Doubtless by now everyone paying attention has gotten wind of the ai controversy swirling around the world like rancid dishwater being sucked down into the drain. Intelligence, or the concept thereof, is quite possibly the greatest pitfall resulting from human pride – Satan has first-hand awareness of its potency – and is wielded by those in his service who would use it to sever any relationship we might try to build with God. Artificial intelligence is no more than a cumulative statement of humanity – that we have become sufficiently knowledgeable to deal with issues here in our corner of the universe, and therefore no longer need such rudimentary beliefs as religion which some of us of lesser smarts hold sacred. It’s a concept that has been tried in various iterations since time immemorial, but with this ai, human mastery seems to be culminating into fruition. Indeed, for many superficial pursuits and human endeavors, such technical prowess as smarts can be valuable, but when we allow ourselves to buy in to the belief that we no longer need a Spiritual foundation upon which to build and continue with our fundamental endeavors at human evolution, we set ourselves up for the most dismal of failures. Especially when we decide to turn over our decisions to man-made devices like computers. Tellingly, and as designed, this artificial construct that everyone so admires places absolutely no value on those traits which characterize us as human beings, such as loyalty, consideration of others’ well-being, and above all, love – both the love of our neighbors, and the love we hold for our blessed Creator. In its callous disregard for the value of human love, it (its creators) places itself in direct opposition to the greatest commandments, to love God and one another, thus is undeniably at odds with Christian beliefs.
Since undermining Christianity is the ultimate goal of Satan in our world, don’t be surprised when they develop some new iteration of artificial intelligence that suddenly claims to promote a belief system that is somehow congruous with “religion”. This will be a move that’s tantamount to declaring itself to be God. It will be contrived to attempt to pry away Christians from their true beliefs and climb aboard the ai bandwagon, attempting to remove any doubt that a prospective believer might hold that ai might just be something that followers of Jesus Christ should avoid. It’s coming. It will undoubtedly offer the same nature of deception that the false doctrines of today’s evangelical churches and the same appeal. This artificial intelligence is simply the latest weapon Satan has revealed from his endless arsenal. The dragon followed the woman and declared war on her and her offspring. [Revelation 12:17]: “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Everyone admires smart people, those guys who are able to resolve complex problems. Whatever goals we have before us as the social animals we are, from which we are sometimes prevented from achieving due to issues on which only the brightest among us can be depended to resolve. That’s not a bad thing in itself – God blessed some more than others with smarts. There are very few, however who can be actually regarded as wise people. It’s mostly because the truly wise among us are loathe to get caught up in publicity. The great asset they possess, the one human attribute Satan hates in people – is God-given wisdom, for true wisdom leads us to God, but human intelligence does not. Intelligent people typically like to show off and make a big thing out of their gift, but the truly wise man only speaks when asked, and ever tries to stay away from the spotlight.
There are societies in the world in which wisdom is, or has been heretofore, sought, and sages in those groups, tribes, clans, or whatever, were highly respected. The Chinese elders and Tibetan lamas come to mind as well as the American Indian tribal elders – there are others – and input from these guys is – or was – regarded as of great value to their whole societies. It seems that due to the cultivation of intelligence, especially technical expertise, the wise man is less considered as a source for answers nowadays. That’s a real shame, because among many other pitfalls, ignoring wisdom causes us to saw off the limbs we are perched on. In light of the fact that the world has more pressing problems today than it ever has, the wisdom of humanity garnered from the ages is more important to us now than it ever has been.
One misconception however, of people concerning those who might be wise, is their age. Indeed, there are many elderly persons who have garnered wisdom through their years, but these are the ones who walked through life with their eyes open, learning as they trudged down those muddy, one-way roads (and back) on which we all occasionally find ourselves. There are many more who plowed through this life’s morass without gleaning much wisdom, mostly because they chose to trust in available intelligence as they traveled rather than hard-earned lessons they should have learned. In that sense, age isn’t the only consideration for wisdom, so don’t assume their years mean they know something helpful.
Because of the proclivity of those of “intelligence” to seek publicity, it only stands to reason that what is called artificial intelligence, the cumulative effort of lots of smart people, needs to be in the greatest of social spotlights. This is in order to continue a mass exodus from wisdom of the ages and into the nethersphere of “intelligence” – especially of sources not human. It’s not a hard sell, either. There is a surplus of hopelessly ignorant people out there who would much rather have someone, or something do their thinking for them. That’s one reason “developed” nations have been opting to allow “think tanks” to opine on critical issues rather than having elected “leaders” calling the shots. That’s also why the pews of megachurches are teeming with misguided souls – they allow false pastors to tell them what to think. Of course, voters (who have long abandoned any attempt at reason to decide for whom they should vote for their betterment), don’t mind being told for whom they need to cast their ballots. It saves wear and tear on what precious few brain cells they still use.
If I could have a guess where to look for leaders who might possess some degree of wisdom with which to lead the nation, the first place I’d look in this country is among the self-disenfranchised electorate. People who don’t vote. That’s where the folks are who have long-ago learned of the deception and utter hopelessness of being forced to choose between two cardboard cutouts presented to the proles (by the same entities) as viable choices to run things. There’s wisdom in that view of what passes for elections in many nations today.
Another word of caution for the believer – there has been a big stir lately about how the Chinese have undermined the western tech moguls by introducing this Deep Seek version of ai. This is another deception, for it presents the unassuming person with the notion that this version is good because it is in opposition to the wealthy tech barons and prevents them from being able to capitalize on it. How could it possibly be wrong if it goes against the rich? That’s exactly what we’re supposed to think, don’t buy into this nonsense. Satan might control rich people, but such is his proclivity for deception and treachery, he will turn on them in an instant if it might mean capturing the loyalty of his enemies -Christians – this ai in any iteration is something to avoid.
The book of Proverbs in the Bible has many gems of wisdom and descriptions of how the wise man thinks. Of course, the greatest abandonment of wisdom of all humanity has been our headlong rush to discard our God and His Word, so it follows that few people alive have even read the wisdom of King Solomon, even though when he was alive, people came from far and near to hear his sagacious proclamations. If the reader happens to be among those who have abandoned the wisdom in the Bible, maybe he needs to reconsider.
You can trust the very real wisdom of God, or you can trust in human made artificial intelligence. The two are definitely at odds, but I know which one will emerge the Winner. Jesus Christ invites us all to join Him for His victory celebration, which the Bible calls the marriage supper – think about it. [Revelation 19:9] “…‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!…”
There’s only one Way to get your invitation: [John 14:6]: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
When faced with having to make the choice of following after worldly intelligence or Godly wisdom, make the wise choice. Folkpotpourri might not be the most viewed website on the net, but it does not, nor will it ever under the present ownership, use ai to write a post. Christians should beware of this “helpful” technology.
May the blessings of God the Father find and keep us.