Some two millennia ago, was born a king into the world, a king like no other. The throne He would inherit is an everlasting throne, the realm is the whole of the earth. His birth would engender a covenant with those who would become His subjects that even the simplest of minds could comprehend, yet the collective knowledge of philosophers, scientists, and purported theologians through the ages has wrestled with its meaning, its substance, its significance.

It’s hard to imagine what must have been going on in Mary’s mind and heart on that night as others arrived to welcome the Savior, this newborn babe, into the world. She would have remembered the visit by Gabriel and the significance of what he told her concerning the importance of the baby she carried. This would be the beginning of what must have been a special relationship indeed with her Son. Upon this simple daughter of one of the sons of Aaron was bestowed an unimaginable blessing – to be the earthly mother of this precious child! Even though the angel told her that hers was a special blessing, how could she have known or understood what this birth would portend? After all, the love of God is a concept we simply cannot fathom. We are told in scripture that it is extremely powerful, and it is so profound in so many ways that our minds cannot begin to grasp it, yet here was a woman with a new baby that she held which was in essence the full expression of that Love! A blessed woman indeed! Holding the newborn Son of God to her breast!

You have to wonder what Joseph was thinking too. He had been visited earlier by the angel and told to accept Mary because the baby she carried was from the Holy Spirit, so he had to know this was something very special. He undoubtedly shared that special Godly love for this newborn and understood the blessing bestowed upon his wife – and himself – to be able to claim earthly parenthood of this child. He would’ve likely been ecstatic in his praise of Jesus’ heavenly Father. After all, God chose him for this event. Still, on that quiet, peaceful night in Bethlehem he could not have had any idea of what would ensue.

And what of the visitors? Simple peasant shepherds were approached by some of the very angels of heaven to give them the greatest tidings that ever were to befall mankind in all history of the world! In our worldly minds when we imagine historic events, we naturally consider things like press conferences, presidents, prime ministers, the goings on in Washington DC, or London, Malta, Appomattox, or Rome, but on this night out in the remote, starlit pastures of rural Israel, some lowly shepherds were so blessed as to have been personally invited by no less than heavenly spirits to attend what would prove to be the beginning of the most significant event in all of history. And they had opportunity to look upon Him! Shepherds! Oh, we’ve probably all wondered at one time or another, but they left their sheep in good hands.

There were wise men from the east who came bringing gifts. They obviously understood prophecy because they were prepared – they knew where to go – for on that night Bethlehem would be the nexus of the event that would shape the experience of humankind for all of eternity. How far did they travel in their determination to get there and see Him? The bible doesn’t say, it just says that, following a star, they got there. All the while, the inquisitiveness of the ruler Herod must have been on their minds, because they eventually figured a way to complete their mission without giving Him away. Herod had, after all, heard of the birth of a future king and determined to kill the Child if he could find Him.

I’ve often wondered about the animals in the manger too – did they understand anything about the events they witnessed? I think they probably did since there are places in the bible that speak of things happening where animals are aware of God. They probably crowded around just to get close to Him. Yes, Glory to God, even the lowly animals were blessed that night. There was kinship of a kind – He is after all, called the Lamb of God.

Never has there been a more debated and divisive subject proposed to mankind than the purpose and intent of Jesus Christ in His short tenure as a human being. There are well-intentioned people in the world who believe He was a prophet, but He was so much more. Some claim to believe He is indeed the Messiah, but mistakenly believe His authority and pre-eminence only exists as far as is allowed by another, prior covenant. Many people in the world choose either not to believe He ever existed, or that He was just another human with no special relevance to the world. Only God the Father, in His infinite wisdom would have known the significance to humanity that night portended. But now we all know, or at least we are given the opportunity to know.

We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during this season. To all who celebrate, remember Him. Remember His great love for us. In our world as it is now, we have never been in a greater time of need for Him, His compassion, wisdom, and mercy. Pray for peace and compassion in the world, and keep in mind that it all starts with us being peaceful and compassionate ourselves.
“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
Merry Christmas,