Tag Archives: wealth

The Real War – Between Wealth and Faith

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It would be easier to just turn and walk away. I have to confess, the temptation is there. I often feel like a fool for trying to get folks to at least look into opening their Bibles and take that decision to finally address their problems, indeed the problems of their world, through the eyes of one who believes in Jesus Christ. He very plainly tells us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. [John 14:6] No matter how cross-threaded one is, it’s hard to misinterpret what He is saying in that statement – especially the Way part. If you’re looking for a way to deal with – not the problems of the world, they’ll only be solved when He comes back – but how those problems are affecting you right now, Jesus is the Way and there is no other. Believe me, I’ve been as frustrated as anybody. Like most folks, I wish there was some magic wand someone could wave and fix this mess we’re in, but that option isn’t available. I wish people would stop expecting some politician to step up and get us going in a better direction, but that’s not going to happen. There will indeed be one, who will appear at first to solve our problems, but he will be the very one we must avoid.

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courtesy Spiritual Minefield

Donald Trump is once again in a position where he might try to solve the world’s problems – if that was his intent. But as before, without Jesus Christ’s guidance, he won’t be successful. I don’t care how sold you are on him, he is just another rich man out to get richer, and that’s the bottom line. Look at all the billionaires in his administration. I’m not saying he’s the antiChrist, but he seems to be auditioning for the role.

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There are statues of him everywhere

For their entire lives on this earth. these people have never known what it’s like to worry about their lights being turned off for the lack of money to pay their electric bills. For Pete’s sake if Trump was really trying to help with the country’s serious problems, don’t you think he’d be hiring people with some semblance of ability to tackle homelessness. Our cities are in shambles. America definitely needs to be great (again?), and no amount of fealty to Benjamin Netanyahu is going to fix that. Trump’s been in office almost a month now, and the only moves he has made thus far is to prostrate himself to wealthy Zionists, even moreso than Joe Biden did, and that’s a low bar. His obeisance to Netanyahu was particularly disappointing for Americans -particularly those who wanted to see him as a courageous leader – to have to watch.

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The fake $100 bills in this pic have “In Trump We Trust” on his goat statue in Mara Lago.

Donald Trump, in his quest to appear wealthy, smart, and successful, continues to thoroughly embarrass America, both at home and especially in all foreign countries, he’s shaming America. That’s a real pathetic issue for sure, but there are several pressing ones. There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for them all. Our nation has almost completely abandoned God – that’s the root cause of our problems!

Personally, I don’t believe we should accept the insult to God that printing “In God We Trust” on money in the first place. The idolatrous love for money is the root of all evil and the one thing the Bible warns us about more than anything else, but to substitute Trump for God even in this out-of-place phrase is openly proclaiming Trump to be equal with God – the original sin of Satan. This is blatant idolatry, goat and all.

I live in an area of the country where houses still proudly wave Trump campaign flags. One day when the evil of his administration is manifested, they may out of conscience opt to take them down, but God is taking pictures of those yards to remind folks (in case they haven’t repented) at the judgement that they supported this fellow. Of course, the democrats are as bad or worse, but opposing one evil group by supporting another one will be no excuse.

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Do you really want to put yourself in the position to have explain to the Lord why you had something like this in your yard?

So here we are, most people at a loss for what to do, how to deal with this tsunami of evil overtaking the world, and so few of us have come to the realization that mankind doesn’t have the power within us to emerge victorious from it. At some point in the near future, a Savior will indeed appear, and He will decisively and forever defeat the enemy, but when that happens, it’ll be too late to get off the fence. [Revelation 16:15] “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” [16;18,19]: “And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.” A horrific moment for all who have rejected the Son of God. I think America fits the description of the great Babylon here, don’t you?

The opportunity for individuals to win this battle is slipping away, and no amount of fealty to wealthy people will help in the end. Jesus is the only Way, we need to start looking at our situation from a new perspective, one in which we are able to see that there is another existence, for only by understanding there is a better life ahead will we able to comprehend and elude the evil that is upon us. Too many of us reject the very faith that is able to save us, and it’s the only path to victory – those who turn to wealth, or even the desire of it, will be in for a horrible time.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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Reasons to Avoid Envy of the Rich

If you are one of the regulars here, you probably know that Folkpotpourri has been offline for several days. I’ve been fighting a spiritual battle that I realized was coming, but I didn’t have any idea how savagely I was about to be assailed. I won’t go into the details in this post. During this respite, however, and in those moments of clarity with which I have been blessed, the realization that the end is much closer than any of us imagine, I have felt that the urgency of our situation is dictating that I must continue to reach out – other believers in Jesus are doing so – we are indeed living in the last of days. The sharp sickle is about to be thrust into the crop.

Our wealth, at least for those who the world imagines to be wealthy, is about to become worthless. Imagine if you are a billionaire and a time comes when you discover that you are suddenly among the poorest of persons. It’s going to happen – those fellows who have spent the last several years hiring contractors to dig out enormous bunkers that have been lavishly furnished will finally understand that all of the gold and silver, the precious gems and other accoutrements that exist as symbols of one’s status that they stash in their holes – is not worth anything anymore. When some rich guy discovers he needs drinking water more than he needs an army of security guards, he will at last understand that things the world once considered worthless are in fact those very things humans need the most. Their (almost) greatest fear will suddenly come to pass – they will be poor – as poor as the hungriest child in Ethiopia or Palestine, and worth no more in the eyes of God than any other person on earth. When the real reckoning is upon them as they stand before Jesus Christ at judgement, (their greatest fear) they will suddenly wish they were in the shoes of some poor child. For those who rejected Jesus, this moment will be the most horrific instance in the life of any human being.

Security details and bodyguards will abandon the “elites” when the money they’ve been paid is not worth anything anymore. No one will be able to eat their digital wealth – which won’t be available anyway, because when things get bad enough, the databases where their wealth is “stored” will more than likely be dissolving into wisps of smoke from rubble heaps that were once elaborate data collection centers filled with blinking lights and computer banks. The ones hidden underground will fare no better once God unleashes the great earthquake mentioned in [Revelation 16:18]: “”And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth.” In fact, at some point during the end days, people will be so afraid of God’s wrath that they will beg for the rocks to cave in on them, such will be their terror. [Revelation 6:15-17]:  And the kings of the earth, the great men, [j]the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

When they come to their eternal torment, they will be as the rich man looking on at the poor man, Lazarus who will be in paradise with Father Abraham, and there will be no hope for their relief as they burn in the eternal fires of hell – not even a drop of water! [Luke 16:24]: “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’ This might sound like an unjust punishment, but did that rich guy show mercy to helpless people like for instance, the peasants suffering in the Gaza holocaust? No the rich Americans forced American universities to shut down protests when students brought the genocide to the world’s attention. Abraham told him [Luke 16:25,26] “But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’ No help will be forthcoming, forever – even their beloved CERN won’t be able to open a portal through that void.

Why is the fate of wealthy being discussed here? Because these passages so visibly describe the eternal torment that lies in wait for non-believers. Unfortunately for those, even the not rich, people who continue to reject Jesus Christ, the same dismal future awaits. Many even envy the rich, but unfortunately for them, wanting to be wealthy can be as bad as being wealthy, because desiring riches is a lust of the flesh and a form of idolatry. The Bible says the LOVE for money is the problem. [1 Timothy 6:10]: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” So, you don’t have to be wealthy to fall into this scheme of Satan.

If you are not rich, consider yourself blessed and enjoy being outside the group of those who have sold their souls. Rejoice in the abundant life of the true Christian! Out here in the country we can walk outside into the woods and enjoy the natural beauty God bestowed on us. Now I realize that the “elites” also have access to these things, but the real blessing is in the heart – common folks who dare to believe are gifted with the ability to appreciate God’s creation in a way that those heartless, soulless, creatures of wealth can never experience. We have the unique ability to enjoy things that don’t cost anything – and we enjoy them vastly more than some banker enjoys his money.

As the age of our world draws to a close, we should take advantage of our spiritual blessings and learn to appreciate the things around us, the solace of a walk in the country watching red birds and hearing crows talking is a wonderful sabbatical from the growing evil with which we are faced. There are countless events taking place around us that the enemy has set in place to cause us to feel helpless; things over which we have little or no control, but don’t let Satan take away your hope. He would really like to. Hang on to the hope that is in Jesus and we’re promised we’ll get through this. Jesus’ promises are a guarantee, we just have to stay strong and wait for Him.

Jesus tells us in several places of the importance of being patient, because under these dark clouds of uncertainty in today’s chaotic world, it’s not hard to become frustrated and lose hope, but when things are at their worst, zoom out and keep in mind that there is another life awaiting us, and the joy we will experience in that next one will make all of these trials as nothing. Be prepared at any time to just stop what you’re doing and have a talk with Jesus – it’s surprising just how much the Spirit can lift your heart – even at the worst of times. The rich people who presume to be in control right now will see a justice so unimaginable horrible they will all beg to go back and do it over, but it’ll be too late, they’ll plead with a God Who no longer hears them – for all of eternity. Think about a day when guys who are immensely rich in this life will envy the poorest who have lived among us – forever.

I guess my point is that we should never allow ourselves to envy the rich – indeed, we should pray for them because they need repentance and forgiveness as much as anyone.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us through these last troubled days.

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