I guess the readers of folkpotpourri probably think the old man who posts here has finally gone off the rails, but I’ve been trying to get a couple of points across lately, and it’s my heartfelt intent to communicate them in a way that sinks in. Never mind then, that you might be reading an essay written by a crazy old codger from the hills, and just pay attention to what he is saying.
While the US has been relatively unaffected by most of the events going on in faraway places thus far, if people think it’s going to stay that way, they are tripping. Our leaders have gone stark-raving mad, and it’s just a matter of time until they make the granddaddy of all mistakes. Right now, as you read this in the comfort and safety of your living room (assuming the incredible tornado outbreaks, floods, and other weather anomalies of late have left you with a living room in which you may sit and read) there are human-designed processes taking place which threaten to turn our world into nightmarish hellscape, a horrific series of events which could transpire within any given few minutes. I did a post a while back on what it might be like. A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow is Upon Us – Folk Potpourri

Go ahead and change the channel if you don’t like confronting your likely future if things continue as they are going. It’s understandable that one might prefer not to think about such frightening possibilities, and much more desirable to turn to the latest distractions, the reality TV shows that the US congresspeople have begun to air where some AIPAC shill congressman or senator pretend to tear into some hapless cabinet member in a “congressional investigation”. Or there’s always football. Whatever bread and circus you choose – until the very end. Or stick around and see where I’m going with this.
The truth is, that if the governments of NATO and other western nations continue to push the Russians, there is going to be hell to pay. Same thing for aggravating Xi and the Chinese. The whole world is thoroughly fed up with the US and Israel, who controls the US, dictating to everyone how things are going to be. They will all get enough. There’s not a living soul in the world with a functioning brain who still believes the US didn’t blow up the Nordstream pipelines. Germany, or at least the German people watch their country sinking in the ocean of global economics because of the loss of cheap Russian gas. How long will Scholz and the rest of his servants of global Zionism be able to keep up the facade? What I’m trying to say is that our brilliant leaders and think tanks are going to be unpleasantly surprised when the SHTF and they find that many of our trusted allies, even in NATO, have chosen to join with our adversaries. Türkiye is already alluding that they will not join any aggression against Russia.
The American people themselves are rapidly waking up to the fact that they have long been deceived by their own government. Now that the genocide lies are buzzing around the noisome cesspool that is the US government, folks are asking the obvious questions, such as, “Now that we realize they constantly lie to us about everything from the Minsk accords to Israel acting in “self-defense” in Gaza, what else have they been lying to us about?” Could 9/11 actually have been an inside job? What about Covid and the horrific results of the inoculations? It’s becoming plainly obvious for everyone with eyes and ears that EVERYTHING that comes from the US government is a bald-faced lie. And who, pray tell has been named as the father of all lies?
The second major point this post is aiming for is that there is a way to defeat this evil. This dark and ominous cloud that threatens to enshroud the world will eventually bring about the total destruction of human existence. It’s going to happen – you can see it coming like the proverbial slow-motion train wreck. We continue to live as though it won’t affect us, but it assuredly will. There is however, a sure way to avoid this catastrophe that is coming upon the world, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. It is the only way. We have been warned over and over that the tribulations of the end times will bring about the ultimate destruction of our world, yet we try and convince ourselves that somehow things are going to go back to normal. They won’t! With all the mistrust that has been sown, there’s no way they can.

We have infallible prophecy in the Bible that predicts exactly what is going on right now. The love of many grows cold, and there are those who do not love at all. Wars and rumors of wars – Jesus warned us of these things, and He said not to fear them, yet all we see in the world is fear. Perfect love casts out fear. Love is what we should strive for, because love is the most potent force in all of creation. It is the consummate weapon that will prevail over all of the destructive efforts of Satan and his minions on earth. God is Love. His love was on full display on Calvary Hill over two thousand years ago when He allowed His Son to be sacrificed for each and every one of us. From Highland shepherds, African truckers and rickshaw drivers in Mumbai to fishermen in Japan and Russia, Jesus stands ready to accept us into a Kingdom not made by the hands of men, we can trade this ominous fear of the happenings in the world today for a new expectation of a life of unimaginable peace and joy if we but give Him the keys to our life and follow His cross.
Satan has worked since the advent of mankind for exactly what the world is right now. He is spreading hatred and fear, destruction of nations and deaths of people, just as he has planned for centuries. He has no love or loyalty to anyone, but his servants don’t know that, or maybe they’re just ignoring it like so many people are ignoring the horrible future of this world. How can people be so deceived as to follow entities that could not care less for their well-being? Look at Diem of South Vietnam, Khadafi, Saddam Hussein, Daniel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, Shah Pahlavi, and all of the other (former) friends of the US and how things turned out for them. They all met with bad endings when the US was through being their ally. Look at Germany now, sans Nordstream, with the devastation to their economy. My point is that evil entities such as Satan or the US government care not for anyone, even their friends or servants, and when things get thick, they invariably abandon them or even turn on them. None other than the first-class war criminal Kissinger said that being an adversary of the US is dangerous, but being a friend is fatal.

What you need is a friend who will not abandon or turn on you but stick by your side, especially when things go south. Jesus is that Friend and considering that He is THE MOST POWERFUL BEING in all of creation, He is the very best Friend we can have. A Friend Who loves us enough that He willingly laid down His life for us. Now that we are facing these hard times, we need a Friend like that, but there’s only One who can be that Friend – Jesus Christ.

Give Him your trust – you have a lot to gain when you do and everything to lose if you don’t.
God bless all – it’s going to be a rough ride – at least for a while.
Amen , I have been telling people this for the past ten years . I have tried to convince my family that today is the day of repentance . Like Pastor Salem says , the devil will never tell you not to repent , he will always tell you you got time , wait until next week . Thank you for your article . Kevin
I thank God for you Kevin. Keep telling them in the hope that some will hear.
Thanks for an en excellent article. One objection however. I don’t understand Diem to have been corrupt or hateful. He was a nationalist and was insufficiently enamored of American manipulation as I recall. Thus deserving to be assassinated by America it seems.
Khadafi engaged in terrorism and apparently supplied arms to the IRA. Considering the vicious, duplicitous, aggressive, and otherwise contemptible reality of the UK, I’m not sure the latter was as bad as I thought it was. Alas, the Irish government is a strong second behind the UK in the rotten bastards sweepstakes. BTAIM, Libya was good for Libyans under Khadafi. Newlyweds got a free apartment for example. Without him Libya is a cesspit.
Saddam Hussein was a brutal, criminal man but he seems in retrospect to have been the right man for Iraq considering that it became even more horrific under the wise influence of God’s Chosen, meaning “us” Americans. A million dead here and there is a trifle I think we can all agree.
I suspect Noriega and Marcos were as you imply. The Shah, however, attempted to carry out a White Revolution to get past Islamic obscurantism and wanted the best for Iran. Savak was brutal but it was outdone by the detestable fanatics who came after him.
My references to these guys was less about their character, but more to emphasize how the US treats its “allies” when they no longer benefit this government, but you enlightened us as to what kind of men they were – many thanks.