Tag Archives: false prophets

Ruination of the Latest Empire

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Humanity has reached a place where we who are living have never been before. There can be no going back now. It seems as though every successive empire has crossed this Rubicon at some point. Especially for the United States of America, the Babylon on steroids of the modern age. Now and for the foreseeable future, the rest of the world sees the US as probably the most deplorable haunt of evil ever to exist. Our leaders, especially the congress creatures, are corrupt beyond description, and their smiling, standing ovations for the messenger of Satan could not demonstrate their malevolence more clearly. These people are EVIL! At some point in the near future, they will attempt to force everyone to acquiesce to the beast that is arising. Watch for it.

We’ve reached a juncture where citizens the world over are sick and tired of being expected to bow in obeisance to a nation that is committing the gravest of moral offenses for everyone to see. This is no accident – it has been planned for millennia. It was planned in a place which is not familiar to the physical world. We now confront a situation where we must, each of us individually, decide where our loyalties lie – either with the unspeakable evil of murdering and starving innocent little kids or fighting it, or at the very least speaking out against it. There is no middle ground here and looking the other way bestows upon people the same guilt of culpability as those who are actively engaged in the monstrous behavior. Speaking out against the genocide – or for that matter, the gross immorality rampant in our society today – is rapidly becoming a criminal offense, such are the moral depredations of the congressional demons in charge of making our “laws”. Allegiance to Jesus Christ will soon be a criminal offense. Many have, through bribery and intimidation, made the decision to support Satanic behavior of all genres. As a result of the choices of depraved humans, there will be no going back – each congressional vote supporting weapons sales to genocidal maniacs is forever etched into their record, the one that counts. AIPAC money won’t avail them when they have to give an account of their evil votes to the Almighty.

It should go without saying that never again will citizens of the world regard the US as a benevolent, honorable nation. Among others of Satanic persuasion, our illustrious “intelligence” agencies have ensured that all nations, even our so-called “allies”, though to some extent might endure us, none shall respect America anymore. That once honorable ship has sailed, never to return. Her epitaph includes every type of malevolent behavior imaginable – torture, a government sponsored illicit drug epidemic that is destroying our once-admired cities, biological weapons and their preventive measures, both apparently designed and applied to eradicate populations, state-sponsored armed robbery by “law” enforcement in the guise of some sort of voluntary-sounding “asset forfeiture”, as well as laws being enacted against moral stances we take against the new-age immorality – we have sunk to the very bottom of the cesspit and demons dance with delight in the darkness of our demise.

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At this writing, there are new efforts afoot to tie Saudi Arabia to the atrocities of 9/11/2001. Lest we get a movement going to objectively examine the events of that day, a renewed effort is being exerted to impress into the public that the Saudis, or at least “terrorists” from that country, committed the offenses. This is being done with their usual slyness of speaking of lawsuits or some other distraction that is supposed to be happening, so to make it seem to the gullible public that the involvement of Saudi terrorists is a foregone conclusion, which it is not, Saudi involvement is referenced once more. The powers that be will do ANYTHING to keep the 9/11 attacks from being properly investigated, for the public might find that it was a false flag executed by a “friendly” nation – one which exerts tremendous and inexplicable influence over our government. There can be no doubt our founding fathers would be immensely disgusted at what we have allowed our country to become.

We can’t go back, no matter how much we’d like, to the days of “Leave it to Beaver”, or the innocence of being aghast at seeing President Nixon in trouble for some petty (by today’s standards) nuisance behavior in the pursuit of partisan advantage. Neither can we go back to the days of saving up for a vacation overseas where everyone we meet in foreign lands wants to hang out with us because we’re the much-admired Americans. Foreign folks don’t really want to be seen as friendly to us anymore.

We are now realizing we have stepped into the ring with a merciless opponent. We suffered body blows as we found our president had committed immoral acts with an intern. We took devastating uppercuts of guilt and shame to find out our soldiers were involved in torturing prisoners of war. We winced in pain and shock when we found that our intelligence agencies were running drugs that wound up in our cities and using the proceeds to illegally finance a war, one in which our government was openly supporting one side and secretly supporting the other. Due to a plane crash in Nicaragua in October, 1986, a creature named Eugene Hasenfus who was in the employ of the CIA was arrested by Nicaraguan authorities and the whole scheme was exposed to the world. We were smitten to the canvas when we watched the collateral murder of Iraqi journalists and the further attacks on the ambulances that came to rescue the victims. In an unbelievable exclamation point to the obituary of press freedom, we lived through the US government persecutions of Manning and Assange when they exposed that event to the world. Now we have become acclimated to the infamy of our leaders, even to the extent that nowadays most folks seem to accept malevolent behavior as normal for them.

Americans were shocked when we found out that not only were there no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but the president, an office in which we once placed our trust, knew all along there were no such weapons, and the true purpose of the Iraqi invasion was to advance the interests of our “ally” in the middle east. The late Colin Powell, once a well-respected former general, joined ranks with the professional liars as he held up his famous vial of “anthrax” in front of the whole world. The United States has truly become a nation of liars and thieves in its upper echelons. They even have the temerity to act like it angers them when some soul calls them out on some given lie, no matter how absurd and obvious to the whole world it may be. Jesus said Satan is the father of lies, so who do you suspect they are serving? [John 8:44] You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Colin Powell, Dick Cheney
General Powell being taught (how to lie?) by something evil

Americans watch in disbelief and embarrassment as our delegates to the United Nations sit before representatives of the world’s nations and spout lies and fabrications that offend the intelligence and/or moral sanctity of the entire assembly. Rarely a glimmer of truth passes the lips of any American or Israeli “diplomat”, yet when given the floor they rave on as if all in attendance were morons who might actually believe a word they say. No one does, but they carry on as though those listening are somehow obligated to give them the benefit of the doubt. When they are challenged as to the veracity of whatever lie they are telling, they feign incredulity and pretend to be enraged that someone wouldn’t believe their too-often ridiculous narratives.

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The only person in attendance who didn’t think this was absurd was the guy holding the placard, but then judging by the cognitive mediocrity of his audience…

Those “leaders”, regardless of whether they are the puppets in office, or the ones higher up the food chain who pull their strings, do not realize nor care that they have brought us to this point where we can never return to whatever normalcy we had prior to the onset of this genocide. Maybe it goes back to 9/11 or even further, and maybe that’s what they wanted all along – to alienate America from the rest of the world because it’s a fact that no nation has any obligation or reason to trust or befriend America anymore. We lost that trust when our leaders showed the world their true lack of decency by instigating color revolutions and/or stealing assets from nations who would not bend the knee to the empire. How can we blame Saudi Arabia or China or anyone else for unloading US debt when they know now that the US is capable with no compunction of sanctioning them and seizing their money and/or property at any time simply because they disagree with US policy? We can never go back, but that’s where their true master, Satan has brought the world. His game is destruction, and he doesn’t have the first hint of a conscience, even and maybe especially toward those who serve him. He dumps them for bigger and better things. It happens all the time; Sheldon Adelson is no longer in operation, I seriously doubt that anyone misses him, and I do not envy his soul! The day will come when the devil turns each and every one of his followers over to their own destruction, such is his loyalty to them, but as long as they are still breathing, they don’t seem to know it. The empire is only just beginning to crumble. For now, they hide behind their ill-gotten wealth and live high on the hog. We are told in the Bible that [1 Peter 5:8] “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” His followers are no exception, when the time is right, he’ll happily destroy them, or gleefully watch on as they destroy themselves, his whole purpose is destruction – no conscience, no loyalty. He has already given them what they wanted, riches and power in this life, and nothing else will be forthcoming because his time here is short, and he has other depredations to which he must attend before the end.

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Seems like more and more of these yachts are finding Davy Jones’ locker these days

We live among people who support genocide, the merciless slaughter of the most innocent people imaginable. They are being murdered by the thousands with American weapons as the world watches on in astonishment at this heretofore unseen evil. Sane and decent people cannot fathom the depths of evil being committed – most are shocked that there are creatures on this earth who purport to be human beings yet are capable of inflicting such horror on other human beings. To support such unimaginable malevolence is to irrevocably concede one’s humanity, deny one’s conscience, and when that happens there’s no going back, for they have purchased their ticket and taken their seat on the train bound for hell and it only makes one-way trips.

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To good people of moral standing and spiritual aspiration, y’all hang on – it’s going to get worse for us for a while, but then one fine day, it will get better – the Day He returns, and He will. Hang on to Jesus with all your might, He knows where your heart is. He is the ONLY Way to win this battle, and He always stands beside us, even in these dark times. Do not fear nor give in to these monsters – they have rejected Jesus and are headed for destruction, and only God knows the terror without mercy that awaits them. Don’t expect mercy from them, they do not know what it is, yet we must be merciful ourselves at every opportunity – that’s one of the preeminent things that separate us from them. We truly become what we were created to be – God’s children – when we are able to forgive and to love even our enemies, and becoming God’s people is the only way we can reclaim our humanity. [Matthew 5:44,45] But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 

Christians cannot support the evil that’s happening in this world, don’t even think about it, and don’t let them get to you.

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May the blessings of God find all.


A New Video – More 9/11 Deception

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All the folks who’ve stayed diligent about getting the truth out about 9/11 must be making some progress of late, because there’s evidence surfacing of fear of truth on this subject lately. Perhaps it is because of so many Americans finally learning to question narratives put forth by the government. The dots aren’t all that hard to connect after all, it’s just we have for so many years trusted nightly newscasts, we hardly dared to question what we saw on the crawlers. But now that everyone is learning none of them are to be trusted about anything they say, it’s almost like getting smacked in the head with a two by four. Of course, I remember that British reporter woman talking about building seven having come down as it stood proudly behind her in the same video! It did fall, but that was after her newscast!

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That’s Building Seven behind her head on the right – as she was sadly telling everyone it had already fallen

Where Americans fall short in their skepticism abilities is that we rarely question motives and that’s important, however we’ve been carefully trained to avoid such questions. Sure, we can see that the building is still there, and sure we can see that she’s lying right there in front of the whole world, but why, and what significance to the entire event does this lie reveal? Looking back, it becomes obvious that the news report she was reading off had been pre-scripted. This screw-up gave away the extreme probability that the entire event had been pre-scripted. There can be no argument, no rationalization whatsoever for her saying that building had fallen – there are thousands of buildings in New York City, why did she choose a building that would actually fall? Of course, someone, or probably many someones, knew that building was going to come down, they just got the timing of the report wrong. Furthermore, due to the impossibility of an office fire in the lower stories causing a modern building to collapse (in its own footprint, another impossibility), they had to cook up some “scientific” reasoning that could have caused the collapse, and a US government organization, NIST, cooked up a report that would make it sound reasonable to the sheep.

Later, when the University of Alaska at Fairbanks did a two-year study of the events surrounding the collapse of building 7, the unassailable and peer-reviewed results of which challenged the official NIST version, the results of that Alaska study were essentially disregarded, with no scientifically valid reasoning. This refusal by a once highly respected organization to rebut the findings of a very sophisticated study by guys with PhDs in engineering was taken to court to try and get them to amend the official report – all the way to the Supreme Court, where the sitting justices revealed their inability or unwillingness to apply any rules of justice and in effect said that government institutions are legally allowed to concoct outright false reports for official records. If you just follow this one rabbit trail and don’t even look into any of the other numerous fallacies in the 9/11 record, you can easily see that at the very least, our government is hiding something big about 9/11. Interestingly, there’s enough new “information” coming out right now (that cunningly supports the official narrative), that it bears watching.

As evidence of the progress of groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, some seemingly innocent videos are going viral in which one is an apparently innocent young lady who seems to be undergoing an epiphany as to the deviousness of the government by revelations of a letter, purported to be written by Osama bin Laden several years ago which reveals why Islamic types have gone to war against our government and others who have committed so many grave wrongs towards those of the Moslem faith. In my opinion, the deviousness of these videos is atrocious. On the one hand, in the one I’m referencing it appears that she is overcoming a former misbelief that her government was innocent of mistreatment of other peoples – a misbelief which is absolutely correct – but this “letter” deviously points the finger of guilt for 9/11 back towards Islamic terrorists for taking retribution by doing the 9/11 events, which as is slowly coming to light, they did not do. Someone else was responsible for 9/11, regardless of what this little actress says in her video. So, she is in effect saying that yes, America had it coming, but the deception of the video is how she tries to convince us to connect dots that are not there. If one were to believe the emphasis of her video, one would have to unquestioningly accept the narrative that some guys that couldn’t even fly a Piper Cub actually took over some very sophisticated passenger jets and were competent to fly them at incredible speeds into buildings, but the way she accedes this is sort of as a side note to the “honesty” of bin Laden’s letter. That is done on purpose to make her “concern” so believable, as well as attempt to erase any notion of someone else being guilty of orchestrating 9/11. She’s pretty convincing so she undoubtedly earned whatever she got from her performance, but when you step back and see what they’re actually trying to do, it becomes so obvious that even New Yorkers can see it. To add credibility to this and other videos referencing bin Laden’s “Letter to America”, several platforms are – very publicly – taking them down, as if the videos were somehow supporting terrorism. They’re all working this one together. I personally believe that something new and big is about to come out and these videos are getting put out there to buttress the official narrative in anticipation of it. There are more similar videos out there, and more than one of them say in effect, that we NEED to read bin Laden’s letter.

The biggest takeaway from this video for me is why would they want, or need, to pad the 9/11 narrative now? What event, or series of events would lead the Mossad and CIA to trot out this letter in a video by some actress who would seem like some housewife who has just happened to learn of bin Laden’s letter and what it says, and so had an epiphany, even suggesting that we “NEED” to read this letter so we can appreciate the gravity of bin Laden telling us why his cadre would do something so evil which, to her astonishment, was deserved. Now we can all start reacting to the notion of whether or not America deserved to be punished instead of questioning who actually pulled it off, and once we allow them to lead us into that conversation, it will be because we accept that the terrorists did it.

If you remember, they did a similar production using a “nurse” telling everybody how brutally the Iraqi soldiers grabbed Kuwaiti babies from incubators and smashed them against the walls to soften Americans up for the Iraq war, events which were later proven to be false, and this girl was a daughter of one of the Kuwaiti puppets and had been coached to deliver her fabricated story. I’m just saying if you are wise to the deception of today’s servants of evil, but especially if you are not, do not believe this garbage video for one second. As mentioned earlier, I think something is happening, maybe due to the diligence of A&E for 9/11 Truth, that is about to upset the “official” 9/11 narrative.

I can’t believe they are still trying to trot out bin Laden and Al Qaida for their deceptive propaganda these days, but I guess as long as there are gullible people out there, they believe they can pull it off. When she compared this newfound knowledge (not that someone else besides Al Qaida was involved, but only that we deserved it) to being the same way she had to “deconstruct” Christianity, she gave away her game – that was supposed to sound like another aside to her story, almost as innocuous as the revelation of our guilt, but it was actually a very big part of it. Come on folks, think about it. The only thing new in her whole discourse was her own changing of her mind, the narrative of 9/11 is still very much intact in her presentation, in fact, her performance is intended to build on it. And if you allow yourself to buy into it, it does.


A Race for the Truth

I used to be a fanatical NASCAR fan, and one of the most exciting things in my world back then was hearing Darrell Waltrip saying, “Reach up there and tighten those straps one more time boys and let’s go racing!” What a thrill! I don’t do racing or sports anymore because I guess I grew leery of the idolatry involved, at least for me.

I think it’s about time for us as followers of Jesus to understand that it’s time to buckle ourselves into our faith, put our eyes on the cross and hang on, because it’s time for things to start happening on a scale we’ve not been used to. For instance, even just a few years ago did anyone think our society would get to this point where mass murder of innocent people – on a horrific scale – would be unquestioningly supported by the US government and way too many of our fellow countrymen? Almost our entire congress gave adulating standing ovations to the Satanic monster who is orchestrating this travesty.

We’ve devolved to this point in our history where we understand that everything the government and it’s hired media tells us is lies, lies, and more lies. A lot of folks still believe them though, and it’s not really because they don’t know they are being fed lies, but many people listen to their fabrications simply because they are hearing what they want to hear. [2 Timothy 3,4] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.  Too many of us have become the “they” in that verse.

I suppose it would be prudent to try and understand why the leaders of the world tell so many lies in the first place. To start with, their master, Satan is the originator of the lie. [John 8:44] You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. These are the words of Jesus Christ Himself talking to people who purported to be descendants of Abraham. What a coincidence! We have a whole nation of people in the world right now who purport to be descendants of Abraham and everything that comes from them is false. Those people are not even who they claim to be: [Revelation 3:9] Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

We’re all aware, or at least we should be, that certain false prophets, the likes of Judas Hagee and his ilk, would have us buy into the lie that those people are indeed the descendants of Abraham and as such, they merit our spiritual and financial support, but these same people are vehement enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only are they not who they claim to be but are imposters, they hate our Savior. Why are we, as Christians supposed to believe these people are the same ones who inherited the promise God made to Abraham, when Jesus Christ Himself explicitly tells us these people are not who they claim to be? Either you believe Jesus and accept the fact that they are imposters, or you ignore Him and support them – you can’t have it both ways regardless of what the eminent pastor Hagee tries to say.

Please try to understand the frustration as I write, but we don’t have much time on our hands to try and expose the charade Satan has put before the world, and some of us tend to be passionate about our belief in Jesus as well as to get a bit indignant at the rampant disregard for the truth in the world today. Satan, as Jesus told us as mentioned above, is the father of lies. Unless you insist on hearing and believing a narrative that is utterly false, you must turn away from the absolute deception in the world’s information flow. Satan has given his servants control of almost all communication people and platforms such as network news, press conferences, and most importantly, politicians – people who are in positions of power and influence.

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We watched, helplessly and in complete frustration as the creature from the evil realm stood before the congress of the United States and delivered a speech that was completely devoid of any semblance of truth. Just as a side note, he is from Philadelphia and of Polish descent and his name was changed from Mileikowsky to Netanyahu – I guess to sound more Jewish, but it’s doubtful if he has any Hebraic blood, even though he claims to have some Sephardic ancestry. Everything this man has ever said is a lie, so why should we believe his claim that he has some Jewish blood? Everyone in attendance at that joint session knew that everything this man said was a lie, yet almost all of them gave him standing ovations as he vomited his bile before them. Just imagine a hall full of demons from hell listening to a message from their master in some sinister, dark setting and salivating over his diatribe, and why? For money, of course, or maybe the likelihood that their names might be in a certain little black book compiled by Jeffry Epstein that now probably belongs to a certain foreign intelligence service. On that note, unless someone involved gets a notion to repent and come clean (highly unlikely), we have no way of knowing whether the execrable Epstein is really keeping Satan and Henry Kissinger company in hell or hidden away somewhere on some remote island. More deception.

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We are living in a time where we witness the absolute truth of what Jesus taught us about lies and deception and the evil they accompany. The world we know is almost a complete fabrication and a lot of folks are okay with it, especially if there’s money to be had by going along. Jesus said the gate is wide that leads to destruction, and we are seeing more and more people buying into the deception of the world and incredibly some of the “churches” are leading the way. Children are undergoing mass murder and starvation in the eyes of the whole world, and preachers like Hagee desperately clutch at straw men to justify it and tell us we should support the murderers who are doing it. Unbelievable!

For now, we have sources of alternative news (which probably won’t last) and it’s ironic that there is more truth to be found from secular people who run blogs and do internet videos than from any mainstream sources. Or from most of the churches. This is because the same servants of Satan who are promoting the slaughter in Gaza own all of the major media, and more importantly, they have bought mega church pastors. They own our educational institutions; they even control our military. They cannot control our souls though, and that’s a source of infinite consternation because it’s the main thing Satan wants.

If you hear it on the mainstream news nowadays, you can usually disregard it. If it comes from a government spokesman, unless he is Sergei Lavrov, you can also disregard it. Every event that happens and gets a lot of press, e.g. chemical weapons at Douma, the Russian massacre at Bucha, the recent Hezbollah missile on a soccer field, Hamas raping women, etc., you can completely ignore – it’s all a bunch of lies. Some of them are in incredible – “There is no evidence of genocide…”

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One wonders what “evidence” would look like…

Most of all, don’t listen to the lies – Jesus is the Truth! If you are not a believer, you need to learn about Jesus Christ before it’s too late. He’s the only One able to lead us out of this mess we’re in.

If you are a believer already or choose to become one, reach up there and pull those belts tight and hang on for the ride of your life! The time is short. When Satan and his minions finally conclude they will lose, it’s going to get ugly. Keep the faith.

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God bless all,