Why The World Should Recognize Great Men

I suppose now that everything is out in the open it’s ok to go ahead and call it like it is. We are seeing things that have long been hidden from us, I guess because our time is so short now that it doesn’t matter any longer. Words that have been forbidden to say are all out there now. Keyboards that have been silent all of a sudden are screaming forbidden words and thoughts and people are listening.

Due to the proliferation of alternative news sources, great men are being recognized now, no matter which side of the political spectrum, which country, which of the many rivers of society they choose to raft upon. Great men are being recognized, for despite whatever insane narrative is being spun, great men do great things, a fact of life that cannot be disputed. Heroes, who have been heroes all along, in Yemen, in Iran, and in Lebanon are being seen for who they actually are.

The mainstream media has lost its grip on the minds of more people than the spinmeisters had imagined. There are few left in society who believe anything the western media says anymore. They have brought this upon themselves by the decades of false narratives and outright lies propagated by those in control of said narratives. One positive result of this is that great men are now revealed as great men, no matter the extent to which the Orwellian brush tries to paint them otherwise.

Vladimir Putin is a great man. He has repeatedly shown his devotion to his people and his nation. No western leader can make that boast. It would be laughable if they even tried, now that their fealty to a foreign country is so openly revealed to the world. But more importantly, to the American public. Mr. Putin is 100 percent Russian. Unlike western leaders, he claims no allegiance to any other nation. He has made a great effort to not only keep the Russian Christian church safe and secure, but to ensure that the people of his country and of other countries know where he stands. Western leaders fall over each other in their efforts to show fealty to their foreign shekelmasters, even to the extent of passing unconstitutional legislation which, among other things, makes teaching a lot of the Bible illegal. The great leader, Mr. Putin, protects Christianity; American politicians attack Christianity at the behest of the synagogue of Satan.

I am an American Navy veteran, and I can very much appreciate Vladimir Putin for his loyalty to his country, unlike American politicians who hastened to stifle an investigation, much less retaliation when their favorite foreign nation intentionally attacks one of our (unarmed) ships and kills American servicemen. Vladimir Putin would not have allowed that to go unresolved. This is how a great man would react. He is a Russian patriot. Many of us American veterans have high regard for such a leader. If not for the dishonesty of the western media, I’ve no doubt that American civilians would feel the same. It has become a symbol of American dissent to be called a Putin stooge, or some variation thereof. If someone calls me a Putin stooge, I will wear it as a badge of honor.

Russia is steadily being seen as a nation of great men. Maybe they always were, and our illustrious media just hasn’t been able bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it. I only wish we had statesmen like Peskov and Sergei Lavrov. Or spokespersons like Maria Zakharova who, unlike the US mouthpieces like Kirby, Miller, and Sullivan, she actually can be believed when she says something. Now those guys are really smart men, very educated and have the capacity to make sense, it’s just that as they try to contort reality to defend obvious lies, they sound incredibly stupid. Everyone knows by now that nothing, I mean nothing, that comes out of the mouths of American government spokespersons can be relied on to be the truth. I.e., We see no evidence of genocide. They never tell us what evidence of genocide would look like.

Great men do great things. I would be the first to nominate Mr. Putin for a Nobel prize – well, ok, if a Nobel prize actually meant anything. The citizens of the world should nominate and select persons for such recognition by referendum instead of some committee of obviously misguided (Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize comes to mind) people. In the computer and internet age, it would be easy to do. In that way, great men could be recognized by those who matter – the people of the world. At any rate, I’d bet western leaders would be hard put to come to grips with their own people voting for someone like Vladimir Putin who they’ve taken such pains to vilify. Russians get a great man like Mr. Putin. America gets a State Department led by Zionists who have the interests of a foreign country in mind and a swamp full of demonic Satan worshippers.

If the people in Washington DC push Mr. Putin into a nuclear war, I won’t hold it against him for having to destroy this country. He has tried everything under the sun to get the insane lunatics to back off, but they are hell bent on pushing him into it. It would be nice though, if he, and the Russian people knew there are a lot of us in America who detest the behavior of those who purport to be our leaders. Men and women who actually openly serve a foreign nation and have turned against America, and will see this country destroyed at the bidding of Zionism.

Nevertheless, Vladimir Putin is a great man. We can only wish for someone like him here in the land of the free.

One reply

  1. Good thoughts, thank you. I think all nations have great men in them, but the times determine whether they rise or not. In the Yijing – a very old Chinese text – they talk of bad times being when evil people rise and good people need to lie low and good times being the opposite. It is Russia’s time to rise again on the world stage. She started to do this in the 1800’s but the British successfully waged the Great Game against them, including helping to foment the communist revolution there etc., so she is only now, almost two centuries later, that she is returning to her natural destiny, which is the Central Civilization of the World if only because of her size and geology.

    Great men will arise from the West, including the US, again but only when the time is right.

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