Tag Archives: stranger

Over the River and Into the Woods of Despair

The sea is quite stormy and it’s getting harder all the time to avoid becoming disillusioned, but there’s comfort in looking about the ship to one’s fellow travelers. Not only because of the ones who smile once in a while but there’s also a lot to be gained by sharing a smile with others as well. We are constantly bombarded with bad news and distressed about situations in the world over which we have no control, but we have each other and it’s high time we start realizing it.

People in this world have a common enemy, but we seem to act like we need to be at odds with one another instead of trying to focus on how we can defend ourselves against him. There’s much to be gained by embracing our fellow travelers and doing whatever we can to help him/her on their struggles. It’s pretty obvious that the real enemy prefers – no he needs – us to do our best to offend, and be offended by our neighbors so we stay distracted from where our real problems come from.

Here’s an example, perhaps one of the best to consider nowadays. Every day the news cycles (the enemy’s messengers) are filled with fear of, and animosity towards those unfortunate folks illegally coming into this country. For crying out loud, how many of us have actually suffered real harm from the Hispanic immigrants? Get real and stop listening to the tropes about all of them being drug gangs and rapists, or whatever. Allow your Christian instincts to determine your attitude and stop allowing the mainstream narratives to dictate what you think and how you act.

Malachi 3:5: “And I will come near you for judgment; I will be a swift witness Against sorcerers, Against adulterers, Against perjurers, Against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans, and against those who turn away an alien— Because they do not fear Me,” Says the Lord of hosts.” I don’t know how He could have said it any plainer as to how we should deal with the impoverished folks who come to our land for a better life.

We should consider how we would feel if we were watching our children go without adequate food, clothes, education, etc., and knowing there’s a place across a river where we could provide a better life for the family. You bet, I’d go there against all odds. Our government made all the rules about how to legally assimilate, but how did our own ancestors regard such things back when they invaded this nation? Did they bother to learn the language or get green cards, or whatever other ungodly rules our government contrives nowadays?

The fact is, God owns this nation and all its constituency, and we are merely stewards of it. We seem to think we actually own it, but that’s an erroneous assumption. To prove our lack of ownership, just how many property “owners” do you know of who took their property with them when they passed on? If you can’t take it with you, it’s not yours. In reality, we are only travelers here on an extended stay that will someday be over. This earth is for our subsistence, but only while we are here, and in God’s eyes, we are supposed to share what He has given us stewardship over with our neighbors.

According to none other than Jesus Christ, it is our duty to our fellow human beings to treat them as we would like to be treated, and whether people are here “legally” according to some man-made rules or not. Sure, some of them might be bad people, but it’s wrong to arrest and deport all of them just because of our own failure to weed out the gangsters.

I’ve worked on construction jobs with Hispanic fellows, most of whom were probably here illegally. They work just as hard, if not harder, than most gringos, and they certainly appreciate a smile or other gesture of human decency as much as anyone else. When they are your friend, they are for real, and it’s been my experience that you don’t have to worry about what they say behind your back. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for many of my Caucasian acquaintances. I used to get very disgusted when the “ICE” buses pulled up to the site and those poor guys took off running in terror. It didn’t help with our projects either, to lose all that manpower all of a sudden.

Our real enemy keeps the fires of racism stoked in order to pull that card and turn decent people against each other and we must not forget that. Next time you find yourself getting stirred up over a news article that disparages immigrants, stop and think for a moment. Am I getting mad because of any real experience I have had with these people or is my reaction strictly because of this “news” report? Am I obeying the enemy’s desire to create conflict, or am I able to think my own thoughts?

If you are a white American, next time you encounter a Hispanic person, try giving them a smile and friendly greeting. You’ll be surprised at the reaction. First off, you’ll be surprised that you had it in you to do it. If that person doesn’t return your smile, that’s ok, there’s lots of people from any background that would act the same, so that’s no indictment of his disposition. Get over it, he’s probably in shock that a white stranger would act nice to him.

Our time here is getting short – Jesus will return soon. We have a lot of other pressing problems to worry about than hating on some poor immigrants who came here for a better life. We’re disobeying our Lord if we don’t at least try and empathize with less fortunate people, so put away that animosity – when Jesus gets back, He will sort this all out. I’m pretty sure I’d rather He see me as one who helped his fellow traveler.

If the authorities go after the gangsters and drug cartels, well, that’s what they should be doing, but not trying to deport people who are here to work and find a better life. Like I said – we have a lot more important things to worry about.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us – aliens and all.

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