Tag Archives: Zionist

Standard Double Standards in The Modern World

When we read about the recent tragedies in Las Vegas and New Orleans, the media cries to high Heaven, and don’t get me wrong – these are indeed horrible occurrences in our troubled nation – but all the fatalities in those two incidents don’t even begin to equal the human toll on an average day in Gaza, so where’s all the concern for human life over there? The cracks grow wider every day in the foundation of trust on which our mainstream media once built their reputations. It’s almost like they’re not the least bit concerned anymore that they’ve lost public confidence, they just keep on bleating out whatever they are told to offer, typically in their more and more transparent “Operation Mockingbird” instructions. For instance, all mainstream organizations were instructed, almost in unison, almost like some kind of evil chant, to repeat what the Congresspeople were also carefully trained to say, “Israel has a right to defend itself.”, When, in reality that’s a big misdirection in and of itself – what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians is nothing even resembling self-defense and everyone knows it, so why don’t they just stop squawking?

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No one from the government, especially the spook agencies instructed them to sing that the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves, so they don’t dare. Neither do they hysterically chant that Afghanistan, Vietnam, Venezuela, Russia, nor (especially) Iran etc. have that same “right”. The only ones. it seems on whom “the right to defend themselves” is conferred are those directly connected to the ownership of the media, the halls of congress, and even the white house. When the objective reader takes into consideration who owns the media and the government, the double standard concerning those who have a right to defend themselves and those who apparently do not, becomes painfully obvious.

Every day, even on alternative media, we are kept apprised of every Zionist military service member who is killed, along with his name, rank, hobbies, etc. When we hear of Gazan civilians who have been murdered by the occupation, in another glaring double standard, we just hear numbers. Horrific numbers that are typically in the hundreds every horrifying day. It’s like, as (evil ex “Defense” Minister) Yoav Gallant named them, human animals, they don’t have names. Neither the US government nor the media is interested in who they were. Who they are. But the Palestinian mothers mourn their dead children every bit as painfully as the mothers of slain Israeli soldiers. Hunger pains gnaw at the insides of barefooted Gaza children the same as they would “real” humans.

The sacred right to defend themselves – from these.

When the media informs us of anything to do with the Houthis, they always say the “Iran-backed” Houthi rebels, or Iran-backed Hezbollah, but they never say the US-backed Zionists. Apparently from the perspective of western mainstream media, it’s only abhorrent when it’s Iran, China, or Russia backing some entity and never the US-backed Saudis or the NATO-backed regime in the Ukraine. How about the US-backed HTS terrorists? Same concept for supplying weapons – the Houthis get most of their weapon support from Iran, true enough, but it is invariably mentioned in news reports, whereas the American bombs being dispensed from American made jets by the Zionist Air Force, US backing rarely is admitted with the same emphasis. So, we are left to believe that it’s against “the rules-based order” for any proxy entity to be armed or supported by anyone outside the American Military Industrial Complex, at least according to our news media here in the west.

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Nikki Haley practicing penmanship – “Finish them” – what a gal!

One of the saddest parts of this, at least to me, is that the majority of my fellow countrymen just stare with a blank look on their faces when someone say things like Operation Mockingbird, or the 9/11 false flag, or the Gaza holocaust, and even worse, they would never work up the curiosity to look it up for themselves. If I was a gambling man, I’d bet money that 1 in 100 Americans have never even heard of Operation Condor. Is it any wonder they approvingly gulp down then regurgitate ad nauseum everything the Rupert Murdoch-backed Fox News shovels to them? Is it any wonder the American politicians feel free to eat drivel from Zionist’s hands and do their bidding – while their constituents, most of them with no clue of what’s happening, remain oblivious to the fact that their government and their media has been taken over and predominantly serve Zionist interests? Average citizens of other countries keep up with international politics, but not here in the land of the “free”. So average Americans, ignorant by choice, get the honor of being considered supporters of the genocide and murder of innocent people in the Middle East, whether they know it or not. And if they don’t know it, it’s their own fault for only watching mainstream news and believing their lies. Not knowing whom they serve isn’t going to be an excuse later when they have to answer to a Higher Power when it really counts.

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It once was an innocent looking peacock…

Now we get to the similarity of double standards in other arenas of American life, and if you are among the regular readership of Folkpotpourri, you know where this is going – yes, to the double standards of what passes for churches in this country. Starting with one of the ten commandments that says, [Exodus :13] “Thou shalt not kill (murder)”, however, preachers in many congregations allude that it’s ok for the occupation forces to conduct genocide on the Palestinians, not only for them to do it, but these charlatans tell their congregations that Christians must support them, following Netanyahu’s grossly inapplicable Old-Testament narrative of the Amalekites. These same guys feign shock and recoil from the horror of someone committing an act of terrorism on American soil and go on to rave and rant about how evil it is to kill innocent people (think 9/11) and it is truly evil, no doubt, but way too often that same preacher tells his congregation it’s their Christian duty to support the slaughter going on in Gaza. This is blatant hypocrisy! Murder, especially of innocents, is NEVER justifiable, and if you attend a church that even hints that it’s acceptable you need to change your place of worship – period. When some following or the other arrives at any point where murder is advocated, or even excused, especially in our churches, Satan has truly won the battle there.

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How can church-going Americans be ok with this?

I, as a Christian American, will never believe we owe it to the Zionist entity to rationalize or justify the slaughter they are conducting, regardless of how many American politicians and/or pastors they own. Regardless of how much money defense contractors make from it. Zionist soldiers and civilians make videos and laugh as they blow up people’s homes. They make fun of the Palestinians not having water, or bereaved mothers crying as they hold the lifeless bodies of their precious children. They ransack Palestinian homes, laughing and video recording themselves sporting women’s underwear. There was a case where a Palestinian man in a Zionist prison was sodomized with a broom (he died from internal injuries because of it) and when someone suggested the soldiers who did it be prosecuted the civilian population and regulars in the army rose up and rioted in defense of them. That kind of behavior is obviously acceptable for Zionists. These people are demon-possessed, evil monsters and amply demonstrate why the sane world doesn’t want them in their countries. They constantly whine and bawl because the world hates them and kicks them out of their countries, but when they got their own country and were given the opportunity to show the world they could fit in, this is how they truly behave, for the world to see. More and more, even the most secular of nations want nothing to do with them. In their Satanic mockery of the plight they impose on their fellow human beings, they bear no resemblance – physical or spiritual – to the ancient and honorable Hebraic peoples of the lineage of Abraham or King David. They mock Jesus Christ, to Whom Christians are forever indebted, and I, for one, am repulsed by their disrespect for my Savior and for their demonic behavior. I try my best not to hate anyone, but I find myself obliged to exercise my God-given right to anger at their atrocities. I feel the same, and if the truth was known I’d bet I’m not alone, towards the pathetic whores in Washington who have (almost all – hang in there, Rep Massey) sold their souls to the Zionists who crack the whip on them in OUR capitol. I think most of all, I’m repulsed by how the so-called pastors in this country’s Christian churches, teaching their flocks to support demons who commit murder and genocide in the name of Jesus.

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Same murderous mindset – different Victim

Why can’t we get this over to MAGA Americans, or to the thousands who fill the pews of the mega churches that support the Zionists? Surely, they’re not that thick-headed, but then the Bible does say, [Mark 4:12]
“so that ‘Seeing they may see and not perceive, And hearing they may hear and not understand; Lest they should turn, And their sins be forgiven them.’ ” The Christian Churches of the United States have the numbers to make a difference, if only the members weren’t being misled by the Satanic influence of liars behind the pulpit. The gate is wide indeed. We, as followers of Christ must pray incessantly that God will open their eyes so they can turn to obedience to Jesus Christ – and become the Christian numbers needed for the end of the slaughter of innocents of Gaza.

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May the blessings of the Almighty God find and keep us as we enter into these dark times.

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When Madness Pretends to be Conflict Strategy

Wow! How clever they are! Their “intelligence” people developed a way to put explosives into cell phones and pagers that killed and injured a lot of mostly innocent people and managed to turn even more of the world against them without accomplishing anything significant towards advancing their cause(s). They have only one ally in the whole world, and it would be a safe bet that a growing majority of the population of that country, the US, are coming to realize and resent what their government is doing in this scheme of murder and criminality. The evil being supported by the US today is also working to give citizens reason to reflect on past odious behaviors of the US – American Indian genocide, Hiroshima, Dresden, Vietnam, Afghanistan – we have rarely been the good guys we were always led to believe we were. It’s turning out we are not the least bit happy about it, especially since it involves the wholesale slaughter of innocent people, of children who just want to play in their homes in safety – slaughtered by bloodthirsty savages with American bombs.

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The pager murders only killed a few dozen people, and a plausible case can be made that few or none of them were enemies of the Zionist occupiers – at least enemies who may have been some kind of strategic threat to the IDF or citizenry of the occupation. If I’m a general or commander of resistance forces and some idiocy like this happens, I wipe the sweat off my brow with relief, because now I understand the “threat’ of the occupying forces’ “intelligence” is of much less concern than I’d feared because they spent a lot of their “genius” and resources for quite some time devising silly fireworks to try and scare people and produced no threat of any significance to my forces. In fact, I’m dumbfounded that these “invincible” enemies with unlimited resources would spend all that time and money on terroristic foolishness when there’s a conflict coming (that they started, the “started Oct 7” nonsense is unadulterated propaganda). Now I’m certainly not making light of the casualties nor the injuries that people sustained from the exploding devices, but in the grand scheme of wartime conflict, this idiocy accomplished nothing but making the vaunted IDF more enemies. Most of all, the leaders of the resistance can take some comfort that this “intelligence” isn’t all that intelligent after all. Sure, they got a lot of attention from all over the world, but attention doesn’t win wars, and stupidity surely doesn’t.

Somewhere along the way, the notion that making people fear your army was somehow a winning strategy became vogue. Shock value became a desirable method of accomplishing this and that’s just plain stupid. When the world found out that GITMO and Abu Ghraib torture was happening, it certainly shocked everyone, but it didn’t do our military guys any favors, because if you think about it, in a battle when the enemy is on the ropes and ready to throw in the towel, if he has reason to believe he’ll be treated decently as a POW (don’t even start with that “enemy combatant” nonsense) it stands to reason he’d be willing to surrender more readily. Take that same situation where the enemy soldier has reason to believe he’ll be tortured when he gives up and chances are he’ll fight to the death, thus killing more of your soldiers. Just plain stupidity and I don’t care if some cognitively challenged demons with stars on their lapels graduated from West Point (with honors) allowed this madness to happen, they should be castigated – whatever form that might take. It also makes you more enemies and gains you the enmity of more of the world – look at the success of BRICS today vs. the decline of the west.

Our genius politicians who were apparently all born yesterday look around at the tatters of the US flag, the tatters of the US reputation – and have the temerity to wonder why in the world everyone hates us. Think GITMO, Petraeus. Think Abu Ghraib and European black sites, Pompeo. A respectable General like Lee or Patton would have y’all up before a court martial for getting their troops killed because of torturing enemy soldiers.

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The obvious madness behind all of this nonsense is that it is what the great deceiver, Satan wants them to do. When seen through that lens, it’s easier to see why the smarter guys with morals and honor have all resigned from our military. None, except possibly a small handful of representatives, are to be found in the US political crowd either. This exit of people of conscience (Josh Paul comes to mind) is also happening in the Zionist occupation forces. Only the most ignorant, least honorable, enemies of humanity hang with entities who practice such Cheney/Rumsfeld travesties as torturing and murdering civilians. This applies to our congressional leaders, presidents, presidential wanna be’s, and certainly to the IDF political and military leaders.

How they cry and moan when someone shoots back at them, for their specialty is murdering those who are weaponless, defenseless, hopeless. Onward they bravely march with rigged up pagers, thousand-pound American bombs, broomsticks with which to torture their captives, and loudly call on all through such benevolent mouthpieces as Ryder, Miller, Kirby, Sullivan, et. al. to all the resistance guys to please don’t shoot back at them when they murder your children, for that would be “escalation”. Note that it’s not escalation when the Zionists assassinate, trigger communications devices, carpet bomb Gaza and/or the West Bank, but when someone reacts to such barbarity by trying to defend themselves, it magically then becomes “escalation.” Note how it only becomes escalation when the resistance shoots back.

The servants of evil have had a long time to screw up the world as it is now, and only Jesus Christ will be able to sort it out when He returns. Satan has started playing his high cards for the world to see, and when you can see his behavior this plainly, see all of these servants falling in line for him, you should also be able to understand how powerless we, as humans, are to stop him – only Jesus is able to do what has to be done, we just need to make sure we are on the right side of things, Jesus’ side, when He appears and you can rest assured He’ll be bringing justice with Him. This thing can be, and will be won by the forces of good, but only by the army of Jesus Christ. I’m serious, folks – we all must get right with Jesus asap. There is no other way.

John 14:6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

May the blessings of the Almighty and Merciful God find and keep us all in these troubled times.

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Trump – Is That Something Orange in the (Zionist) Crosshairs?

A friend told me prior to 2016 that if Trump gets elected, we won’t have to worry about him becoming corrupted with money because he’s already rich. Sounds like my old buddy believes rich guys, because of their wealth, are immune to possible corruption and bribery. I just resigned myself to the notion that my pal doesn’t know much about rich people or what makes them tick. Although I’ve never been wealthy and have no desire to be, I’m pretty sure I know at least enough about them to know that wealthy folks never get enough lucre.

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courtesy clipartmax.com

I get this mental image of some super rich Zionist oligarch who needs a presidential favor sitting at a table across from Trump with a small pedestal fan blowing the air above a pile of Benjamins toward the Donald who happens to be looking the other way at first, then he jerks around as the scent of moola wafting in his direction sends him into euphoria. Without a word spoken he’s already hooked and willing to do whatever he needs to do to get closer to that mammon. Even if it means supporting genocide – who knows, he might.

Trump revealed a lot about himself when he was in the company of the late Sheldon Adelson and gleefully fawned over that rich old fellow in a display of embarrassing public adulation, lovingly calling him the “king”. Now I don’t know much about Adelson other than he was a super-rich Zionist who was big in the gambling industry, and it was he who zealously ordered Trump to move the US embassy to Jerusalem (an order which Trump unhesitatingly obeyed). I thought then about my friend’s idea that Trump is thought to be the wealthy but incorruptible American patriotic president who cannot be bought – as he salivated over this wealthy purveyor of poverty for the gambling addicted. SMH

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A little higher Donnie My Boy – yeah, right there…

I don’t necessarily dislike Mr. Trump, and I’m certainly not happy that some misguided kid almost killed him, but just because he survived an assassination attempt doesn’t make him some kind of folk hero, otherwise Adolph would be one just as surely, because he did as much and got hurt a lot worse. DJT’s still the same fellow who, in fealty to his Zionist masters, tore up the JCPOA, a negotiated agreement with several countries in which Iran pledged not to pursue nuclear armaments; it was making progress towards bringing Iran into the international fold of nations and could have gone a long way towards creating conditions where peace might be possible in the Middle East. Also, if that agreement was operating today, The US might still have some influence in the Arab countries, which they certainly do not have now. Tossing out the JCPOA had the added benefit of making other nations increasingly leery of entering into agreements with the US. The Russians now (correctly) say we are “agreement incapable”. As with all other US actions, Europe is watching, South Korea is watching, Türkiye is watching, Australia is watching…

Captivated by the seemingly irresistible allure of Zionist money and power, Trump also unilaterally attempted to bless the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights, against a United Nations resolution (497) to the contrary. I say attempted to because Golan Heights’ ownership is still up in the air, not least because Russia looks to have more and more of a say in all things Syria. As mentioned, Trump had the US embassy in Tel Aviv relocated to Jerusalem, thus contributing to the negation a UN ES resolution (10/19) passed by a UN vote of 120-9, intended to nullify an Israeli attempt to claim Jerusalem as its capital. This decision by Trump also had the effect of rendering any future two-state arrangement to be remote if not impossible. There were other decisions and incidents of specious behavior in favor of moneyed Zionist interests that you’d think would have told everyone what they needed to know about Trump’s loyalties, things that happened while some of us were still at least neutral about him. Trump, just like Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama dutifully donned the obligatory yarmulke and somberly, almost tearfully, shuffled up to the wall, bowed in obeisance to their masters in full public humility of US sovereignty and defiance of Jesus Christ and His covenant. In fact, the inestimable Mr. Trump was the first sitting US president to perform that ritual. Though it was no less shameful, at least the others did it prior to taking office.

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My rural neighbors would have no idea what this photo implies for American sovereignty

Before readers start thinking I’m some kind of wild-eyed lefty and get up in arms about this post, I would assure all of you that I lost most all of the affection I had for Democrats when JFK was murdered on November 22, 1963. At least when I got old enough to realize what had happened. The rest of my dem party allegiance followed Jimmy Carter out of office on January 20, 1981. Sometime after that, the uniparty began to leak out of the closet and since then most of the political energy of our country has been expended trying to keep the public convinced that somehow there is a difference in the two parties. They use up a lot of effort to do that, too. Problem is, at the top of the food chain, the same marionette operators pull the strings, regardless of which party the strings run through, and it doesn’t matter which party – at least to those servants of Satan actually in charge, but the guys at the not-quite-top levels – those who run the parties – obviously get some perks for keeping up the pretense that there is a difference. It’s quite obvious from the efforts they make – as we all know, there are even big mainstream news organizations that are established and operating (on the pretext that there are indeed two parties) to do just that. The logo and names of the “news” organizations are now synonymous with the parties they represent and promote, so you can’t say they don’t spend a lot of effort and money to keep the voting public blind to their real unanimity. There’s money to be had by keeping up the pretext. I don’t have to call any names – Americans (and probably most foreigners) know exactly who and what I’m talking about. The numbers of the voting public who still think there is a difference in the two parties in this country are slowly diminishing and even the densest among us are catching on, but it’s taking an unbelievably long time.

See related image detail. Can we please stop hotlinking pics?-Page 1100| Off-Topic Discussion forum
whoever wins, we lose
courtesy Grassroots Motorsports

Speaking of keeping the public buffaloed, back to Mr. Trump. I live in a part of the country where faded and tattered Trump flags have flown since his first campaign and many of the original ones still flutter like sun-bleached ghosts in rural yards as a testament to the adulation of devotees who are convinced he’s the savior. These folks will never be persuaded otherwise, even if he pulled a gun out and shot someone on Fifth avenue or whatever. Now that all those Ramboesque pictures are out there of him bloody and defiantly fighting off those bodyguards, these people are cemented more solidly than ever into the fold. There are way too many people in this world who allow themselves to be sorely misled, and these images, as much as the character of a mythical Trump they portray, are a sad result of many years of mainstream media propaganda, Hollywood, and lifetimes spent in need of a hero, so right on cue, some shots rang out in Pennsylvania and viola! Now there can be no doubt this iteration of Donald Trump, this blood-spattered reincarnation of Nimrod – is the anointed one!

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Nimrod the mighty warrior
courtesy riversedge.life

Bible prophecy expounds on the deceptions that proliferate in the world, especially in these last days. This is exactly the frame of mind people will have when they decide to follow the antichrist, and they will absolutely hate – to the point of being ready and willing to kill – anyone who tries to convince them otherwise. They will all “know” this guy is the real deal! I’m not saying Trump is the antichrist, although he well might be, I’m just pointing out the mindset that will usher that character into the world, the uncontrollable, salivating rage by followers against any who might see through his charade and speak ill of him. Deception will be the name of his game, and most folks will let their guard down and trust him. Especially as he’s seen now – the penultimate idolized, brave, and bloody warrior that America needs!

The fact is, Donald Trump is just another wealthy politician, one with a knack for saying things that often misguided and mostly hate-filled people like to hear, but nonetheless just another wealthy politician. He, as well as almost every other politician or political staff member in the US government are where they are by the grace of the Zionist lobby AIPAC, which has become so thoroughly ensconced in Washington as well as in state legislatures and executives (Abbott?), that no one will dare lift a finger to try and restore control of the US government to America and if you believe otherwise, you are among those who are deluded beyond hope.

Our entire country, even most of the big churches, are firmly in the grip of institutions of a spiteful little country of imposters who control our government, our military and especially our foreign policy, through their control of all of this nation’s money and that’s the indisputable truth. Donald Trump, even with his blood-soaked head band and Bowie knife, will not make an iota of difference to these unfortunate circumstances. Incredibly, there are a whole lot of people who think that when Trump swears in again, that something significant is going to magically change. Even though it didn’t last time, they might be right, but I don’t see it. For some odd reason, I think Trump has an internal battle going on between his love for money and his need for acceptance, for the love of his public, his narcissism is screamingly obvious, and who knows, maybe those character flaws are at odds and his need to be loved will win out over his lust for Zionist money and he will come around to do the right things – we can dream, no?

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I don’t believe the oligarchs in control care one whit whether Trump was killed or not because whoever gets elected in November will be under their control in any case. Maybe there is someone else who they would prefer, who knows? If Trump could only see that, it might make a difference, but such is his allure for shekels, he will conveniently fail to remember the Zionist-controlled media turned against him like hungry crocodiles after his failure to get reelected. The current Zionist-controlled administration with its Zionist-controlled justice department has repeatedly tried to put him in jail. He likely won’t even hold it against them for (almost) allowing him to be killed, a forgiveness which may or may not be a good thing. With no more information than we have about the attempted assassination, it’s out there that possibly someone high up the food chain had opportunity to intercede, but they chose to let it play out, so there’s that. If he lives through the campaign and gets elected, expect him to make some drastic move(s) of overt fealty to the Zionist entity early on. Maybe he’ll reinstitute the draft and start sending American servicemen to fight for Zionists in Israel, but then he’s Trump, always a bit unpredictable, so who knows? That inherent unpredictability could very well have been the reason his would-be assassin wasn’t taken out before he fired a shot. Just my guess…

To Trump’s credit he refused to start an all-out war with Iran over them shooting down a drone. I thought that took courage I didn’t think he had, so kudos. He seems to actually want to do something about the border leakage, which definitely needs some attention, and he’s not as prone to flat-out lying, as are most of the Zionist persuasion. Not saying he doesn’t lie, after all he’s a politician, but it doesn’t seem to come as natural to him as say, a professional liar – someone like Matthew Miller or John Kirby. Most of the things Trump is dishonest about are things that concern his self-proclaimed greatness, so are more likely to be exaggerations than straight-out fabrications. Most of the blatant dishonesty that went down in his previous administration came in large part from his son-in-law. Covid policies were a terrible mark on his presidency, but he was listening to Fauci and some other people who he should not have trusted. But that’s enough Trump vindication – I’m not exactly a fan. Not saying I couldn’t become one, but…

When you understand the fact that the US is a nation under siege, the prophecies in the Bible start to make sense, otherwise why did Jesus say, “…I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not but are a synagogue of Satan.” [Rev. 2:9], yet we live in a nation of unbelievers, and many who belong to churches that teach that these people are actually descendants of Jacob, and the congregations are unaware of, or at best indifferent to, the fact that these vicious people are imposters – but most importantly to Americans, they run our government. And the very most important thing – for all of us who wish God’s blessing for America – they are avowed enemies of Jesus Christ. Their rabbis of the Talmud teach them that Jesus is in hell burning in excrement, and the likes of the millionaire “evangelist” Judas Hagee do not have a problem with that and cajole and browbeat their church members into supporting them financially – and many unquestioningly do. Just the kind of people we do not need running our country, but here they are. Most Americans, like my Trump-flag-flying neighbors in particular, do not realize that such is his fealty to Zionism, Donald Trump gets streets named after him in Israel by those same anti-Christian imposters.

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Making America Great Again

Pay attention, folks. These politicians are phony – almost all of them. After the events that occurred as a result of the Covid debacle, we have ample reason to believe they would readily see us all exterminated without conscience if it furthered their agenda. Mammon is a tool of the enemy. Politicians are of the world.

Jesus Christ is where it’s at – He’s the Supreme Truth and the living Son of God – don’t wait around to trust Him until He comes back, because then it’ll be too late. Get to know Him now. One day He will decisively prevail over the evil that besets the world. He will defeat the strength of the world’s armies with His very breath. The deadliest weapons of mankind will be useless against Him. God’s vengeance will be exacted upon His enemies and the enemies of His people. Guaranteed.

God bless y’all, and God bless Mr. Trump. Pray for him, it’s looking like he needs it. He seems at times to want to do what’s good for America, so who knows, if he should ever come to the realization of who his friends are, and who America’s real enemies are, and then move on it, he might end up being a good, maybe a great, president.