Watching the Stars Fall and Destroy the Earth

Did a star fall from Heaven? If it did, when it hit the earth, did it leave tremendous destruction? Maybe the full effects of its impact have not yet been experienced. All of humanity could be on the precipice of death and destruction never before imagined; deep down many of us harbor an apprehension of such a possibility of scarcely conceivable destruction. From various sources, we have some idea of the coming events, at least for those who bother to look for them, indeed, most folks know there are some terrible things awaiting this old world. The predominant source for understanding of what will probably take place is of course, the Holy Bible. It speaks of a time of tribulation never before experienced by mankind.

Everyone has heard of the medieval times of blights such as the plague and the potato famine. We have all heard of great wars during which there was immense suffering and much death and destruction. Unfortunately, it looks like we are in for even worse times yet. When things come to a head in our modern world, there’s little doubt that some unimaginable wars will occur; there will be nuclear devastation on a scale never imagined leaving a world of horror. Nuclear war is awaiting – the pieces just have to be positioned; the right “leaders” put in place, and it will happen. With the caliber of leaders in the western world today, it’s just a matter of time. There’s mass insanity in the halls of power, and they aren’t even ashamed to put that madness on full display. [Ecclesiastes 10:13]: “The words of his mouth begin with foolishness, And the end of his talk is raving madness”. A wisdom deficit never before imagined in Washington DC, London, Paris, Berlin, etc. threatens the whole world – just as Satan intended.

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What’s with the crazy leaders nowadays?

Some of our mad leaders have a nuclear trigger in their hands. That’s a scary thought when you consider the potential for destruction of nuclear power. God has known about nuclear physics since forever ago., in fact He created nuclear physics. That’s the energy that makes stars light up the heavens when you look up at night. Nuclear power. Stars. The Bible speaks of stars falling from the sky to the earth. From what scientists have determined about stars, they are, like the sun, immensely larger than the earth, so how would it be possible for the earth to experience stars falling upon us? Maybe when it says a star falls to the earth, its speaking metaphorically.

Perhaps the great star that fell to earth was a metaphor for when mankind learned how to harness nuclear energy – both for peaceful purposes, but more ominously, the intent of this “star” is to kill mass numbers of people. To destroy the earth that God created along with as many humans as possible. The threat of nuclear war is firmly entrenched now as the most fearsome nightmare of all of humanity. Nuclear technology marked a turning point in all of civilization, and the star hasn’t finished falling just yet. Nuclear waste keeps accumulating as we burn uranium rods in power reactors and really haven’t developed a way to safely dispose of the spent, but still highly radioactive waste. That’s a big problem and is getting bigger all the time, but it pales in comparison to the potential devastation that a nuclear war would leave. In any event, there was more than one star, and it looks like each one has his own contribution to the world’s destruction: When Satan got kicked out of Heaven, [Revelation 12:4]: “His [the dragon’s] tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth…”

The Bible also speaks of a time of great tribulation. [Matther 24:21]: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Such a horrible existence for human beings as has never before occurred. One could easily envision this to be what may be left of humanity after such a horrible event as a nuclear apocalypse. The Palestinians in Gaza are undergoing such a horror today as the world watches. A world which doesn’t even seem to care, at least most of the governments – the entities that could actually do something to stop it, but it’s not happening. Why should this same world be spared the same deprivations that people like the Gazans, or the Christians in the Congo, Syrian Alawites and Christians, etc. are suffering? Yes, many folks in our world are suffering immensely, but those of us who a comparably much better off watch on and do nothing. Why should God show us mercy when it’s our turn? Why shouldn’t we all know what it’s like to be deprived of such things as we now take for granted, like a drink of clean water? Or even a piece of stale, moldy bread for an empty stomach which Netanyahu denies to the peasants of Gaza?

There are indeed many who are in the streets protesting against the inhumane treatment of the Gazans. Good on them, they are heroes in their own right. The heroic Houthis of Yemen and Lebanese Hezbollah fighters are doing what they can, but it’s a tall order against American jets and bombs. Now days, incredibly, instead of helping the suffering Palestinians, Trump is abrogating his Constitutional oath and imprisoning people for speaking out against the injustice in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon. Why would a man so visible as an American president stoop to such pathetic malevolence? Like many others, I’m of the opinion that Israel has some dirt on him from the Epstein files, it’s the best explanation available for his mendacious support of genocide, especially in light of the fact that he is such a narcissistic personality, as such one who would be expected to want adoration from the masses, but his behavior is making everyone except wealthy Zionists hate him. What else could explain it? Other western countries are persecuting Palestine supporters too. How far did the Epstein activity go? Word has it that Epstein was a Mossad operative who lured western big shots into compromising sexual activity with minors and other things precisely to video and blackmail them and get the results we are seeing from our leaders.

It sure looks like the star that fell has many facets and traits. I’m of the opinion that a nuclear war will take out a lot of humanity. [Revelation8:10-11]:“Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

I did a post some time ago about what it might be like after a nuclear war. Maybe that’s an idea of what the tribulation holds for us. I think somewhere in that post I mentioned that the most fortunate people in a nuclear war will be the ones at ground zero. At least for them it’ll be over quickly.

May the blessings of the Almighty Father find and keep us.

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