Regarding my last post, and for those of my readers to whom I have conceded my “last” post, okay I’m recovering right now from a spiritual sledgehammer blow. Just as I thought the admonitions and encouragement from folkpotpourri were essentially useless, God sent extremely important messages, both in the form of weather destruction across broad swathes of Trump country, and in Hebrews chapter 3:14,14:“but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end”. Therefore, I follow this to enlighten and encourage you.
I’m not sure what to make of this, but in light of the stance of our orange-haired antichrist’s insane attacks on innocent Yemeni civilians in support of the Israeli genocide, there are dots to be connected here.
Netanyahu, the Israeli PM, in his continuing effort to stay out of corruption trouble by fomenting more war, has once again in a demonstration of some of the most heinous evil imaginable, closed off the Gaza crossings, essentially denying food, water, and any other life-sustaining necessities to those war-ravaged people. This includes women, children, and infants! Trump has launched attacks on the nation of Yemen in support of this evil. People, I don’t presume to speak for everyone, but supporting this unadulterated evil is NOT what the America I grew up in is about. We’re supposed to be the good guys! There are many who don’t think we are, and maybe they’re right and we’ve never been, but that’s still the image of this country I would like to believe in. And from the looks of things, I don’t think God is happy with us these days.
I don’t know how many readers are aware that one of Donald Trump’s top supporters in his campaign was one Zionist Miriam Adelson, widow of Zionist gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson, who Trump, in his last term referred to as his “king”. Now I don’t know about anyone whose king is likely burning in the fires of hell for among other things, making his fortune off an insidious human addiction, but part of his fortune left Trump in debt to the tune of a hundred million dollars to Miriam Adelson which is now being paid by American citizens. American ships are in the Red Sea launching attacks on a country that is bravely fighting Zionist genocide, and the wrath of God is completely apparent to the people of Missouri, Arkansas, and Mississippi who largely voted for this overly zealous monster that Zionists like Miriam Adelson installed in the White House. Now in return for your Trump vote, we are entering into a dark period of destruction and war so he can return her favor. For anyone willing to see, the dots align perfectly, even with similar death counts in Yemen and the southeastern US. The damages are alike too.

For anyone who might think I’m some sort of liberal who hates Trump, I’m neither. I do not hate the guy, but I do hate what he’s doing. There are other instances of God’s retribution that don’t involve Trump – Southern California took a big hit recently, also an act of God’s vengeance, this time on a cesspit of immorality and decadence. Of course, everyone who got devastated there are not guilty of serving evil, but we are warned to get out from among those who are. Open your eyes, folks, God is getting active now, and His vengeance on those who commit or support the evil taking place in the world – and I’m speaking to those who choose to support or even overlook (like voting for and supporting the horror of this Trump presidency) the genocide of totally innocent human beings – is going to be a horror to undergo!
The terror of the wrath of the Almighty God and the Lamb will be upon all who support the immoral and evil operating in the world, [Revelation 6:15,16]: “And the kings of the earth, the great men, [j]the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!” Do not think for one instant that your wealth (if you have any) will avail you at that terrible time.
There is a group of people who essentially own the wealth of the world. They actually believe they are entitled to rule the whole world and that every other people are beneath them. They have stolen all of almost every country’s wealth. When they tell Trump to jump, he does. He imagines himself to be some sort of ruler, but he is under the thumb of these people who literally hate Jesus Christ. He voluntarily does their bidding in order for them to allow him to sit in the White House.

The horribly misinformed country people of the “red states” actually believe this person is a patriotic American, maybe some think he is a Christian, but nothing could be further from the truth – just look at the devastation of the south right now. Who controls the elements?

The wealthy people who run America and own the congress might be on top of the world for now, but the day will soon be upon them when they will be among those scrambling to get in their holes and under the rocks, count on it. Do not be among the self-deceived people who follow or support any of them – especially the politicians and money lovers who occupy the congress.
Among the threats to our civilization are the possible impending eruptions of extremely dangerous volcanoes such as at Campi Flegri. This would swiftly bring the wrath of God down on the entire world, but especially on the middle east. It would be a devastating event that would undoubtedly result in millions of deaths around the world, but the Bible prophesies such cataclysmic events. At least no warplanes could fly in the volcanic ash, so there’s that.
When you see the nation beginning to crumble, especially when it is being assailed by “natural” events like wildfires, weather and earthquakes, you might want to put on your thinking hat for a change and understand why it’s happening. Look at the evil this government is committing (with the support of many of the people) in fealty to an antichristian nation and at least you won’t need to wonder why God is taking vengeance on us.
Get right with Jesus Christ while there is time. Remember that it’s okay to be an enemy of evil, in fact it’s our responsibility, and in the end, you’ll be eternally grateful you were.
Or just keep listening to false prophets like John Hagee and waving your Trump (or any evil politician) flag in your yard and looking the other way.
Just some thoughts while folkpotpourri is still operating…
May the blessing of the Almighty God find and keep us.

Thank you Mike,
As you have said, we need to continue to exhort one another. We are fighting powers and principalities of great evil and those who have supported that evil will feel the consequences of their decisions, through the natural and very likely through more nefarious actions such as wars in our own backyard. He will come as a thief in the night, we should always be prepared, even more so as the day approaches. Much love and respect Brother.