The Hope of Light Beckons as Darkness Approaches

You can see the pieces moving all across the board. Syria suddenly gets overrun by the local rent a terrorist bunch, who immediately bow down and express their goodwill towards the genocide entity as the monster devours anything and everything that gains its malevolent attention among the rubble of all that is left of Syria, the Ukranian raid into Russia is on it’s last leg, but do not despair – other places are heating up, Raytheon stocks are safe for a bit longer. It even looks like the CIA is trying to pick a fight with Türkiye. Meanwhile Erdogan assails the Kurds – when is it too much? Passenger plane looks like it might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time near Azerbaijan – maybe done on purpose, but I don’t think so. Of course, the mainstream news is all bleating that Russia did it, and they may have, but it would have been an accident, after all the caution he uses in Ukraine, he’s shown the world he doesn’t like to kill civilians, so this kind of thing is not Putin’s MO. Israel is the only country that would intentionally shoot down a commercial plane, but they would be making videos and bragging about it, so it probably was some kind of accident. The China/Taiwan issue keeps bouncing back and forth to the front burner, but it is certainly the proverbial powder keg.

In case you haven’t noticed, Satan has acquired lordship over the whole world now, or at least enough of it to proceed with his evil intentions. If you read the Bible (please, please do!) in Revelation it speaks to the last days and the apocalyptic events that portend. It ain’t going to be pretty here on this rock for the next little while, but if you have your seat belt fastened (made your life right with the Lord), you have nothing to fear. The servants of evil who lead our nation, probably most nations, but the US for sure, want control of every aspect of our lives. They already know where you live, where you shop, what you buy, all the people you know or with whom you associate. As an example of this omniscience, I was checking myself out at Walmart and I was purchasing, among other things, four identical towels. After fumbling through one of them looking for a barcode tag, I decided to just ring the one four times so I could avoid the hassle of having to unfold each of them to find tags on them. Then I took the other three out of the cart and put them straight into the bags, and it looked like I’d hit the jackpot on a slot machine with lights, buzzers and so forth going off. I wasn’t aware, but there is a camera that films you as you check out and someone, or something, didn’t like my purchasing arrangement with my towels. I’m not going to go into the details of whether or not I think that kind of info gathering is right or wrong, just suffice it to say that when you walk out in public nowadays, your entire existence is on display. Even in your home, that smart TV and phone are monitoring every word uttered, and that information is going somewhere.

The powers that be, it would appear, are extremely paranoid about what the citizenry might be up to. Red flags go up when the wrong words are used on all social media platforms, we all know that. People dance around terminology related to Covid and vaccines (that one is particularly worrisome for them, because if law and order ever does return to this nation, there’s plenty of prima facie evidence that actual murder was taking place with intent, and heads will surely roll, if not enforced by the demonic system. Maybe the people will finally realize what has to be done to get this ship sailing properly. I guess the thing that sticks out like a sore thumb is the lengths Satan goes to locate and keep tabs on his enemies by all the (unconstitutional) spying his CIA, NSA, and FBI lackeys are engaging in, while all along, God knows what’s in our heart, to which Satan must not have full access, because he tries to make up for it with security cameras and smart TVs. God doesn’t need to spy on us – since He knows our heart anyway, He is willing to take our word.

Meanwhile, Americans and so many others, walk in perpetual fear of them, and you have to know that makes the bad guys happy. Their master has hired them to create mayhem, to imprison humans who God created, to harm and kill other human beings and they do it with gusto. Recently the feds publicly announced the DEA goons would stop stealing money from citizens at the Atlanta airport. Now I know enough about the proclivities of law enforcement to extend their authoritarian boundaries somewhat, to know they would not have voluntarily ceded that cash cow, so someone up the food chain – probably Delta Airlines management ordered the feds to curtail their thievery from citizens in their airline hub. Yes, ordered – the big boys with the money control even feds and spooks. A video had been published not long ago that specifically pointed out the Atlanta airport as a hotspot for federal law enforcement robbing innocent people of their cash at gunpoint – some nonsense they called “consensual search”, so they had to make a public issue about discontinuing their crimes there. My problem with this is, there are scores of international airports in the US, but (I guess due to the video documentary that exposed them at Atlanta,) they only mention stopping at that particular airport – what about stopping all the armed robbery at all airports and elsewhere, of American citizens? The theft of assets practice was authorized by corrupt officials – known as Civil Asset Forfeiture. Without a doubt one of the most anti-American, anti-Constitutional pieces of legislation to ever come out of any legislative entity in America. But that’s where we are. Lawmakers everywhere understand where their protection is and will be coming from, so they did this to make sure the enforcement goons stay on their side. And in the public narrative they call it forfeiture to make it sound like someone is volunteering or agrees to it. You could take the most notorious criminals from the nation’s prisons and hire them to perform this “law enforcement” practice, and it would be no different from a morality perspective, however the hardened criminals might be more prone to show mercy. The FBI, and most other law enforcement entities are all on board with razing the constitution and turn on their countrymen completely when serving their masters. They rob people of their money and take the swag back to the precinct to divvy up the booty. Our nation is upside down.

There is, after 23 years, a sizeable portion of the American population that still believe a gang of fellows who couldn’t land a Cessna were able to take command of passenger jets and fly them into buildings. If you’ve ever flown in a commercial jetliner, have you ever looked out the window towards the ground. Ok if you imagine you’ve got the equivalent ability to fly as the “terrorists”, and you probably do, how on earth would you be able to turn the plane around and get it going in the right direction to get to NYC. Too high to recognize landmarks even if you did know where they were, they had no idea of directional headings, nor which way they needed to go. They couldn’t read an altimeter nor operate any of the complicated equipment, but they were able to execute extreme maneuvers even seasoned pilots say they either couldn’t do at all or that would be very difficult for even en experienced pilot. Anyways, a lot of Americans still believe that narrative, so they can easily be convinced that the people from whom the money is stolen are really drug dealers.

Not enough of us are looking to God for our salvation from this evil trap we’re in. Satan is coming at us from every direction, using every person who he can corrupt with money or Epstein books, no matter their positions in society. He fights dirty – right now he is celebrating – he has a full-blown genocide going on where soldiers are competing with each other for murder tallies of children and infants, and our benevolent leaders carp about self-defense among other lies and there’s no stopping it. We have important people in high places who could shut down this atrocity with a phone call, or at worst a few missiles, but such is Satan’s control over them, none will lift a finger. Robert Wood, the United Nations rep from the US, epitomizes the persona of Satan with his never-ending stream of lies and deceit in the service of Zionists, and with his remarkable ability to speak the lies as though he believes them, it’s a real talent, but there are so many ways Satan can deceive people, Woods gets lost in the throngs. Listen to liars like Erdogan, Sisi, and Abdullah “harshly condemning” the genocide, but where is their action? Their orders come from Tel Aviv via Langley. The Zionists and all the spy agencies they have captured in the US are the ones running the show in the Middle East, and most of the “opposition” countries are putting on a PR show for their people, and doing nothing (“strongly-worded” letters and diplomatic protests are nowhere near as effective as shutting off energy supplies or trade, ask the Houthis) and military action, as much as I personally detest it, is sometimes justified. What’s going on in the West Bank, and especially Gaza would certainly justify military intervention in my book. Then there are the dollars that have been stolen from America since December 1913. This money is the hook in Sisi’s jaw. Same with Abdullah – but then the prospects of becoming a modern-day Louis XVI weighs heavily against the American loot, so these guys could do an about-face.

Abdullah is sitting on a tight rope. There are lots of Palestinian citizens in Jordan, and he’s had to go to the extent of getting PR photos of himself helping to push out pallets of aid relief items from an airplane over the besieged Gaza strip to keep his people in check. Think about it – we all know what murderers the Zionists are – if the Zionists didn’t want Gaza to be resupplied, are there any people in the world that would put it past Netanyahu to assassinate Abdullah? If the Zionist hadn’t agreed to allow this photo op for their puppet, it would not have happened without Abdullah being shot down. I wonder how many folks still believe the Zionists didn’t kill Raisi? I bet there were some under the table deals to keep Netanyahu from publicly owning up to that one, especially since they like to show off their willingness, no, their desire, to kill people.

I guess I’m rambling, but the point I’m trying to make is that Satan is in firm control of our world, and that’s not going to change until Jesus gets back. Then, finally, justice will be fully administered and for those of us who believe in Jesus, who have chosen the difficult, but possible path He has put before us, we will finally be able to see Him with our eyes, and hear His voice with our ears, and you can trust that our joy will be unmatched by any event, at any time in the history of mankind.

No man, nor government of man will be able to retrieve our world and restore it to what has been lost – that life of yesterday is gone for good and it’s going to take some getting used to this new normal, which will only be normal for a short time, then another, ad nauseum. It was designed to be this way, there are forces at work which are unimaginably powerful but although they are fearsome, we need not fear them. As long as we hold onto the hem of Jesus’ garment with all our strength, we will emerge from this web of destruction that is becoming the norm for the world. We can all see it plainly now – why are so many people still waiting to try and find Jesus, which is the only Way out. This opportunity is not going to last much longer. And He is such a magnificent Friend – yes, we can call Him our Friend [John 15:15], our Brother [Matt 12:49], our King [Rev 19:16] and more.

Fight the world, or go along with the world? Fighting, spiritually speaking, is the only logical choice when you consider that your own eternity is at stake.

Keep the faith – you are no more than the least, but no less than the greatest of them.

May the abundant blessings of God the Father find and keep us in these troubled times.

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One reply

  1. I’m the same age as Trump and I grew up and lived in approximately the same area, southwest CT, until I retired and moved far away to the Pacific Northwest. My entire life until I retired was in an environment with a constant Jewish presence. It was just the way things were – like mosquitoes in the summer or ants at a picnic. A minor, everyday annoyance you just lived with as you went about your business. I’m finding it difficult to get through to people who have not had the experiences I have had. My memories of the “Jewish other” go back to the THIRD grade! I find that many people relate to Zionists and Israel as if they are just another favorite gang of overpaid professional rubber ball bouncers: “Boy dose Israels dey really kick ass!! Yea! Go team! Duh … Yah! We win!”. Horsefeathers – as my Granny from Nova Scotia would have said.
    I used to think that Trump’s relationship with Jews/Zionists/Israel was a case of “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. Now I wonder who he thinks are his friends. I voted for him but mainly because of his coattails. Now that he is elected he is going to need some really serious adult supervision. He is on track to become either one of the greatest heroes in the history of the United States or the greatest traitor in the history of the world.

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