Tag Archives: nuclear war

Watching the Stars Fall and Destroy the Earth

Did a star fall from Heaven? If it did, when it hit the earth, did it leave tremendous destruction? Maybe the full effects of its impact have not yet been experienced. All of humanity could be on the precipice of death and destruction never before imagined; deep down many of us harbor an apprehension of such a possibility of scarcely conceivable destruction. From various sources, we have some idea of the coming events, at least for those who bother to look for them, indeed, most folks know there are some terrible things awaiting this old world. The predominant source for understanding of what will probably take place is of course, the Holy Bible. It speaks of a time of tribulation never before experienced by mankind.

Everyone has heard of the medieval times of blights such as the plague and the potato famine. We have all heard of great wars during which there was immense suffering and much death and destruction. Unfortunately, it looks like we are in for even worse times yet. When things come to a head in our modern world, there’s little doubt that some unimaginable wars will occur; there will be nuclear devastation on a scale never imagined leaving a world of horror. Nuclear war is awaiting – the pieces just have to be positioned; the right “leaders” put in place, and it will happen. With the caliber of leaders in the western world today, it’s just a matter of time. There’s mass insanity in the halls of power, and they aren’t even ashamed to put that madness on full display. [Ecclesiastes 10:13]: “The words of his mouth begin with foolishness, And the end of his talk is raving madness”. A wisdom deficit never before imagined in Washington DC, London, Paris, Berlin, etc. threatens the whole world – just as Satan intended.

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What’s with the crazy leaders nowadays?

Some of our mad leaders have a nuclear trigger in their hands. That’s a scary thought when you consider the potential for destruction of nuclear power. God has known about nuclear physics since forever ago., in fact He created nuclear physics. That’s the energy that makes stars light up the heavens when you look up at night. Nuclear power. Stars. The Bible speaks of stars falling from the sky to the earth. From what scientists have determined about stars, they are, like the sun, immensely larger than the earth, so how would it be possible for the earth to experience stars falling upon us? Maybe when it says a star falls to the earth, its speaking metaphorically.

Perhaps the great star that fell to earth was a metaphor for when mankind learned how to harness nuclear energy – both for peaceful purposes, but more ominously, the intent of this “star” is to kill mass numbers of people. To destroy the earth that God created along with as many humans as possible. The threat of nuclear war is firmly entrenched now as the most fearsome nightmare of all of humanity. Nuclear technology marked a turning point in all of civilization, and the star hasn’t finished falling just yet. Nuclear waste keeps accumulating as we burn uranium rods in power reactors and really haven’t developed a way to safely dispose of the spent, but still highly radioactive waste. That’s a big problem and is getting bigger all the time, but it pales in comparison to the potential devastation that a nuclear war would leave. In any event, there was more than one star, and it looks like each one has his own contribution to the world’s destruction: When Satan got kicked out of Heaven, [Revelation 12:4]: “His [the dragon’s] tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth…”

The Bible also speaks of a time of great tribulation. [Matther 24:21]: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Such a horrible existence for human beings as has never before occurred. One could easily envision this to be what may be left of humanity after such a horrible event as a nuclear apocalypse. The Palestinians in Gaza are undergoing such a horror today as the world watches. A world which doesn’t even seem to care, at least most of the governments – the entities that could actually do something to stop it, but it’s not happening. Why should this same world be spared the same deprivations that people like the Gazans, or the Christians in the Congo, Syrian Alawites and Christians, etc. are suffering? Yes, many folks in our world are suffering immensely, but those of us who a comparably much better off watch on and do nothing. Why should God show us mercy when it’s our turn? Why shouldn’t we all know what it’s like to be deprived of such things as we now take for granted, like a drink of clean water? Or even a piece of stale, moldy bread for an empty stomach which Netanyahu denies to the peasants of Gaza?

There are indeed many who are in the streets protesting against the inhumane treatment of the Gazans. Good on them, they are heroes in their own right. The heroic Houthis of Yemen and Lebanese Hezbollah fighters are doing what they can, but it’s a tall order against American jets and bombs. Now days, incredibly, instead of helping the suffering Palestinians, Trump is abrogating his Constitutional oath and imprisoning people for speaking out against the injustice in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon. Why would a man so visible as an American president stoop to such pathetic malevolence? Like many others, I’m of the opinion that Israel has some dirt on him from the Epstein files, it’s the best explanation available for his mendacious support of genocide, especially in light of the fact that he is such a narcissistic personality, as such one who would be expected to want adoration from the masses, but his behavior is making everyone except wealthy Zionists hate him. What else could explain it? Other western countries are persecuting Palestine supporters too. How far did the Epstein activity go? Word has it that Epstein was a Mossad operative who lured western big shots into compromising sexual activity with minors and other things precisely to video and blackmail them and get the results we are seeing from our leaders.

It sure looks like the star that fell has many facets and traits. I’m of the opinion that a nuclear war will take out a lot of humanity. [Revelation8:10-11]:“Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

I did a post some time ago about what it might be like after a nuclear war. Maybe that’s an idea of what the tribulation holds for us. I think somewhere in that post I mentioned that the most fortunate people in a nuclear war will be the ones at ground zero. At least for them it’ll be over quickly.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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The Best We Could Do – Nuclear Armageddon

As I write this post, it appears the world is really close to the edge of the proverbial cliff and as a lot of observers and commentors are enunciating at an uncomfortable volume, it would only take a slight mistake or one false flag to initiate the nuclear conflagration we all dread. How did we get here? Of course there is no simple answer, but rest assured we all played a part.

I just watched possibly the greatest statesman and leader of the twentieth and probably the twenty-first century, Vladimir Putin being interviewed by a foreign journalist. He spoke as always, rationally and without the rabid venom to which we in the west have become accustomed from our frothing leaders. For his remarkable patience and wisdom, Mr. Putin deserves that new peace medal, The Tolstoy Award that is now being offered to replace the long-desecrated Noble Peace prize that was shown for its real value by its being bestowed on a recent purveyor of drone deaths upon Afghan peasants who had the audacity to talk on a cell phone. During the said interview he spoke of some dreadful things that are about to happen if the west doesn’t back off. As opposed to all western leaders and their spokespersons, I trust what he says.

We have existed as a species on this planet for a short time, geologically speaking. Our presence here on earth has been marked by inhumanity toward each other since Cain killed his own brother, and for the last several thousand years, and since then things have continued to go downhill. Today we, as creatures who purport to be civilized, possess enough nightmarish weapons to literally destroy the earth! Even the savage dinosaurs walked the earth for hundreds of million years. We might have been here a couple of hundred thousand, yet it seems we are on the verge of destroying our planet.

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If we could only project our thoughts onto what it might be like as a rare survivor of a nuclear holocaust, we might begin to explore ways we could possibly have helped to stave off such a horror. Just look at pictures of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and imagine that destruction across the entire landscape as far as you could walk on your feeble legs with whatever dwindling strength you might have left – being totally and absolutely obliterated. There are no words to describe the destitution, the terror that would overwhelm your heart.

At first, you consider yourself to be fortunate to have survived the horrendous bombardment of practically the whole nation, indeed, there are a few left who weren’t vaporized and haven’t succumbed to the agonizing radiation – yet, and those people naturally seek each other out to share their misery. Small groups of people, mostly with grotesque injuries, burned, broken, bleeding and scarred, begin to gather although they don’t have any idea where to go or even have much to say to each other – they’ve all experienced their own versions of the same terror. Among the scraggly and destitute groups of people, there can be heard moaning and wailing of common pain, both physical and psychological. Darkness gathers, both emotional and literal darkness of a kind never experienced by humanity. As the reality of where you are and what has happened begins to sink in, you start to realize that you aren’t one of the fortunate ones after all – the lucky ones died in the blasts.

What’s left of humanity, including your children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, grandparents, and your beloved pets are now microscopic particles of ash drifting around in the frigid wind, it hits you like a speeding train – you will never again see those you love; you will never even know whether or not they “survived”. A million “what ifs” swarm through your fading thoughts as you retch between your knees, vomiting up most of the poisonous water you drank from a noisome, dark puddle, so great was your need. What if we could have formed some kind of movement that could have worked together to depose the madmen who brought this about? Why didn’t we just remove them from power? What if we had not been afraid to speak out for fear of the corrupt leaders and their psychopathic law enforcement people who either didn’t care or weren’t smart enough to see this coming.

You finally realize, now that it’s much too late, that those people you considered to be (especially western) leaders were in reality the most corrupt of all people on the earth, and this was their plan all along. Their cognitive mediocrity would not allow them to understand the implications of where they were taking us and what the results would be. You see, oh so painfully, the results as you try to make out any semblance of civilization around you now. The truth is, and was, that they were wealthy people who, with their vast financial resources, literally controlled the world, and they were not about to give that power up. You can twist this basic truth any which way you like, you can dance around it, you can point into a myriad of other directions as to the causes of the world’s ills, but that little nugget is still the absolute truth – they were willing to destroy the world rather than give up their dominance, and that cop banging you on the head at the protest could never had less of an impact on events other than to help them along – he and his family are now most likely among those ashes flying around, but breaking up protests by well-intentioned people was all he contributed. Who knows, maybe he is one of the “lucky” survivors, sitting somewhere on an old five-gallon bucket with his skin hanging off – wondering what he could have done differently, but probably never would realize how he “helped”.

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The cop was a human being, just like everyone else, trying to survive and provide for his family. His part in all of this was foreordained long before it happened. The wealthy who brought all this about were the ones who decided who his boss would be. Somewhere up that ladder, I guarantee you, someone made a lot of money to support the interests of the wealthy, and the strategy was established whereby the methods of “law enforcement” were calibrated to benefit the elite by providing them protection. That protection was purchased in the form of things like civil asset forfeiture, whereby the cops were given permission to practice armed robbery on the citizens without ever charging them. You can bet the responsible legislators for such unconstitutional claptrap were paid handsomely to purchase the police to act as armed bodyguards for the wealthy. Police departments around the country were also gifted lavishly with tactical military equipment, drones, armored vehicles, etc. So much for Barney Fife and his corroded bullet. They were also gifted with a form of authority that was never intended by our founders, but the net effect was that the efforts of the elite paid off tremendously by effectively shutting down any type of organized resistance that might have averted this hell on earth you now witness.

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As you look around, all you can see is death and destruction. Along the muddy remnants of what used to be streets you see huge piles fragmented concrete with rebar sticking out in all directions. Closer to the “ground zeroes” even this stuff was vaporized. There are no birds, no animals of any kind. Those guys who used to brag about surviving by hunting and fishing – at least the few of them who are left – are finding out there aren’t enough game animals left to satisfy the needs of all the people who anticipated the same tactics. What few deer out there in the mostly burned-out forests are dying from radiation poisoning or starvation. This wasn’t a very good strategy, but neither was pushing Mr. Putin and Mr. Jinping until they had no other choice than to resort to this madness. They didn’t want to do it, but neither did they want their nations to be subjugated by mad men. Vladimir Putin, whether still alive or deceased, can rest knowing he did everything in his power to avoid this catastrophe. In your heart of hearts, you either already knew this about him, or by looking back at how things unfolded, you’re just now figuring it out.

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The world is dark now and it’s an impenetrable darkness in which no sane person wants to be. The nuclear winter that scientists warned us about is upon us. If there were any greenery, you wouldn’t be able to see it for the mind-numbing dark, but there is no greenery anyway. You don’t have long to live, and you realize it, but strangely that fear of death is no longer a bother for you – at this point, you would welcome the long sleep. At least now you don’t have to listen to those absurdly ignorant politicians and military guys talking about a “winnable” nuclear war. You knew as well as anyone that was sheer idiocy, but not enough people stood up when there was time, a group of people among which you are counted did nothing but watch football and go shopping while the minutes ticked away. Now you must live for whatever time you have in the agony of knowing you’ll never be with loved ones again. You’ll never again sit on the riverbank listening to beautiful songbirds in the exuberance of nature. There’ll never be another cup of coffee poured at your favorite cafe, and the people with whom you shared such times are gone from your life forever.

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We can sit by and let the servants of evil do this or we can speak up against it – it’ll be painful, but if we don’t act, it’s going to be too late. This terrible thing is coming folks, it’s just a matter of when. Mr. Putin is on the very edge of his patience. In all of our years on this planet as human beings it looks like our destruction is nigh. Is this the best we can do?

There’s a way to avoid, or to endure, the ever-nearing disaster. Get yourself baptized and get Jesus Christ into your life. Once you realize the hope He offers, you’ll be forever grateful you did.

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May God our beloved Creator protect and bless us all.