The Culmination of Human Tenure at the Door

Have you heard about the super volcano Campi Flegri? If not, it’s located on the west coast of Italy beside the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is a part of the Mediterranean. It’s also quite close to Vesuvius, the volcano that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum when it erupted back in 79 A.D.

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There are currently about 75 active volcanoes which are erupting right now, and no one is sure what they will end up contributing to the earth’s climate, but the super volcano Campi Flegri is stirring of late, and if it cuts loose, we will have a lot more to worry about. Scientists warn of a “volcanic winter” from millions of tons of dust and ash in the atmosphere which might result in catastrophic failures of crops, maybe worldwide, for who knows how long. If enough ash gets into the atmosphere, jet engines wouldn’t be able to tolerate it, so there goes that vacation to Rio. On the plus side, military aircraft would be grounded too, so those countries which rely on planes to bomb their enemies would have to come up with some other means of destroying places and murdering people.

The world has gone without a significant natural catastrophe for a long time. I’m talking about something big, like a major asteroid strike or super volcano eruption that could threaten life on the planet. There is a noticeable uptick, however, in wildfires, floods, hailstorms, and tornado outbreaks, but nothing on the scale of a truly global apocalypse like what could be expected from something like Campi Flegri. Maybe, just maybe, God is trying to tell us something. Perhaps the ways of the world have once again become too evil for Him to tolerate. Biblical prophecy says we’ll get there.

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The world is being increasingly inured to evil events, such as genocide. The world suffers from an epidemic moral collapse. That’s obviously Satan’s plan, to get the world to a point where we are no longer shocked at pictures of dismembered children or LBGTF parades. Where we see completely destroyed cities, once vibrant centers of human activity, and just ignore them. A point where unspeakable evil is the norm. They tried that in the world before Noah’s flood, and in the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. If you remember those stories, you’ll remember things didn’t work out so well for the people involved.

The Bible says the next destruction visited on this world will be by fire, and from the looks of things with all these volcanoes going off and the ever-increasing threat of nuclear war, there’s ample opportunity for things to get way out of hand. Until now, we never considered what might be the result of a massive solar flare, which some scientists think might be an infrequent, but regularly occurring event. How about several of those things happening at once?

One scientist I watch thinks the world is going through a phase of magnetic field reversal which will include the planet actually flipping to where the north and south poles will be relocated to different places on the earth. That event would produce giant tsunamis worldwide, and Antarctica and the North Pole would end up near or at the equator. I know it sounds crazy, but he says there’s scientific evidence that it has occurred regularly in the geologic history of the planet.

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Whatever God has in store for us, it’s shaping up to be quite the ride. The Bible tells us there will be some rough times, and that we have to get right with Him to end up on the right side of things. The best advice I can give you is to get to know Jesus Christ. He is the only route to salvation from this evil world. Whatever apocalyptic events that happen will be no threat to those who trust in Him. Keep your eye on the big picture and understand that there is another life, a reality and a happiness that far exceeds anything we have known on this old earth. Where in this life we have fear and despair, in the next one, there will be nothing but peace and joy in the presence of the Father and the Lamb.

Whatever might happen, know that at the end you will pass through a door from this world of darkness and despair into a magnificent Kingdom of eternal happiness where there will be no tears or sorrow of any kind. The beloved Savior Jesus Christ will be waiting at that door to welcome you into that magnificent Kingdom where you will be with Him forevermore. We will not, nor will God, even remember the evil events that took place during the time of humanity in this world – unfortunately for them, neither will He remember the evil people who practiced it as they burn in the eternal flames of hell. So don’t waste your time hating on them, God will prevail.

Meanwhile, may the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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