How much longer do you think this can continue? You see the headlines every day, and every day something worse happens than the day before. Human beings are dying at the hand of other human beings on a scale unheard of, or at least only heard of in wartime. People are dying in the Ukraine by the tens of thousands every month. It’s hard to get a read on just how many, but great numbers of people are dying at the hand of other people in Sudan.
There’s turmoil in the Middle East – Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon have all been burning for some time now. People are on the streets by the tens of thousands in Israel, France, Germany, and other European countries because they don’t agree with their governments’ untenable positions on many pressing issues. Terrible earthquakes continue to ravage diverse places in the world, killing tens of thousands. All the while, fingers edge closer to the big red button…
The big cities in the US are not safe, nor have they been for some time, what with all the homeless people trying to survive on the streets, and rampant crime. We have serious drug problems, and they aren’t going to magically go away – there’s too much money to be made. People need help and no one is offering it. Our government itself has been taken over by criminal elements – the very servants of Satan are in control of the US, and to be fair, they’re also in control of most other governments. Here in the US, we have armed militias waiting in the wings for a spark to ignite a conflagration which would consume the whole country. The world anxiously watches for this to begin. Unless we get a different kind of conflagration like a nuclear exchange, rebellion will likely happen.
I write from a mostly uninformed part of the country here in the US, namely in the Missouri Ozarks, but thanks to alternative news sources, we even get word here of all the troubles. I spend a lot of time outdoors trying to enjoy the beautiful spring unfolding here and praying a lot. I cannot for the life of me understand how people can ignore the appalling events and go on with their lives expecting things to work themselves out, when it’s pretty obvious that’s not going to happen.
The Bible warns us of these times – they were predicted hundreds, even thousands of years ago and sure enough, they are rapidly coming upon us. We are also admonished not to fear what is happening. That’s why I’m writing this post. We live in a time of unparalleled threats to ourselves and our fellow human beings, and it has to happen for the intended plan to unfold. To most people, myself included, it doesn’t make sense, but we can only see events from a human perspective. The correct perspective is one of spiritual discernment. The naysayers speak of the God-fearing among us as if we are fools, and maybe in a sense we are, but then so was Noah, and look who survived the flood. It was even more catastrophic than what we’ve seen so far, but things are in process that will make the casualties of Noah’s day seem unremarkable. And this time, it’s not about physical survival. The physical world will not survive intact this time.

Our warnings include the prophecy that an event will occur in which one-third of all humans will be killed. There are somewhere north of 8 billion people in this world and one third of that number will be a lot of people. Several scenarios could possibly account for deaths on that scale, but the way it looks, we’re going to suffer a massive nuclear war. I’ve written stories like this and this about some of the probable savagery of what life might be like for anyone who survives such a cataclysm – to try and get people to turn to God, as He is the only path for survival. Spiritual survival. Otherwise known as salvation. There’s much hope there, for Jesus Christ stands ready to save as many of us as will turn to Him. He’s the ONLY way out of this mess for us.
If you think about it, say you happen to be at ground zero of a nuclear blast, you’ll feel nothing. You won’t know it’s coming and it’ll be over for you in a millisecond. Not even enough time for your brain to register that you’ve been killed. The people who get eliminated like this will be the fortunate ones, at least as far as this life is concerned. The ones who do survive, and there probably won’t be many, will be the ones to suffer an existence of horror never before experienced by humanity, and the longer you live, the more suffering you will endure.

If you do a little research in the scriptures, you’ll find that we’re warned that Satan is rampaging in the world and creating madness and chaos, like a “roaring lion” because he knows his time is short. Now, for real, how hard is it to see that very thing happening in the world right now? Leaders of the nations, all in subservience to Satan, are absolutely mad, and are trying their best to spread their madness to the people over whom they have control. Sadly, through the use of their media which Satan has given them, they are having a great degree of success. There are precious few who are able to resist believing what the media is telling them. Alternative places that offer truth are being stamped out, so fewer places are out there for people to find out what’s really going on, but for the vast majority, that’s ok – they don’t want to know the truth – it upsets their world view. As long as they can get their bread and circus, they won’t seek the truth, which necessarily would require turning to the Almighty for guidance. I’ve mentioned it elsewhere, but things like the Satanic rituals of the CERN and Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremonies, and the devil-worshipping Brazilian parades are simply open affronts to everything Godly – people and the demons who control them are absolutely daring the Almighty to destroy them. And He will – you can bet on it.
These people will be the worst affected when it all comes tumbling down – they will not have prepared, physically or spiritually. It will be a completely unexpected shock to their systems, if they survive. They won’t be able to turn on CNN, FOX, or MSNBC to get whatever government narrative is being served up – those entities won’t exist anymore. If they survive the cataclysm, the people who do not fear God of whom I write will be completely lost, sick and starving with no help coming. The conditions mentioned here are described in biblical prophecy – a time of desperation never before experienced by humankind. However, as long as they are still alive, it won’t be too late to turn to God, but by waiting until such an appalling time to do so, they will have allowed themselves to be overcome by horrific world events to the degree that things will be a lot tougher.
I’ve brought this subject up and have received comments from those who claim to be unbelievers accusing folks like me of fearmongering. There are those who seem to take pride in proclaiming their unbelief in our God, they must think they sound brave to their fellow unbelievers. Imagine those same kinds of people clinging to logs and other flotsam as they watched the ark sailing off into the distance with Noah and his family high and dry inside. They most likely had been the ones to loudly proclaim their unbelief and mock old Noah as he pleaded with them to turn from their wickedness. With this in mind, it would behoove everyone to repent of their worldliness and wickedness and seek Jesus now while He can still be found. For what it’s worth, I implore you to do so – the clouds are gathering and the storm is going to be horrible.
There’s still some good news. God has people in strategic places in this world even as the threat of annihilation descends upon us. There are Christian preachers hard at work trying to help save as many people as possible. But as prophesied, there is a great falling away from the faith going on too. These are people who didn’t have their hearts in it to serve God. It’s not that hard to do, but the one thing that threatens people is their dreaded loss of money and status in the world. When the world comes tumbling down, believe me, money is going to be the last thing on people’s minds. How many millions of dollars would a starving person be willing to pay for a can of beans?
This will indeed be our last war. You have to be willing to fight in order to win. Find a preacher or other Christian to help show you the way to the Lord. Open up your bible. Be willing to repent for your sins and turn your life over to Jesus to lead you to the Life He has promised. He’s waiting for you, but He isn’t going to wait forever – this thing is in motion, Noah is closing the hatches right now, and before long the rain is about to come down – HARD! Don’t wait until it’s too late.