The Cost and Reward of an Education

I read where some bigwigs in the banking system up in New York are threatening the Colombia students with their becoming unemployable because of their participation in the genocide protests. It looks like corporatists in other places are following suit. As usual, the pathetic media they control are playing their part, this time by amplifying this loss of opportunity as being the end of the world, at least the end of their opportunity to participate in the banking and corporate scam for which they were being groomed.

The young folks, to the utter dismay of said elites, are in fact, gaining a far more profitable education by their participation in the opposition to evil and they seem to realize it. If someone were to walk up to me and tell me that I am foregoing the opportunity to spend my working life in some office on the 50th floor of some corporate entity, scheming to rob and steal from ordinary folks – for this is what the big banks do, I really don’t think I’d get too depressed about it. There’s a big world out there, and those kids are showing the grit to tell the big boys to stuff their “job opportunities”, they won’t accept slaughter of innocent people so that they can spend their working lives as corporate criminals.

You gain your education in life in many ways, so don’t allow the servants of darkness to convince you that preparing your future so that you can exist in a murky world of criminally minded corporatist elites is the only way to go. In fact, the world that sees what you kids are doing is looking on with astonished admiration. One of my pet peeves in life has been the misuse of the word “success”. Almost everyone has come to believe that it is almost always involved with, and in most cases totally subsumed, in the volume of a bank account. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the real world, success means different things to different people, there is no single definition.

What the young people on the college campuses across the nation are doing right now is telling the elites they will not allow them to delineate what their successes in life will evolve to be. They are clearly saying that they will not allow moneyed interests to influence them to compromise their human principles, and this is the elites’ greatest fear – losing the narrative. Losing control.

If the reader has paid attention to Folkpotpourri posts, they will already know that this old hillbilly relies heavily on the Word of God as the guide, the lens through which I view the world. The events taking place today on those college campuses should give us all great encouragement that we have a new generation coming along whose values are far superior to those of our current “leaders”, or especially those of the wealthy people of our society, those Satanic cowards whose curtains are being torn down.

The college kids are truly emerging with the right stuff with their drive and will become the (deserved) leaders of the next generation, if the cesspool of corruption that has become our congress and corporate loonies don’t blow everything up before the young folks take control. This sort of thing has happened before with the Vietnam protests, for example, as I noted in an earlier post: Wisdom of the Children – Folk Potpourri.

How hard would it be for some congressperson to say, “No, I do not support mass murder nor intentional starvation of innocent women and children, and I’m willing to refuse your money and stand up against this evil.”? A precious few have leaned in that direction, but far too few. They might lose their coveted position in the next election, but at least they could do so with honor and dignity. Look at real men like Josh Paul. When people consider men of principle, he will be remembered. As things stand now, none of our congresspersons are demonstrating any semblance of honor and a lot of their country is ashamed of them, including this old veteran. The college kids are sacrificing just as much as politicians would be, but to them, their honor, their principles are apparently more important, and furthermore the world sees their sacrifice. But profoundly more crucial to their future, the Almighty God sees it.

To me, at the end of this human existence, hearing the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”, from the Lord Jesus Christ, will be the only success that will ever have mattered. Don’t fret over what the rich people that run the colleges might do to you – those people are insignificant. There’s an uncorruptible education to be gained elsewhere – i.e. from your Bible – and it is much more profitable to the human soul.

You kids just keep on doing what you’re doing and disregard their threats. There’s great reward in keeping your honor. It’s a sad day in America when our kids are showing greater courage and moral leadership than our pathetic congressmen and senators.