, family members, pets, etc., starve literally to death!  With death: How, you ask, does an entity kill with death?  Ever heard of typhus?  Look it up.  I’m not a doctor, but I’d wager there are plenty of other risks associated with being around, and drinking water contaminated by, a lot of rotting flesh, of which, with some portion of a fourth of humanity already dead, there will be plenty. With the beasts of the earth:  It’s arguable here that John is speaking here of murder by human beasts. In chaotic times of anarchy with no law and order. Murder, which is already rampant, will undoubtedly be commonplace.  Human life, scarcely valued now, will become totally worthless to these beasts.  Second and third-tier nations whose hostilities were held in check by threats from “superpowers” (who by then will all have suffered some degree of devastation), will also be free to settle scores with now unprotected enemies. There will be mass death and murder on a scale never before experienced. We already hear of many people being killed so their organs can be harvested to keep such beasts alive.  One fourth of the people of the earth today is around two billion souls!

Forewarning of macabre days of unimaginable sorrow is handed to us in the bible and will be a time of unprecedented tribulation.  In all of our lives we endure some degree of hardship, so we have an idea of what the word means, but “unimaginable” means we cannot conceive of the terror and despair of the great tribulation that is about to be visited upon us. (Matthew 24:21), “For there will be a tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.”

This was spoken by Jesus Christ himself, so its veracity and the weight cannot be questioned, nor indeed fathomed by us mere humans, who have never had occasion to envision the horror of existence that this world will suffer during such a time.  A time of incredible darkness, despair, not knowing where the next bite of food will come from, or if there will even be a next bite of food.  At that point, people won’t even know if there will be a next breath!  Overwhelming stench of death and sickness, poisoned water – people dying of thirst will know that to take a drink of it will be to die an agonizing death – will be rampant.  Once beautiful forests dying, along with all of their creatures, everywhere eyes of the dead staring vacantly into that next world.  It will indeed be sorrow on an unimaginable scale…

When the angels start pouring their bowls of affliction and sounding their trumpets, things are going to degenerate into horror of which humanity has never witnessed.  But if one refuses to give in to fear and despair, there’s hope:

Revelation 14:14,15:  Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat one like a Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.  And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

There is one body of believers who believe and hope that Jesus will return to collect His people in what is scripturally described as the Rapture, and that body believes it will happen prior to the great tribulation.  Many others share in that hope, but aren’t all in agreement of the timing.  Exactly when the rapture will occur in relation to the tribulation is one of the scriptural issues that has been debated seemingly forever.  The one thing we can be certain of is that “The Rapture” will occur; He will harvest His people from this place of despair and trouble for that next life, the real life – of wonder, peace, and joy, which will itself be unimaginable.  Scripture says so, (1 Corinthians 2:9) “For eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 

If it has never entered into the heart of man, that means it has never been imagined.  If it has never been imagined by all of the billions of people that have existed since it was written, that suggests that it’s truly unimaginable.  Nevertheless, it will be a joyous time for those who have decided to trust Jesus!

For now, we live in a world where a time of great sorrow is indeed upon us.  We are moments in cosmic time away from the abyss of nuclear catastrophe designed by the enemy of God and mankind, to throw all of God’s creation into a morbid chaos of death and despair.  A time is coming of unparalleled fear not experienced by human beings in all of history.  Nothing can be done to stop it, it’s infallible scriptural prophecy – and Satan is in charge of all the people in place who could prevent it.  Their minds are taken, and anyone with eyes can see their total insanity.  They are drunk from the cup of madness. (Isaiah 29:9), “Pause and wonder! Blind yourselves and be blind! They are drunk, but not with wine; They stagger, but not with intoxicating drink.” (Jeremiah 51:7) Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, That made all the earth drunk.  The nations drank her wine: therefore the nations are deranged.

The good news is that there is a way to get through it!  Though we often stumble as if we walk in darkness, not seeing the things over which we trip, we have a precious Helper.  In this world of darkness, there are many clever obstacles laid in our paths that we cannot see without a Guiding Light to reveal such things for what they are.  Situations constantly arise in our lives in which we do not realize at first will lead us to distraction from God, but Jesus is always there to show the right Way to His beloved.

In the 14th chapter of Matthew there is the story of Jesus walking on the water out to the boat where the disciples were, and Peter, astonished at what he was seeing, asked Jesus if he could walk on the water and come to Him.  Jesus permitted him and as he began, he was able to walk on the water toward Jesus, but at some point, Peter lost his concentration on the Lord and began to sink into troubled waters and fear.  Jesus then reached out His blessed hand, in an act which should take a preeminent place in the mind and heart of every Christian, to take Peter into His care, preventing him from falling from His grace, in the passage represented by sinking into the dark water of the sea.  That’s what He does – that’s why He’s Jesus – Yeshua, our blessed and beloved savior!  When we lose our concentration on Him because of all of the turmoil and despair of the terrible events taking place in the world, He reaches out His hand to take and hold us in His care and protection.  He loves us with an UNIMAGINABLE love!  We must focus on Him through whatever of these hard times we have to endure, and we will be just fine!  It’s also important to remember that Peter only started slipping into the sea after his faith weakened.  Why that happened is not made clear, but if Peter could have kept his focus on Jesus, it’s doubtful he would have gotten into trouble.  Another lesson for us to hold onto and cherish!

As we anticipate terrible things coming our way, and terrible times are coming, you can count on it! It’s imperative that we find Jesus Christ and hold fast to Him to lead us through the perils we face.  There’s no reason to fear – though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we need fear no evil – we shall get through it with Him.

A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow is Upon Us

Image result for free pics of nuclear bomb exploding

It was a nice cool sunny morning with some blue birds soaking up the sun, all in a row on the high wire.  It took some time to figure out what happened.  There were a few low rumbles, they seemed to be coming from north of here.  We live on a farm out in the wooded hills of southern Missouri, and north would be up towards St Louis.  Soon as the booming sounds started the power went off.  At first, I didn’t pay much attention, but with all the military stirrings going on in the world these days, you just don’t know what to expect.

I went inside the house, but with the power off there’s no internet, so no way to find out what’s going on.  At least until the power comes back on, or until I get the generator started up.  More distant thunderous booms that echo now less like thunder and more like tremendous explosions – and I’m starting to get worried.  My kids are at work and the grandkids are in school.  I swear I‘m seeing sparks and smoke coming from under the hood of my car, but it’s not running.  Now the power line where those bluebirds were singing looks like it’s getting really hot and smoke is coming from the bucket transformer on the poles.  Wow! The transformer just blew up sending a shower of sparks and molten metal flying all around the pole!  I can hear blasts all over the countryside from more pole transformers exploding.  All the fences are sparking and smoking.  The woods around the power lines and transformers are starting to go up in extremely violent flames.  And the cars are now on fire – all of them!  Even the old broken-down ones out in people’s pastures.  Our emergency generators are smoking – I’ve got to get them away from the houses before they burn up.

Now I’ve got an idea of what’s happening, because I’ve heard of what an EMP event could do to electrical circuits.  Electromagnetic Pulse.  That’s what happens when a nuclear weapon explodes.  The only other thing I can think of that would do this is a coronal mass ejection from a solar flare.  It happened back in 1859 and it was named the Carrington Event.  Fortunately, the world did not have much electrical infrastructure back then, just telegraphs, and the induced currents caused the wires to catch fire – sort of like what’s happening to the power lines out here right now.  I don’t think it’s a solar event either, because the warmongers in Washington have been beating the nuclear drums for a while, and I’ve been afraid the Russians were going to get spooked and do a first strike.  I guess this is it.

A big problem for those of us who might survive a while because we live in areas that aren’t targets is that we lose all sources of information. We don’t have any way of knowing what’s happening.  Don’t know if it’s a first strike or a retaliatory strike.  Does Washington DC even exist anymore, or is it just a huge radioactive smoking crater?  Are those beautiful, magnificient buildings of the Kremlin still standing?

How many of our big cities are destroyed?  I remember seeing pictures of the devastation that was Nagasaki and Hiroshima when that monster Truman murdered all those Japanese civilians, and thinking that those bombs were tiny compared to what the psychopaths have in their arsenals today – the Russians have bombs that could literally flatten New York City and/or Houston.  I cannot, nor can anyone else, begin to fathom the destruction of a 10 or 20 megaton thermonuclear weapon could wreak on a major city.

Lights go off and then nothing.  No TV; no internet.  No football – the treasury department that writes all the government checks is gone.  Fear-crazed citizens make runs on Wal Marts and grocery stores and take everything they can.  No one tries to stop them; the store employees are in a panic to get home.  Problem is, with no operable vehicles, the only things people can take are what they can carry by hand.  Everyone has to walk, even the police are stranded out on the highways.  All troopers, city cops, and sheriff deputies are trying desperately to get home to their loved ones.  No cops on duty anymore.  No traffic moving anymore.  Just lots of people running, screaming, hoping they can just get home, and that there still is a home.   

Fires are blazing everywhere from the powerlines and transformers exploding.  All electrical substations in the country are smoldering and blazing chaos.  Forest fires are rampant and out of control all over the nation and there are no operable fire trucks.  No firefighting planes or helicopters are available to fight the fires.  Houses hundreds of miles away from the many ground zeros are burning both from the unchecked wildfires, and from EMP induced electrical shorts in home wiring.  Almost every building in every town is on fire with no way to put them out.  And these towns are far away from the targeted places where the bombs actually hit.  This is truly a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions, the like of which has never been witnessed in all of human history. There will never be electricity in this country again.  Let that sink in.  Freezers will thaw out and food will ruin.   Untold thousands of people will perish, starting with those vaporized, then those being burned up in their homes, and there are no fire departments available to help anyone.  No hospitals; doctors and nurses are gone, understandably abandoning useless smoldering medical facilities.  No industry, no UPS deliveries, no more dog food for the pups.  If your house didn’t burn to the ground, at least you may (for a while) have a (dark) shelter from the elements.   

Huge blasts of radioactive winds blow hundreds of miles from the explosions, of which there have been many.  The first wave was intended to take out the military establishment.  No way of knowing, but there’s no reason to believe that anything remains of the pentagon, DC or Langley, Norfolk, San Diego, Chicago, Houston, or any of the coastal cities where there are refineries.  All cities with military infrastructure of any kind will be destroyed.  The joke that has been for years a missile defense system has been exposed. The sick joke that a nuclear war could be “winnable” has also been exposed.  The numbers of people succumbing to radiation sickness is beyond belief.   There will be no schools, no stores, no food, and no government services; no disaster relief will be forthcoming.  All banks will have ceased to function, so even if there is any money left, it won’t be worth anything. The bankers never were.

If you take medications to stay alive, you’d best have a good supply, because there won’t be any more.  All livestock will either be dead from radiation, burned to a crisp in the fires, or promptly slaughtered by starving survivors, and it doesn’t matter to whom they belonged.  Same with property.  People will no longer obey private property signs, they will go anywhere they think there might be resources, food, water, at the risk of their lives, which aren’t worth much right now anyway.  There will be no law!

Every military ship on and under the ocean, with the likely exception of a few submarines, will be sunk.  All of the nuclear-powered ships will go to the bottom with reactors likely damaged, spewing radioactive contamination.  Like dozens, maybe hundreds, of Fukushimas.  Even the reactors that aren’t damaged will undergo meltdowns with no controls. The bible says that something will kill all of the fishes in the oceans, maybe this is how that happens.   

The USSR detonated a bomb of around 50-megaton yield back in 1961.  It was called the Tsar Bomba.  The weapon had a 100-megaton capacity, but for safety they modified the yield.  Awe inspiring is just too mild of a description of what that looked like.  Since the bomb was so powerful, they calculated that the plane that dropped it had only a 50 percent chance of surviving – that is even after the plane released the weapon several thousand feet up in the air with a parachute to slow it down while the plane flew away from the scene at full speed.  It did almost destroy the plane – they said the blast wave overtook the plane some 45 miles from the explosion and it lost over a kilometer of altitude before the pilot, Andrey Durnovtsev, could regain control and keep it from crashing.  That thing made a mushroom cloud 37, yes 37 miles, (60 km) high!  An uninhabited village, Severny, 34 miles (55 km) from ground zero was obliterated, and buildings 100 miles away were damaged!  The blast would have caused third degree burns 62 miles (100 km) from the explosion.   I would expect if they still have these in their arsenal, they would use one on Cheyenne Mountain.  It would probably take out Denver and Amarillo, TX and certainly everything in between.  Instantly vaporized.  What are our “leaders” thinking?

It sounds crazy, but if this happens, I want to be at one of the ground zeros.  As bad as being vaporized sounds, it would be infinitely better than surviving into the nightmarish existence that would ensue.  There will be marauding gangs of survivors, undoubtedly armed, in various stages of hunger, disease, emaciation, and injury.  It will probably be a situation where anyone you encounter will be apt to kill you.  For one thing, they won’t know whether you are out to kill them too, or maybe you have something they want/need to survive.  A can of tuna or a bowl of beans might cost your life. 

The landscape will be nightmarish.  Imagine a few days or weeks after the event.  There will be burned out stumps on land that was beautiful forest, now riddled with stagnant pools of black muddy radioactive slime, full of human and animal bones, charred flesh, and entrails.  Few buildings will exist intact, and many will perish fighting over them.  There will be no light at night.  Light would attract unwanted guests.  No music.  No one will have any idea what’s going on.   There may be a few survivors in places like subway tunnels, abandoned train cars, or in remote wilderness areas, but such people will have resorted to the basest of behavior, including cannibalism, in short order.  Imagine!  Human beings who once inhabited a civilized nation and lived decent lives will have to worry about being killed and eaten by other human beings!  Zombie apocalypse, just with regular people, not zombies, although with burns and wounds, hair falling out and all out of sorts with radiation poisoning, they probably will look the part.

I have heard people talking like they plan to survive and stay healthy by hunting and foraging.  Well, if a nuclear winter follows a nuclear apocalypse, foraging is going to be slim pickings.  And the deer won’t last long if they manage to survive the bombs, radiation, and fires, there’ll probably only be a few very unhealthy specimens left, but if a gunshot rings out, I’m pretty sure it will attract whatever starving people hear it, so there might be more to deal with than just dressing a deer.

Bedraggled survivors will wander in shock around former cities in hopes of disaster relief which will never come.  Desperate people will offer anything – gold, jewelry, ammunition, their own bodies, for sustenance.  Helpless parents will watch in horror as their children starve, hoping against hope that they will awaken from this nightmare, but when this all comes down, it’ll be too late for them.

And we still won’t know what happened.  Who decided that a nuclear war would be a good idea? Who “won” the war?  Did any of our leaders survive to sign a surrender, and to whom?  Or did Russia or China surrender?  Will there be hordes of soldiers from some faraway land invading our country after the radiation dies down?

And what of the wealthy folk who built the magnificent bunkers filled with the necessities of life in which to wait out the nuclear winter?  Do they actually believe they will emerge into a second garden of Eden complete with succulent fruit trees and minstrels singing their praises?  First of all, the bible speaks of a great earthquake, such as has not occurred since people have been on earth, so I think a big part of those individuals will be entombed in those lavish bunkers.  So maybe a few do survive, and after some months, maybe a few years tucked away, they stumble blindly onto the surface, a hardly recognizable landscape littered with human skulls, burned out cars and buildings, and destroyed terrain.  When they went into the holes, they were wealthy, but after what has transpired, of the few commoners left, no one will be interested in their gold – and those old bank accounts?  Well the digital age has completely and utterly vanished, and all those millions or billions they had on their ledgers is now squat.  Even by this time, there will undoubtedly still be a few scroungy survivors, but instead of the fawning proles these rich folks were used to in the old world, those survivors will undoubtedly have a taste for some well-fed and plump upper crust brisket, so thanks for preserving some.  It won’t help their situation any when they discover that some of the survivors actually know they caused, or at least played a part in causing the disaster.  The scenario described does not take into account the likelihood that hapless survivors will undoubtedly spend their time searching for air vents to the bunkers in which to pour gasoline or whatever else they can find to upset living conditions in said refuges down below.  Any who survive this carnage will be on a mission and will not easily be placated!

Who knows what the final outcome will be.  How many millions, or hundreds of millions of people will be counted among the slain?  When this calamity happens, it will obviously involve the deaths of millions.  This destruction, I believe is prophesied as the destruction of the modern Babylon in Revelation 18, and most people I’ve heard seem to think (as I do) that the place named as Babylon is the United States, and it is utterly destroyed in the space of one hour, by fire!  Completely devastated to the point that (verse 22) “the music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again,” and “no worker of any trade will ever be found in you again,” this decadent place will cease to be! According to scripture, it’s not a bad thing that this evil place is destroyed. “Rejoice over her, you heavens! Rejoice, you people of God! Rejoice apostles and prophets! For God has judged her with the judgement she imposed on you.”

Time will tell, but I’m afraid we don’t have much.