Though many of us knew it was coming; we couldn’t realize the ferocity that would be unleashed. As we looked into the sky at the approaching darkness with trepidation, prepared as we felt necessary, we understand now that the vicious gale blows against our very souls, thus many of us realize just how ill-prepared we were. We did not expect to face the darkness it would bring.
A solitary lighthouse stands on a prominent rock in the midst of an endless sea, its mossy stones carefully laid one upon the other over the years of its building. It was erected by the Master Builder to withstand such storms as now assail it and on this night of the expansive dark storm, each successive frothing breaker is more violent than the last. A great wave of hatred lashes a tremendous explosion into the psyche of the structure, always followed by another – often one of near-uncontrollable anger which threatens to undermine the very foundation supporting the tower. Then out of the impenetrable darkness roars yet another – this time a gigantic mountain of inconsolable fear, perhaps the most threatening of the whole lot. Oh, how these merciless waves take hearts away and destroy men who do not seek the Light!
Once in an unexpected while and blessed, there comes a peaceful, serene occasion between the violent upheavals. A precious time in which the stalwart lighthouse finds itself standing tall and still lighting the way for travelers upon the malevolent waters. It is during these interludes that the keeper understands, yea, and renders gratitude to the One where the strength to endure the storm resides. It is the Foundation – the Rock upon which the whole structure stands marvelously undamaged. Through all of its years, because of the wondrous Light possessed, it has ever gained victory over storms of hate, jealousy, anger, vice, and all other malevolent depredations – because it has been built upon the Rock.
The wise keeper gathers his strength, understanding that the gale will inexorably return, ever in greater fury than in pastimes. He knows his lamp must be kept burning, even and especially amid each emerging tempest which threatens to extinguish its light of hope; he also has been given to understand that the sea is not the enemy. The sea is stirred by, and at the mercy of, the fearsome and malevolent storm. Those gigantic and terrible breakers of hatred, anger and such are the real threats, to be endured, withstood until that Day upon which an unimaginably peaceful and serene expanse of calm and joy shall arrive and prevail. Brilliant, snow-white beaches will reflect a new Light which shall forevermore put away darkness and fear. On that Day, though worn and bedraggled, the good keeper will be restored and rewarded for sharing his light – by the Maker of the sea and by whose mighty hand the lamp was lit at its beginning.
May the majestic light of Jesus shine before you on your voyage across the stormy sea.