Tag Archives: murder

The Great Battle of and for the Church Ain’t Over

No normal human being with a heart and soul can possibly justify, rationalize, or especially ignore – the travesty that is taking place in Palestine today. Certainly no practicing Christian can support the outright murder of children, this is beyond insane! As far as the church goes, for a man who is looked at as a minister of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to stand before an audience of would-be servants of Jesus and try to convince them that as Christians, they need to support the Zionist cause (which includes these endless acts of murder of innocents), is a universe away from the truth, and these misled sheep will find that if they don’t stop following these teachings, it will eventually cost them their eternal souls.

Men, women, and children of Gaza and the West Bank are losing their possessions, their homes, their lives and most tragically, the lives and limbs of their children every day and the so-called Christian members of many mega churches are expected to unquestioningly support the purveyors of this wanton murder. These parishioners support it because some demon-possessed millionaire pastor has twisted the Bible scriptures into some grotesque screed that requires them to support murder by a Synagogue of Satan – and they seem to be okay with it. For the sake of your own soul, people, stop listening to these evil creatures and READ YOUR OWN BIBLE! Understand that with the right motivation ($$$), those who follow Satan can contort the scriptures and make the Bible say whatever they want it to say. That’s why to gain a proper understanding of God’s Word, we must have the Spirit within us to reveal it to us as we dig into it for ourselves. If the words of this post seem strong, then I suppose it’s good, as many of us are passionate in our service to Christ; maybe it will wake some up. I believe we will be forgiven for using language that might be too passionate; but there will be no forgiveness for staying silent in the face of evil.

People not familiar with Christianity, especially in other nations see this support by “Christian” churches for abject genocide and are aghast that any “religion” could support something that even the most secular of atheists can plainly see is wrong. For this reason, many non-believers reject Christianity because a big chunk of its followers support Zionist murder. This support is largely due to the followers of said churches buying into the notion of the “righteousness” of today’s Israel. People who are not familiar with the Bible actually think Christianity teaches that we should be on board with genocide, and from the gusto with which false teachers spout their fabrications, you can’t blame outsiders for thinking so. Those mega church members who listen to charlatan millionaires are committing grave offenses to their own religion, and there’s no way God could be pleased. Though I am not a preacher, nor have I lived the ideal Christian life in my past, the Spirit inside my heart is stirring – It’s telling me to speak through this platform to try and reach as many people as possible who seek to serve the Lord and turn them from supporting the obvious evil being visited upon the Palestinians. If the reader knows anyone who may be caught in the snare of which I’m speaking, share this post and maybe some of this will hit home. And no, I’m not saying like and subscribe; my site is not monetized, and although it’s encouraging to see good numbers of folks are interested in the truth of Jesus Christ, as far as my vast wealth goes it makes no difference if I have many or few readers. I write strictly from the Word of God and things the Spirit says to my conscience and my conscience says it’s high time for real Christians to stand up and be seen and heard. When we find ourselves surrounded by those who support behavior that goes against the teachings of Jesus, we must remove ourselves: [2 Corinthians 6:17]’ Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” Think about it, we have this amazing chance to show God that we are willing to stand with Jesus and in this case against the martyrdom of innocent Palestinians – and true followers of Jesus Christ are the only people in the whole world whose fervent prayers can get this travesty stopped.

News flash! The people of the geographical nation of Israel are NOT God’s Chosen people! Just because they call themselves Jews does not make them Jews, and Jesus plainly says of the people (of the last days) who call themselves Jews are not Jews at all, and that it is blasphemy for them to make the claim that they are. They are a synagogue of Satan, [Revelation 3:9],” Indeed I (Jesus) will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie —indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you…. “, and it doesn’t matter to the Lord how much (ill-gotten) money their wealthy benefactors here in the US pour into the American government, the universities, and the mega churches, they are indeed a synagogue of Satan, and nothing short of them repenting and accepting Jesus Christ is going to change that! Satan has given them ($$$) power over a big portion of the world, and we true Christians are fighting this battle without any support from worldly sources. But we have to keep trying to hammer the point home that if we get and keep our heads screwed on right and follow Jesus to the very end, and that if we reject $atan’s offers, we can expect to win this fight! Of course, Satan knows it too, so expect some serious bumps in the road we have chosen, but He promises you it will have been worth it in the end when we hear Him say [Matthew 25:23]: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” What must gnaw at the very essence of Satan is the fact that neither he nor any of his servants will ever experience the joy of hearing that absolute statement of victory. It is within our reach, folks!

I have a habit, and I suppose it’s a habit we can get into from the frustration of feeling helpless to do anything about the travesty that is Palestine. This habit is allowing the optimism that we sometimes get when watching news clips about the fighting going on in places like Gaza, and it seems like every time we hear of some minor success of the Resistance, we tend to feel vindication because we’re pulling for them, but on some level of our spirit, we have to know deep down that this battle cannot be won with more violence. We must remember that the people who are committing this incredible evil are still human beings – it’s just that their spirit has been taken over by evil – that evil is the enemy. Some of the most courageous and wise men who have ever lived such as Mohandas Ghandi, Martin Luther King, oh, and Jesus Christ, taught that violence is not the way to victory. Violence only begets more violence. Hatred only begets more hatred – one of our biggest obstacles in these times of evil is that if we aren’t careful, we allow hatred to fester in our hearts. There’s a good argument to be made from the scriptures, that it is no sin to become angry at the evil that’s happening, but when we allow that anger to foment hatred or violence against other people, we begin down that slippery slope toward sin, and if we don’t rein it in, then Satan wins that way too. And after everything is said and done, that’s where the ultimate battle is taking place – in each and every one of our hearts. Jesus indeed teaches us how to gain victory over evil, and though His methodology goes against every human instinct inside us, it is the correct Way – the ONLY Way to achieve what He intends for us – victory! And, from the way things are developing, this victory is going to have to be won on the final lap, but it looks like that’s the way it’s intended, but that’s another issue.

We, as followers of Christ, have access to the greatest weapon ever known. That is the love of God, and the evil ones can never access His love. Satan cannot bear the notion that the poorest peasants in the world can obtain something he can never have – and to further his frustration, the righteous ones cannot be bought with his most significant weapon – money. The love of God is the greatest force that could ever be brought to bear, and only we who follow Jesus Christ have access to it. And it’s free for the asking. As many of us try to awaken Christians who are being misled by servants of Satan posing as ministers, I try to help them to imagine what power is within their grasp! If the Christian world were to awaken and rise up in condemnation of this great sin of genocide, we have access to the Power that could stop it. If millions of Christians were to fervently pray the same prayer, we could move mountains – and stop genocide! Satan knows that, and he pays his pulpit managers handsomely to keep those members (who could otherwise avail themselves of this power) convinced that: a) The ridiculous notion that the murderers are the righteous Chosen of God, b) It’s okay with God for the murders to be taking place, because, a). None of them speak of the love of God and its power. None of them know about the love of God, nor do they have any idea of its power. None except their master, Satan.

If you happen to be one who has not made the choice to follow Christ, there’s another power you can have – that of the blood of Jesus for forgiveness of sin which was shed for precisely that purpose thousands of years ago. With the decision to follow Jesus, when you are baptized into His Kingdom, every sin, every error, every bad choice you have ever made in your whole life will be instantly forgiven, gone forever, the Almighty God himself will approve you just as you are, such is the power of this marvelous blood. If you read this in some country overseas and would like to be part of that fellowship, seek out a Christian ministry, they are all over the world, and join it. The US is full of churches, and some of them are real – find one. Get your hands on a Holy Bible and read it.

On the last day of war on earth, Jesus will have amassed a mighty army with which He will emerge victorious over the servants of evil who challenge Him. Those who chose to serve in that mighty army will be peasants, servants, farmers, shepherds, not military types at all, and certainly not wealthy people, but those who will have chosen to join ranks with Him – you, and me, the meek and lowly of the earth who have put pride behind them and rejected a sinful life of decadence on this earth – in exchange for that joyous promise of eternal life in His presence. Those who have decided much to the chagrin of Satan, that they cannot be bought at any price. Then pray to the Lord and watch Him work – to say He is amazing would be the quintessential understatement. No one knows, no one can imagine the peace and joy of the existence we are about to inherit! You can purchase your ticket ahead of time by accepting and choosing to follow Jesus Christ today. He has already paid the price.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us all.


Do People Get Addicted to Killing?

What a morning here in the Ozarks! It was really foggy out – almost spooky – with a slight tinge of frost interspersed on the twigs and what’s left of the leaves with water droplets left over from the drenching rain we got yesterday. Started cooling off about daylight and the temperature flirted with freezing until the sun broke out and burned off the mist. I try and get pictures on mornings like this because icy fog makes for some interesting vistas, but considering the state of our world, this morning’s fog just serves to accentuate the dismal mood.

The old pine tree standing eerily in the glazed sunlight hosted some birds singing what sounded like dirges in the fog. Who knows, creatures other than us humans might understand the upheavals this old world is undergoing.

All in all, I guess us folks in the Ozarks have been fortunate as far as the weather goes, because a lot of places in the world have been getting some extreme weather of late. Eastern Great Lakes, Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio are seeing some really crazy early-season snow, Northern California and Lake Tahoe area in Nevada are still digging out from a big blizzard last week. North Carolina and the environs in that part of the country haven’t really begun to recover from the disaster that was Hurricane Helene. Overseas, a nasty cyclone they named Hidaya destroyed northern Madagascar, the poor little island of Mayotte, and blasted into eastern Africa flooding Tanzania and Kenya leaving many casualties, and several places in southeast Asia are being flooded. Spain is recovering from massive flooding on the southeast coast around Valencia, and there are just too many other places suffering from extreme weather to mention here. Besides, even though the elements have been wild, this post isn’t meant to only discuss weather. Weather only kills a fraction of the people killed by other people.

I believe and truly expect that a lot of readers share my belief that the intentional mass slaughters occurring in the world as of this writing are – and have always been – the greatest threat to our existence. It’s really a shame that humanity must claim as part of our species, people who have evolved(?) to some twisted form of imagined godliness in which they believe that it is okay (for them) to kill other human beings, but it is NOT! regardless of the excuses or justifications they try to come up with. Think about it, we have a written history – okay, partially written in some cases, going way back – of human “civilization” having been around for several thousand years, and although you’d think becoming able to coexist with each other would have been a priority through this extensive period of time, it definitely has not; even today we still witness people who inexplicably and continuously behave like savage beasts toward their fellow homo sapiens. Why? It looks like it’s because some groups of people do not believe they are human equals – others are beneath them. While the numbers of folks with this barbaric mindset are relatively minimal within the populations, some of them somehow rise to positions of power and authority, thus become able to perpetrate their venomous evil upon vast numbers of those who are undeserving of it and most people of the world who still possess some degree of moral clarity are aghast to witness it. Furthermore, I believe the creatures that float to the top invariably gain their power through deals with the devil.

I also harbor a belief that some might find crazy, but if you think it through, it might make sense. One of Satan’s biggest weapons is that he is able to cause an insidious phenomenon, at least in the hearts of his most wicked servants whereby they not only murder, but they actually become addicted to it. When men are free from accountability for killing other human beings, many of them will do it without compunction and once they start, they even seem to become dependent on some kind of high that must come with such brutality. Ted Bundy spoke of something like this by describing having a defenseless victim at knife point and thus feeling like “god” as he sensed their fear as he proceeded to murder them.

This abhorrent phenomenon of addiction to killing by creatures who rise to the top gets passed down like some kind of insidious (and contagious) disease – to their underlings. Next thing you know there are whole populations with armies who engage in the sheer evil practice of killing other humans, just for the sake of killing them. The only things that normally keep these people in line are laws and/or the threat of retribution, but for people like Bundy and Jack the Ripper, or Benjamin Netanyahu, laws aren’t even enough to dissuade them. In the grisly conditions that arise when there are no laws against murder, like what’s going on in Gaza, many otherwise normal people will readily engage in it. Have you noticed how they cling to the defense of the genocide going on in Gaza as being a “war”? The very fact that they bother to try and defend it shows they know it’s wrong. They know it’s wrong, but they also know they won’t be held accountable – at least in this life.

Interestingly enough though, there are some who simply refuse to kill others, but they are surprisingly few. Most of them are called Christians, and the faithful ones behave as Jesus Christ instructed them, including such practices as praying for their adversaries. Although the enemy enjoys killing everyone, Christians are of course, Satan’s chief enemies and the bad guys always prefer killing them, but they seem to enjoy killing Arabic Islamists with just as much enthusiasm.

One result of being able to murder without retribution (and the ensuing addiction to killing) is what I suppose could be considered a “withdrawal”, or the behavior they display when they are threatened with becoming unable to kill anymore. It seems that they fly into a complete and inexplicable rage when their authority to murder is so much as challenged. Think about drug addiction denial and how the obvious addict reacts when he/she is confronted about it. Remember when people began to question Obama’s murder by drone program. If I remember correctly, the government was actually threatening to prosecute people for openly discussing on social media platforms whether or not Obama had the legal right to authorize the assassination of citizens of other countries (the conversation even included American citizens) with this covert program. The point here is, they got all twisted up about people questioning their ability to murder, thus exhibited the subsequent rage of which I’m speaking. I think most of this inexplicable outrage was precipitated from one of the chief thrones of Satan (aka CIA HQ) in Langley, Virginia. On a side note, word has it that a lot of Afghan peasants who were murdered by Obama’s drones were guilty of nothing more than just having a cell phone – which made them targetable. Don’t forget the occasion that led to a (way too brief) firestorm when it was made public that the US military defended America by slaughtering those young Afghan boys out gathering firewood.

As to the hissy fit they throw when their murderous behavior challenged, a similar angry reaction is evinced today when protesters or other people discuss whether or not the Zionist military has the right to slaughter those poor Palestinians. They simply come unglued when someone suggests that it is wrong (for them) to kill innocent people. By their rules, no one else is ever allowed to kill – just them – the ones who are doing it. It is also understood (by them) that those being killed have absolutely no right to any defense of their own, i.e. Oct 7, 2023. They get completely enraged when someone suggests they stop killing; it’s one of the craziest, and I believe least understood, aspects of this genocide. Those monsters absolutely believe they have the God-given right to shoot, torture, starve, or perpetrate whatever evil they can contrive (raping prisoners) on the Palestinians (or Lebanese or Syrians, etc.), and anyone who questions that “right” is instantly guilty of the most offensive and extreme heresy – antisemitism – they go off displaying a berserk volcanic rage similar to that evoked by anyone questioning their version of their ancestors’ misfortune during WWII.

When the question of impunity for murder (by Zionists) is breached, those who support this genocide, be it the actors themselves, or the evil entities that lurk in the Rayburn Building or simply anyone on the offending nation supporters’ (AIPAC) payroll – are programmed to attack anyone, regardless of position or nationality, with that inexplicable and guttural viciousness unheard of anywhere this side of hell. They even put this irrational behavior on full display in the United Nations assemblies for the world to see. Simply put, the servants of Satan have an unquenchable desire to end the earthly lives of other human beings and vociferously object when someone insinuates they do not have this right. The victims don’t even have to be their enemies – in one instance, they intentionally shot their own soldiers who had escaped from resistance captors and were unclothed, showing they had no weapons. Indeed, they were even yelling in Hebrew for help, but the murder addicts behind the scopes had already filled their needles and were salivating at the opportunity to relish the coveted fix – one that comes from ending human life – and bedamned if they were friendlies. They constantly bomb areas where they know their own hostages are kept; they practice their despicable Hannibal doctrine, ostensibly to prevent their enemies from having captives with which they might gain negotiating traction (as if that might be a reasonable excuse to murder their own people). When they engage in it, they are simply taking advantage of new opportunities to kill, and again and as always, it doesn’t matter who. This “Hannibal doctrine” was created, I believe, as just another cover for killing people. When someone is at the mercy of murder addicts controlled by Satan, they die – regardless of who they are. The Zionist is allowed under the Talmud to cheat, steal, and kill the Goyim (anyone outside the “tribe”), but killing their own even goes against their own despicable tenets, so anyone can easily see that the act of killing is itself the sole objective of these monsters. They, and the Quisling politicians their bosses have bought and inserted into western governments, spout off about “self-defense”, but this broken record is becoming more and more transparent even for the most deceived of human beings, the average American, even they are beginning to see what is actually happening.

Almost everyone can agree on homicide’s addictive nature when it concerns serial murderers like Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy – most are willing to agree those guys were addicted to murder, but when it occurs as a state-sanctioned operation, instead of calling out this addiction for what it is, they rationalize it, never admitting it’s an addiction. Of course, the identity of the (((state))) which is doing it greatly influences the diagnosis, at least in bought-out western governments. Almost any other country’s governments would be met with swift and vicious retribution by the “civilized” world for behaving like this, but not (((this one))). Their government level perpetrators have, over time, become more deceptive, but still use arguments that are as insane as they are. It’s the best Satan can do for now and their rationalizations are of no use to sane, moral people, and this insidious behavior is doomed to suffer retribution one day.

You can count on the fact that the slaughter of innocents will end, and end suddenly – when our Savior comes back. His antagonists didn’t have much respect for a poor itinerant preacher back in the day, but when He returns this time, there are some murderers who are going to be astonished and terrified to see Him as the Son of the Almighty God in His magnificent and awe-inspiring glory.

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Don’t buy into the lies they use to try and justify what they’re doing. It’s simply murder for the sake of murdering – there’s no self-defense involved – unless you consider a massive number of bullets into the body of a five-year-old girl (and thousands of other infants and young children) to be self-defense. Don’t marvel either, when you hear of the inexplicable numbers of suicides of IOF soldiers – though most of them are undoubtedly possessed by demons, the murderers themselves are human, originally created in the image of God, thus having a human psyche that is not programmed for what they are doing, and their malfeasance becomes too much of a burden on (whatever vestiges left of) their consciences. On the other hand, their kinsmen, the civilian Zionists not only condone it, but they also want it over (as in all Palestinians dead) so they can start moving into those beach-front Gaza condos (surely funded by Americans) that they expect will spring up. It would be a tempting thought that the ghosts of all those thousands of innocent women and children might forever haunt the place and render it uninhabitable, but no – the spirits of those little ones are in the care of Jesus now – no more sorrow or fear for them. And woe unto those who did them harm, for the Lord has a special place in His heart for the little ones: [Luke 18:6] But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

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Regardless of multiple standing ovations by the execrable AIPAC-selected and purchased serpentine US senators and congress monsters, what is happening to the Palestinians is WRONG. When I think of that assembly, I imagine a session of demons in a huge convocation in some great hall of steam in the darkest recesses of hell with fire and brimstone smoldering all around them. They jeer and cheer insanely and mindlessly applaud as one of the chief demons of Satan delivers a concoction of the damnest lies any sane person could imagine. All intelligence and reason are abandoned as they gorge themselves on his feast of malevolent and deceitful intrigues, even though they know everything he says to them is a lie, they nevertheless consume his bile ravenously. Ironically, all of the cheering they shower upon him is a lie too. In reality, they hate him as much as they hate each other. They even hate themselves, and truth be known, I’d wager their own families hate them too. It’s what happens when you join forces with the devil – hate is all you have to offer (see any recent footage of Lindsay Graham or Tom Cotton) and all you receive. The men and women doing the cheering are overwhelmingly possessed by demons of unspeakable evil as they treasonously display their disregard for the people of the country they are tasked to represent and instead pay homage to Satan’s messenger who has altogether different interests in mind. As mentioned, they will all face the ultimate Judge one day, they and especially their esteemed speaker at that demonic session, and from what I can ascertain from the Bible, their judgement and the damnation they receive won’t be pretty.

Those of us who believe there’s a better life awaiting must hang on to Jesus – He’s all we have, but then, He’s all we need. Pray for justice and relief for those being persecuted by Satan’s minions. Know that at some point, we (believers in Jesus) will all be assailed in our turn by this same abhorrent evil, but during the worst of it, the Lord will get involved and He will show them the same mercy they show the Gazans. When it comes our turn, we need not expect they should show mercy to us, neither should we fear anything they threaten, this earthly body we have is after all, temporary. Once they take it, we will step through the ultimate door into an unimaginably joyful existence and our tormentors, the servants of Satan will be stuck with nothing but their hatred and fear and our moldering old (undoubtedly mutilated) carcasses with which to enter into the well-deserved and merciless damnation they will face.

After that, things will get better for our part. Take heart, the souls of all the martyred children are also safe now in Jesus’ keep, and with the blessings of Jesus Christ, parents will be reunited with them one day soon. We shall join them all in that glorious reunion. Most importantly, though, we will be eternally united with our blessed Savior who loves us, His children with an unfathomable love. He’s the star attraction on that Day. It’ll be so awesome we won’t even remember the torment we had to endure.

May the blessings of Jesus Christ find and keep you. Make the most of the Christmas Season, try your best to find a smile somewhere to share, and remember Him on these days we celebrate as His birthday season. Pray that He will soon intervene.

Free Ai Generated Cross illustration and picture
This is a reminder, not a grave – the living are not buried.

Now that the fog has burned off on this unusually warm December day, I’m going back outside and talk with Him – and meditate on a better tomorrow.


Addendum: I just watched a You Tube video wherein Senator Jeff Merkley laid into his colleagues for supporting the murder going on in Gaza. Must be a lonely feeling to have a conscience in that dark place, so kudos to him and to Oregon. South Carolina voters should see it to understand how a real American senator should act. It’s worth watching if you need to see what the US is doing to assist the genocide.

When Madness Pretends to be Conflict Strategy

Wow! How clever they are! Their “intelligence” people developed a way to put explosives into cell phones and pagers that killed and injured a lot of mostly innocent people and managed to turn even more of the world against them without accomplishing anything significant towards advancing their cause(s). They have only one ally in the whole world, and it would be a safe bet that a growing majority of the population of that country, the US, are coming to realize and resent what their government is doing in this scheme of murder and criminality. The evil being supported by the US today is also working to give citizens reason to reflect on past odious behaviors of the US – American Indian genocide, Hiroshima, Dresden, Vietnam, Afghanistan – we have rarely been the good guys we were always led to believe we were. It’s turning out we are not the least bit happy about it, especially since it involves the wholesale slaughter of innocent people, of children who just want to play in their homes in safety – slaughtered by bloodthirsty savages with American bombs.

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The pager murders only killed a few dozen people, and a plausible case can be made that few or none of them were enemies of the Zionist occupiers – at least enemies who may have been some kind of strategic threat to the IDF or citizenry of the occupation. If I’m a general or commander of resistance forces and some idiocy like this happens, I wipe the sweat off my brow with relief, because now I understand the “threat’ of the occupying forces’ “intelligence” is of much less concern than I’d feared because they spent a lot of their “genius” and resources for quite some time devising silly fireworks to try and scare people and produced no threat of any significance to my forces. In fact, I’m dumbfounded that these “invincible” enemies with unlimited resources would spend all that time and money on terroristic foolishness when there’s a conflict coming (that they started, the “started Oct 7” nonsense is unadulterated propaganda). Now I’m certainly not making light of the casualties nor the injuries that people sustained from the exploding devices, but in the grand scheme of wartime conflict, this idiocy accomplished nothing but making the vaunted IDF more enemies. Most of all, the leaders of the resistance can take some comfort that this “intelligence” isn’t all that intelligent after all. Sure, they got a lot of attention from all over the world, but attention doesn’t win wars, and stupidity surely doesn’t.

Somewhere along the way, the notion that making people fear your army was somehow a winning strategy became vogue. Shock value became a desirable method of accomplishing this and that’s just plain stupid. When the world found out that GITMO and Abu Ghraib torture was happening, it certainly shocked everyone, but it didn’t do our military guys any favors, because if you think about it, in a battle when the enemy is on the ropes and ready to throw in the towel, if he has reason to believe he’ll be treated decently as a POW (don’t even start with that “enemy combatant” nonsense) it stands to reason he’d be willing to surrender more readily. Take that same situation where the enemy soldier has reason to believe he’ll be tortured when he gives up and chances are he’ll fight to the death, thus killing more of your soldiers. Just plain stupidity and I don’t care if some cognitively challenged demons with stars on their lapels graduated from West Point (with honors) allowed this madness to happen, they should be castigated – whatever form that might take. It also makes you more enemies and gains you the enmity of more of the world – look at the success of BRICS today vs. the decline of the west.

Our genius politicians who were apparently all born yesterday look around at the tatters of the US flag, the tatters of the US reputation – and have the temerity to wonder why in the world everyone hates us. Think GITMO, Petraeus. Think Abu Ghraib and European black sites, Pompeo. A respectable General like Lee or Patton would have y’all up before a court martial for getting their troops killed because of torturing enemy soldiers.

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The obvious madness behind all of this nonsense is that it is what the great deceiver, Satan wants them to do. When seen through that lens, it’s easier to see why the smarter guys with morals and honor have all resigned from our military. None, except possibly a small handful of representatives, are to be found in the US political crowd either. This exit of people of conscience (Josh Paul comes to mind) is also happening in the Zionist occupation forces. Only the most ignorant, least honorable, enemies of humanity hang with entities who practice such Cheney/Rumsfeld travesties as torturing and murdering civilians. This applies to our congressional leaders, presidents, presidential wanna be’s, and certainly to the IDF political and military leaders.

How they cry and moan when someone shoots back at them, for their specialty is murdering those who are weaponless, defenseless, hopeless. Onward they bravely march with rigged up pagers, thousand-pound American bombs, broomsticks with which to torture their captives, and loudly call on all through such benevolent mouthpieces as Ryder, Miller, Kirby, Sullivan, et. al. to all the resistance guys to please don’t shoot back at them when they murder your children, for that would be “escalation”. Note that it’s not escalation when the Zionists assassinate, trigger communications devices, carpet bomb Gaza and/or the West Bank, but when someone reacts to such barbarity by trying to defend themselves, it magically then becomes “escalation.” Note how it only becomes escalation when the resistance shoots back.

The servants of evil have had a long time to screw up the world as it is now, and only Jesus Christ will be able to sort it out when He returns. Satan has started playing his high cards for the world to see, and when you can see his behavior this plainly, see all of these servants falling in line for him, you should also be able to understand how powerless we, as humans, are to stop him – only Jesus is able to do what has to be done, we just need to make sure we are on the right side of things, Jesus’ side, when He appears and you can rest assured He’ll be bringing justice with Him. This thing can be, and will be won by the forces of good, but only by the army of Jesus Christ. I’m serious, folks – we all must get right with Jesus asap. There is no other way.

John 14:6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

May the blessings of the Almighty and Merciful God find and keep us all in these troubled times.

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