Pervasive helplessness – that seems to be what’s going on. We see injustice, evil in high places, yet we feel powerless to do anything about it. We watch leaders of nations speak out against the unspeakable atrocities of Gaza and now Lebanon and do nothing to stop it. Maybe one more sternly worded letter or one more denunciation of the IOF for bombing hospitals will serve to stop it.

Erdogan of Turkey keeps speaking out against genocide, so does Egypt’s Sisi, and Abdullah of Jordan, but when it comes down to actually doing something, anything, to help, well we just hear a bunch of empty words. The Middle East desperately needs a hero, but alas, none are to be found outside Yemen, Lebanon, and Iran. I guess Erdogan will just live in his Walter Mittyesque daydream of being the heroic sultan of an imagined new Ottoman Empire, though not lifting a finger to help those over whom he would reign.

The Zionist occupation entity has scored a lot of success lately. At least it seems like they think turning the entire world against them with their practice of mass murder is strategic success. I remember some of the WWII propaganda that was still around when I was a kid – we were still immersed in it even in the fifties and sixties. One of the things that stood out about the Nazis, in particular the SS, was one of their founding principles for membership and it went something like this: If a man cannot put a gun to the head of a young child and without mercy kill him/her, then there’s no place in the SS for him. When this was circulating back in the day, we all thought, as any human being would, that this was one of the most atrocious things we had ever heard of. That tidbit alone turned a big part of the world against the Nazis, yet we see the exact same attitudes happening in occupied Palestine with the habit of the IOF soldiers these days of killing Arab children with head shots and laughing about it. What’s the difference? When the Nazis did it, it was total horror, but when the IOF does it, it’s Israel exercising their right to “self defense”.

There’s no doubt some horrific behavior happening, but we’re not totally helpless. We have at our disposal one thing which will ultimately turn the tide of this atrocity, and it is prayer. God hears our prayers, and He will take vengeance on the perpetrators of this murder of innocents when He decides the time is right. Don’t waste your time writing letters to congressmen, they are bought-and-paid for servants of an evil regime and will do nothing to stop even the overt murder of children. Jesus Christ said it would be better for someone to have a millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the ocean than for them to face the wrath of God for harming the little children, so they have theirs coming. That will surely apply to those who support this evil from the safety of their dens of iniquities in the Rayburn and Russell buildings and the white house, et. al.

No, we must take our petitions to the Almighty God at His throne where our prayers fill the heavenly censers. Above all, we must tell Him we are not a part of this evil and we do not support it, even if we live in the country where the evil comes from. The serpents who purport to run this country are doing so because there’s a lot of money to be made in the service of Satan. That, or their name might just be in a certain little Epstein book. Either way, what they are doing is treason of the highest order against America and against God. Now, I do not for one second believe that they are working against God as a result of treason to America, for I do not think God holds America any higher than He does Somalia or Greenland. He is not a respecter of persons. No, the serpents in Washington just happen to be enemies of America in addition to being enemies of God. They will answer to God in due time.
When we pray for the children of Gaza, for the innocent people who are defenseless to the onslaught of powerful bombs being dropped on their homes, we are showing our compassion for the helpless. Just because He doesn’t act according to the timetable we desire – like right now – doesn’t mean he is ignoring the situation; He most certainly is not. God has an infallible plan, one which is not restricted nor constrained to the limitations or time constraints of this world. He knows of another life, another realm, one in which those children who have been martyred in Gaza and taken out of this world, now are in the care and indescribable comfort of the Lord Jesus Christ and the angels of Heaven. We who are left here shall miss them, but we must keep in mind that they are in good hands now, never to be afraid again.
The pilots who drop those bombs on innocent civilians, as well as the snipers who murder the women and children will face a special place in hell. These are the most cowardly of all – the drone operators who slaughter people as though they are playing video games will especially answer for their atrocities. All the people up the chains of command including to the pentagon and the white house will answer to God for their support and participation. There is no justification or excuse for this evil being perpetrated on defenseless children. This includes intentional starvation and those who shut off the water.
Take whatever comfort you may: [Isaiah 41:17, 18]
“The poor and needy seek water, but there is none,
Their tongues fail for thirst.
I, the Lord, will hear them;
I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.
18 I will open rivers in desolate heights,
And fountains in the midst of the valleys;
I will make the wilderness a pool of water,
And the dry land springs of water.
God is watching. He’s watching the perpetrators of the evil of Gaza and all who support it. Bot don’t forget – He’s watching you too. How will you react to these days of iniquity? Pray without ceasing.
May the Mercy of God find and keep us.