For Pete’s sake, most folks should know by now that you can’t believe anything you hear or read on the mainstream news anymore. That’s a sad fact, but nonetheless, a fact it is. So why are they still operating? My guess is that they are getting a sizeable portion of their revenues from sources other than advertisers, but that’s just my guess.
God has a way of working His will in which He completely subverts attempts by men in the service of the enemy to try and cause us to deviate from following Him, and it’s often done through the most ironic of irony. For instance, if you google Operation Mockingbird, you’ll find that it is an ongoing project to feed disinformation and propaganda from our “intelligence” agencies into the public domain using our news networks. Some of the garbage they produce makes a person who is knowledgeable of this Satanic operation shake his head in incredulity at the level of “intelligence” in it.
First of all, you have to realize that it has become the objective of national “intelligence” to create false narratives, often impossibly false narratives, to John Q Public, with the (usually correct) assumption that he won’t question them. For real, most folks actually bought the 9/11 story. I think at first the purpose of the lies was to obtain public support for (usually outrageous) moves that said intel agencies deemed to be appropriate foreign policy. Even then, intel products only served the interests of the wealthy defense investors who massively profit from the public fear their lies could provoke. What passes for “intelligence” is intended to totally misinform people about issues for which they should be honestly apprised.
Intelligence agencies have grown in number and in the level of unintelligent policies they produce. The only thing at which they have excelled to date has been their unmatched ability to tell lies, and as a result of their proficiency at deceit, they now and perhaps will always have lost any remote ability to either disseminate, or recognize, truth in any form. It has become their number one priority to create and disseminate, false narratives – lies. That’s absolutely the only thing they can do, and until today it has worked out for them, but lately they are losing their touch – their lies have become so obvious (and odious), and so unreasonable, that most folks can see right through them nowadays. As they dutifully spew their detritus, even the most dedicated reporters on TV seem to wonder, and rightfully so, if their stories are being bought. So, the one and only thing they (intel) ever were good at – lying – is failing them. But they’re still fabricating full tilt.

I’m sure their father, Satan is becoming very disappointed with them for losing their focus. After all Jesus said Satan is the father of all lies, so it only stands to reason that agencies, persons, or entities whose main goal in life is to deceive people are Satan’s willing servants. The main servants of Satan, the wealthy, see the lies becoming transparent and seem to be getting flustered. Ukraine is demonstrably not defeating Russia, the occupying power in Palestine is not acting in self-defense, and I’m sure the powers that be are wondering when the peasants will get enough and borrow that tool of restitution from the French.
A couple of the points this post is trying to make is that the irony of those involved in intelligence is that instead of intelligence, they are now so beset with ignorance that they have become an unfunny joke. Another is that they have devolved to the point where such issues as foreign policy, military assessment, and other pursuits on which intelligence groups should be working, actually seem to have become trivial and taken the back seat to the construction of false narratives – they lie simply to be lying and, of course to create more wealth for people who are already wealthy. An example of this is creating a lie that, say, a country like Russia is getting ready to invade us so the only possible option is to assign many billions of dollars to Lockheed Martin or Raytheon.

Everybody knows they taught the military boys it was ok to torture “enemy combatants”, and that they came up with that disingenuous designation so it would appear to justify torturing them, but I’m getting into the weeds – we have evolved to a place where intelligence work is about as far from intelligent as you can get – at least in this country, but still, I can’t help but imagine what a great general like Patton would think of allowing our guys to torture enemy POWs. It’s only logical that if the enemy knows that if they give up, they are going to be tortured, they will fight to the death rather than surrender, thus costing unnecessary lives in battle. Any general – or intelligence official – would know better than to torture POWs. But then, intelligence spooks (and politicians) aren’t concerned with such mundane things as the lives of their soldiers.

Intelligence organizations are all about security of their assets and buildings, but I couldn’t for the life of me, understand why any of our adversaries would want to infiltrate any of our intel agencies – why should they? – such a move might impede their self-destruction. It’s fairly obvious the only people who actually have infiltrated our intelligence agencies are sold to us as allies. Many of the more reliable alternative media sources I watch keep saying that America is headed over a cliff. I think if we go over it, our congress, “think tanks”, but especially our “intelligence” agencies, will be responsible.